Trying to stay healthy nowadays is like trying to stay off your smartphone or the internet. In other words, the struggle is real! There are so many health supplements out there that it can be tough to choose ones that are safe and effective. Furthermore, many of these supplements now offer the ability to earn money via a multi-level marketing which recruits folks like you and me to sell their products to the public. But are they really legitimate business opportunities or a scam? Well, today we're looking at Kyani in this review to figure this out.
What is Kyani?
Kyani located at is a multilevel marketing company that offers all natural health supplements. Jim Hansen, Sr. started Kyani in 2005. Kyani's corporate headquarters is located in Idaho Falls, Idaho. The company is an upstanding member of the Direct Selling Association.
What Products Does Kyani Offer?
There are three main products the company offers which they refer to as the Kyani Triangle of Health. These health supplements are made from such ingredients as wild Alaskan Salmon and blueberries. The company also sells the Fleuresse Skin Care System. These products help fight the aging process for skin with natural botanicals, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.
Kyani Compensation Plan
Independent distributors are able to earn up to 60 percent commission on product sales, depending on the package selected upon enrollment. According to the company's compensation plan, Kyani also offers several other financial incentives such as fast start bonuses, cars, luxury trips, generation check match, and team bonuses.
There are 15 ranks within the company's multilevel marketing plan. Independent distributors must maintain a 150 Personal Customer QV for each rank. To move up in ranks, distributors must increase their total group volume. This is achieved by customer product sales and recruiting others to join the business opportunity as distributors. If you're anything like me and complicated compensation plans is a turn off to you and you just want a straightforward way to figure out how much you're making, you may want to check out of my Top Work At Home Recommendation.
Other sites that are easy to understand for making money are sites like, and They will pay you for things you already do online like playing games, watching videos online and much more. You can also check out survey companies like which will pay you real cash to share your opinion.
How to Become a Kyani Distributor
To become an independent distributor, you must be enrolled through the sponsorship ID number of a current Kyani distributor. You are required to purchase a Distributor Pack for $40 that features business training materials and forms. You must also select one of three product packs ranging from $299-$999. There is also an annual $20 renewal fee. Commission percentages are higher for the more expensive product packs. The company also offers an optional WEBtools package for $12.50 for those who would like a personalized website and back office management system to run their business online.
What We Like
Healthy Natural Products: The supplements feature all natural ingredients. The company lists all ingredients on its website so you know exactly what you are putting into your body.
Kyani Prime: The company offers customers a program similar to Amazon Prime called Kyani Prime. For a $39 membership for a period of 6-months, you can get wholesale prices for product purchases plus free shipping. This can save you $126 for the six-month period.
Excellent BBB Rating: For some reason people rely heavily a BBB rating to determine the legitimacy of a company even though they've been accused of being a pay to play business. But at the time of this review the Better Business Bureau gives Kyani an A- rating with full accreditation. Based on what we've seen on the BBB site, the company tries to resolve any complaints they receive.
Kyani Complaints
Complicated Compensation Plan: I really hate that so many MLMs have these convoluted compensation plans that are pages long and require an interpreter to understand them. It's always under the guise of giving you more ways to make money. But it just causes more confusion and feels very “pyramidish”! Who wants to sit through a long explanation of how you make money with a company. It should be pretty straight forward.
How Do I Even Buy/Join Online?: The company provides a product catalog and link to join as a distributor on its website. But when you go to order or join, you need to have a Distributor ID number to process your enrollment or purchase order. The company does not give you a list of distributors to order from. So unless you know a current Kyani distributor, you're out of luck.
Don't Quit Your Day Job: Taking a look at the company's income disclosure statement, approximately 2% of Kyani distributors make enough money to pay household bills. So the odds seem to be stacked against you which is usually the case with the MLM business model. So you might want to look into an alternative option like my Top Work At Home Recommendation which uses a business model that companies like Amazon and Google rely on.
Expensive Upfront Costs: Ouch! To join, you have to spend anywhere from $300-$1,000 just to start plus an additional $40 for a distributor pack with business materials. This is way more expensive than many other similar MLM companies out there. But to be fair is cheaper than an offline business. But it's still pretty damn pricey.
If you find the start up cost to be too expensive you may want to check other sites that help you make money for free like which will pay you to take surveys. You can also check out companies like,, and don't require any start up fee and you wont have to sell anything to earn with them.
Potential Side Effects: Apparently some folks have reported feeling ill after taking Kyani supplements. These side effects include fatigue and lightheadedness. Now keep in mind any type of supplements or pills can have side effects. But the fact that the company's supplements are not FDA approved and are not intended to diagnose or treat any medical condition says a lot.
So is Kyani Legit or A Big Scam?
Technically Kyani is a legitimate business in that it actually sells products and all their earnings aren't just based on recruiting distributors. Like all MLMs, their reps can earn commissions from personal product sales as well as percentages from sales from recruited distributors. However, the reality is that it's going to be damn hard to earn a living or a part time income as an independent distributor with this MLM business. But that can be said for many businesses which is probably why most people are employees. But I'd prefer to be in a business model that has better odds and unfortunately history shows that the MLM business model isn't great for most people.
Fortunately there are other ways to make money that don't require selling. Check out companies like,, and They can pay you for doing various online tasks such as taking surveys, searching the web, watching videos and more.
At the end of the day I'm all about multiple streams of income, so you may want to check out Kyani. But if some of the things you read don't sit well with you, then you might want check out my Top Work At Home Recommendation and my Work At Home Courses. Either way, just know you have various options if this MLM doesn't float your boat.
Well that's enough of my two cents. I'd love to hear what your thoughts about this company. So please feel free to leave your comments down below. If you enjoyed this review, free to check out my other work at home reviews as well.
Until next time,
Eddy with a y
Total Scam! Traci Peterson hates single moms and seeks to destroy them. She is a monster. Good luck to anyone who crosses that crazy woman’s path. I have seen and heard her do it! She is a Mormon with a vengeance. She believes in only platonic families. If she hasn’t taken you down yet just wait!!!!!
I have been taking Kyani since March 2016 – my health dramatically changed – no longer on meds for high blood pressure, acid reflux, and migraines. Because of this, I wanted to help others and became a business partner. I’m not rich but I do have more money than I did before Kyani so I can’t complain. Regardless of whether I make money or not, I will always take Kyani because of how my health improved. One thing to make note of is that none of Kyani’s founder receive one cent from Kyani. How many mlms out there can say that? Plus if you think about businesses out there, they are similar to how an MLM is set up except this particular MLM doesn’t require you to keep inventory at home, has an initial financial investment that won’t break you (all businesses have this but at a much higher amount), and focuses on a quality line of products.
I’ve been using the product for about 45 days now since March 2018. I’ve had a noticeable difference in my acid reflux, clearer sinuses, and better sleep. My wife has had a noticeable decrease in her chronic back pain. WE were turned on to this product from her boss who was taking the product for her fibromyalgia with very positive results. As far as the business model goes…..I became a distributor after 30 days of using the product which is what I would strongly recommend most people do before just “ jumping in “ ……get to know the product for yourself first and THEN decide if the business model is right for you! It’s certainly not going to hurt you by any means because the ingredients are very nutritional and beneficial. Knowledge is key! …..thank you…… George Holmstrom Boston, Ma
I think that is good advice. You should know about the company and product before promoting it. And trying it as customer is a good way to do that before deciding to dive into the business opportunity. Thanks for sharing your experience and advice.
Thanks for the feedback Eddy! Good luck in your endeavors !
You’re welcome.
In Nov of 2017 a class action suit was filed against Kyani. I haven’t done any of the research about the lawsuit but I think the gist of it is the mislabeling of the ingredients. I recently spoke to someone who is saying that it is a CURE for Alzheimer’s!!!! Ludicrous……………….. Kyani has been asked to stop making untrue claims by Truth In Advertising. There is so much bad about this company it’s disconcerting to say the least. As far as selling the product, 61% of people never receive a check and of the remaining “employees” 34% have only received up to $3500 for a year of working.
That’s interesting. Unfortunately, with many MLMs you’ll find some reps that just do and say shady things that are sectioned by the company. So that’s probably what you experienced with that person claiming these products cure Alzheimer. But it would be interesting to get more details on this alleged lawsuit.
If I’m not mistaken, all dietary supplements are not reviewed and approved by FDA. Any supplement can have a side effect based on the individual person. I appreciate your review, although I will always do my own research on products & their individual ingredients before taking anyone’s word. I don’t follow the bandwagon just because someone said so. I find it foolish that anyone would. It’s no different with pharmaceutical medications as well, although they do get FDA approval. Our Dr’s prescribe them & people take them because they were told they should or need to & many people will have a side effect to a medication at some time in their life. Just because a Dr prescribes it, doesn’t mean one shouldn’t do their own research & know what they are taking & the risks vs benefits. I would also hope that anyone who takes a supplement of any kind would notify their Dr & ask their Dr to monitor them while taking it. Reviews are not cut & dry, people need to think more openly. Thank you for letting me get talk a bit!
I agree everyone should always do their own research and come to their own conlusions. It’s why I create reviews like this to help people with the process. Then they can continue to do more research until they are ready to make their own decision. It’s what I do so no arguments here.
Kyani review
Pyramid scheme. RUN THE OPPOSITE DIRECTION if anyone trying to pitch, sell, or invite you one of their hotel or home meetings. You basically recruit people to join for 699-1399.00 USD (got bumped up from 599-1299.00 what it used to be) and help those same people you recruit into Kyani continue the same recruiting process which they refer to as “duplication”. You’re basically selling a health product/business to your network. If your working your regular day job then your evenings will consist of going to “meetings” or pitching your product/business to your friends, family, and even random strangers. It gets BETTER.. after you recruit let’s say “10 people” this month of September for example.. next month on October 1st those same “10 people” will not count as “10 people” because the volume “RESETS” at the start of a new month. This is something nobody will tell you until AFTER you sign up with the company which is COMPLETELY UNETHICAL if you ask me. In order for you get paid for your hard efforts on those “10 people” which you recruited they will have to go out and each recruit “10 people” and then the process repeats itself month after month. Lets not kid ourselves now.. how would YOU feel if you recruited someone into this business and it was their last few bit of funds or savings to their name/household? Then 1-6 months later that same person you recruited never saw much success or better yet not a SINGLE check to their name or something to at least match their initial investment?? Solid Madness. Many high ranked individuals now I’m talking Diamond, Blue Diamond, Green Diamond ranked people have even ditched this company because of their ridiculously structured compensation plan. They try telling you that the company is run by 2 “billionaires” the Hanson’s and Taylor’s.. lol I would hope so if they are receiving 699-1299 per new recruit on intangible products. These people flaunt their “white” Kyani luxury cars for hitting the rank of Sapphire.. what they don’t tell you is that the company will be QUICK to stop paying on that vehicle if you don’t repeat that same rank the months to come. Therefore, if you decide to stop recruiting at some point then now you have a 20K+ liability to your name because of the car loan. Don’t let these people lie to your face telling you that you can make an extra 600.00-5K a month working “part time”.. it’s all foolishness. I’m still in honest disbelief that this company is still up and scamming innocent folks.. it’s beyond sad. If you do end up deciding to be a part of Kyani after reading this comment then all power to you.. at least my daily deed is now complete. Hopefully this comment alone will save people hundreds to thousands of dollars.
So you’ve tried Kyani then? Or are you just writing a fake review so you can promote Wealthy Affiliate instead?
I have a writing assistant that researches companies like this by reading what various people had to say online. We also look at their site to gather more information. You don’t need to try everything to provide observations and feedback. It’s not fake because I give people other options they can consider. I review many companies that I like and recommend. But I’ll always provide alternatives that I trust because I know not everyone will like a company even if it’s a favorable review. Fortunately, the thousands of people that visit this blog and have actually read my body of work understand this and appreciate being provided with choices. They don’t just want to hear from REPS that only want to paint a perfect picture of a given company. They want to know the good and bad. The only people that seem to be bothered by reviews that provide this type of info are some reps of the companies. Everyone else seems to enjoy the information and having options to choose that are vetted.
Hey there! Good review and I’m glad you are up to date with the comp plan changes, most reviews aren’t since they just happened in March.
Just my two cents being apart of this company. The products themselves forever changed my life and got me off my medications which was my initial reason of joining, after seeing it change my loved ones lives as well. The comp plan is pretty unreal when you compare it to other companies. While yes, the start up fees can be a lot for an MLM, you also have to keep in mind that it’s a one time fee. I’ve never had to spend more than the 599 I came in with, and it was one of the best investments I had ever made. There is a lot more to this company than meets the eye up front.
Also for those suspicious of the luxary car program… Yes it I’d all very real. I came from the Washington market that blew up over this last year and a half, and every event night we have parking lots full of the cars. We were able to get 136 cars out in the first year of the Washington market being launched. I moved to Utah to do the same.
Kyani is a great company, with great leadership and integrity. I’m not a big fan of recruiting as it can get ingenuine and out of hand, so of this company didn’t have the leadership or integrity, as well as nurturing culture, I would have left long ago.
Thanks for letting me throw my insight in there and I hope most won’t take it in a bias way.
Thanks for sharing your insight and experience. It’s always welcomed to hear the other side.
Hi Eddy (with a y),
It is very scary that when a person buys supplements online that they may not be FDA approved even though they are not required to have FDA approval, it is still scary that you do not know what you are actually taking. I do appreciate your great review, but think I will stay away from this company because it does not “float my boat”. Even though that you think that this MLM is legit, I would feel uncomfortable recommending anything that can have potentially negative side effects on someone.
There are so many MLM companies and pyramid schemes that have been and are a frequent subject of criticism as well as the target of lawsuits and the cost for joining some of these companies is crazy. But there are many that are legit and I agree that a person needs to find something that is a good fit for them so they can stand behind their product. Thank you for the great review, it was enlightening.
All the Best,
Hey Dana,
I can totally appreciate your feelings. I feel the same way about promoting products that may have some potential health side effects. So I would stay away from things like this as well. Thanks again for your thoughtful insight.
Ermahgerd! My Facebook feed is FULL of crap like this from local SAHM (stay at home moms) wanting to provide another income to their household! It drives me bonkers! I would love to flush all MLM companies down the toilet! Thanks for your honest review. I appreciate it. Even though you don’t think it’s a scam, I’ll pass on it because it’s an MLM
Hello there Eddy(with a ‘y’):)
I am not a big fan of MLM marketing, though back in the day, they were all ‘over the place’!
The points you have presented certainly do nothing to get me to make a ‘move’ on this bandwagon at all…especially that 2% earning ratio from a collective group. This tells me that its members are not doing much business…unless I am reading the information incorrectly.
In any event, thanks so much for a very enlightening article.
You’re welcome Michelle. MLMs are still out here thriving. Unfortunately it’s still a business model where very little reps succeed. But some are.
Thanks for the extensive review. Always good to find this kind of advice.
To me it also doesn’t sound like a realistic way to earn money? That’s probably why I’m not a big fan of MLMs like this. Fortunately like you mentioned there are other ways to make money. Thanks again for the review. I appreciate it.
What I have to pay almost $1,000 to join?
I can’t manage to get that much when I’m looming for a system that will help me get another steam of income.
I wanted to join it because I have a couple of friends who are earning with it. But am not ready to pay that much. The financial incentives like luxury cars got me suspicious of them too.
I joined another program that promised the same but ended up ripping me off big time. Isn’t there a way all these scams can be screened and chased off the web?
Uh you don’t have to pay $1000 to join. I’ve listed the range of start up fees and it can be significantly less than $1000. It’s great to hear some of your friends are earning with it. I review companies all the time if you want to keep up on what’s legit or a scam. Eventually the real scams do get exposed.
Dave, not sure where you got $1000 from to join but you can come in at $399 at the lowest distributor level. However, I would strongly recommend getting a free 7 day trial pack from a distributor first to make an educated decision on whether or not to join. thanks.
Wow! $300-$1000 just to join!!??! That’s nuts. Joining any MLM company means you have at least a 95% chance of failure from the get go. So no thanks, I’m not paying that amount of money on that low of odds. Also, the fact that you have to spend that much tells me there products are far too expensive. Since these are “all natural” ingredients I wonder how much they would cost if you just bought the salmon and blueberries. Probably way less. Sounds like overpriced snake oil to me.
Hey Daniel,
I hear ya. Thanks for your insight.