Well it's the end of another week. I hope it was a good one for you. If not here's a quote to consider:
"Nothing is worth more than this day."
– Goethe
It's simple but true when you really think about it. So just keep that in mind instead of replaying things in your mind that didn't work out the way you wanted. Think about how you would've preferred things to turn out and work towards it today.
In any event, I've found some new work at home jobs. But before we get to them, let's get some housekeeping items out the way to prevent any confusion, hateful comments, threats, demands, etc… You know who you are.
– The leads have been screened to the best of my ability. But when in doubt, head over to our scam section by clicking here. Then proceed to follow the simple steps of our scam video & read some of the existing scams listed on that page. Within that vast information you should be able to easily determine if any company is scam. And remember scam artists don't always ask for fees. (See Package Forward, Check Cashing, & Cash4Gold Scams)
– Please keep in mind I CAN'T make jobs magically appear to fit your needs or locations. Although I wish I could. But what I find, is what I list! This will change from week to week. So as long as you're a loyal subscriber & stay faithful to me, you'll be the first to know. But if you decide to stray & leave me for a younger & hotter site, then you risk missing out on some good leads.
– It should be noted we're a U.S. based site, so most of our job leads will be in America. Look, It's nothing personal against you or your nation. I don't believe in drinking "hatorade". (Eddy loves all people.) So that's why I've created an international work at home job page for people that live outside the U.S. Click here to visit it now.
– I'm not personally affiliated with the employers or companies listed below unless otherwise noted. So any question or issues should be addressed with the companies directly.
– And finally, some of you may be visiting this page all after the fact. This may mean the jobs listed below are no longer available. Again, there isn't anything I can do about that. If you're subscriber, just patiently wait for my next job lead post. Or you can visit my other site www.WorkAtHomeCareers.com to see if we've posted similar jobs there or check out our work at home companies page.
Good luck either way! If you like what we're doing please show your love in the comment field below the jobs or share this page with others. By the way if you do land a job or start making money because of what you've learned on this site, then shout it out in the comment field so we know folks are succeeding. Hey, even I need a little encouragement sometimes too.
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Contract Attorney (TN licensed)
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You offer some good resources here for real work from home opportunities. There are so many companies out there making big earnings claims that don’t pan out. It makes people skeptical of the whole work from home concept, and they miss out on the many legit opportunities that exist out there. I think your post highlights some of the better options.
Thanks Dan,
I totally agree which is why I try my best to highlight there are ways to make money from home even if it’s not traditional options that folks never considered. But it can be a hard battle when you have so much crap out there making these ridiculous claims. But fortunately if you provide people with honest information that highlight the pros and cons they tend to be open minded. So it’s getting better.