This Tutor Has Made Over Half a Million Dollars Tutoring Online

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Did you know that the online tutoring industry is a billion-dollar industry and that in just 5 years it is projected to grow to 112 billion dollars?

This kind of growth is unheard of and for tutors like Joanne Kaminski, an online reading tutor, she has experienced the rewards from getting started. Joanne had taught for 10 years in the school system and when her kids were still little she grew ill. She was forced to leave her teaching job but wanted to continue teaching. She left her job and began brainstorming what to do.This Tutor Has Made Over Half a Million Dollars Tutoring Online

In 2010, online teaching was beginning to spread, but she had not heard about online tutoring. After researching she found that she could work for a company, but she would get paid significantly less.

In fact, larger tutoring agencies that hire tutors only paid $10 to $20 an hour. This was significantly below what Joanne wanted to get paid. Joanne did her research and found that tutors were making around $40 to $50 an hour with her credentials. So, Joanne began her journey of going solo and started her own online tutoring business.

Not Everything Came Easy 

“When you need to figure everything out, things don’t come quick enough”, says Kaminski. She wanted to know everything right away but soon found out that she needed to have a ton of failures before she could find her successes.

She began by marketing her online tutoring locally while she took the time she needed to figure out how to market online. Within 1 week of putting up a yard sign advertising her services, she got a client. Then that client referred her to 3 more students, which began a whole referral train. 

Joanne continued to increase her knowledge of marketing online and began getting students from Canada, Australia, Brazil, England, Dominican Republic, Japan, and all over the United States.

Over a period of 9 years, she has made over half a million dollars working part-time tutoring online and she has increased her rate to $75 an hour so that she could also spend time with her kids and enjoy them growing up.

Giving Back

But she didn’t stop there. She remembered the frustration she felt when she was getting started and wanted to give back to the world in a meaningful way. She decided to start a free community on Facebook called the Ultimate Support Group for Online Tutors. This group continues to support and encourage tutors when they get frustrated or don’t know how to handle something. 

This Tutor Has Made Over Half a Million Dollars Tutoring Online

Rita Santos a member of Joanne’s community said, “I am grateful for Joanne sharing her expertise. She could have easily enjoyed her success and let others figure it out for themselves. Instead, she chose abundance and giving to others.”

In addition to the free Facebook group, Joanne has a YouTube channel that guides tutors through the process. Each week she answers tutors’ questions and interviews people who can share their successes. 

Get Support

If you are thinking of starting an online tutoring business Joanne says, “Don’t do it alone. This journey can be a lonely one. You need the support and community of other tutors that will collaborate with you instead of competing against you.”

Surround yourself with other successful tutors and you will start taking on the habits of other successful tutors. If you are interested in learning more about online tutoring, join Joanne’s free Facebook Group the Ultimate Support Group for Online Tutors and check out her YouTube Channel.

2 thoughts on “This Tutor Has Made Over Half a Million Dollars Tutoring Online”

  1. Yes! I am a part of Joanne’s online tutoring community and I wouldn’t have been successful if not for her kindness and willingness to share! Everyone in the group helps each other. It is a wonderful community.


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