New Work At Home Leads 06.18.09

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Well another week of rain and gloom. I swear Mother Nature is on some "stuff". Because apparently she confused April and June with all these dang showers. In any event, the bright point of my week has been helping a fellow work at home seeker by giving them $200. Don't worry my loyal subscribers will be getting a similar opportunity every month. So stay tuned!

In any event, I've found some new work at home jobs. But before we get to them, let's get some housekeeping items out the way to prevent any confusion, hateful comments, threats, demands, etc… You know who you are. 😉


– The leads have been screened to the best of my ability. But when in doubt, head over to our scam section by clicking here. Then proceed to follow the simple steps of our scam video & read some of the existing scams listed on that page. Within that vast information you should be able to easily determine if any company is scam. And remember scam artists don't always ask for fees. (See Package Forward, Check Cashing, & Cash4Gold Scams)

– Please keep in mind I CAN'T make jobs magically appear to fit your needs or locations. Although I wish I could but what I find, is what I list! This will change from week to week. So as long as you're a loyal subscriber & stay faithful to me, you'll be the first to know. But if you decide to stray & leave me for a younger & hotter site, then you risk missing out on some good leads.

– It should be noted we're a U.S. based site, so most of our job leads will be in America. Look, It's nothing personal against you or your nation. I don't believe in drinking "hatorade". (Eddy loves all people.) So that's why I've created an international work at home job page for people that live outside the U.S. Click here to visit it now.

– I'm not personally affiliated with the employers or companies listed below unless otherwise noted. So any question or issues should be addressed with the companies directly.

– And finally, some of you may be visiting this page all after the fact. This may mean the jobs listed below are no longer available. Again, there isn't anything I can do about that. If you're subscriber, just patiently wait for my next job lead post. Or you can visit my other site to see if we've posted similar jobs there or check out our work at home companies page.

Good luck either way! If you like what we're doing please show your love in the comment field below the jobs or share this page with others.

Work From Home (Telecommuting) Job Leads

Professional Personal Concierge

Telecommuting Engagement Manager Assistant

Director of Marketing


Medical Assistant Online Instructor

Research Scientist

Appointment Scheduler

Recommended Instant Work At Home Opportunities

Email Reader

Online Shoppers

Get Paid To View Ads

Get Paid To Be Green

Mystery Shoppers

Online Chatters

Online Chatters

Message Board ‘Typist'

Survey Taker

Work At Home With (Data Entry, Typing, etc)

More Job Leads (Membership based site)

3 thoughts on “New Work At Home Leads 06.18.09”

  1. Eddy,
    I just read through your big article on becoming an Affiliate Marketer. I am very interested in learning more. Why? Well, about 5 years ago, I thought I had enough money from my investments and other sources that would allow me to “retire” early. Well you know what happened last year. I’m doing ok, but I have not been able to get a regular job.
    I spent the first half of my working career fixing electronic devices and then the last half programming computers. I worked for the government for many years and really did not enjoy what I was doing or so I thought. Anyway, I only have a BS in biblical studies – not something you can show an employer and have them admire your technical skill set. I have always “learned on my own.” Well, the IT industry has changed and now, if you don’t have a fancy degree in Computer Science AND have certified in every type of technology, forget it! No one will even look at me – even though I can do the job (hah on them!)!
    I have been looking over your site here and have been very wary of all the claims on work at home jobs. Well, after reading your article about Wealthy Affiliate, it really does seem to be the real deal. Why not? Right now, I am doing a small amount of software consulting work which does not earn me much. I regularly put in 9 to 12 hours per day writing/testing/debugging software. Hmmm, I could use more $$$ doing something else, now couldn’t I? After reading about your background, I think that even a computer nerd like me could do this affiliate marketing thing.
    Ok, one thing I would like to get from you – some independent reviews of Wealthy Affiliate. thank you Eddy

    Ed Cohen

    • Hey Ed,

      Sadly, your story sounds all too familiar. I didn’t realize the technology industry has changed so much. I figured they would make this industry conform into the other typical professions. It’s really ass backwards if you ask me. I know tons of people that have gained so much experience in real world situations that don’t have any degrees or certifications. But they’re just as competent if not more than the people that studied this stuff in books. When I need someone to design a website for me or do some coding I don’t ask them if they’re certified or have some fancy degree. I just look for their past referrals and work. Then I base my decision on that. This is just another example of Corporate America not having a clue and trying to force us to become mindless sheep. It’s disgusts me. But at the end of the day its great that they do things like this because it causes some enterprising individuals like yourself to make a move towards freedom.

      In any event, considering your skill set you could probably still get a lot of work on freelance sites like,,,, So I would give those sites a try. There are a lot of techies in internet marketing. Their analytic and technical skills often give them an advantage. Because they can code, they can often create applications to expedite some of the grunt work of internet marketing. And if they’re really smart, they then end up selling it to other marketers for tons of money. So you definitely have options.

      I plan on doing a review on WA in the near future. But I’ll point out some things here in this post since you asked. My biggest complaint with WA which I’ve made clear on many articles and directly to the owners is that the information can be overwhelming for a newbie. I love that they over deliver but it can just be daunting. I also wish they had more videos and less reading. But apparently they’re aware of these short coming and plan to address it this summer. So I’m looking forward to seeing that. As a member for several years, the one thing I appreciate about WA is they’re constantly adding new things to improve the site for it’s members. You’ll never end up joining and thinking well I didn’t get my money’s worth. Everyone may not end up making money but I doubt you’ll read that its because WA didn’t give them enough.

      But go ahead and do your research.

      I hope this helps either way.

  2. Hi Eddy!!

    Thanks for the heads up as always enjoy your weekend as well to our viewers and readers out there.

    Veronica N.


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