Give Me 5 Minutes & I’ll Show How To Find Jobs At Home!

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Most of my loyal subscribers already know that we work extremely hard to provide you with legitimate work at home opportunities and job leads. But even with our own little effort, sometimes you want more. No need to explain yourself, I know you're not greedy. Sure, we've proven that we're one of the best resources of work at home jobs and companies. But like a potato chip, you can't just have one! For all you know we could disappear tomorrow (We won't!) and where would that leave you in terms of finding legitimate work at home jobs? I don't know but I'm not taking any chances.

I'm a big believer of teaching people how to fish rather than just feeding them fish. If I teach you how to find work at home properly you'll be able to maneuver around the web and avoid a lot of that crap out there, with or without us. That's real important to me. It means less people getting scammed which leads to non-jaded job seekers and more people working at home. So with that in mind, we've prepared a little video on our parent site that is going to eliminate the bad experiences you've had with searching for jobs on major career sites like, or It's not that these sites are inherently bad. They're just not really geared towards providing jobs at home like some of the sites we've mentioned in the past.

Furthermore, like every site you visit, they all need to make money. So they have sponsors on their sites. It's just part of life. There are great memberships sites that don't feature any ads like but that may not be your cup of tea. In either case, I think this video will help you find jobs at home the proper way and save you a lot of wasted hours searching job sites the wrong way. Oh yeah, there is a right way to do it! So enjoy the video below. If you like it, please be sure to post your comments on this page and vote for it in You Tube. Hopefully with your help it will get popular enough to assist a lot more folks like yourself. Lord knows people need it! I've seen a lot of the so-called work at home opportunities on “the You Tube” and I have to cringe. There are some slick people out there and some very troubled ones but I ain't one to gossip. lol

So do you part. Watch the Video, Add Your Comments To This Page, Vote On You Tube and Share with everyone you know. Maybe together we can all do our part to help others stay at home with their families.

Oh by the way, let me know if you want more videos. If you have some ideas of what you want to see, feel free to post them below.

11 thoughts on “Give Me 5 Minutes & I’ll Show How To Find Jobs At Home!”

  1. HI Eddy

    I was trying to watch this video and got the following error message: This video has been removed a part of You Tube’s spam, scams, and commercially deceptive content”.

    Just FYI



  2. Hello –
    Thanks for your tips. I knew that those were the worst key words to use while searching, such as work at home, home-base, etc… so thank you for your new search word tips. One other question, I’m just curious about all of those websites out there that offer the instant-chat windows, weather it be a department store, travel company, etc., etc., etc.,… my question is – do you know any companies that hire people out of their home to do that type of work? Thanks for any input! Jennifer

  3. Hi Elizabeth,

    The link you clicked on was a sponsored link.
    You can ignore those if they’re not appealing to you. But the video above basically told you how to go about finding work at home.

    We also have a companies section right at the top of the page where we provide you all the free and legitimate work at home jobs:

    It’s very important to follow the advice we provide in our videos and articles to avoid getting scammed or wasting money.

    You might also want to watch the following video:

    I hope this helps.


  4. Hi Jennifer,

    Welcome to our little home. I’m happy you’re enjoying our articles.

    Let’s see if I can guide you. Some of the links are advertisers links provided to use by They pretty much pay our bills. But with that said, I can’t vouch for those companies. So it’s always good to do your research on any company you’re unsure of especially if they’re asking for a fee of some sort.

    So I would strongly encourage you to visit the following pages to learn how to do that:

    Next if you’re looking for companies that tend to hire work at home seekers just visit the following page:

    And finally if you want to be entertained some more and learn ways to make money at home or avoid scams then visit our article section at:

    I think that should get your started in the right direction.

    In terms of your questions, My wife is warming up to the idea but not fully. She’s just happy I’m doing well and making enough money for the both of us so she’s not that motivated. lol

    We’re still waiting for our little princess to arrive. We had the baby shower. You can see some of the pics here:

    But we’ve pretty much set up everything for her arrival. Just patiently waiting now. This week is my wife’s last day at work for a while so at least now I don’t have to worry about her giving birth while driving or something. lol

    Trust me you guys will know when she arrives. I’ll be sure to post pictures. I have big plans for our little girl. Who knows maybe she’ll be interested in being part of the family business and working at home unlike her Mom. lol


  5. Dear Eddy,

    I really enjoyed watching your video’s and reading your blogs. I have learned so much for this web site. I have clicked on some of the link you have provided. But researching them I have incurred problems either I’m going about this the wrong way or I don’t understand or just don’t what to look for. So if you could please lend me a hand. I would greatly appreciate it. O’ I also want to know if you ever talked your wife into the work at home business, and have yall gave birth to your little love one yet? If so what did you name her and how much did she weigh?

    Thank you,

  6. Hi Christina,

    You’re quite welcome. I’m happy these little tips will provide a little more help in everyone finding legitimate work at home job leads. Lord knows we can use every bit of help we can get.

    4 Kids? I’m just having my first and I’m freaking out. I couldn’t image 3 more. You’re my idol! =)


  7. I just wanted to say thank you so much for the video. I never thought of just how many people typed ” home based business/job” into the search. Like they always say, “There are more ways than 1 to skin a cat.” I have 4 kids and I stay at home looking for REAL work at home. Again, thank you!!

  8. Thank you very much for the video. Although I haven’t used it yet, the keyword list will be extremely helpful.

    Again thanks and keep up the good work. It’s much appreciated.



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