So hopefully you've read my WA page here or at least skimmed through it. But you may still have questions which is why you're here. So with that said, I've come up with a Frequently Asked Questions page.
Hopefully it answers all your questions, if not feel free to post a comment at the bottom of the page.
How does this work and how do I make money?
Have you ever referred someone to a great restaurant, product. movie or service? Chances are you have. Well imagine if your favorite place to eat paid you for sending people to their restaurant. Some of them might pay you just for having the person walk in. Others might pay you when the person you referred bought a tasty meal or they may decide that they'll only pay you for having the person sign up for their weekly mailings.
Either way that's how this business works and it's called affiliate marketing. Except you're doing it online with a website that we'll show you how to build for FREE in 4 easy steps.
You won't need your own product because you get to work with big companies like Amazon, Google and many others for FREE. They will pay you for putting their links on your site and referring people to them.
And we show you what to write on your website so it can be found for FREE on search engines like Google so people will click on those affiliate links on your site that make you money!
If you're still not wrapping your brain around how this works, that's fine. There's a nice diagram and video right here that might do a better job of breaking it down for you:
In the FREE step by step training and hand holding WA provides, they literally break down all the details so you're not confused. Click here if you want to learn how to build your online business for FREE so you can finally make real money online like Eddy with a y does.
Is this even real or legitimate?
Yes this business is real. Billion dollar companies like Amazon, Google, Microsoft and many others are part of this business. If you google affiliate program + any of the companies name, you'll see they all have affiliate programs. So if it wasn't legitimate why would they have these programs in place?
That said you can read some of the success stories of members who have been trained by WA and have made money with this business here and here Click here if you want to to learn how to make this legitimate business successful for you too.
How soon can I make money?
That really depends from person to person. Like any online business, you get out of it what you put into it over time. It's not like a job where you put in x hours and you're going to get x salary at the end of the week. Initially you're building momentum and eventually you'll start seeing the results of your work. But I'd be lying to you if i said there is an exact time frame for when you make money with your business. It's like going to college, they can't tell you how soon or if you'll make money after graduating. They just equip you with the knowledge and tools so you're more likely to make money when you leave. The Wealthy Affiliate community is the same way. My personal story will differ from yours (no exact two stories are the same), Some people are faster, some are slower.
But if you need some inspiration you can read some of these success stories of fellow WA Members here and here
Click here if you you're ready to put in the work long term to make this business work for you in time.
How do I get paid and when do I get paid?
You'll get paid by one of the companies you become an affiliate of. They usually pay by check, direct deposit or paypal. It will differ depending on the company you work with. Some companies will pay monthly others will pay quarterly. Either way when you sign up for FREE to be an affiliate of a given company that you'll put on your website, they'll tell you how you get paid, what you get paid and when. You'll also be able to log into their individual websites to see how much money you've made and are owed. They'll also email you too.
Ready to get started? Click here to join WA for FREE!
Can this business be done in any country?
Yes, the Internet is global and so is the opportunity. There are folks within absolutely every country in the world at WA (and lots of them). With close to 280,000 members, you have a community that you can network with and it is really exciting to see people within all niches, from all countries in the world building successful businesses online.
So yes, most definitely you can.
Ready to join other international WA Members who are making money? Click here to join!
How do I get started & is there a cost?
The great thing about the WA community is they provide options to people regardless of your financial situation. With WA you have two options which are as follows:
- Starter Membership, $0 aka FREE for as long as you want.
- Premium Membership, $47 per month or pay $359 per year if you want to save money.
It's your choice either way. Most people just sign up as a starter member since It's FREE and you can stay at the level for as long as you want. There is no pressure to upgrade.
So getting started is as simple as:
1. Sign up for a FREE Starter account by clicking here.
2. Fill in your profile which consist of adding a short description of yourself and why you've joined WA, uploading a picture of yourself or anything you want.
3. Start the step by step training where we walk you through building a website & making money with it.
That's pretty much all you need to do. Once you've completed your profile completely, then I'll contact you within WA to show you the training. So it's important you follow directions so I can reach you in there.
Don't worry if you don't totally get the process or have questions. Obviously WA goes into much more detail within the training and WA has a community there to hold your hand if you ever get stuck (myself included). You won't be alone and things become a lot more clear as you go through the training, I promise you that!
So click here to get started as a FREE Starter member!
What's the difference between the starter & premium membership?
Here's the difference laid out for you:
Starter Membership, $0 for as long as you want (Join Here)
Premium Membership, $47 per month / $359 per year if you want to save money. (Join Here)
As a FREE Starter member, you are provided instant access to the Wealthy Affiliate community. This includes access to live chat with other successful members and newbies, over 500 training modules, 3 classrooms, networking, commenting, 2 free websites, access to the keyword tool. On and on and on. To be honest, there isn't another paid product in the industry that can compete with Wealthy Affiliate's FREE Starter membership, other than...
Wealthy Affiliate Premium. This is the "be all end all" package if you are even remotely interested in building a successful online business. Wealthy Affiliate was created to remove all of the other "stuff" you need to worry about during your day to day activities. The pesky hosting fees, the pesky keyword tool fees, website builder fees, paying for hired help, searching the net tirelessly for answers to your questions, and getting access to the RIGHT training...all those things have vanished within Wealthy Affiliate Premium into a single low price. I always say that once you have Wealthy Affiliate Premium, you will never buy another guru book, internet scam, or expensive online success course again. I mean it! Absolutely EVERYTHING you need is at WA, including the 1-on-1 expert help from real living, breathing and proven experts.
If you want more details on the breakout of the differences between a starter and premium membership, click here.
Either way you have choices when you join WA. You aren't going to be pressured to become a premium member and you won't be hit with an onslaught of upsells like so many of these other shady programs out here! So click here to join as a FREE starter member.
Can I earn money even as a Free member or do I have to be a premium?
My suggestion is to always get rolling initially with the FREE Starter membership. This is going to take you through the foundation building stages, get you through choosing a niche, building a website, and developing your initial website framework. At that point you have a foundation that can be used to be a very successful business online.
But Yes, you can earn within the FREE membership. You have full control over your websites, but the initial focus should be building our your initial foundation and working to get traffic on your website (which is taught as you move through the training). Once you have traffic, you have an audience to promote to (lots of opportunity to generate revenue).
Obviously the Premium membership is advantageous (more training, more live classes, more mentoring, more tools, more access, etc), but upgrade at your own pace and what works best for your and your financial situation.
Ready to get started for FREE, click here:
What happens if I need help or get stuck?
The great thing about Wealthy Affiliate is that it is a community. It's not just some ebook or video course. It's a real community where you can live chat with people like me and you can ask questions of the community which are answered by real people. You can also private message me directly here, the other members or even the owners of WA. So you always have an outlet for help. As long as you're willing to ask questions, you'll eventually get an answer from any of us.
Eddy, I live in Rhode Island and I have heard that there is some law that makes it just about impossible for us Rhode Islanders to become affiliates. Does that count for this as well?
Hey Jerin,
I’ve never heard of such a law. I would recommend you do a little more research to confirm what the exact parameters of this law is and how it may impact you. I can’t see them banning an affiliate marketing since its a legitimate business that companies like Google, Amazon and others facilitate. But the whole premise of WA is to teach you how to make money as an affiliate marketer although the concepts taught can be applied to your own products or business you run.
so is it a wed site that you have other stores sites attached to your site and when they click on it you make money off of it ? if so whats the range
Hey Melanie,
It’s exactly how I described in the first question above which is similar to what you’ve described but a litte more to it. Click here as I mentioned in the first question for a deeper breakdown.
The range can vary depending on your site, the company you’re affiliated with and what you’re being paid for. It could be a couple of cents to thousands of dollars. So it’s going to vary. When you first start out you’re not going to make a lot because you’re just learning this business. I certainly didn’t. But now after putting in some consistent time and never giving up i make thousands consistently. What you make will fall on you. The only reason people won’t make the type of money they want with this or any business is they give up before they do. It’s really that simple. I hope this helps.
What if I do not have a picture to upload? My computer is new and no pictures in it. Also, I have not uploaded before so I am unsure how to do it.
Hey Denise,
They allow you to pic existing pictures you can use. So it’s no biggie. Don’t let that deter you.
hey eddy, im from india can i join for free starter membership?
Hi Abisach,
Yes we have many international members. So yes you can join.