Toluna Survey Review: Is it Legit or a Scam?

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Is Toluna a scam or real?Chances are you've run into ads claiming you can make a boatload of money taking surveys. Unfortunately many of these companies exaggerate how much you can really make and how easy it is. Obviously a lot of the outrageous claims are ridiculous and faker than a hair weave. But there are some legitimate survey companies out there. But is one of them? That remains to be seen. But we'll find out in my review below.

Who is Toluna? is a market research company that pays participants to take online surveys about various products and services. They have 16 offices in Europe, North America and Asia Pacific. And according to their website, they work with many of the world's leading market-research agencies, media agencies and corporations.

They have a positive rating with the Better Business Bureau ( BBB ) if that makes you feel better.

How much can I make with Toluna?

Toluna pays on a point system for taking surveys and other activities. But the points can be redeemed for real cash, so settle down. Lol It looks like you need at least $20-$25 to redeem cash via paypal or a check which is about 30,000 points. But you get 500 points just for signing up which is nice and gives you a bit of a head start.

The pay for surveys range from 15 points to 20,000 points. The longer the survey, the more you'll earn (assuming you actually get past the screener surveys). So needless to say you won't be earning enough to replace or supplement your income. If you want to do that you may want to consider My #1 Free Work At Home Recommendation

How do I sign up for Toluna & is it free?

Unlike the middleman sites you probably run into that charge you for a list of free survey sites, you can join Toluna directly and for free!

Toluna Survey Complaints.

So I'm going to cover a few of the common complaints about Toluna down below. But please keep in mind this isn't isolated to only. I've heard a lot of these same complaints with other legitimate survey companies. Either way it's important to know them beforehand so you don't end up wasting your time and effort if these complaints are deal breakers for you.

1. Long Ass Surveys.

This is a very common complaint. Many times you're taking a survey that can require a considerate amount of time and effort. But when you look at the reward, it usually adds up to below minimum wage or less. For some folks this isn't worth the energy. You're better off getting a job at a fast food place for that. Or if you're willing to put in all that work and want to earn some real money, then consider My #1 Free Work At Home Recommendation! Either way, whether this type of opportunity is worth the effort is all based on your perspective and situation.

2. Shady Disqualification Screeners

There is nothing more frustrating about surveys then spending at least 10-15 minutes going through a screener questionnaire to discover you don't qualify. Why would it need to take that amount of time and data for the company to figure out you don't qualify? Some have argued companies like Toluna are still gathering useful data but are jerking their panelist out of money.

3. Points Expire.

I tend to stack my rewards on these extra money opportunities for a rainy day or when I want to buy holiday gifts. Well that may not be an option with Toluna. Apparently your points will expire within a year of when you acquired them. Why would points need to expire? It's not like they're going to spoil like milk. I just find the policy shady and unnecessary. It reminds me of gift cards that deduct bits of money for every month you don't use them. It just seems designed to screw us over.

4. Long Wait For My Money!

It's bad enough these surveys are longer than an SAT test. But unlike some of my favorite websites which pay instantly or within a day or two, you'll be waiting 8 long weeks for your reward from Toluna. Why it takes 8 weeks to submit an online payment or mail a check is beyond me? But if you need that money relatively quickly, this isn't the place for you.

So is A Scam or Legitimate?

It depends on what you define as a scam. Survey sites really get people polarized. Some people just feel like it's a complete waste of time and the pay isn't worth it. So it's a “scam”. Other complain if they don't qualify or run into technical issues that stop them from getting credited. When this happens, folks get bitter and label the company a scam as well.

I'm of the opinion that yes you can get paid to participate in surveys by So it's not a scam in that technical respect. Do they have some shady policies, yes I think so. Is it worth your time? I don't think so.

This is why I spend very little time on surveys because I make real money with My #1 Free Work At Home Recommendation! However I do believe every little bit counts. You just want to make sure you spend most of your time on the opportunities that will give you the biggest return and the rest of your free time on the smaller opportunities. I think there is room for a mix of both. But that's really on you to decide. Speak to you soon!

Eddy with a Y!

Free Way

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