New Work At Home Leads For 10.24.09

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Hey Guys, Sorry for the late job leads and infrequent posts of late. I've been fighting a little cold. In addition to that, I'm working on a project that is almost ready to go live. There is a lot of time and money being spent so it works just right for you. So If you're in the market for a work at home job, you'll love what I have planned. Best of all it's going to be FREE, just the way you like it. I'm successful because of your support so I always try to re-invest my profits into the site to help my loyal user base.

So bear with me for the next couple of weeks. I have a great team of people that is working as fast as they can to get this up and running. But I don't want to half ass it. That being said, I'm being more anal than usual to ensure everything is just right. So now you know what's going on. Any other rumor you may have heard is just gossip. lol

In any event I've found some new work at home jobs. But before we get to them, let's get some housekeeping items out the way to prevent any confusion, hateful comments, threats, demands, etc… You know who you are.


– The leads have been screened to the best of my ability. But when in doubt, head over to our scam section by clicking here. Then proceed to follow the simple steps of our scam video & read some of the existing scams listed on that page. Within that vast information you should be able to easily determine if any company is scam. And remember scam artists don't always ask for fees. (See Package Forward, Check Cashing, & Cash4Gold Scams)

– Please keep in mind I CAN'T make jobs magically appear to fit your needs or locations. Although I wish I could. But what I find, is what I list! This will change from week to week. So as long as you're a loyal subscriber & stay faithful to me, you'll be the first to know. But if you decide to stray & leave me for a younger & hotter site, then you risk missing out on some good leads.

– It should be noted we're a U.S. based site, so most of our job leads will be in America. Look, It's nothing personal against you or your nation. I don't believe in drinking "hatorade". (Eddy loves all people.) So that's why I've created an international work at home job page for people that live outside the U.S. Click here to visit it now.

– I'm not personally affiliated with the employers or companies listed below unless otherwise noted. So any question or issues should be addressed with the companies directly.

– And finally, some of you may be visiting this page all after the fact. This may mean the jobs listed below are no longer available. Again, there isn't anything I can do about that. If you're subscriber, just patiently wait for my next job lead post. Or you can visit my other site to see if we've posted similar jobs there or check out our work at home companies page.

Good luck either way! If you like what we're doing please show your love in the comment field below the jobs or share this page with others. By the way if you do land a job or start making money because of what you've learned on this site, then shout it out in the comment field so we know folks are succeeding. Hey, even I need a little encouragement sometimes too.

Work From Home (Telecommuting) Job Leads

Home Based Customer Service Reps Wanted!

Home Based Customer Service Reps

Benefit Coder

Part-Time Computer Operator

Faculty Specialist

Ethical Hacker / Penetration Tester

Client Service Liaison

National Coding Specialist II

Part-time Member Service Representative

Internet Assessors

Article Contributor Wanted

Recommended Instant Work At Home Opportunities

Email Reader

Online Shoppers

Ad Clickers Wanted

Get Paid To Be Green

Mystery Shoppers

Online Chatters

Text Message Operators

Make Money With Used Books

Survey Taker

Work At Home With (Data Entry, Typing, etc)

More Job Leads (Membership based site)

9 thoughts on “New Work At Home Leads For 10.24.09”

  1. Eddy, is there any approximate date in mind as to when this new business adventure will be announced. I know you had said in a couple of weeks but I was just curious if a launch date had been decided yet. Like I said in my previous comment, since being unemployed for a year now I am very anxious for this news. Hope you had a great Halloween with your family. Thanks

  2. Eddy all I can say is thank you!!! Finally someone I can trust to give me the truth.
    Wish I had found you sooner, keep up the great work.

  3. Eddy, my hopes are up now and I can’t wait for this new business adventure that you are currently working on. I am ready for just about anything since being unemployed for a year now. Also, thanks for helping to weed out all of the phoney businesses out there on the web.

  4. Eddy,
    That sounds great to me. Right now, I have decided that even answering phones at home is better than what I am doing now – nothing. So, I’ll be watching this spot for your new opportunity. Thanks for giving me hope!

    Ed Cohen


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