These FOUR Online Business “Myths” Are Leading to Entrepreneurs FAILING! I Am Going to Show YOU How You Can Make Real $$$ Online, Starting TODAY!
What’s Up!
I’m Eddy with a Y. You are probably on this page because you (a) interested in making more money (b) looking for a simple way to do this. This is EXACTLY what I am going to be showing you. I first want to eliminate some of the biggest myths about the online business world though. So let’s take a look at a few of these.

Myth #1: You have to be a GENIUS to succeed.
False. There are a few attributes that lead to successful people, and being “smarter” isn’t at the top of the list. Sure, some level of intelligence is required, but if you can click and you can type words, you can build a business. It comes down to proper training.
Myth #2: You need lots of money, to make lots of money.
False. We are living in a digital world, and you literally can create and manage a business without much money at all. In fact, I operate my entire network of online businesses for under $500 per year!
I have found that people with lots of money that try to throw it at a business, typically end up blowing it all.
Myth #3: You need to be a “techie” to succeed online.
False. That is not even close to the truth. I could teach ANYONE how to create a website in less than a few minutes with ZERO technical knowledge. As technology has evolved, so has the ability to build a business with very limited technical skills. If you can turn on your computer, you can build a business online these days. ‘
Myth #4: MONEY grows on TREES.
False. As much as you and I want this to happen, the reality is that there is no tree in the world that will grow money. Trust me I have tried!
It is frustrating for me to see people failing online because they are falling into the trap of these myths. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to succeed online (I certainly am not one), you don’t need to have to invest a bunch of money into another SHADY offer, and you definitely don’t need any special technical skills. Facts.
You just need some PROPER direction and that is what I am going to give you.
So Here We Go… YOUR Path to a Successful Online Business Starts Here!
The first thing I am going to do is introduce you to the company and the folks that have single handedly helped me achieve a 6 figure PASSIVE income online. It is called Wealthy Affiliate and I have been a member of this platform/community for the last 12 years.
I have used Wealthy Affiliate to build my business, but to this day I use Wealthy Affiliate to manage all of my businesses, and I help others do the same (this could be you).
If you click on the button below, and create a FREE Starter Account I am going to help you get rolling with your own online business online, or if you already have a business and are struggling to make money I will help you with that as well.
Here are some things that I am immediately going to be revealing to you when you do decide to join.
- The ONE simple attribute YOU need to be successful online.
- How you can create million dollar businesses, with a bootstrap budget
- How you can build successful websites without a LICK of technical knowledge
- The 4 Step process that I have used to create multiple 6 figure businesses.
- A “One Click’ Strategy I use to uncover BILLIONS of new opportunities
- How You Can Create Great Content Without Being a Writer
Upon creating your Wealthy Affiliate account, which is completely free (and doesn’t require a credit card), I am going to be reaching out to you directly on your profile with the information from above.
You will immediately be taken into Lesson 1 of the training as well, by Lesson 4 of the Getting Started training at Wealthy Affiliate you are going to have your very own “niche” website up and running! This will be the foundation for your business and all the money you make online, will be the result of the profit-ready websites you can build at Wealthy Affiliate.
So head over there, create your free account, and then we can move forward with your exciting business ahead.
Step 1: Create Your Starter Account at Wealthy Affiliate (click here to join).
Step 2: Start the Training. Your are automatically enrolled in the Online Entrepreneur Certification Level 1 training when you join. **If you ever have any questions as you go through the training, you have a community of HELP. Simply ask for help within the training comments and you will get a response within minutes!
Step 3: When I Reach Out to You, Click Reply (and get back to me). I am going to be sending you a message to your profile when you join. Make sure you get back to me, or alternatively when you join you can get in touch with me directly on my WA profile: EddySalomon at any time. You have to be logged in first before you can communicate with me though.
If you have any questions about Wealthy Affiliate or the process of making money online, please leave your questions below and I will be more than happy to give you a hand.
Next? is to get started?
Commenti don’t know how to start making money online, please help me sir.
Did you actually read the page at all?
Thank you for reconfirming for me I actually had just become a premium member at WA I WILL REACH OUT TO YOU THERE
You’re welcome Todd!
I think I’m already enrolled. Can you verify it for me?
Hey Henry,
I don’t own WA. But you can contact them directly here:
But usually if you are a member if you try to sign up you’ll get an alert that you are.
Hello Mr. Eddy,
My name is Meriem, I subscribed to Wealthy Affiliate recently, I started some reading, I have no questions until now, I used a link from someone who’s a member already, his name Roope Kittu, and I wonder if you can help me?
or I should resubscribe using your link in order for you to help me in case if I needed
Hey Meriem,
Congrats on signing up. Unfortunately once you sign up under someone that’s your assigned guide. Roope is a smart guy and will be a good guide for you there. But I appreciate that you wanted to join under me.
Hi Eddy, its Dave again. Can I find out who I signed up under? Could I have signed up unsponsored or is that not possible. I cant recall the circumstances. Thanks for your help.
Hey Dave, you can contact Wealthy Affiliate directly here to ask them. I hope this helps. They could tell you if you can join under me as well.
I currently have a dormant account at WA. I’m going to upgrade to premium soon. Can I do this through you so I could stay connected with you? I feel comfortable with your manner and feel that could be a benfit for me moving forward!!
Hey Dave, I’m so happy to hear you want me to be your guide at WA. But the way it’s set up is that you’ll always be under the person that referred you. So there is no way for you to go under me. But you can still contact me within WA. I try to help other members as I can. Push forward with going back to WA. It will really help you build a great passive income over time.
I already am with Word Press. I don’t want another charge on my cards. I cannot afford it right now.
That’s fine. Do what’s best for you. Wealthy Affiliate is more than a website builder. It’s for people that want to learn how to get traffic from google and make money online. It’s also for people that want ongoing training and help building their online business. Furthermore it provides all the tools to achieve this in one place so folks don’t have to bounce around. So it’s definitely more than just a place to build a website. However you have to do what is best for you. Thanks.
Im very interested in joining Wealthy Affiliate. I just want to know if there is a marketing cost. I only have a small budget. Thanks in advance.
The training at WA focused on getting free traffic from Google. So you won’t be paying for buying ads for traffic.
However you will need to invest in a domain name ( that’s $13 per year at WA. And then you would need to invest in your WA membership which provides you training and all the tools to build and maintain your website. If you go yearly it’s about $359 for the year which saves you about 40%. Or you can go monthly which is $49 per month. So that would be your only other investment. Obviously it’s your business so later if you want to invest in paid marketing and other things you could do that. But it’s not required to succeed. The fees mentioned above are more than enough to get you rolling.
I have had issues with programs in the past and I have ended up wasting a lot of money online. I know I am not alone.
My gut instinct is telling me that the Wealthy Affiliate program is different but what can you do to ease my mind? I am tired of all the scams out there but I want to escape the rat race. Please help!
I totally hear you. I’ve lost money and time on things that didn’t work either. The good thing about WA is that you can try it for free as a starter member. No credit card required. If you don’t like it, then you lose nothing. Scams won’t allow you to do that. So hopefully that eases your mind.
Do someone need experience before starting out at Wealthy Affiliate. I have no website building experience and I am not technical by an means. Can this work for me?
No you don’t. The whole point of the community and training is to help people like you that have no experience. As long as you’re able to watch videos, read text and ask questions, you can use this. You weren’t born knowing how to use the internet. But you’re here online. So you have a proven history of learning new things. This is no different and you’ll have the support of the community and myself.