iPas2 Review: What is iPas2? Empower Network Remixed…

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ipas2-reviewYou all know that I am not very fond of MLM opportunities; especially those that don't sell tangible products, but a dream of getting rich by selling the same dream to other folks.

When The Empower Network, the largest ‘Dream Machine‘ ever on the internet, came to a screeching halt, tens of thousands of big dreamers got a rude awakening. They all of a sudden realized that their dreams turned into nightmares.

The pool of victims to recruit into their game had dried out and the money flow stopped abruptly. Most of the top earners near the tip of the pyramid jumped ship, while the minions on the lower floors were left to count their losses.

But like a villain in a horror movie some evil just won't die. Apparently Empower Network is back and reincarnated in a different product known as ‘iPas2' which is the topic of my review today.

What is iPas2?

iPas (Internet Prospect Acceleration System) is a software app that supposedly automates some back office tasks of online marketing businesses. This includes:

  • Create multiple streams of income on complete autopilot
  • Create high volume traffic to bring in more leads
  • Campaign tracking ( so you don't waste time on what's NOT working)
  • Integrates your resources into a customizable website

The iPas business system was developed by Chris Campbell and Chris Jones and launched in 2011. By their own admission, the system was flawed and they went back to the drawing board to fix the bugs.

What they came up with and what they call ‘The Best Internet Marketing System in the World‘ is iPas2

How does iPas2 work?

Heck if I know. It's impossible to find any detailed product specifications, or any sufficient explanation how this darn thing is supposed to work. There are literally hundreds of videos on Youtube, and also so called reviews on the web, but these are over hyped clips from EN affiliates trying to solicit new members.

They tell you that online marketers anxiously awaiting the new iPpas system, that there are several tools, including a pre-built sales funnel, and a bunch of comprehensive educational videos to educate users on the basic fundamentals of marketing their business online.

So it remains a mystery how iPa2 works until you actually buy one. Being the persistent type, I want to know and I tried to purchase one. Guess what? You cannot buy iPas2 WITHOUT joining Empower network.

Now we know the functionality of iPas2. It's not a product, but the platform to funnel traffic towards EN, recruiting new members and earning commissions from their entry fees.

How much does it cost to join iPas2?

They say that you are NOT paying to join, rather buying into a ‘franchise-like business‘ and pay for your website, sales staff, customer support reps and other perks.

Their bait is a Seven-Day $7 Trial offer:

This gives you a brief peek behind the curtain, so to speak. You can watch one short info video and look at certain training materials. That basically is all you can do. If you do not cancel, your credit card will be charged with a monthly membership fee of $47.

At this level you can sell some of the EN products which are basically useless ebooks or other cheap digital products and earn commission between 10% and 50%.

In order to be able to make real money, iPas2 sells different levels of membership.

  • iPas2 Bronze Level: $144.95 plus $25/month
  • iPas2 Silver Level: $644.95 plus $25/month
  • iPas2 Gold Level: $1,644.95 plus $125/month
  • iPas2 Black Level: $5,144.95 plus $222/month

Each level comes with a different set of trainings materials, coaching and webinars. The Black level includes a Black Membership Card for VIP events and certain discounts.

How do you make money with iPas2?

You can make money two different ways:

1) Receive commissions from the sales of EN products (10%-50%)

2) Receive Commissions from fees of your recruits (100%)

Their compensation plan looks very simple and straight forward. However, it does not show the cost of EN ‘products' you are able to sell (You can take a look at the plan here).

What are the Ipas2 Complaints and Concerns?

Why can't I buy just iPas2?

You have to understand that iPas2 is not a product you could use ‘stand-alone‘. It is the sales funnel for EN to generate traffic and find new victims for their scam.

It is very difficult to receive a refund

There are hundreds of complaints saying that it is almost impossible to get a refund. Ipas2 and Empower Network have 14-day money back guarantee which is quite unusual. Many folks say that 14 days is not enough time to sort through all the mess and realize that they had been scammed. They try to get a refund maybe after 3 or 4 weeks, but their requests are denied.

Even people that cancel within the 14 days seem to have trouble getting their money back. Here is just one example, filed with the BBB which, by the way, issued a stern warning about EN.

is ipas2 a scam

iPas2 & EN are way to expensive!

Its one thing to invest money in a legitimate business opportunity or training that will help you make money online. I'm totally fine with that. You shouldn't have to pay an employer to work from them. But it is expected that you will probably invest money in a business opportunity or training. The problem here is IPas2 is over priced considering the lack of value it provides and it's tied tied to the Empower Network which has proven to be a shady business.

Your income stream can disappear overnight

The original Empower Network (EN) Platform was their alleged ‘Viral Blogging System‘ which was rendered useless practically overnight. Google realized the spammy and scammy nature of EN and updated its search algorithm to wipe out all of these sites on their search engine. Facebook also considered EN pages and forums being spam and took all EN related sites down. This can and will happen again, and you would lose your main sources of income.

Testimony from a former EN Top Earner

“My Name is James Bonadies, and I used to be a top producer in Empower Network. Although I have a lot of respect for this business, I feel and felt extremely uncomfortable selling something that I learned is impossible for the average person to succeed at.

It is true, most of the time, the average person doesn't do what is necessary to succeed online whether in iPas, Empower Network, MTTB or any other “how to make money online” programs. The average person I say as if I am above average. Which I am not. Not even close. However, my results are far from average.

I got sick of shoving lies down the throats of innocent people, at the time I didn't know they were lies, and got sick of selling the system so other people can sell the system. I call it the “revolving door to hell!” That is what it is…the revolving door to financial ruin”.

Mr. Bonadies posted this on his website and the article speaks for itself!

So, is iPas2 a Scam?

Well, I am not a lawyer and can't say if they operate within the law or not. It may well be that their ‘no-product products‘ qualify as tangible products, and if that is the case, I cannot call iPas2 a scam. However, common sense tells me that the whole thing is a typical pyramid scheme and serves only to keep the Empower Network in business. Personally, I look at it as a scam.

I am sorry if you had the impression that iPas2 could be a good opportunity for you to make real money and I busted your bubble, but unless you are an experienced network marketer and like pyramid schemes, I suggest you look for something else.

What's a good alternative to iPas2?

Well, Affiliate Marketing comes to mind. It is probably the most popular way to make money online and inexpensive to get started. As a matter of fact, if you want to take a peek at My #1 FREE Work At Home Recommendation, I will show you how YOU can start your own online business without any initial investment. Not a single dime out of your pocket, guaranteed, and you don't even have to bring your credit card.

All it takes is to take ACTION today. Join me inside Wealthy Affiliate for FREE, enjoy ten lessons of the training course, build your first website, and then decide if this is right for you. Come on over, you have nothing to lose.

I hope you liked my iPas2 review. I would love to hear your opinion. So please, let me know what's on your mind by posting a comment down below.

That's all for today and like always, thanks for stopping by.

Eddy with a Y

40 thoughts on “iPas2 Review: What is iPas2? Empower Network Remixed…”

  1. Hi,

    I’m not sure if it’s already been mentioned. I thought it might be helpful to add that it’s a common tactic to flood the internet with seemingly unbiased, positive reviews &/or denials offering “proof” that it’s legitimate –they appear similar to your site, but are owned by big fat meany poo poo heads {<–highly censored}.

    A classic "I'm not affiliated with them in any way and I knocked it a bit so you'll believe me even though I have a suspiciously intricate insider's perspective" review:


    Keep up the good work, Eddy!

    • Hey Becky,

      Thanks for chiming in. Yeah reviews can be used for evil or good like anything else. Obviously everyone doing this is in the business of making money and that’s fine. But keep it real in your reviews. Even if i like a company or have an affiliation I’m still going to tell you the real deal. And honestly I’ll still make money because my audience appreciates that and can smell the fake stuff a mile away.

      But not everyone believes in that philosophy. I could probably make a lot more money if I became an affiliate of everything I review and spin the review in a mostly positive way. I’ve seen guys that do this. But I have to be able to look at myself in the mirror with my business. So to each their own. Thanks again!

    • Hi Eddy,

      Apologies to you, too, for the delayed reply. You’re absolutely right, people do appreciate honesty, and most can smell deceit. Sadly, there are just enough people in the World who can’t. If preying on them didn’t work, despicable jerks wouldn’t keep using dishonest tactics to line their pockets.

      Our only defense is people like you who dedicate themselves to educating the public. Obviously, it’s working. Over the past decade, there’s been a dramatic increase in the awareness of existing scams, and better tools to spot a potential scam. There’s nothing wrong with making money at the same time when it’s done with honesty and transparency. Give yourself a pat on the back for that…and a look in the mirror for your wife and beautiful children. You’re teaching them to do the right thing, and giving them a caring, decent dad they can be proud of. 🙂

    • Hi Becky, you hit it right on the head. This guy Jesse peddles everything that could make him a buck. I am following him for some time now, and there is nothing he does not like. The creators of these scams are bad, but those that jump on the ride and make money of outright scams are even worth. Just saying.

    • SORRY SO LATE in replying, John, I tripped over the dog 16 months ago, and I’ve been dealing with complications resulting from that accident.

      I’m totally with you, they are worse. I’m sure there’s some percentage that are just gullible and desperate, but they’re also the ones that fail very quickly.

      You have to be inherently ruthless, manipulative and shrewd to successfully hurt others for your own gain. I think the biggest drawback to the internet is that it enables these jerks to run in packs, doing far more damage than the classic flim flam man.

      Following them can be exhausting, but it’s important for all of us to keep “just saying”…even if it only helps a few people. Kudos to you for your willingness to put in the time and effort! 🙂

  2. yes Eddy we are grateful that you are out there checking on different job sites for us and to let us know what is legit or not. This one seems to be running people through the mill and not getting what they pay for and then they can’t seem to get a refund if they want to. Not likely to join this company

  3. I, too, would like to say “Thank you, Eddy with a y!” It’s wonderful to know someone is out there doing the time consuming research to let us know about these scams.
    I’d like to tell you about another scam that is happening to help others avoid what Almost happened to me. It is not a MLM scam, but a scam nonetheless.
    There are people who go thru internet job sites, contact people who have put their resumes there and offer them a job, working from home for a reputable company, (Merrill Lynch for me), via email. They interview you via messenger, yahoo or windows, and hire you. They then send you a cashiers check for approximately $2000 to $4000, which you always receive over the weekend, telling you to deposit it so you can buy their software and other items you will need to do the job, from one of their ‘agents’ in the area. Then you’re to send back what is leftover from the check they sent. I did deposit the check, but felt uneasy and did not contact the agent, but instead on Monday morning went to my bank and told them I thought the check was fake. It was. My bank manager and I contacted the fraud department manager where the check was supposedly drawn from and learned she had 6 others sitting on her desk in front of her.
    Thankfully I followed my uneasy feeling and was not held accountable for the money, as I did not withdraw or spend any of it and notified my bank of my doubt. Sadly, the others Are being held accountable and have to pay that money back.
    Didn’t plan on writing a book, lol. It’s not a scam most people would think to find, so I thought you would want to let others know that not even internet job sites are safe from these parasites. Thanks again!

  4. Wow, all of these scammers seem to like to follow a pattern. It is kinda scary how closely they resemble each other and how many people still fall prey. Good thing there are good guys like you!

    • Hey HK,

      Yeah they tend to be lazy. So if you’re aware one of you can usually spot the clones of them. If they didn’t work they wouldn’t keep repeating them. But I’ll be here to remind folks. lol

      Thanks for chiming in! Good to hear from you!

  5. Hi….I’m so glad you do what you do….I follow your site and must admit you are quite informative…..I am 65 years young! I’m looking forward to starting my own online business real soon. I think I saw an Ad similar to this recently if I’m not mistaken…..It didn’t sound right and instinct told me this was a scam. Good Luck to the ones that actually invested in this scam! I really hope they get some of their $$$ back.
    Now I’m still interested in your site due to the fact that I need $$$ to get my own business off the ground. BTW your children are gorgeous!

    • Hey Young Sondra!

      I’m glad you find the website useful. Thanks for following it and supporting me. I appreciate it.
      It’s good you follow your own instincts. Too often because of desperation or people’s fixation they ignore this online. Then it leads to some bad things. 9 times out of 10 that little voice inside of you is right when it comes to these work at home scams.

      I’m happy to hear you want to start your own business. I’m always encouraging people to do just that rather than just going the job route. So I applaud you. Be sure you check out my Top Free Recommendation if you haven’t already. You may also want to check out my courses as well so you can learn directly from me some of the ways I make money.

      Thanks for the compliments regarding my kids. They’re even prettier inside where it really counts. 😉

  6. Hello Eddy with a Y,

    I think I remember seeing the ads for EN not too long ago. If I remember correctly, I finally gave in and listened to the whole capture page video. ( A lot of hot air if you ask me ).

    Anyway, I’m quite thankful that the only thing I spent on this worthless junk was the time to see the initial presentation.

    No thanks, my focus is elsewhere.

    I appreciate the heads up on this Eddy. Thank you.

  7. Hi Eddy with a Y. I was almost suckered in until I goggled and read reviews on this company. No Thanks, I totally agree with you – just the same company with the same scheme.

  8. Hey Eddy, I’m grateful that you are on of the good guys as I told my Mum about you.

    I got sucked into the MLM around Xmas but they are sneaky with wanting you to up-sell after after doing all the steps and wasting time!! I didn’t have that kind of money plus I’m trying to make money not lose it all.

    My daughter and I are living on peanuts and if I don’t get something happening pretty quick, I would start going into debt. I don’t even want to say that word because its negative and against the Law of Attraction but keep plugging away, doing brain entrainment and anything that keeps my hope up and going strong.

    Thank you for helping others as you are a good person!!


    • Hey Coreen,

      You’re very welcome. Thanks for sharing my site with your family. I really appreciate it. I agree that’s one of the drawbacks of some of these MLMs. Again it’s not one of my favorite business models or ways to make money. But some people swear by it. Either way thanks for sharing your thoughts. You have a great attitude and I promise it will pay off in the future. Be sure you take action on the opportunities that the Law make available to you. They’re all around you. 😉

    • You are so right Coreen. Eddy is a great guy. Damn, I forgot the Y. But seriously, he knows what he is talking about. Maybe you should take a look into his “My Top FREE Work At Home Recommendation”. It showed me the way to make a full time income from home. Just click on the link he has here on his site.

  9. Shame, Shame, Shame on these companies to take advantage of people as for me I don’t fall into all these traps from these MLM companies .. but it is sad that people loose they money trying to make a living.. People are desperate for money these days and they end up falling in the pit because it sound to good to be real..

    Wake up people to many schemes out there so don’t be quick to fall for them end up losing all your money and that is worst then when you started.. I don’t know this company you are talking about but I see a lot of people on these work from home groups trying to recruit people to all kinds of online jobs.. No matter what we are thankful for you Eddy but we must also do our home work.

    • Hey Debra,

      Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this company. Unfortunately a lot of people come online thinking that because it’s the internet everything is going to be easy and there is fast money to be made. And of course you have these shady people and companies that pump this nonsense. Too often people’s desperation or fixation will blind their good judgement. It’s unfortunate but that’s why I’m here to jolt people into a reality. lol

  10. Eddy, thank you for the info, it’s good to know. I think most MLM companies should have a PS at the end of it – Pyramid Scheme – Pee Scheme – Poop Scheme etc. (I got to have a sense of humor about all this or else I would cry.)

    • LMAO Michelle!

      I think a lot of people feel the same way about MLMs. But they’re not all bad.
      Thanks again for your comment. I really appreciate it and the laugh. 🙂

  11. I’ll say it again, Eddy. You give us the “skinny” and we all save money by not being dragged into these horrid schemes. They have no conscience whatsoever. Parasites. Thanks again, Eddy.

  12. Smh these people have no morals about them. They will cheat anyone just to keep the money flowing. They’re disgusting. Idk how they even sleep at night.

    Btw Eddy can you provide the link toMr. Bonadies article? I’d like to read it.

  13. Hello Eddy, I looked into iPas about a year ago and there was a video on Youtube in which one of the Chris’s explained in detail how this thing works. That video miraculously disappeared. Wonder why. My guess is because it’s all hot air and has no real function that would give the product some kind of value. Just good enough to find new Empower Network victims. Thanks for the review

    • That is very interesting. Although there are a number of reasons why videos are taken down from Youtube. I know from experience as it has happened to me. But that said this whole product is just a funnel for the Empower Network and that’s never a good thing given what we know about that company. Some people just don’t know when to give up. But I guess when you’re making so much money misleading folks than it’s hard to walk away. SMH. Thanks for chiming in as always.

  14. http://www.manontopfilm.com/#2

    Eddy, check out this trailer. I was involved with a very popular skin care MLM for sometime before I realized it was taking over my entire life and brainwashing me. It’s not good enough to sell products for these companies. You’ll never make any real money that way. The only way to make money is to give your soul, your life, every waking moment out in public recruiting. You’re out to eat- you’re recruiting the waitress, you’re at a playground with your kids- you’re making “friends” with the mom next to you in hopes of recruiting her too. I believe MLM’s are social parasites. Thanks for your reviews on these companies.

    • Hey Melissa,

      Thanks for chiming in. That video was very powerful to say the least. Was it Nerium by chance? It doesn’t really matter. But I tend to agree with you. Many of the MLMs are just legalized cults if you ask me. I won’t say every single one of them are bad. But it’s just not a business model that appeals to me when you consider the alternatives.

      In any event, I appreciate your comment and the video!

    • Hahaha, Melissa is funny. What she say?

      “I believe MLM’s are social parasites”.

      Monsanto should have a spray to take care of this pest; like pepper spray you can carry in your purse or pocket. Just give them a healthy dose.

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