6 Figure Ignition – Is It Worth The Money?

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6 figure ignition logoMost of y'all know that I've been making money online for many moons now. A lot of my success comes from the training and support I have received from My Top Free Recommendation! I am not out here to try to brag. I'm telling you this so you get some perspective in that I've been around the block a few times. So I know what it takes to run a successful business online.

But I wonder if you know what one of the most important aspects is to keep the business successful. Take a guess, I'll wait…

You know what it is? You can never be complacent, relax and think you are done working. Any successful business involves on going work and getting the proper support so you can grow. Otherwise you're doomed to fail or become stagnant.

That said I am always looking for new income streams and ways to improve how I do things, in order to grow my business.

Just a couple of weeks ago I came across a new program launch that caught my attention. The email I received said:

“How would you like to sell 100's of products per month, Be in the top 5 of your industry for earning, become an authority in your niche, and build a massive responsive 20,000 + subscriber list in the next 90 days flat? All while building a 5-figure online business”.

Naturally, Eddy with a y was very interested to find out what this program is all about and set out to take a closer look.

What Is 6 Figure Ignition?

6FI is an internet marketing training & coaching group with main focus on list building, email marketing and paid traffic strategies.

The co-founders allegedly have a combined 26 years experience in the online industry.

Bob Beckett (17 years in the business) specializes in systems, traffic, conversions and the building of huge subscriber lists.

James Starr (9 years in the industry) specializes in paid traffic and list building. He coaches students and teaches traffic strategies.

The program was launched just recently and there is not much information on the web as of today. However, I found some testimonials on Youtube and Google, but I don't give them much credence; they are simply stating some basic information and “how fantastic” the course and coaching is”.

The price is a whopping $197.00 per month. They offer a “limited trial” for $7.00 for 7 days and I decided to take the plunge and check it out.

6 figure ignition review
As you can see, at the time I took the $7.00 trial, there were 136 happy customers that joined 6 Figure Ignition.

What You Get or NOT GET For Your $197.00 Per Month

I expected a lot of One-On-One coaching by Bob & James and also a very active community in the member area. Well, I expected too much as I found out real quick and got a rude awakening. I can blame nobody else but myself for not scrutinizing their website before I signed up.

1) Opportunity To Get Coached By 2 Industry Leaders

6 figure ignition coaching

They got to be kidding me, right? No, my friends, they are dead serious. I expected real One-on-One coaching and not this “1 hour per week via webinar BS“. $197.00 per month should buy me more than 1 hour in a group setting. How much minutes do I get in that hour?

2) Exclusive Email Support

6 figure igniton email support

LOL! ONLY the first 50 members are allowed ONE extra question per week via email. What about the other members? Do they get their money back, or what? And if your are lucky enough (or stupid enough to be a member still) to belong to this exclusive 50 member group, you have to “produce a video“? Now I know that these 2 clowns are totally nuts.

3) Special VIP Deals

6 figure ignition vip deals

Welcome to the UPSELL Zone. No surprise though, I almost expected this to happen anyways. $197/month is not enough, for Bobby and Jamie. Now they have “specials” which YOU, as “valued member with very limited personal coaching”, will get “first dibs” at, and for “half price“.

4) Exclusive Training Back Office

6 figure ignition_exclusive training

Hopefully there will be no extra charge for every new video they plan to add to teach you everything to run a successful 6 figure business. They are kind of vague what exactly they will be teaching you.

5) More Training From Industry Leaders, aka GURUS

6 figure ignition training

Now this is a big chunk of BALONEY! “Multi Millionaires on video, “that are only allowed to speak to you if they give you a special deal on their products“. Do you get it? More UPSELLS, to be brutally honest, that's what this is all about. Plain and simple.

6) The Secret Facebook Mastermind Group

6 figure ignition facebook group

First off, there is nothing secret on Facebook. Secondly, Bob & James are cheap. Supposedly they made millions on the internet, but wouldn't spend the extra few thousand bucks it cost to include a real member forum into their program. Secret Facebook Mastermind group, my behind!

Now you know what what to expect when you join this outfit. Let me summarize and show you the……..

Cons of 6 Figure Ignition

If you've been reading this article so far you probably already know what my complaints against Six Figure Ignition are already. But just in case you've been skimming (Yes I see you.. lol), let me break it down.

  • The Price: $197.00/month is simply too much for the little you will get (see points 1-6 above)
  • The Upsells: By the way they word the “extras”, you have to be prepared to be constantly hit with additional product offers. This is a common practice in Guru programs.
  • The limited coaching: I don't want to rant, but I have to repeat myself. The 1 hour coaching in a webinar setting is ludicrous, to word it nicely.
  • No mentioning of necessary monthly expenses: You will need to pay for an auto responder, hosting, solo ads, traffic exchanges and whatever they say you need to “super charge” your business. These expenses can run from a couple of hundreds to close to a thousand dollars per month.
  • No real member forum: I like an active and supportive member forum where you can get help at any time you need it. FB group members are not really supportive of each other. The groups I used to belong to, were mainly there to blast posts with “make money online” stuff and not helping each other out.

Is Six Figure Ignition A Flat Out Scam?

No, it is not. It is a legitimate program that does have some value for some people. Although over priced and underperforming, I give the program 2 stars out of 5. I cannot recommend it, but if you want to give it a try, go right ahead.

There are way too many negatives in this program. The price of 197.00 is outrageous, considering the very limited coaching and support. If you have a profitable online business already and can afford to throw a couple of thousand dollars away to rub shoulders with some rich gurus, go for it for a few months.

If you are a newbie to the industry and have a limited budget, you simply cannot afford to waste your money on 6 Figure Ignition.

Maybe it's just me, but I don't even like the name of this program. The “Six Figure Theme” has been used, and misused, so many times in the past, it's not even funny anymore. Most of the programs using that name were outright scams; notably Six Figure Income, Six Figure Mentor, Six Figure Toolkit, Six Figure Funnel Formula, 6 Figure Commissions.

I hope you liked reading my 6 Figure Ignition Review as much as I enjoyed writing it. I would love to hear your opinion, so chime in and leave a comment below.

What's an alternative to 6 Figure Ignition?

Are you looking for a real opportunity to make money online? If you do, I can help you. You might want to check out My Top Free Work At Home Recommendation! I will show you how I make a livable income and I am sure, you can do the same in time. That said I'm not making any ridiculous claims that you'll be making 6 figures in a few months with little work. I've already made it clear that's some ol BS. However if you can follow directions and are ready to work to make the income you want and not dictated to you by an employer then you definitely want to check out my recommendation.

But it is completely up to you TO TAKE ACTION and check it out. You can do that for FREE and determine if this is the right thing for you. You have nothing to lose, I can guarantee you that.

That's it for today. Again, I would love to hear from you. So, don't forget to leave a word or two on your way out.

Thanks for stopping by

Eddy with a y

24 thoughts on “6 Figure Ignition – Is It Worth The Money?”

  1. So I see review about what all you say your suppose to get with them but not once do you actually mention what you get nor how in-depth all the training modules are…. I guess if you are promoting your stuff you would want to bash other peoples stuff to make yours look better. Am I right? As far as the $197, you are right it is a little steep. But I guess thats what separates the people who truly want to learn the ins and outs of making money online. Now, talking about the forum. As soon as you log in its right below it plus under every video is a comment section. As much as people are on facebook why would you not have a closed group so people can access it at any time. Oh you might could add that they respond to basically every question that gets posted in there. Shouldn’t give one-sided reviews brotha. Looks bad on your own integrity.

    • Hey Daniel,

      Thanks for chiming in. My integrity is never in question here buddy. I’ve been helping people avoid scams for years and judging by the hundreds of comments I’ve received on scams like this here. I think I’m doing just fine. And the fact that new agencies interview me and reference my site speaks volumes too. So trying to attack someone that has been in this business for over a decade helping people won’t help make your company more appealing.

      That said, I know it’s going to rub reps of these companies the wrong way when I point out some of the flaws. You can sit here and try to hate on me for doing so. But as you can people appreciate knowing these things before making a purchase and not having surprises popped up on them. Because every company has flaws and to sit here and act like they don’t shows your integrity my friend.

      And yes sir I’m in the business of recommending legitimate companies that help my users and me make money in the process. But the difference is the companies I’ve actually recommended I have proven success with. I don’t just recommend them because I make a profit. Otherwise I’d be promoting this program you’re defending because I could make some big bucks doing so. But no I only promote and recommend things i know have worked for me and I hope they can work for other people.

      But I don’t make a judgement call on people that don’t want to spend money they may not have to invest in a program. If this program is so good, they should put their money where their mouth is and let people try it for free like my top recommendation does. And by the way if I were just bashing companies and not trying to be objective your comment would have been deleted. But I want people like you who promote this stuff to have a forum as well. At the end of the day I do appreciate hearing the other side. But trying to discredit me isn’t how you make a case for this company.

      Thanks again for chiming in though.

    • Hi Daniel, I totally agree with Eddy. You think he ‘bashed’ these 2 clowns Bob and Andy and their worthless program? He was way too nice in his assessment. I don’t know how many people are stupid enough to pay $200 per month for “access to them ONCE per week for 1 hr during a live Q&A webinar AND for ONE extra question per week via email”.

      I guess not too many, and this it what separates folks with some functional brain cells from dummies like you. I wonder what in the hell made them “Industry Leaders”. Oh darn, I forgot, the Sharpe brothers also are industry leaders. You know, those two scam artists from the great Empower Network Pyramid.

      You, Daniel, need to read the comment below from Mike. Maybe you will have some excuses for his complaint as well.

      I am glad Eddy with a y is in a position to warn people about ‘schlemiels’ like Bob & Andy and Mazel Tov to you, you really need it.

    • Thanks for chiming in John. You always have a way with words and are never afraid to tell it like it is. I appreciate you reaffirming what the review laid out.

  2. Eddy – great review! I actually met bob randomly playing poker and he was telling me all about it and decided to just check it out for the 7 day 7 dollar offer. Here is the kicker… Once I signed up, I decided to cancel pretty much immediately. But there was no way to cancel! I even entered into the forum search function on the site, “cancel membership.” And there was someone who had posted in the site asking how to cancel because he didn’t want to get charged the 197$ But couldn’t find a cancel option either. And in the manage subscription area… No link to cancel. So I checked my bank account and I had 204 dollars less, 7 dollars less (no big deal) but then a pending transaction for the first months payment already in progress to go to them at the end of 7 days. So I cancelled my debit card immediately.

    Did you have the same problem? As far as not finding a canceling option during the 7 days and then being billed for the first month. How unethical is this in your opinion? I mean maybe their is something in fine print on the site saying you have to email to cancel…but at the same time, the 1st month payment to them was already pending as my bank said.

    • Hey Mike,

      Thanks for sharing your experience. I can’t say I’m surprised. Many of the shady companies will make it damn near impossible to cancel so you did the right thing. And yes I think it is very unethical.

  3. no way , seems like they are making money (our money) would click off right when I read how much,suppose to making money giving it away.love ya Eddy with a Y,thanks for all your help.

  4. Hi Eddy with a y,
    Loved this article…$197.00…whew! Thanks for your research.
    Keep up the great work! There are so many scams out there and I have seen so many while searching for legitimate opportunities.
    I love WA and appreciate you pointing me in the right direction.
    Tammy (WA member)

    • Hey Tammy,

      Thanks for chiming in! I know that $197 monthly fee is a killer especially considering what we get as WA members for so much less. So thanks for speaking to that. I’m glad you’re enjoying WA. Hopefully by now you see why I recommend it so often and why I’ve been a member since 2007. I’ll continue to check up on you over there. Thanks again for the feedback.

  5. Ooooooo I’ve got to invest in this company!!!! NOT!!!! THIS IS NUTS!!! You would be a fool to throw away your hard earned money to get into this! No way!

  6. Hi Eddy, spot on review, like always. I could not afford paying $197/month for a once-a-week email consultation in a group setting with one of the owners. On top of it, I would have to record a video so they are able to understand whatever questions I may have. Just wonder how many folks are falling for this crap.

    • Hey John,

      Thanks for the kind words. I have a great team of people to help me make these reviews on point. In any event, I agree the $197 per month is cray. It’s too rich for my blood especially when there are more affordable alternatives like WA where you get way more support of the owners and a whole community. But sometimes people feel if you pay more you get more. I’m not sure that’s the case here. Thanks for chiming in as always!

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