New Work At Home Leads For 08.22.09

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Hey guys, hope you had a great week. It's been hot as hell here in NY. But I'm not complaining considering the rainy season we've been having here instead of a summer and spring. Quick question for you folks, is it possible for a 1 year old to be giving attitude at such a young age? My little princess has been testing the boundaries of late & I find myself having to "check" her more than usual. I wasn't really expecting this for another 10-12 years. Any other parents with young kids going through this?

Well enough of the chit chat, now on to the good stuff. I've found some new work at home jobs. But before we get to them, let's get some housekeeping items out the way to prevent any confusion, hateful comments, threats, demands, etc… You know who you are.


– The leads have been screened to the best of my ability. But when in doubt, head over to our scam section by clicking here. Then proceed to follow the simple steps of our scam video & read some of the existing scams listed on that page. Within that vast information you should be able to easily determine if any company is scam. And remember scam artists don't always ask for fees. (See Package Forward, Check Cashing, & Cash4Gold Scams)

– Please keep in mind I CAN'T make jobs magically appear to fit your needs or locations. Although I wish I could. But what I find, is what I list! This will change from week to week. So as long as you're a loyal subscriber & stay faithful to me, you'll be the first to know. But if you decide to stray & leave me for a younger & hotter site, then you risk missing out on some good leads.

– It should be noted we're a U.S. based site, so most of our job leads will be in America. Look, It's nothing personal against you or your nation. I don't believe in drinking "hatorade". (Eddy loves all people.) So that's why I've created an international work at home job page for people that live outside the U.S. Click here to visit it now.

– I'm not personally affiliated with the employers or companies listed below unless otherwise noted. So any question or issues should be addressed with the companies directly.

– And finally, some of you may be visiting this page all after the fact. This may mean the jobs listed below are no longer available. Again, there isn't anything I can do about that. If you're subscriber, just patiently wait for my next job lead post. Or you can visit my other site to see if we've posted similar jobs there or check out our work at home companies page.

Good luck either way! If you like what we're doing please show your love in the comment field below the jobs or share this page with others.

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14 thoughts on “New Work At Home Leads For 08.22.09”

  1. Eddy,

    Michael Brown here from Niche Blitzkrieg. Thanks for testing us out and for your great comments.

    One thing I wanted to point out is that with Niche Blitzkrieg we also offer 1 on 1 support in the forum from both myself and my staff without any additional charges.

    I’ve checked out WA in the past and also thought it was confusing especially when trying to break down the fundamentals to a raw newbie. But hey, I’m semi biased 🙂 I also thought WA was a good course just for the record as well – so no bashing here.

    Thanks again for adding Niche Blitzkrieg as an option.

    • Hi Mike,

      You’re welcome. You definitely have a good program and it’s improved with the recent updates. I do plan to write up a review soon to give folks an alternative to WA which I’m obviously a big fan of. But like I’ve clearly laid out in my review:
      they definitely have some weaknesses. However that’s the case for any site. Trust me I already have some areas of improvements for your site that I plan to discuss in my review. lol But overall I do prefer how your site is laid out because it’s newbie proof and provides video to accompany the theories.

      But variety is the spice of life. I think any would be marketer would do well to use both resources if they could afford it because coupled together they fill in the gaps that either one of you have. In any event, thanks for chiming in.

  2. Eddy,

    I can understand your enthusiasm for Wealthy Affiliate, but for me I found it overwhelming and
    joined up with Niche Blitzkrieg. From all that I’ve researched NB covers introductory basics and it’s a one time fee too. WA as you know is $40.00 a month to be a memer. Steve over
    at I’ve Tried That endorses NB and if memory serves, you too endorsed NB. They recently sent free a whole
    bunch of info I just started to go over.

    Just a comment to you and your response about NB.

    Maybe NB is an entry level Chevy and WA is a Corvette.


    Bill Slateritz

    • Hi Bill,

      Thanks for your comment. As someone that has tried them both, I think they’re both great. Blitz definitely does a better job of simplifying the limited concepts they cover. Whereas WA gives you everything including the kitchen sink. This is definitely overwhelming. That’s why I also give folks that sign up under me my personal guide document which has helped. That being said, WA is aware of the overwhelming feelings some members get and have been addressing it. I’ve been privy to their new platinum version that is coming soon and it’s a lot more focused and cleaner to understand. The other advantages of Wealthy affiliate is their WA Gold program, job board, their forums and one on one support of Kyle and Carson. I also like the spaces feature of WA which provides you additional guides which tend to be easier to follow and provide you with various other techniques that can be easily followed and used. So I think your comparison is pretty fair. I think one would do well with either one. But my preference is WA and why I’m still a member. But to each their own and why I listed NB as an option. Variety is the spice of life. =)

  3. Yes, this definitely is your first child. LOL! Eddy said he thought the child would be ELEVEN or TWELVE YEARS OLD before attitude and boundary testing would show up. My son tested me first at 9 months of age, and get this–he was a preemie!

    But you have the right attitude Eddy, because some things being sort of “cute” in a little child is not cute later on. Anything you see now that you know you’re not going to tolerate later on needs to be phased out as soon as possible.

    I worked in a children’s clinic for several years and I can testify to cute getting old an being very unbecoming just looking at and listening to the daily, every day confusion brought in by the parents and their children. A real mess!

    There were 6 children in my family and certain behaviors were unacceptable therefore nipped in the bud. But we still had a very good childhood that I wouldn’t trade for anything. I thank God for my parents, grandparents, and other relatives, as well as the school teachers and the neighbors, who all looked out for our well-being.

    The best to you, the Mrs, and Baby, and I already know that you know what you’re doing. LOL@ 11 to 12 years old….

    • Hey Big “Sis”!

      Thanks for chiming in and sharing your wisdom. As always you have sound advice that I appreciate.
      It’s funny my aunt-in-law thought it was hilarious too that I thought the attitude wouldn’t come for much later. Goes to show how much of a greenhorn I am. LOL
      But fortunately I have my strict parents as a model that had worked pretty well for me. So if I can be half as good as them then Bee should do fine. I just need to work on my patience. Fortunately my wife is really good at there. I always have to remind myself that she is only a baby so for now I’ll have to repeat myself many times over until she finally gets it. I’m old school and feel that parents shouldn’t have to repeat themselves when you’re telling a child to do something. But Bee is still a baby so she’s going to continue to say No regardless and I’m just going to need to keep pushing on and showing her right from wrong. When she fails to listen or starts throwing me some attitude I just place her in her crib, close the door and let her cry it out. Then I explain to her when she calms down why she was punished. Eventually it will sink in but sometimes I’m just not in the mood. I’m also trying some different tactics since she seems to be as stubborn as me and the raising of my voice isn’t having the same impact anymore. So we’re getting there. As tough as this can be its way better dealing with a real baby and not ones in suits that dictate how much money I make. lol

  4. Being that your little princess is my niece, I am probably going to be a little bit biased.
    I must admit she has a strong personality, but the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.
    That being said as long as you and your wife show cohesiveness and consistency, she will know very soon what is and isn’t acceptable behavior. Please don’t be too hard on my boonga bear!!!

  5. @Eddy Salomon:

    Hey all,

    Good discussion about kiddos.


    I will say that my hubby and I being parents to 2 generations of kiddos (2 grown and 2 grade schoolers) with 15 years between the two generations … raising the later generation is so much different than when we raised our grown daughters. Your daughter behaves very similar to my now 10 & 8 year old when they were 1 1/2 – 2 years old.

    I definitely agree that consistency is a major plus. Our ground rules, parental counsel, consistency, etc. has not changed between the generations, but my 2 grade schoolers have such a different demeanor than their grown siblings had at their age … it seems that they get that belt more than their sibs did. lol I know it has to do with the changed times.

    No, it is not unusual for your daughter to be showing that “tude” at her However, it sounds like you and your wife are definitely on the right track with your daughter. Keep it up, and yes like Elizabeth said, that consistency will work.

    Two thumbs way up for good parents … and even up higher for single parents who have raised kiddos who are functioning well within society!

    Just wanted to add my 2 cents. 😉

  6. Does anyone know how the email reading pays? I clicked on their page and read all of the areas I could find, but saw nothing telling me how much I would be paid per email read. I did find that I would be paid 2 cents for every email read by my referrals, but nothing about the payment for the emails I personally read.
    Appreciate input from wnyone who has tried this and knows about the payment, as well as how many emials they are typically sent to read each day.
    Thank You in advance for any assistance you can provide.

    • Hi Barney,

      It depends on the get paid to read email company. Most just pay .01 – .02 cents per email. The amount of emails you receive will vary depending on the company and your profile.
      It’s not something you can live off with your own efforts. But if you add referrals to the mix then you can make some decent money.

      Read the following articles for more details:

      I’m sure it will help you.

      Hey Callie,

      Thanks for chiming in. It’s good to know that my wife and I are on the correct path. But its true these kids are a bit different previous generations. They seem a lot smarter and a little too grown for my taste. But at the end of the day, good parenting usually prevails no matter how much they may change.

  7. Your daughter is just figuring out that she’s an individual. And Yes, that comes with an attitude. As long as she understands the boundaries you and your wife have set for her, she’ll be just fine. I learned this in beginning Psych in college: kids act up so that they can find out what the boundaries are and not because they’re bad kids. Just remember: insanity and gray hair are hereditary: we get ’em from our kids.

    • That seems to be the consensus. Thanks for chiming in. At the end of the day I will continue to push back until she is able to develop the cognitive ability to realize that Daddy don’t play that. lol

  8. Be consistent with your child, you will see it will work. I raised 5 as a single parent and praise God non of them have spent time in jail. They all function well in society.

    • Hey Elizabeth,

      Thanks for chiming in. Consistency is definitely not an issue on my end. lol She already knows who the “bad guy” is in my house. Fortunately my wife and I are on the same page so when she tries to run to Mommy after I scold her, Mommy is always quick to remind her that when Daddy says something you listen and you won’t need to get scolded. We just find it interesting how she’s moved to this phase so quickly. Saying no is like here new past time.

      That being said, I’m totally there with you. That’s one my favorite lines. I’m trying to raise productive citizens here. I think Chris Rock said it best in regards to raising a daughter. Your job as a father is to keep your daughter off the stripper pole. lol In any event, it’s sad to think that because we’ve managed to raise kids that have stayed out jail, it’s a huge accomplishments (although it is!). You would think that’s a given but oh how times have changed. Thanks for sharing and thanks for doing your job as a parent and raising your kids right. If only parents took this job more responsible we might have less screwed and selfish people in this world.

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