GymPact Review: The App That Pays You To Exercise

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If you've been reading my blog in the last couple of weeks, you'll know I've covered quite a few MLMs that are selling some magical concoction to help you lose weight. My argument is why pay all this ridiculous money for products like this when you can just change your eating habits and work out. Well I imagine its because that involves a lot more work and there is probably a lack of motivation. If it's the latter for you, would working out be more appealing to you if you made some cash for doing it? If so keep reading my GymPact Review because you'll discover how to get paid to exercise!

What is GymPact?

Good question lol. Well, GymPact got started by Pact, Inc. in 2010 when they decided to roll out a program focused on those who are serious about setting and sticking to personal health and fitness goals. GymPact is a free app store download for your iPhone and Android. The GymPact app's multipurpose is to keep you committed to your fitness goals while rewarding you along the way. The GymPact program has caught the attention of the media and has been featured in on/offline newspapers and magazines including The New York Times, CNN, Tech Crunch, Life Hacker, and Shape.

How Does the GymPact App work?

You will want to make sure to thoroughly understand all GymPact rules, requirements, terms of service, and FAQs before deciding to proceed with the program. A doctor's approval prior to beginning may also be recommended. If you've done so and are ready to begin:

  1. Download the free app from The App Store for iPhone or Google Play for Android. Once that is done, create your account with a verifiable email account and a PayPal account
  2. Next, make your way on over to the GymPact site, log in and set your weekly fitness goals. You will also need to make other settings in accordance with your fitness goals in order for the app to do it's thang by properly keeping track of everything: Your workout schedule, missed workout days, earnings, which pact members owes you and how much, etc
  3. At this point in the program you would need to make a pledge to pay between $.30 to $5.00 to the other members if you do NOT reach your goals. But if you do reach your goals, you don't owe anything and would actually collect money from other members who did not reach their goals
  4. To help you stay true & honest to your fitness goals the GymPact app will need to verify: (1) photos of your physical activities, (2) access to your mobile phone's body movement accelerometer, (3) gym membership activity (if applicable), and (4) your gym's address and website prior to adding it
  5. You are now ready to begin your work-out(s) whether it be via gym, partner app, etc

How Does GymPact pay, and when?

  1. At the end of each week if you've completed your agreed upon number of workouts you are rewarded from the pot of money collected from pact members who did not reach/keep their workout goals.
  2. Rewards range from about $.50 to$.75 per workout
  3. Once you reach $10 you can request a cashout via PayPal from the GymPact app
  4. Cashout process takes about 3-5 days for money to be available in your PayPal account
  5. Note: If you miss a scheduled workout it would cost you about $5 per missed workout

GymPact Complaints

Now let's get to the skinny on the complaints against Gympact. Oh you didn't think it was going to be all sweet did you? Every company has some complaints but it doesn't mean they're a scam. Sometimes it's just stuff you need to be aware of to make an informed decision. So let's dive into some of the juicy stuff.

Big Fat F!

( Pun intended. ) At the time of this review GymPact has earned an F rating with the BBB in spite of all the wonderful media coverage. Wow, I can't remember the last time that I reviewed a program or company who had an F rating with the BBB. But at any rate, ya'll know that I'm one who doesn't rely solely on BBB ratings. But I do realize many of you do. So just hearing this may have caused you to write GymPact off. Hey to each their own, I always suggest comparing multiple sources to make a judgement call. But even I was thrown back the large number of complaints filed with the BBB. But they were all closed so who knows what that means. Either way, the rating is something for you to consider if the BBB is you be and end all.

I intentionally paused my account. Why did it close out?

From what I understand, the GymPact app will allow you to pause or “freeze” your account (according to “freeze” guidelines) without it closing. It's supposed to let you unfreeze it to presume your schedule without any problems or closeouts but pact members have spoken out in frustration about that not being so. There have been instances when frozen accounts have been closed without explanation. Supposedly these closed accounts were put in a comatose state in accordance with the freeze guidelines. Yeah, I'd be more than frustrated to have my account closed under these circumstances and my earnings lost. Grrrrrrrrrrr!

Having only email support sucks!

When certain issues arise, it would be nice to pick up the phone and call for support. Email communication is ok but sometimes you just want to speak to someone. I don't know about you but when I have a specific detailed issue I'd rather write about it verbally over the phone than spitting it out in email format. Just because I'm an expert blogger doesn't mean a brotha' doesn't appreciate a writing break now and then lol.

Anticipaaaaaation … it's making me wait …

How many remember the old Heinz ketchup commercial? It's so rich and thick that it took forever for the ketchup to finally land on the burger lol. We live in an instant world. Gimme this, that, and the other like, yesterday … NOW! Nobody wants to wait on anything these days. An important email reply from support is definitely no exception to the rule. Excessively long delays in the time it has taken to receive email replies from support have been reported by GymPact participants. As long as 3 weeks. Now that's just plain ridiculous!

App login issues

The GymPact app has been downloaded successfully. All workout schedule settings are in order. Workout routine is going well and has been for a few days. Suddenly, you attempt to login one day and all hell breaks loose … the app just wants to act a foo' and doesn't work. Monkey wrench immediately thrown into your workout flow. Talkin' about major frustration. Technology is great when it works but when it doesn't it's like the end of the world. Repeated complaints of this happening could easily make this the number one GymPact problem. Hmmm … with that being said I should've listed this complaint first. Lol oh well

Financial Aid please …

In today's economy every penny helps in terms of making ends meet. The cost of living is so damn high. Smh. Although GymPact has pitched in to help by offering it's get paid to exercise program, the amount earned is certainly not enough to live off of. Money made this way sure won't pay the mortgage. A lil mad money maybe but that's about it folks.

GymPact Alternatives

If you like the idea of getting paid to lose weight and looking for other companies that will pay you to do that then be sure to check out this article. I list a few other companies that are willing to pay you for exercising.

So is A Scam or Not?

For those of you that feel the BBB is the bible, then that “F” rating is going to be a deal breaker for you. There are definitely a lot of complaints about them there but they were all closed which may be a good sign. That said I don't think it's a scam. People are earning money with it. But don't expect to pay any real bills with this. And how sustainable is the income long term if it's based on how much weight you lose. So I view this whole opportunity as an extra money maker for something you might be doing already. So that's always a good look in my mind.

But for those of you who are looking to make some real money then I would recommend check out My Top Free Work At Home Recommendation. It takes some patience and effort to make work. But eventually it can really pay off, literally.

The other options is where you can also work directly with me (Eddy with a y). I can teach you some of the ways I make some money. Either way you have other options if this didn't appeal to you. Let me know your thoughts about this company or the concept of getting paid to work out. Do you think people should be self motivated to want to be health and lose weight on their own? Or do you like the idea of rewarding folks for it? I want to hear your thoughts either way, down below. So chime in on your way out.

I'll holla at you soon.

Eddy with a y.

15 thoughts on “GymPact Review: The App That Pays You To Exercise”

  1. I’ve been using the Pact app for years and have made more than $500 from it. Never a problem with payment. It’s definitely not a scam. You just have to be careful about completing your pacts every week.

  2. Hey Eddy,

    Know what you mean by not wanting to do stuff like you mentioned having all the aches and pains. i have them a lot and some days don’t feel much like doing anything.

    As far as the gym pact goes don’t think what they do is right. i used to belong to a gym years ago and it was nice but unfortunately after having some surgery it doesn’t let me do a lot of what I’m used to doing . So doing the gym pact thing is not my thing. But do enjoy reading everything you sent. Kept up the good work. Hope that you are feeling better with age. Oh by the way Happy Birthday if this is late sorry.

    • Thanks for chiming in Laura. It’s always good to hear from you. And you’re not late. My birthday isn’t until next week. But thanks for the wishes! I appreciate them.

    • Hey Sobi,

      That’s unfortunate. But that’s one of the complaints I have about this opportunity as you may have read above. If you don’t have a smartphone you can’t work this opportunity. Sorry.

  3. It sounds like a good idea. It could definitely motivate you to keep working out, especially if you have in mind that there will be a cash penalty if you don’t do it. I for one could really use an incentive like this, but I would be wary to sign up because of my health issues. I have really good intentions, but because of my fibromyalgia & adrenal fatigue, being able to work out can be unpredictable because some days I can do pretty good and other days my body will just collapse after a day of work and not be able to do anything but lay in bed. So it doesn’t sound like it would be a good idea for me.

  4. Hi Eddy! This app sounds cool, but I don’t have a smart phone, so that lets me out! But I’m going to tell my daughter about it. When I get a smart phone for Christmas, I’ll try it out, because I’m all about “mad money”!

    P.S.-Forty is not old, Eddy; you are in the prime of your life!
    I’m 62 & don’t consider myself old yet. It’s funny how the older I get, old people don’t seem so old anymore! 🙂

    • Hey Diane,

      Glad you liked the idea of this app. I can’t wait to hear what you think once you get your smart phone. I’m excited for you. Having a smart phone opens up a whole new world of possibilities for you! And thanks for trying to make me feel better about my age. I actually embrace getting older because I don’t look it and I actually like the freedom and wisdom that comes with age. So I appreciate the kind thoughts.

  5. Hi Eddy! I love your website by the way, on here every week. I have been wanting to post a review on this app. I love it! It may not be for everyone but for me I have been more active in my goals to get fit. I’ve had a gym membership for a couple years and am actually going weekly. There has been glitches in my first and third week using the app. The response to my emails have been awesome. They not only help you with the glitch but can not charge you during the the time they are fixing the bug. They always leave a personal note “good job on your work outs”. You can change your pact each week according to your weeks schedule. I was confused at first on how they schedule it out. Its not by the day but by the week. I make a pact for 4 days any 4 days is fine. My response time has always been less than 1/2 a day or immediate. Rewards well they are small but what I have lost already 2 pounds in 3 short weeks has earned me money as well. If you miss your veggie, work out or logging your meals (I have not added this one yet) you lose out on what ever you bet basically on yourself. I think the lowest is 5 and the highest 15. This app helps me with the motivation I need (not losing money) and my short term goals: getting to the gym, challenging my distance for the week which in turn helps me with that term goal and another app-Diet Bet. I use my rewards to put on those bigger challenges such as losing 4 percent of my weight and so on. One more app Lose It now linked to the Walgreens card that helps you get healthy by giving you points for meeting your fitness goals. A lot out there and all this is pretty cool. Work through the glitches and figure out how it all works takes time but it has put me in motion.

    • Hey Kimberly,

      Thanks for the kind words and ongoing support. I really appreciate it. I’m glad to hear that you like this app and it’s helping you. I appreciate that you kept it real about some of the glitches you have experienced. But overall it seems like you’re happy with it. Thanks again for sharing this. I really appreciate it!

  6. Hi,
    I don’t think I would download an app to exercise. First of all I don’t have a smartphone and I have a treadmill. I really don’t know if that kind of exercise is worth downloading and maybe you wouldn’t get paid like you are suppose to. Not sure if i would do it any way even if i had a smartphone.


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