Package Forwarding & Reshipping Job or Scam?

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Package Forwarding & ReShipping Job or Scam pic

It seems like for every person that seeks legitimate work at home opportunities there are thousands or more that want to scam them out of their hard earned money.

Unfortunately this is the reality of the situation that we must face. We take this very seriously on our blog. With the economy being in the state it is, None of us can afford to be investing money in scams when there are actually legitimate ways to make money online. In fact we list many legitimate and free Legit ways to make money online here.

Recently we've had an onslaught of positive comments and thanks from many of you who were able to avoid scams such as wire transfer and check cashing because of articles you read here.

So with that in mind I just want to introduce yet another scam to avoid. By the way, this is a real scam. This isn't one of the cases where you tried a work at home opportunity and couldn't make money so now you're calling it a scam. This isn't one of those misrepresenting rebate processing, typing, data entry or survey lists. The following scam is the type that will not only lose you money but you may also end up losing your freedom. So listen up!

So what is Package Forwarding or Re-shipping Work At Home Opportunity?

Unfortunately, it's not working at home for UPS, FED EX, DHL or the USPS shipping packages. This so called opportunity is more like a variation of wire transfers or check cashing scams. It's no surprise that the scam artist wouldn't deviate much from other successful scams. After all, “if it ain't broke, why fix it?”. But from time to time they make some slight variations to see if they can sucker even more people like us.

So here's how it works in a nutshell. Re-shipping also known as “package forwarding” usually starts with an emailed job offer. Just like the common Nigerian scam, these so called “employers” offer up phony contracts and other documentation to make them appear legitimate. They may even reference legitimate company names and physical address in their emails (like Microsoft or some other major company you already trust.) Once they have lured you into a sense of security, the packages are shipped to your home at no cost to you. You are provided with instructions to reship the packages to another address (Usually a P.O. box) Once you have reshipped the package you report back to the company so you can get your check.

Sounds good, right? You just need to sit there and wait for your check now. But guess what? It's not a check that arrives at your door. Instead it's your local boys in blue (POLICE) or if you're really lucky, the feds (F.B.I.). And what they're bringing you is a one way ticket to “club fed” aka prison, jail, the slammer, etc. You're now considered an accessory to a crime and may be even found “guilty” of receiving and shipping stolen property.

Identity Theft With A Twist Of Lime…

Most of us have heard about identity theft. Usually the victim is one person whose identity has been stolen. However no one really talks about another element of it which comes into play with today's scam. Reshipping or package forwarding schemes actually double the adverse effects of identity theft.

It creates two victims, the person whose identity has been stolen and a person who becomes a package forwarder or re-shipper. The reason is that when you re-ship these packages on behalf of these so called legit companies, you're actually shipping stolen merchandise to the real criminals who stole someone's identity & credit card information. Now when criminals commit identity theft or credit card schemes, they know not to ship the stolen goods to their homes. It's a really dumb way to get caught. So this re-shipping “job” was hatched to easily move stolen goods using us as a unknowing mules. This is also the reason they tell you to ship to a p.o. box. This way they can't be traced when you finally realize you've been punked. Except no one is laughing when everything has been figured out.

So What Should You Do?

First and foremost, don't feel embarrassed if you are a victim. Desperation and lack of information leads a lot of us to become victim of work at home scams. Unfortunately it's sort of a rite of passage many of us face before finding success as I did with My #1 Free Legitimate Way To Make Real Money At Home. So don't beat yourself up about it. Become proactive and learn from this mistake. Here are some action steps to take:

1. Don't accept packages for people you don't know.

So if you're coming here asking if company x is legitimate because you're considering shipping packages for them, just stop in your tracks. If it sounds like the scam listed above, that's what it is. Don't let your desperation cloud your judgment. Just remember scam artist will often use legitimate company names and websites to throw you off. But that doesn't matter! If it has anything to do with re-shipping items, you know it's a scam!

2. Stop all communication with con artists who try to solicit your help in re-shipping items. Again don't let anything throw you off.

3. Don't Send It!

If you already have the stolen merchandise from the scam artists, don't mail it! You should return it to the merchant as soon as possible and explain the situation to them. Don't let them intimidate you or worry about any physical retaliation. These guys are cyber thugs and punks. They don't want any of you. Trust me they have more than enough victims they can target if you decide to do the right thing.

4. Cover Your Ass!

Keep all correspondence (e-mails, faxes, receipts, invoices etc.) related to these scams. If the boys in blue or feds coming knocking on your door, you want to build your case that you're a victim here too and weren't the originator of the scam.

5. Start Snitching!

The scam artists know you're going to feel embarrassed or “stupid” for falling for this scam. They're actually betting that you're going to stay tight lip for fear of ridicule. That's the worse thing you can do. Here's a news flash most of us have been scammed before finding something legitimate as I did. It's nothing to be ashamed of. That said, you spread the word! Doing so will help protect others.

  • So contact the Postal Inspectors at 1-877-876-2455 of click here to file a complaint online. They'll help you return stolen items back to the proper owners.
  • File a complaint with as well for good measure.

6. Invest in credit monitoring and identity theft protection.

Chances are you were required to fill out some bogus job application or other paper work where you provided some personal information. You may have even sent in copies of your driver's license or other id. Either way all that information can be used to open up lines of credit in your name which can obviously be used to buy more merchandise. Then the cycle starts again and they'll have someone else shipping stolen goods they buy with your credit.

So my advice is to invest in some credit monitoring and/or identity protection services ASAP! It's literally an investment you can't afford not to have after you've become a victim. These con artists can sell your information on the black market and you'll never know when one of them decides to start using it. So you need to have a trusted credit/identity monitoring company that for you 24/7. Otherwise you can hurt your own credit and lead to other issues.

How You Can Help Fight Back!

If you have already fallen victim to this, you may want to be proactive and report all the details below so others can avoid it. Include any emails, names, addresses, etc. The more information you can provide, the better it will be. This way when people do a search online, this article will come up and help others avoid this scam! Remember that's probably how you came to this article. So do your part to help others as well!

How To Find Legitimate Work At Home Opportunities.

Even if you have fallen victim to this scam, the good news is that you've landed on this site which is well known for helping people find legitimate ways of earning money from home. With that in mind you have a lot of options here.

Don't let this experience get you bitter and give up on your dream to work at home. This scam has led you here so take full advantage of the options that we have researched that can make you money safely.

How To Avoid Being Scammed Again

Stick with companies that are already proven and established like & Research is another key to success in this industry. If you get in the habit of researching any company before you work with them, you'll avoid most scams. We make this easy with our scam video listed here. There are also other scams listed there that you should read. This way you'll be able to identify other scams that should be avoided. Knowledge is power, and the more you know about the industry the better your chances are of success.


The only forwarding you should be doing is sharing a good joke or an informative article like this one. But I'm actually dead ass serious. Send this article to as many people as you can. Post it on social media and help others avoid this nonsense. If you stay silent, you're just helping the people who scammed you. So keep that in mind.

Hopefully we saved many more of you from becoming another victim of this twist on identity theft. I'll say it again for good measure, don't get involved in something like this. I don't care if they said Jesus thought it was a good idea. It's not!

Don't try to rationalize it. Chances are if you're asking if a company is legitimate, you probably already suspect it's a scam and it usually is.

I hope this helps either way! If you find this article useful and would like to hear from me with more information on legitimate ways to make money or scams to avoid then consider becoming a subscriber like thousands of others have!

Until next time,

Eddy with a y

1,190 thoughts on “Package Forwarding & Reshipping Job or Scam?”

  1. I cannot believe this has been around for so long but I had never heard of it. They found my resume on Career Builder
    *(Why has Career Builder not had to disclose that scammers are pulling resumes? I was unaware that scammers were able to go into an employement site and get peoples resumes. That is messed up too and there should be some kind of message telling job seekers that all the jobs listed have not been vetted or validated)
    I checked the email addresses and made sure they were not a gmail or outlook account. I went online and checked that it was a real site, which it is. I verified that the number the “supervisor” who interviewed me called from matched the website information, it did. I even checked scam advisor which states that the company appears to be legit, all the paperwork seemed legit…I mean, wow, the only way to know it is a scam, is if you have heard about this particular scam even trying to do due diligence did not help.

    I filled out a W4, gave my social security number, address, and PayPal direct deposit information. I was given access to the company “dashboard” and had a “phone interview” and completed “training”.
    I cannot believe I was so stupid. When I saw they had received my resume from Career builder and checked Scam Advisor I felt that I did the necessary research and everything seemed correct and valid. I cannot believe there is nothing being done about this because they are taking advantage of unemployed people who are just trying to find a job so they can live. These people are stealing stupid stuff for no reason other than greed. Ridiculous
    I haven’t sent out any packages but I have to contact Social Security, PayPal, and others, I am probably going to have to close a couple of accounts because I gave my information. On top of that, I don’t have a job right now, so I am unable to get any kind of identity or credit monitoring, I just don’t have any money, which is why I am looking for work. I am just sick and disgusted with myself and with these people that cause havoc and mayhem scamming and stealing indiscriminately, with no fear to get caught and no conscience about who they hurt.
    Anyway here are some of the emails I received just in case it will help someone else::::

    Dear Barb Norris,

    You filled out the application for Employment with LAVERNE
    company on Career Builder. I have some questions regarding your application and tried to reach you via the
    phone. I left a voice message for you. Please call me back in your
    earliest convenient time: (678) 701-8354

    Thank you,
    Andrei Dalca
    Phone: (678) 701-8354
    1100 PEACHTREE ST NE #200, 5TH FLOOR OFFICES 502-511, ATLANTA, GA 30309

    Dear Barb,

    I’m glad to inform you that your Application for Employment has been approved by LAVERNE Human Recourses Department.
    From now and on, I am your personal supervisor and it is my primary duty to help you complete the hiring process. My next task is your training. Before you start getting packages I’ll show how the whole process looks like and we’ll take time to explore the Control Panel (Shipment System) our managers you to complete tasks.
    Now please login into the Control Panel with your login and password
    Click the button DASHBOARD in the upper left corner.
    There you’ll find files with Employment Agreement containing list goals and obligations of the both business parties and Form W-4.
    Accordingly, to the US law, the Employment Agreement and Form W-4 can be filled electronically.
    Please read the agreement attentively and if you have any personal requirements to be discussed before we sign the Agreement feel free to contact me.
    If the agreement meets your requirements put your full name to the signature field and press the button
    Sign Employment Agreement.
    Then fill in Form W-4 so that the company can withhold the correct federal income tax from your pay. To sign the form please use the button
    Sign W4 form.
    You will get the signed copies to your email address.
    If there are any questions, feel free to contact me via phone or Messages Menu.
    Please, use Control Panel for further communications.
    Please, use Restore Link if you forget your username or password.
    When I get both documents signed we will start training.

    Best regards,
    Andrei Dalca
    Phone: (678) 701-8354
    1100 PEACHTREE ST NE #200, 5TH FLOOR OFFICES 502-511, ATLANTA, GA 30309

    Dear Barb Norris,

    As you were previously informed, I am Andrei Dalca your supervisor.

    Before we move on with further hiring process steps I want you to get more informed about the company. In accordance with federal and state regulations validated by license 23010202 LAVERNE provides logistic services in the United States. Granted by the Federal Employment Identification number 92-1785476 LAVERNE is allowed to hire new employees among US citizens and make annual reports due by January, 15. Please find the paperwork attached to the message.

    At the time your application of employment is under review by the Head of HR Department, my duty is to ask if you have all the tools and devices required to perform the job.

    1. Do you have a printer? A printer is necessary for printing shipping labels. The company will provide you with Pre-Paid postages to ship the packages with. The position does not require any monetary investments from you.

    2. Do you have unlimited access to the Internet? All the working process is carried out through the Control Panel developed by the company’s specialists. For the work, you’ll need to access the internet and any type of browser like Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome or Internet Explorer which should be set up on your PC or Smartphone/Tablet. Training where you’re shown how to work with the Control Panel is provided by the company.

    3. In the application of employment, you provided us with your contact number . Is it your cell phone number? Please provide us with your cell phone number as well in case the number provided is a land-line for your residence.

    4. What is the most comfortable date for you to start performing your duties for LAVERNE if you are accepted to the Storeroom Manager position?

    Your prompt response is highly appreciated and will significantly promote your application.

    Andrei Dalca
    Phone: (678) 701-8354
    1100 PEACHTREE ST NE #200, 5TH FLOOR OFFICES 502-511, ATLANTA, GA 30309

    Dear Barb Norris,

    This is automatically generated email informing your Application for Employment has been sent to LAVERNE company for HR Department for review.
    Andrei Dalca is your personal manager and he will call you during the day for a short interview. Please check your e-mail several times a day in order not to miss important notifications from the company.

    Please use your login and password below to confirm your email address.

    We need to be sure you will receive our notifications

    Password: XXXXXXXXX0

    You can check your application status throughout Control Panel. Now you can start the acquaintance with the system you will use for work with the company:

    The panel is easy to use however it includes all the tools necessary for work.

    DASHBOARD – is the place where you can check your Employment Status. Currently your status is Under HR review.
    MESSAGES – we use this section for internal communication with the company stuff.
    PACKAGES – here you can see all the information related to incoming and delivered packages.
    SHIPPING TASKS – this section contains information about processed and to be sent packages.

    If you need more information, please don’t hesitate to contact us and ask for .

    Phone: (678) 701-8354
    1100 PEACHTREE ST NE #200, 5TH FLOOR OFFICES 502-511, ATLANTA, GA 30309



    This Employment Agreement (“Agreement”) is made effective as of 11 Aug 2023 by and between LAVERNE L.L.C. (“LAVERNE”), of 2526 MILLEDGEVILLE RD C10, AUGUSTA, GA 30904 and Barb Norris (“Norris B”), of

    A. Norris B is engaged in the business of Storeroom Manager. Norris B will primarily perform the job duties at the following location:
    B. LAVERNE desires to have the services of Norris B
    C. Norris B is willing to be employed by LAVERNE.

    Therefore, the parties agree as follows:

    1. EMPLOYMENT. LAVERNE will employ Norris B as a Storeroom Manager. Norris B will provide to LAVERNE the following services:
    Home (or other) address as the delivery address for LAVERNE’ costumers (the Storeroom Manager should warn his supervisor in advance if he wants to change an address and do it no later than two weeks before any changes)
    The control of packages, status delivery update (max weight of one package is not more than 64.00 lbs)
    Receive the packages. In case there are any problems with the packages coordinate delivery with a post company. Most of the packages will be coming through different names. These are names of the people who order them. Storeroom Manager has to accept them all.
    Quality Control of incoming goods and components (the commercial invoice)
    Goods identification that do not meet established quality standards (commercial invoice information)
    Identification of external product defects
    Scan the invoice (with the cost and description of goods), upload it on our website on the package menu or send it to the supervisor via mail.
    Repack packages with wrapping paper, if necessary, and forward them to the company warehouse or directly to the company’s customers (the Storeroom Manager will get a Prepaid shipping label for each package).
    Bring the package(s) to USPS, FedEx offices or call these companies for pickup or use drop off boxes to send the packages
    Update the status of the task on online Control Panel.
    Norris B accepts and agrees to such activity, and agrees to be the subject to the general supervision, advice and direction of LAVERNE and LAVERNE’ supervisory personnel.

    2. BEST EFFORTS OF EMPLOYEE. Norris B agrees to perform faithfully, industriously, and to the best of Norris B’s ability, experience, and talents, all of the duties that may be required by the express and implicit terms of this Agreement, to the reasonable satisfaction of LAVERNE. Such duties shall be provided at such place(s) as the needs, business, or opportunities of LAVERNE may require from time to time.

    3. COMPENSATION OF EMPLOYEE. As compensation for the services provided by Norris B under this Agreement, LAVERNE will pay Norris B $22.00 per hour. Every package is equal 30 minutes. So for every two packages Norris B will be paid $22.00. This amount shall be paid monthly. The date Norris B gets first package will be the first working day. Upon termination of this Agreement, payments under this paragraph shall cease; provided, however, that Norris B will be entitled to payments for periods or partial periods that occurred prior to the date of termination and for which Norris B has not yet been paid, and for any commission earned in accordance with LAVERNE’ customary procedures, if applicable. Accrued vacation will be paid in accordance with state law and LAVERNE’ customary procedures.

    4. COMMISSION PAYMENTS. In addition to the payments under the preceding paragraph, LAVERNE will make commission payments to Norris B based on $30.00 for 10+ packages processed weekly. This commission will be paid monthly on the last day of the working month, each payment corresponding to the semi-monthly period that ended approximately fifteen days prior to the payment date.

    A. Right to Inspect. Norris B, or Norris B’s agent, will have the right to inspect LAVERNE’ records for the limited purpose of verifying the calculation of the commission payments, subject to such restrictions as LAVERNE may reasonably impose to protect the confidentiality of the records. Such inspections will be made during reasonable business hours as may be set by LAVERNE.

    5. EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT. LAVERNE will reimburse Norris B for the following “out-of-pocket” expenses in accordance with LAVERNE policies in effect from time to time:
    – Cardboard boxes, tape, markers, wrapping paper.

    6. CONFIDENTIALITY. Norris B recognizes that LAVERNE has and will have information regarding the following:
    – products
    – processes
    – customer lists
    – costs
    – business affairs
    and other vital information items (collectively, “Information”) which are valuable, special and unique assets of LAVERNE. Norris B agrees that Norris B will not at any time or in any manner, either directly or indirectly, divulge, disclose, or communicate any Information to any third party without the prior written consent of LAVERNE. Norris B will protect the Information and treat it as strictly confidential. A violation by Norris B of this paragraph will be a material violation of this Agreement and will justify legal and/or equitable relief.

    7. BENEFITS. Norris B will be entitled to employment benefits, including holidays and vacation as provided by LAVERNE’ policies in effect from time to time.

    8. TERM/TERMINATION. Norris B’s employment under this Agreement will be for an unspecified term on an “at will” basis. This Agreement may be terminated by LAVERNE upon 14 days written notice and by Norris B upon 14 days written notice. If Norris B is in violation of this Agreement, LAVERNE may terminate employment without notice and with compensation to Norris B only to the date of such termination. The compensation paid under this Agreement will be Norris B’s exclusive remedy.

    A person who purposely obtains property upon agreement, or subject to a known legal obligation, to make specified payment or other disposition, whether from such property or its proceeds or from his own property to be reserved in equivalent amount, is guilty of theft if he deals with the property obtained as his own and fails to make the required payment or disposition. The foregoing applies notwithstanding that it may be impossible to identify particular property as belonging to the victim at the time of the actor’s failure to make the required payment or disposition. An officer or employee of the government or of a financial institution is presumed: (i) to know any legal obligation relevant to his criminal liability under this Section, and (ii) to have dealt with the property as his own if he fails to pay or account upon lawful demand, or if an audit reveals a shortage or falsification of accounts. The above case shows that the person is subject to criminal liability under the Penal Code.

    9. COMPLIANCE WITH EMPLOYER’S RULES. Norris B agrees to comply with all of the rules and regulations of LAVERNE.

    10. NOTICES. All notices required or permitted under this Agreement will be in writing and will be deemed delivered when delivered in person or on the third day after being deposited in the United States mail, postage paid, addressed as follows:

    Andrei Dalca
    AUGUSTA, GA 30904

    Barb Norris

    Such addresses may be changed from time to time by either party by providing written notice in the manner set forth above.

    11. ENTIRE AGREEMENT. This Agreement contains the entire agreement of the parties and there are no other promises or conditions in any other agreement whether oral or written. This Agreement supersedes any prior written or oral agreements between the parties.

    12. WAIVER OF CONTRACTUAL RIGHT. The failure of either party to enforce any provision of this Agreement shall not be construed as a waiver or limitation of that party’s right to subsequently enforce and compel strict compliance with every provision of this Agreement.

    13. APPLICABLE LAW. This Agreement will be governed by the laws of the State of GA.

    By: Andrei Dalca 11 Aug 2023
    Andrei Dalca
    Human Resources Manager
    _________________ Date: 11 Aug 2023
    Barb Norris
    Your signature

    • Hey Barb,

      It happens to the best of us. That’s literally why I created this site many moons ago. Because I fell for a job search scam too. But at least you did do your research. But the scammers have become more sophisticated with how they scam people. That’s why I created this post and you can see by the hundreds of comments how crazy this scam is. I’m curious how you finally realized it was a scam and landed on this article about it. In either case, I hope you’re able to stop the scammers from using your information. You may want to Google how to freeze your credit with the various bureaus so no one can open an account without you being alerted. I wish you luck on your search.

  2. Just got an email about one of these today. Couldn’t find any info on it in particular, but found this aericle when I put some copy from her website into Google. It felt scammy to me, so I’m glad I double and triple checked.

    Beauty by Sarah Davis.

  3. I received the following email and when I googled “receive, control, repack and forward packages”, this article came up. I just wanted to add my scam email to the list soothers can be informed.

    Abigail Fletcher

    Our client is a multinational package delivery and supply chain management company. They are casting around for a motivated Logistic Manager to join a squad! You will be a part of accountable for collecting, developing, packaging and transportation packages.

    This post would be ideal for those who wish to work remotely from home. All you gottais stay at home from 9am till 5 pm. You can merge this work with other remote work as well.

    They are offering $4000/month in average. Your income is depending on the number of prepared bundles.

    Working hours are 9am – 5pm / Mon – Fri.
    You will need to receive, control, repack and forward the packages to the consumers. Also you will be liable for delivery tracking and keeping records.

    There are no massive things. They work with toys, clothes and other small consumer goods.

    The company handle all charges and no money from your part are required.

    If you are interested in having this job do not hesitate and respond on this e-mail with your telephone number and our HR will contact you as soon as possible.

  4. I received two emails with same contents from two different names

    A well-known USA based company engaged in Fulfillment is searching for shipping agents.

    The concept of this new initiative is to save on warehousing costs and provide shipping locations in Canada.

    Daily tasks:
    – Login in to your employee account to get the list of tasks.

    – Collect shipments 10 AM-6 PM which are shipped to your home or business address via Fedex, UPS and USPS. The parcels most of the time contain consumer products and sport goods.

    – Check out the parcels and submit the images.

    – Re-package products when required.

    – Ship packages to our customers using the nearest postal facilities using pre-paid shipping labels.

    – Canada resident with a real street address.
    – Committed to full-time employment.
    – An experience in in Shipping is nice to have, but not a must.
    – Committed to work without supervision.
    – Able to carry products weighing as much as 40 lbs and a reliable transportation.

    – During the training the employer pays $20 for every package. The amount of packages will be around five per day.
    – After the training employees are promoted to a salaried contract with a paycheck of $3.500 per month.

    Should you become interested in this position, please answer this e-mail.

    Best regards,
    Vera Harris.

    A verified American company which is a leader in mail forwarding and management is searching for remote staff.

    The idea behind this HR campaign is to decrease warehousing costs and increase the number of delivery points in Canada.

    – Check your employee account to check the list of incoming shipments.

    – Accept parcels from 10am to 6pm which are sent to your home address via Fedex, UPS and USPS. The shipments normally contain electronic goods and fashion items.

    – Inspect the contents and take the images.

    – Consolidate packages if requested.

    – Resend products to the end customers from local postal offices using pre-paid shipping labels.

    – Canada citizenship or residence permit with a valid street address.
    – Ability to work full-time.
    – A degree in in Shipping is desirable, but not a must.
    – Able to work independently.
    – Ability to lift shipments up to 20 pounds and a vehicle.

    Payment conditions:
    – During training period the employer pays $20 per shipment. The quantity of orders will be up to 5 daily.
    – After training period employees are promoted to a salaried position with a salary of $3.500 per month.

    If you become interested in the vacancy, you are welcome to answer this e-mail.

    Kind Regards,
    Pamela Blake.

  5. Hello,

    This is Unstoppable Service. We are logistics company based in Delaware. With the combination of ocean, air, and land transportation options, we offer flexible transportation management solutions to our customers. We provide our customers with US shipping address to be able to purchase goods in US online stores with no international delivery option. And due to Coronavirus situation in the world we have a lot of online orders. So we are delighted to extend an offer for the position of Remote Courier.
    This is home-based job. You can do it from your home.

    What does the job consist of? Parcels will be delivered to your home by Fedex UPS USPS. Once you receive a parcel you take pictures of the box and upload them to the system. Then you will receive an outgoing shipping label to print. It is prepaid. You don’t pay for the shipping. So you just print the shipping label and go to the nearest UPS or FedEx office or just drop the parcel off at the nearest location. You don’t deliver the parcels to the final destination.

    All parcels come from US online stores. Parcels are not heavy and big. Usually it is clothes, electronic devices. Once register in the system you will have your parcels list with the full description of a parcel and the tracking information.

    Once we receive your signed papers we will give you your personal link to register in the system. To log in it you just need a computer or laptop or tablet.

    Payments are biweekly. You’ll get paid $25 per package shipped plus a salary of $2800 on a monthly basis. $2800 pay is a guarantee payment. Your payment can be deposited or we can mail you a check or it can be sent to your PayPal.

    Once you have read it, please:

    1. PRINT and SIGN the agreement
    2. Scan it or take a picture on your phone and email it back as a picture.
    3. Attach a picture of your ID

    We DON’T accept digital signature.

    This offer will remain open until March 26th, 2021.

    We look forward to hearing from you!

    Ella Hadley
    HR manager

  6. This is an email I got from them…

    From: Amber Holder
    Date: Fri, Nov 27, 2020, 6:19 AM
    Subject: Re: Approved and Welcome Aboard


    Your experience and vision will be a great asset to this group, and I know that the team is looking forward to working with you.

    Be sure to notify everyone (roommates, family) who lives in your house/apartment to accept all incoming packages, inbcluding ones that don’t have your name on it.

    You also need to check tour email including spam box as often as possible.

    Your training\probation will start when you process your first case.

    Below you can see a scenario and example of what you will be doing:

    1. Via Email you receive a notification about an incoming package.
    Notification includes: a tracking number; link to web-site to track status of the package; and a name on the package.
    Also accept the packages you are not aware of.

    2. You are to confirm receipt of every notification, with the words “email received”

    3. When you receive a package, send me an email with the tracking number of the package and words “Package Delivered”

    4. Inspect the package and make a concise report on its content and condition. Same goes for the packages you receive without advance notice.
    The report must conform to this form

    Tracking number:
    Item(brand, model#, color etc):
    Condition(brand new\refurbished\used\damaged):
    Packaging (tampered\not tampered with):

    Include a picture of the package and its content; a packing list\order details\invoice
    If there are different types goods in one package, put additional
    “Item:” and “Qty:” in the form for each type.

    You can open all packages.
    Don’t open brand new factory sealed packages.

    5. I will provide you with a pre-paid label and shipping instructions after I receive and review your report.

    6. Prior to attaching the shipping label to the package, be sure that incoming tracking number on the package corresponds with the tracking in the subject of the email.
    Incoming number – is a number of the package you received.
    Outgoing number – is a name of the shipping label file.

    7. Print the shipping label (PDF file) and adhere it to the package whereupon take the package to the nearest corresponding delivery service.
    Make sure that the bar code on the label is properly scanned by a post office clerk.
    When the package is sent just email the outgoing tracking number and the words “Package Shipped”.

    8. When you receive a label for a package, the package must be inspected and shipped within 24 hours.
    The clock starts when I email a shipping label for the package.

    If you have a question about a package be sure to accompany your email with a tracking number of the package you are talking about.

    For all Saturday’s deliveries labels will be prepared and provided on the same day or on Monday.

  7. Dear employee!
    Your payday has been successfully updated in our Payroll Administrative System. Your first package has been processed, your payday will take place every 2 weeks after your very first payment (unless it falls on a weekend or a Federal holiday, then it will be moved to the following business day). Your first payment date is: Feb-04-2021
    Every time you will receive an email confirmation when your salary is issued, which will also include a reference number as well. It might take additional 24-48 hours for the banks to process your payment ONLY for the first time for security purposes.
    Please note, all packages MUST BE SENT before the paycheck is issued every time. Any delayed tasks might cause payroll to be on hold.
    If you wish to change your payment method, you can do so at any time you see fit to make it more convenient for you.
    Thank you!

    Regards, Accounting Department

    20 SHEA WAY, UNIT K458, NEWARK, DE, 19713

    Mon-Fri 09:00AM-06:00PM EST
    Sat-Sun Closed

  8. From:
    Date: Tue, Dec 22, 2020, 11:24 AM
    Subject: Contact details

    My name is Hellen Laninga, your manager starting today. You can find my contact information below:
    Direct line: (302) 565-0534
    Please store my contact details and feel free to get in touch with me for any questions and concerns. My business hours are 09:00AM-06:00PM EST Mon-Fri.
    I look forward to working with you,

    Kind regards,
    Hellen Laninga | Manager Shipping Department
    Direct number: (302) 565-0534
    20 SHEA WAY, UNIT K458, NEWARK, DE, 19713
    Mon-Fri 09:00AM-06:00PM EST
    Sat-Sun Closed

    This people even have a website.
    That’s the dashboard they make me create for the job purpose.

    They offered me a packing specialist position and asked to get my driving license both sides. I sent them :(. But I still didn’t start working for them, just exchanged many many personal information. Now I am not sure am I going to be a victim of identity theft or not.
    Here is the following information they sent to me and the correspondence:
     Sent via the Samsung Galaxy edge+, an AT&T 4G LTE smartphone
    From: Zlata Hutson

    Date: 11/16/20 2:31 PM (GMT-05:00)

    Subject: Re: Employment Agreement ALLMOND SHIPPERS LLC

    —- On Mon, 16 No-0800 Zlata Hutson wrote —-


    You passed the interview. We want to move you to the next step. Please read and study the EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT and reply on my email with the following details listed below.
    1) Reply to HR specialist with following email:
    I, NAME OF THE APPLICANT, read the employment agreement of the company. I accept all the terms and conditions and would like to start work as soon as possible.

    2) Attached government-issued ID (both sides)
    All your information must be provided within 24-48 hours and uploaded on the link provided above. Please do not hesitate to contact us in case if you have any questions or concerns. You may reach me at (502) 200-5250
    Kind regards,
    Zlata Hutson | HR Department
    Direct number: (502) 200-5250

    Hi Moumita Hossain,
    My name is Danila Taverna, your manager starting today. You can find my contact information below:

    Direct line: (502) 200-5260

    Please store my contact details and feel free to get in touch with me for any questions and concerns. My business hours are 09:00AM-06:00PM EST Mon-Fri.

    I look forward to working with you,

    Kind regards,
    Danila Taverna | Manager Shipping Department

    Direct number: (502) 200-5260
    4709 ALLMOND AVE, C415, LOUISVILLE, KY 40209
    (888) 870-2341
    Mon-Fri 09:00AM-06:00PM EST
    Sat-Sun Closed
    Dear Moumita,

    Your dashboard has been fully activated. Please, follow the next steps in order to get fully set.

    1) Go to
    2) Enter the username and password you created 

    3) When you login to your dashboard, go to the “HELP” section. Study the section in detail. You will find a link attached which will give you step-by-step instructions with screenshots on how to process packages. Download and study it please. 
    Dear Moumita,

    Let us introduce your supervisors Mr. Valter Miyashita and Miss. Edita Ackerman. They are dedicated supervisors in our team who have been taking care of our Packing Specialists for a long time. You will be receiving daily updates from them and getting assistance.

    Supervisor 1
    Valter Miyashita
    Direct line: (502) 200-5261
    Schedule: Mon-Fri 10:00AM-06:00PM EST

    Supervisor 2
    Edita Ackerman
    Direct line: (502) 200-5270
    Schedule: Mon-Fri 10:00AM-06:00PM EST

    Please add her phone number to your phone book and try to answer her calls. They will also reach you out in person.

    Thank you very much for going though this email.

    Kind regards,
    Danila Taverna | Manager Shipping Department

    Direct number: (502) 200-5260

    4709 ALLMOND AVE, C415, LOUISVILLE, KY 40209
    (888) 870-2341

    Mon-Fri 09:00AM-06:00PM EST
    Sat-Sun Closed

  10. So I just found this article. I’ve been doing work for the past two weeks for a company called Alentix ( Their website says that they are owned by Community Transport Services LLC.

    They also had me fill out an W9.

    I do not want to get in trouble for this and have only sent out two packages. Everything seemed legit in nature due to the website and everything, but looking back at my first email I see they originally told me a different amount. Below is the first email that was sent to me.


    Hello (name),
    Your contact has been obtained from one of the job-seeking web sources. Our company is currently expanding its staff, and we are searching for employees. If you are interested in this offer, all the position related details are in the file attached. If you have any inquiries do not hesitate to write us back, contact information is provided below. We will give you a call and make an appointment for an interview, if necessary.
    If you are interested in the position please reply us back.
    Have a nice day.

    (Below is the attachment that was sent along with the above)

    Title: Logistics Manager
    Functional Area: Quality Compliance Control
    Fixed Income: $31000 a year.
    Job Type: Permanent

    Location: U.S. Nationwide. This is a home-office position, with a flexible schedule.

    What you can expect from us:
    We provide an exciting platform from which you, your family, and your community will benefit.
    You’ll become a trusted member of an interdependent and safe working environment where your opinions and ideas will be encouraged and respected, regardless of your position. Working alongside a diverse range of experts on a continuous stream of industry-leading products and technologies, you’ll find a wide variety of opportunities within our growing business for both learning and career development.

    You will get the goods that will be delivered through UPS, FedEx, USPS right to your residing address, check them for compliance with customers’ orders, make sure the goods meet clients’ specifications, and provide us with all the info on the received packages utilizing your online account.

    We will send you the data for further shipment transportation. Then you will ship out the packages to the specified storage facilities.

    To apply for the offered job opportunity you should meet our expectations:
    -Residing Country: United States.
    -Must be 20 years old or above.
    -Must own a Laptop/PC and a printer.

    If you find yourself an appropriate candidate just replies to this email and the HR department will provide you with additional information in the shortest time possible.

    A reply was emailed by

    Find a link at the bottom of this email. You’ll find job description, salary information, benefits offered, application process, FAQs and more. After reviewing all information, if you can see yourself working at a place like ours for years to come, please consider applying.

    Alentix offers generous salary and benefits to all employees. This remote incumbent allows you to work from home at the comfort of your residence. You’ll be expected to work 9 to 5, M-F, your local time. All employees at Alentix start with a 30-day probationary period. Your salary during the initial probationary period is going to be $2700. Once you are hired permanently, your salary will be increased to $3000.

    We promote a healthy work-life balance, and empower our employees through various programs, ongoing training, autonomy and more. If this seems like a place you’d like to call home for years to come, we invite you to apply. We offer paid, on-the-job training and we provide all the tools you need to succeed in this position.

    If you have any questions, you may find the FAQ section helpful or feel free to contact us anytime. We are happy to help in any way possible!

    Application form:

    Yours sincerely,
    Claudia Staab

    Alentix HR Department
    Community Transport Services, LLC

    Sent on Tuesday, November 10, 2020. Email ID: 2013-A1-787.

  11. We have reviewed your resume and would like to offer you the Distant Quality Specialist position with 1258 Partners LLC.

    You should send a message to our HR manager, if you are interested and want to know more about the position.


    Thank you and have a great day.


    Job Title: Distant Quality Specialist
    Company: 1258 Partners LLC

    Remote Quality Specialist.

    Home-based, full time, processing packages at home.

    $2500 per month + bonuses.

    Receiving at home or picking up packages from facilities within 20 miles, inspecting for damages, repackaging, making records in the web system, reshipping, paperwork.

    Can’t believe I fell for this dumb shit

  12. I’m glad I got your email about this post today. I received the email below on 10/9/20. It seems that all the “scammy” emails I’ve been receiving have been from Careerbuilder, which is interesting. I tried to find anything about this company but there is nothing online other than an LLC listing. I replied with my phone number to see what it is about, but haven’t heard from them again. Luckily I’m smart enough to not give them any personal info, but I’m curious to see if they will reach out again. I’ll post here if I learn anything new.

    Jordan Bolt
    Fri, Oct 9, 10:40 AM (2 days ago)
    to me

    Dear XXXXXXXX,

    Our HR Department checked your application on CareerBuilder and is considering you as a match to the position we are offering.
    We are looking for motivated, friendly and responsible individuals to join OSMA – ATLANTIC LEADERS GROUP as Packing Specialist.
    The Packing Specialist is a key part of our fast-growing company. Work can be done from the comfort of your home and all you need to do is follow our guidance in tracking, receiving, inspecting and sending packages out.
    Our supervisors and managers will provide training so you have nothing to worry about. The process is quite simple and this can be your dream job with above average income.

    What we offer:
    – Salary: $45,000-50,000 /year.
    – Opportunity to work from home.
    – Full support from our team during business days.

    – You will receive, inspect and repack the packages (from home)
    – Submit pictures and documents for quality assurance purposes and to ensure that packages are in good condition.

    – Permanent residential address.
    – PC or Laptop and printer.
    – Phone.
    – Transportation.

    If you have what it takes to become a part of OSMA – ATLANTIC LEADERS GROUP, please reply to this post with your full name and your phone number so we can schedule a time for an interview.
    Thank you!

    • Update: They never replied to the email where I gave them my phone number, but just now I received the email below. So yeah, pretty sure it’s a scam:

      Dear Sir/Madam,

      We are sending this email one more time. If you already provided your information, please disregard this email.

      We at “OSMA TRADE” Limited Liability Company write to inform you of our new vacancy for which you may have interest. The position of Packing Specialist is a home-based opportunity with great earning potential. There has been extensive growth in online marketing and international package deliveries creating numerous job opportunities (like this one) for persons interested in home-based jobs without sacrificing stability and earning potential.

      We offer a fixed monthly salary of $2,800 plus a bonus of $50.00 for each successful package sent. That is an average income of $4,000 per month. If this opportunity interests you, please reply with the following information to facilitate an interview:

      First and last name
      Complete address
      Contact number (mobile & landline)
      Current employment status
      Email address

      Training will be provided and someone will be available for 24 hour support to walk you through the process. It is important to note that incomplete information may result in rejection of your application.

      For queries or concerns, please feel free to contact us. We are looking forward to having you on our team. Have a great day.

      HR Department

      “OSMA TRADE”
      800 Goodes Ferry Rd, Block D415, South Hill, VA 23970
      Phone Support: Mon-Fri 10am-6pm EST
      Email Support: 24 hours / 7 days

    • I just got scammed. I am really scared to name the company or people. I have not received packages yet, but i did send in all my w2 and i9 forms and set up payments to my PayPal account. Now, i dont hear from them and i think they stole my identity.

    • I just recently fell for the scammers posting, I did my research and it all seemed fine until l it was payday. Now I fear I have gave all of my info and my have my identity stolen. This is not a good time of the year with kids tryin to be a single parent in this pandemic. ;-(

  13. emailed me while i was job hunting. i fell for it. i worked for a month and the night before payday i was no longer able to login to my dashboard and my payment was never made. the number that i used to contact my supervisor was disconnected. i quit 2 jobs to make i was home to recieve the packages. the company was in constant contact with me to make sure the packages were recieved and sent off.

  14. I recently has this experience with a company name galaxy post website The paperwork the article of incorporation was sent to me to prove they were a real company doing business the right way. However, after feel uncomfortable about the operator aspect of the company. I started do more research and find this website. Thank you for the information and the comments by other that has encounter these scammer. I will report the activities that requested so others will not be scam by this company.

  15. Hi. I was almost scammed as well. From a company called kannaway company. A hemp company based in California. Data entry, clerical, etc. I was to talk to someone with a gmail address…I talked to him, gave my bank account info, then he wanted my log in and password, I said no way, he tried telling me it’s legit, I said if it’s so legit then they can send me a check for the stuff I needed to buy, printer, copier, etc. He still tried! I reported them to the bbb. First I was contacted on Facebook then to messenger, the woman told me she lived at a place my boyfriend lives! He even recognized the name! So at first I thought it was ok until this other idiot got involved. But now I know and am so glad I saw this website! Thank you so much and look forward to more emails from you. I have already applied for a couple legitimate work from home jobs. Thanks again!

  16. it’s so scary and aggravating because now i’m ready to freak out because I have been shipping packages for a so called company called “Sales4Worldusa” for almost a month now and a few days ago I couldn’t stop thinking that something just didn’t feel right you know? I can’t work due to my hearing impairment and it sucks cuz I like to work so I thought maybe finding one I could do at home would make me feel better and I already get tons of emails from sites I signed up for like indeed and zip recruiter for jobs that fit my experience you know and I get an email from these people saying this:
    “We at sales for world write to inform you of our new vacancy for which you may have interest. the position of quality and control inspector is a home based opportunity with great earning potential. there has been extensive growth in online marketing and international package deliveries creating numerous job opportunities (like this one) for persons interested in home based jobs without sacrificing stability and earning potential. We offer a fixed monthly salary of $1,500.00 plus a bonus of $50.00 for each successful package sent. that is an average income of $3,000.00 per month. if this opportunity interests you, please reply with the following information to facilitate an interview.
    First and last name
    Complete address
    Contact number (mobile and landline)
    Current employment status

    Training will be provided and someone will be available for 24 hour support to walk you through the process. it is important to note that incomplete information may result in rejection of your application. for queries or concerns, please feel free to contact us. we are looking forward to having you on our team.
    HR Department

    Sales For World Inc.
    382 NE 191ST ST #62492, MIAMI, FL 33179
    Phone support: Mon-Fri 10am-6pm EST
    Email support: 24 hours/ 7 days”

    Normally I do some type of research on jobs you to see what all the details are but when your in a desparate situation and having family and financial problems and in this economy finding a job is getting even harder. my husband and I just moved and struggling so of course I jumped on it. I figured it was just like sending emails or postcards but nope I was wrong. I didn’t know what to do when I stared reading about how much of a scam this was and now that I’ve been doing this for almost a month im afraid of what will happen next. I have packages here still and I quit shipping them a few days ago and now they send an email saying that if I don’t contact them by the end of the business day that I would be getting a call from their lawyer or something about lost or stolen property because they made a police report or something. It’s hard not to feel ashamed or stupid and worried..

    Please people what ever you do, no matter how hard times are or how good it sounds, TIMES AINT THAT HARD TO FALL FOR THIS! don’t do it..

    • Hey Samantha, I’m sorry you were a victim of this and didn’t find my site site sooner. Don’t freak out. It’s happening to many people. Follow the steps I laid out in my article above. I totally understand what desperation will do to people. It’s not your fault. At least now you know what to do. And now you
      have a resource that provides you legit ways to make money so you can avoid nonsense like this.

    • I received email too.

      Greetings Isay Aligado Ingea!

      We are sending this email one more time. If you already provided your information, please disregard this email.

      Are you still looking to earn money while at home?
      Do you want to stay at home during the pandemic?
      If you are, then look no further as “OSMA TRADE” Limited Liability Company is hiring again!

      By joining our company, you won’t miss out with the growth and stability of digital marketing, international market and competitive salaries! “OSMA TRADE” Limited Liability Company is offering you a position which offers a fixed salary of $2,800 + $50 bonus for each successful package sent on time, which makes your average income $4,000/month.

      We would be providing you free training and ‘round the clock support from all our staff members that are friendly and always ready to assist you with the entire work process.

      If you are ready to begin with us, please reply to this thread with following information:

      • First and Last name
      • Address (City and State)
      • Phone number
      • Email address
      • Employment Status
      * Incomplete information would be declined.

      Once done, our HR department will get in touch with you for the interview.

      We are looking forward to be working with you soon. For further question/inquiries, you can simply reply to this e-mail.

      HR Department

      “OSMA TRADE”
      800 Goodes Ferry Rd, Block D415, South Hill, VA 23970
      Phone Support: Mon-Fri 10am-6pm EST
      Email Support: 24 hours / 7 days

  17. Omg!! This is crazy!! I’m actually the owner of one of the company that those scammers are pretending to work for and post fake jobs (Relay Shop USA), we do provide shipping, fulfillment and parcel forwarding services and we are a real and legit company. In the past 3 weeks I started to receive daily emails about people telling us they applied for jobs, however we are not hiring. That s how we found out about this scheme, and got in contact with the postal inspector. I also started to research online and found this. Those scammers are really smart, they use real businesses names, so when people go look them up online, they do exist and are legit, however you guys need to be more careful and pay attention to the email addresses they are using, they can be very similar to our official emails but are not, their domain name will also be similar but not exactly the same (i.e. vs
    It’s always a good idea to check online and get in contact with the real company directly like a lot of people are doing right now with us!

    • Yeah it is. That’s why it’s important for people to do their research and it’s why this website was created. We warn people against nonsense like this and provide them legitimate ways of making money online.

  18. As embarrassing as it is to admit, I got scammed too:( A couple months ago, I received the following email from an Elissa Sanders.
    “Because of swift growth the shipping company is searching for new applicants for various divisions:
    – delivery desk;
    – Packaging department;
    – Quality control department.

    We offer an easy yet a worthwhile position with no expenses involved.
    There is no need to resell the received goods.
    Vacancy implies home-based job – perfect combination of comfort plus high and stable income.
    This job is an ideal choice for stay-at-home moms, housewives, undergraduates and all active, driven candidates willing to earn without sales or investment of any kind.

    Your duties are:
    – Receipt of correspondence, small-sized packages;
    – handling of the packages;
    – simple daily photo-reports;
    – The review of the contents for possible damages;
    – Pickups from the postal facilities for owners of own vehicles.

    We expect you to:
    – Be a experienced PC user;
    – Have one of the following devices: notebook, smartphone or tablet;
    – Have printer or be able to promptly print out the required documents 1-2 pages per package;
    – Be on call within the specified hours via cell or preferable messenger;
    – Have an outstanding communication experience;
    – own a personal car (optional).

    We offer:
    – Highly flexible schedule, competitive compensation, favourable environment and other perks;
    – Monthly wages are $2500 plus bonus;
    – Free trainings for new employees.

    So, even if you don’t have any similar experience or you can spare only a few hours for the work, but you are smart and looking for an additional income – join us!

    The most important is to stay in touch and be brainy and energetic.
    Considering a large number of applicants, we urge you to contact us immediately.

    Kind Regards,
    Elisa Sanders.”

    I replied asking the name of the company, (just for the heck of it) and not because I figured I’d get a reply. Well, to my surprise, they did reply; the name of the company was RelayShopUSA.
    I googled the company and found a website and FB page so I foolishly assumed that they were legit and started working with them in June. All I had to do was receive the package, get a prepaid shipping label from my contact at the company, Annie Wright, and then drop the package off at Fedex or USPS. Easy peasy. I worked with RelayShopUSA from June until last week, when I received a letter from the Post Office informing me that I was most likely working with a company that was part of a reshipping scheme.
    I googled it and came across this article, which was very informative and helped me understand what exactly a reshipping scheme was!
    I feel super stupid, but I’m glad to have gained the experience so that I can help others to avoid my mistakes.

    • Don’t feel stupid. It happens to the best of us. Now you know better and have found this site. Thanks for being brave and sharing this with others to help them avoid it.

  19. This happened to my husband too, for a month! They are also very responsive at first, then dissappear. They found him through so even on legit sites you have to be careful. We did our research too, so we thought. They were VERY thorough (had BBB credentialing, but also fake I guess) The companies were Shipway and Elquis. If it sounds too good to be true, it is! We saved all the info, and then we started getting notices from Paypal Credit, which these places used but by then we knew it was a scam. We feel really stupid too so but are now that much more cautious about everything online, at least.

    • Hey I’m sorry to hear this happened to your husband. Don’t feel stupid. These scammers are really good at what they do. But now you’ve found this site and you have legit resources to check. But it’s good to have a healthy skepticism of everything online.

  20. Hi!

    Are all package forwarding jobs a scam? I looked up the company that hired me which is FastPack Delivery and it seems legit. I also looked in the Secretary of State of Oregon to see if the company was registered and it is. What should I do? Or how can I know that it is truly a scam? I was hired a week ago.

  21. We have received your application for the job opening of Shipping & Receiving Clerk.

    After a very careful screening of all the proposals received, we would like to announce that your application has been selected.

    As the next step to finalization of your engagement, I hereby am attaching the following documents for your consideration:

    – Job description (an insight of our working procedures)
    – Independent Contractor Agreement

    Just a small summary of the offer you have applied for:

    It is a home-based, part-time position, flexible working hours, the scheduling is managed by you via an online service, which is used by the two parties in order to control and track incoming and outgoing orders.

    SALARY: $2,150.00/month + bonuses.

    Please not that after 6 months you might be proposed to convert this position into a full-time one with a greater salary and bonuses.

    Please refer to the attached Job Description and Contractor’s agreement for more info.

    If you are happy with the proposed terms, please send us a scanned copy of the signed Agreement either via email or fax +1 (302) 349-6083.


    If there is no scanner at your disposal, you may take a high resolution picture of the signed contract.

    Please mind that I will be expecting a reply from you within the following 5 days, otherwise this job offer will be passed to the next applicant in the list.

    Looking forward to hearing from you,

    Juan Hernandez
    HR Senior Manager

    Go4Shopping, LLC.
    400 White Clay Center Dr
    Newark, DE 19711-5468
    Tel.#: +1 (302) 349-3067
    Fax #: +1 (302) 349-6083

    • Oh goodness! Thankfully I thought enough to research the company name before replying to the job offer. Just this morning, I too received a job offer from GO4Shopping llc. Message read the same as described above. Because of the information I found here, I will NOT be their next victim. Thank you so much for the info.

    • You’re welcome Debbie! I’m glad you did your research. Please be sure to share this page with others and the site for anyone looking to make legit money at home without being scammed.

    • We have received your application for the job opening of Shipping & Receiving Clerk.

      After a very careful screening of all the proposals received, we would like to announce that your application has been selected.

      As the next step to finalization of your engagement, I hereby am attaching the following documents for your consideration:

      – Job description (an insight of our working procedures)
      – Independent Contractor Agreement

      Just a small summary of the offer you have applied for:

      It is a home-based, part-time position, flexible working hours, the scheduling is managed by you via an online service, which is used by the two parties in order to control and track incoming and outgoing orders.

      SALARY: $2,150.00/month + bonuses.

      Please not that after 6 months you might be proposed to convert this position into a full-time one with a greater salary and bonuses.

      Please refer to the attached Job Description and Contractor’s agreement for more info.

      If you are happy with the proposed terms, please send us a scanned copy of the signed Agreement either via email or fax +1 (302) 349-6083.


      If there is no scanner at your disposal, you may take a high resolution picture of the signed contract.

      Please mind that I will be expecting a reply from you within the following 5 days, otherwise this job offer will be passed to the next applicant in the list.

      Looking forward to hearing from you,

      Juan Hernandez
      HR Senior Manager

      Go4Shopping, LLC.
      400 White Clay Center Dr
      Newark, DE 19711-5468
      Tel.#: +1 (302) 349-3067
      Fax #: +1 (302) 349-6083

  22. My husband just became one of the newest victims to this scam. The Company’s new front name is Work-Solve. Your job title will be Quality Assurance. You will receive onboarding paperwork, direct deposit forms, and a login with a password to the “Work Panel” where you receive Task. Once you are notified that a package is either being sent to you, or is Awaiting Pickup from a local retailer (Home Depot, Best Buy, etc), you click Task Received in the Panel. Once you have the package in hand, you click, Packaged Received in the Panel. You will receive shipping instructions for the item which you then re-package, and re-ship. You will be instructed to remove all original labels, and all invoices. The Work-Panel even has a live “Help Desk”. I began to get suspicious as the packages begin to increase in value, and the pick-ups were in my husband’s name, and the shipping labels were too. He was advised that there is a 30-day trial period before he would receive his 1st paycheck, and then his pay dates would be bi-weekly. He was offered a salary of $32,500 annually, plus a $15 bonus for every package shipped within 24 hours. I took pictures of everything, including the “Work Panel”. Now I’m praying the authorities don’t show up on my doorstep ready to arrest my husband, or me for unknowingly being “employed” by scam artist. I’m so angry, I could spit fire!!!

    • Hey Byrd,

      It happens to the best of us. Thanks for sharing the details so others can avoid it. You should be fine. Just follow the steps I mentioned above to protect yourself.

    • I applied for a job on like I usually do and Allmond Shippers called me and did an interview. I worked for a month and I was supposed to get paid 12/18/2020 and nothing. They told me my salary will be on my card on the 23rd and now I found this site. The supervisors were Danilla, edita, and someone else

  23. Stay away from PobaCouriers luckily I didn’t ship anything to them and did further research to know its a scam their phone line never worked when I called but it allowed them to call me. The email looked like this: “Hello, my name is Jessica. We have a vacancy available for the position of a Package Handler. You are welcome to apply today! Here is more information on the position and instructions for applying: *inserts google doc for application* You will be contacted shortly once application is approved. Don’t let them know that you reported them so they don’t remove their website or any other odd details. Just cut off communication and completely and do not let them know that they have been reported so they can easily be found.

  24. Hello Eddy with a y, I have fell victim to this scam. I got an email regarding re-shipping from a company called, “Goods Inspect.” A Quality Controller position. I sent personal information but have not received any packages. The “Company” says it works for Amazon
    I will cease all communication as of now. I should have known better. The scammers information: Good Inspect, LLC herein after called “The Company.” Amazon Corporate LLC:Business Sector. Named: Laurel Eaton and Mary Buckler(302-364-6671).

  25. Hey, Eddy with a y I was just scammed myself this week with a job just like this company called Insight-Bridges LLC. shipping and receiving clerk
    I had a gut feeling about it but I said let me try and I did. Received a package under someone else’s name and like dumb I sent it. They sent me another one today I still have it I said let me look up the address that this is going to and it was the same one that the first one was sent to with the same name as the other package. I mean I looked up the company website it looked legit it even had the job on the careers page. I had a gut feeling but I needed a job I know it’s stupid but it happened. I just filed a complaint with I kept all communications with this company just in case.

  26. Hello Eddy,

    Thanks so much for taking the time to write in detail about such scam as well as replying to the comments. I received the scam email today and immediately did a search and found this site. So, I just want to comment something here about the scam to help caution others.

    Few tips:
    1. They didn’t introduce themselves and the company they represent.
    2. The email address from the sender was “gmail” rather than a company.
    2. There were punctuation errors.
    3. The compensation was too good to be true.

    Here’s the email I received:
    Hello (my name),
    We found your resume via Careerbuilder job-site. At the moment we expand our business to the United States territory and can offer you a position of Transportation Manager.
    The position is mostly about accepting, repacking and sending parcels with the help of the Postal Service all over the world. It’s a work at home job and does not require any start-up costs.
    You do not need to relocate and can do this job from a comfort of your home.

    The Transportation Manager duties consist of:
    Step 1: You receive parcels at your address.
    Step 2: You should report to the supervisor about parcels delivered;
    Step 3: You should do repackaging according to supervisor instructions;
    Step 4: You will receive a prepaid shipping labels to mail the package out
    Step 5: You should affix the shipping label provided by your supervisor to the parcel and drop it off at the nearest post-office.

    You do not need to invest any money to start this job. All the shipping costs and extra expenses will be covered by our company.
    You will be responsible for dispatching packages in time.
    Your compensation will consist of $2400 base salary (monthly) + $30 commission per box received .
    Your wage will be deposited into your bank account or mailed in a form of check at the end of each work month.
    During the first weeks you will work with a small product quantity. There will be about 10-20 boxes a week.
    It’s not obligatory to have any special education, you will have a possibility to gain necessary knowledge during the trial period.
    Make sure to have working home and mobile phone numbers, so we could reach you through the day if we have any questions about the reports.

    The candidate should have:
    1. Printer (you will need to print postage labels to ship the boxes out).
    2. Internet Access (to check your email for the information updates) and the ability to your email 2-3 times a day.
    3. Ability to receive the parcels right to your physical address (not P.O. box) from courier services such as Fedex, UPS and USPS

    If you need some more information regarding the offered vacancy – you could email me with any questions.

    The offered vacancy is 100 percent legitimate job, all shipped products are legal under the law of the United States of America.

    Please, reply back to get more information.
    Sincerely yours,
    Jessica Morris
    Discount Logistics
    Skeppsgatan 19-19,
    Malmo, 21119,

  27. Common Sense dictates that you should do the research, if you think it is too good to be true such as Working at home. I was about to submit an application today in order for me to work at home, but before I did that, I needed to research about USPack Company and Voila! I ended up in this website! Not just I learned many things about the way scam artists do such as re-shipping. I am hoping Mr. Popo would get them and sentence them to life in prison.

    • Unfortunately when people are in desperate situations or want something so bad common sense can go out the window. I don’t blame the victims when this happens. Either way, I’m happy you didn’t fall for this scam.

  28. I received a couple emails from these RA Shipping LLC and I’m so glad I googled the company name and position to make sure it was legit before I sent them any personal information. I’ll be sure to report them.

  29. Hello, i currently fell victim to this by a company name shipcoglobal. The had me send all the packages in USA. The packages will come in a different name but they would make the pre-paid shipping label in my name. They told me that i will get paid $3000 for my probation plus $20 for each package i process within 24hrs. They had a portal that shows what type of packages would be coming with the tracking number. I even had few packages sent to my house that was not in the portal . They sent me a total of 12 packages but after the first 5 i sent, i started to become curious and research this . The website looked legit and i will get a text to my phone everytime a new task was in the control panel.After reading this, i said i am not going to send the rest of the packages out and make this company be known and also tell the postal cerivces about this.

  30. I have been scammed by this company Shoppers Network U.S. LLC. Unfortunately, I did send off packages and I am now getting identity protection so that I can help to protect myself as much as possible. I really do feel like a dummy right now. I had instincts that this was not a real company and I did not listen to them. I am trying now not to get my credit destroyed. Please watch out for the scams people I did not understand how they can pay you just for shipping packages. Shoppers Network U.S. LLC. My payday was on 1/14/2019 and I have not received any money. I want to cry and get really angry but I have to work now on saving my identity.

    • Hey Jade, I’m sorry you were a victim of this scam. I wish you would have found my article sooner. But if you followed what I laid out above you’ll come out of this. Keep your head up. These scams happen to the best of us and it’s why I created this site.

  31. Please help me. I am still receiving the parcels and they asked me to re-ship it through post office. I don’t know what to do. Now they are threatening me if i dont send their parcels they will go to police to report me. I am in a trap. I already re-shipped 8 parcels and 3 parcels are with me.

  32. Thank you for this info and the legit links at the end. I’ve always been skeptical so I’ve never attempted ant of these types of jobs, but you’re right-they’re getting REALLY good at irking my curiosity and making them look legit. I actually signed up for the Amazon mturk job from your link & it’s AWESOME. So easy and I obviously trust Amazon as a company!

  33. I received an email today similar to suit of all the others posted here. I’m glad I did my due diligence and came across this article! The email was sent from Audrey Espinoza yet the e-mail address associated was which was my first, “huh?” moment.

  34. I believe I was scammed as well. I received a email from a Julia Polanski about a position within their company. “Beta Sales Group, LLC” They have a very legitimate looking website, employee log in which as a sort of work board with emails, packages being sent, tracking numbers, inventory, pre paid shipping labels, etc.
    The hiring supervisors name Julia Polanski sent W-2, work contract, sent me their EIN number, business license and all. My husband and I both thought it was real. I had a phone interview, training, etc. The way it was represented to me was basically “Beta Sales Group, LLC” A whole sale distributor for companies that register with them as a customer. They send to warehouse/customer service managers across the US. The packages to be received are wholesale items in bulk and then they send a Invoice/Packaging slip to pull the different items to be condensed to a new order and then print the pre paid shipping label and send. For every 2 packages it is equivalent to 1 hour of pay. They even mentioned they were like “Wish” they were subsidized by large brands so that their customers were given the best shipping cost, time turn around. They even sent legit business address, phone numbers that do work. My husband even looked at the website, contracts, emails and it all seems “legit”.
    I feel like the biggest idiot not only did we fall hook line and sinker but, I gave them my financial registration, social security number, home phone info, internet info, etc. I received the first shipment today. It was addressed to someone else and our address. I tried to contact the company because, in the “company” work board I was not expecting a package today or from the mail carrier but, haven’t heard from the company. I just googled (work at home shipping/package jobs) and found this article. I immediately felt sick and told my husband. I am scared as to what is going to happen. It’s close to Christmas and we were going to do this as a extra income for our family. NOT to be part of a scam that potentially is hurting others at the Holidays. My husband and I are going to figure out what steps we need to take and start Monday when agencies/offices are open. This all looked real, I still am like is this really happening? Is this company really NOT real?

    • Hey Wendi,

      I’m sorry you feel for this. But it happens to the best of us. We’ve laid out what you should do in the article above.
      And if you want a real work at home job that isn’t a scam you have now found our site. You can start here. Good luck to you.

  35. I guess I really don’t understand how anyone could fall victim to this. I mean there are SO many red flags with these. The very first thing that’s a red flag is why is this “company” emailing me? 2nd red flag if the first wasn’t enough to delete it is the type of job, reshipping packages, that in itself is a red flag as well then there is the 3rd red flag. Look at the spelling and punctuation in these emails. You can CLEARLY tell they are from overseas because NO reputable company is going to send a job offer like this EVER! I guess I just don’t understand how so many people don’t see this. A little common sense goes a long way and that’s all it is is common sense. If it sounds too good to be true then it probably is. The reason these criminals keep doing what they are doing is because people let them. The ONLY way to stop these scams is to not let them happen to begin with. As long as people don’t use common sense these guys will keep on doing what they are doing.

    • I do agree that common sense goes a long way. And it’s something that isn’t as common as it used to be. That said I am not blaming the victims here. I think desperation can cloud people’s judgement sometimes. So many people come online looking to make money and there is this assumption that it’s going to be easy because it’s the internet. So folks gravitate towards anything that lives up to that. And for some folks it’s because they’re dying to make money online so bad they ignore some of the voices and red flags you’ve mentioned. So I get why it happens.

  36. got an offer from “business generic LLC” of course as a “Quality control inspector”
    same gig yada yada get stolen goods send them to some place.
    Never followed up with the email but for others sake
    Guys name (probably fake) Georgia Ray Phone number (877)970-1040
    I intend to do more research on the email and fax used. I live for learning and diving deep into scams

  37. Really glad I found this. I just today was ‘hired’ by a company called ‘Get Your Goods.’ Very sophisticated interviewing method, professional looking website. Just glad I called the phone number and researched package forwarding. I wrote them back and told them not to send me any packages. Someone spent a lot of time to set up this scam.

  38. I started to receive these types of job scams after my resume became searchable on a job site. I have since made my resume private and apply to jobs directly, so not to receive so many scam emails. It used to be easier to spot these scams due to grammar/spelling/context mistakes, but they are no longer that simple. Be careful out there!

    I wish I had kept the others to post, however here’s an example:

    Molly Bradford

    We came across your resume on a job board, and we wanted to contact you regarding a job opportunity at our company.
    We feel that your qualities and skills are in line with being an excellent applicant for this job.

    Job Type: Work-from-home;
    Salary: up to $2600/month;
    Quick Start: You will start working right away;
    No Fees: You do not have to pay any fees to start working!

    The position will be taking about 2-4 hours of your time per day. Hours are flexible.

    Job Requirements:
    – Basic knowledge of Adobe Acrobat Reader and Microsoft Office ;
    – Reliable Internet connection;
    – Easy access to printer and scanner;
    – Must be accurate and detail-oriented.

    Duties and Responsibilities:
    Goods will be sent to your residential address.
    You will have to to examine it, repack it, take pictures, make reports, and forward the items to the client.

    If you wish to discuss this position further, please reply to this address and HR representative will get back to you ASAP.
    If the provided opportunity is not attractive to you, please ignore this email.

    Thank you in advance,
    Molly Bradford.

    • Agreed. The scammers definitely scour the internet job sites for resumes with contact information and it’s how they get you. Thanks for sharing an example of the scam you ran into.

  39. I got facebook message from a penelope wanting to hire me for a company called best shop-usa inc. Then i got a call today from a guy asking questions. I havent sent any of my personal info because i got scammed before by a company called post llc and they do the same thing recieving packages, check them, take pictures, and prepaid shipping labels to reship. So, those are two companies i know of that is possibly a scam too.

  40. Hi,I am glad that I finally found this website which I been frequently and hard time. I get tired of someone ripped me off and scams which I am so disappointed. I feeling like it is wasting of time to spend all my money and never got my money back which I am really hurting and been trying to find way to to have the right business of company to work from home or work at home. It is not fair how they do me like that and I still have not find anything the right one and who I can trust and serious business without no scam and fraud situation. I don’t know what am I going to to do?

    • Well I’m sorry to hear that you’ve run into all the garbage that we try to warn people against.
      Hopefully now you’ll look through my site and the recommended options to get you going.

  41. Boy don’t I really feel like a dumb ass!! I just got my “employment confirmation” today!
    And that means that my dumb ass sent them my information last week! I was very skeptical, checked the website, asked 100’s of questions, and still sent them a copy of my ID! Thank goodness it doesn’t have my SSN on it, but still, I should have known better!
    I’m gonna start first thing in the morning and notify everyone I can think of, I enjoy my freedom and will not go down with or for anybody! They don’t have a clue who they have really hired! Maybe their worst nightmare! LoL
    I’m also going to post this site everywhere I can think of to prevent others from being scammed!

    • Hey Shawna,

      I’m sorry you didn’t find this site before hand. But at least now you know what to do. Feel free to share the emails or ad you responded to which will help others avoid this.

  42. Another tip, if you fall victim or know that a company is a scam, contact your state Attorney General’s office.

    Several years ago, maybe about 8 years or so, I ended up finding and because I was unaware of scams like this, I tested it out to see if it was true or not, until very quickly I found out it was definitely not legitimate. I personally never lost any money and was paid quite well, but it was still not legitimate. I contacted the department of consumer affairs and the attorney generals office in my state and explained what happened. They actually interviewed me to find out how the scam worked, from start to finish, so they could use it as a warning to others.

    Even though local authorities may be unaware, I guarantee the state authorities are either aware already, or need your help in identifying these scams to keep others from falling for them. The truth is, even they told me that there is little that anyone can do to catch these types of criminals, other than warn others and keep them from being a victim.

  43. USA Premium Logistics = RESHIPPING SCAM,
    (302) 956-1269
    504 Industrial Rd, Middletown, DE 19709

    I was connected about a opportunity to easy money …all I had to do is receive packages, inspect them, print out the shipping labels that they send me and ship it out… But a lot of red flags started occurring, like; multiple recipients, shipping labels disappearing, seeing people having the same issues with alike businesses.

    I confronted them and they didn’t even answer in a business manner, they refuse to let me and my friend go against out unless we send their package off…

    They are stealing credit cards and buying goods then sending them.

    • Hey Michael,
      I’m sorry you fell for this before seeing my article. But at least now you know. Just follow the steps I listed above and you should be good.

  44. I received the following email:

    Logistics Agent
    We would like to bring to your awareness an employment opportunity that might catch your interest!
    The role of a Logistics Manager is designed in order to provide administrative assistance with our merchandises while working remotely.
    Take time to review the job description below and then send us your phone number to get further information!

    As a Logistics Manager you will have to carry out various administrative duties, examining merchandises, setting up dispatches and making shipping arrangements.
    No personal expenses is needed, training and constant support are guaranteed.
    So as to obtain this role, a stable Internet connection is necessary.

    Daily responsibilities:
    – to perform all-time communication with co-workers and senior managers via emails and phone calls;
    – to arrangepackages shipment;
    – to create products statistics and keep online records.

    Please DON’T RESPOND to this email message. If you wish to submit your application for this job email us your resume directly to Or push the apply button below.

    When I responded, they sent me to a recruiting website that created a generic contract with my name and sent me to their website: They asked for a copy of my driver’s license and utility bill. They had tax documents and a what looked to be a registered business license and even had a legitimate address and phone number in Georgia. However, when I looked them up in Georgia’s business registry, they were not found. All documents presented were fake. Luckily I found this website before proceeding further.

    Thank you

  45. Thank you so much for this!!!! My son fell victim and I didnt have a good feeling so I did some research and this was so helpful.

  46. Almost fell for this one until we did further research. Google searched the company but nothing specifically came up for it except its site, and the scammers were crafty because they used a very similar name to a legitimate company so people could be easily confused. Another scam below. I starred out personal names and emails. This one was well-crafted. It looks very professional, even the site and the google doc in the email look professional. Beware.

    Here’s the site: BNA Recruitment –

    —— EMAIL ——

    From: Emily Richardson
    Date: Mon, Mar 5, 2018 at 2:40 PM
    Subject: Re: ***** *****
    To: Sonya *****

    Dear Sonya,

    I’m HR manager in BNA Recruitment. We have an offer from Detrans company.
    They have only one vacant position now and you can apply for it right now.
    Here is the link to the file with the detailed job description: id= 0BzfFxverKj7KSXdVRWNyTUNsUEE

    Please read it carefully. You will find the info “How to move forward” and answers to any questions in it.

    Please inform me if you have problems with opening the link.

    Waiting for your response today!
    ______________________________ ___
    Emily Richardson
    BNA Recruitment HR department


    On Mon, Feb 26, 2018 at 7:04 PM, Jeannette Singh
    > wrote:

    Our company is pleased to offer you distant home-based vacancy in logistics industry.

    Description of job:

    The head firm is located in the U.S.A.;
    Remote job from your house;
    30000 dollars salary per year;
    Full time job;


    Have a qualification but not required;
    Being able to work remotely without direct supervision;
    Being fit enough deal with packages up to 15-30 pounds;
    A resident of the US;
    Have an actual postal address in the U.S.A.;

    List of your working process:

    Download the list of current deliveries using a special software.
    Check the presence of the contents in packages, make photos of the contents and upload them
    Process different packages to your address through postal services
    Forward the packages to the final destination, make logos and get it to the nearest delivery service.
    Pack packages again if necessary
    If you are interested in having this job do not hesitate and respond on this e-mail with your phone number and our manager will reach you as soon as possible.

  47. Just received the following email and have not/will not respond or further proceed with the offer. I’m making the content available so others may know what to look for so they won’t get scammed.
    Tue 2/20/2018 5:31 PM

    Good Day

    I’m a representative of the Human Resources department at Cloud Post. Your resume and contact information were received from a recruiting agency.
    The company hires individuals for home-based position of Shipping Assistant all over the country.
    We are an international provider of shopping and shipping services for over 7 years in the market.

    We give:
    – Home-based job
    – Flexible schedule
    – Salary: $560 per week plus bonuses available
    – Benefits: paid sick days, paid vacation for 3 weeks a year
    – Shipping supplies are provided by our company, no shipping expenses for you
    – Position location: All over the country

    Key duties are:
    – Manage incoming shipments
    – Receive, check, sort and ship out items
    – Getting products ready for shipping
    – Send items

    Applicant must have:
    – 30 years old and over
    – Permanent address
    – Basic computer skills

    To apply for the job and have more details, please send us at your actual contact information and we’ll get in touch with you shortly.

    Thanks for your time!

  48. Got scammed by this “Shipping Forwarder”… Beware of Tricerion Services, LLC.

    My name is Mr. Dave Schmidt, I’m a HR specialist in Tricerion Services LLC.

    Please start with downloading and carefully reading the
    Introduction file to understand who we are and what we do before continuing.

    After you finish with the Introduction file please download the
    Application Form, print it out, fill it out and send the scanned
    copy back to me via email to move forward with your employment.

    To see detailed information about this offer please see the following links:

  49. I’m glad i found this sight when I did. I just was hired as one of these re-shippers. I have only sent out 1 package but have more on the way to me already. I plan to send these back to the companies with the explanation as to why they are being returned. I feel bad for the person that this fraud (most likely credit card theft) is happening to. I have an invoice that has the purchaser’s name but only a PO BOX to go with it. Should I try to inform this person there card is being used?

  50. Hi! Eddy with a y,

    The following is another email that is more than likely a scam. By researching it, I was lead to find your site. When you run into these probable scams, always consider them bogus and make them prove they are not, rather than wishing to make them legit and fooling yourself into . . . more trouble you had from the beginning.


    Jessica Crump via

    7:52 AM (3 hours ago)

    to me
    Good day to you,
    We are currently looking for new people who would take the vacancy of a package handler.
    Your profile was found on one of the job-related web-sites and our HR managers found it to be quite interesting. We would be glad to see you joining our friendly team.
    So, let me explain you what the position of a package handler is all about.
    As a package handler you’ll be helping us to maintain an exceptional quality of the services we provide. In particular, your job responsibilities would include:
    – receiving and checking the contents of the packages, which will be forwarded to you;
    – sending those items to our customers using the labels which are already paid for;
    – keeping the information of all the items you process using our online platform;
    – regularly communicating with appointed Supervisor.
    Please be advised that we require you to be at least 25 years old and MUST be U.S. citizens to be eligible for this position.
    Basic experience in office equipment operation will also be expected.
    Salary that starts with 3100$ per month.
    We offer unprecedented career perspectives for our most promising employees and, by the way, most of our Senior Managers have begun from the position that you may now occupy.
    Please reply to this email with your contact information and resume to let us know that you are interested and we’ll speak with you shortly. Thank you and have a wonderful day! ”


    By the way, I have been a WA member for quite a few years now. I just managed to pay annual dues so will have a year with no monthly fees. I confess I have not taken the time to do much with it up until now, but realize it has immense value. I’ll be looking to hook up with you on the WA site. Love what you’re doing!

    • Hey Chris,

      Thanks for sharing this scam. And I’m happy to hear you’re a WA member as well and you’re doing more now.
      Thanks for the kind words and I hope to see you at WA.

    • I’ve been doing this scam for three weeks now, not knowing it is a scam. Was hoping to get a debt paid, but now I know it ain’t gonna happen. Thanks for letting me know!! I do have all receipts and printed and downloaded everything just in case I need to prove my case to authorities.

  51. Patricia Gomez, I was also scanned by the same Person, Tiffany Hightower . I didn’t even realize it was a scam until she stopped answering my emails and I didnt get paid. I signed a contract and the email she sent for the job was so legitimate. I can’t believe I was scammed. Like you my first email was not from her but from Timothy McCartney. Her email is Her fake website is Please guys stay away and beware.

  52. I put my resume on CL and have gotten numerous obvious text scams, but this one guy keeps following up asking if I’m still interested and saying he wishes he could meet me but is out of town, lol.. the scam is to reship items and he mentions no drugs or anything illegal and tells me I can open the packages and check them lol.. so far he’s been pestering me about sending my full address along with my email and I thought well maybe I’ll play with this guy, but I probably shouldn’t.. His text # is 805-386-9079, so beware!

  53. I have been scammed.
    I shipped 9 packages in a week. Some items were very inexpensive shipped to stonia, Russia. Other were shipped to USA. I don’t want to get paid, but they have copy of my driver license. I’m really worried.
    First email was from Ramon Long.
    My manager or supervisor was Tiffany Hightower.
    Company skyline Insurance.
    Phone number 1-888-644-3115.

    This is the first email that I got:

    Job Category: Insurance Claims Inspector.
    Position type: Part-time, Full-time, Contract based.
    Location: Home Based.
    No Overhead Costs – 1099-K structure.

    Summary of the job:
    The Insurance Claims Inspector will perform the entire range of, making reports, taking pictures, determining the level and validity of insurance policy claims, accepting, analyzing the insured goods and shipping it to return center for realization and to other merchants.
    Remuneration – Base annual salary $50,000 plus bonus platform with eligibility of annual merit increase and first year production bonuses.

    Insert inspected in boxes, affix shipping labels to the packages;
    Decide method of shipment;
    Perform visual examination to ensure goods quality or need for rejection;
    Receive, document and manage all incoming and outgoing shipments;
    Plan a schedule to accept the packages;
    Take photos, make reports;
    Open and examine incoming shipments, reject damaged goods;
    Inspect the damaged goods; ensure quality and quantity of order; inspect goods delivered with purchase order; wraps, packages, and ships supplies;
    Maintain correspondence with supervisor to report and receive assignments;
    Verify that the paperwork is consistent with shipping labels on packages.

    Excellent attendance & punctuality;
    Good English literacy skills;
    Must have a laptop or computer and 24\7 internet access;
    Be flexible and quickly adapt to change;
    Ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships with supervising personnel;
    At least 18 y.o.;
    High School diploma or equivalent;
    Must have a printer;
    Effectively organize a schedule.

    You’ll attend a thorough, comprehensive, one month online training program during your probationary period.
    Your activity will be advanced with training opportunities, a personal development program and our Promote-from-within philosophy.
    As valuable Team Member, you have the chance to do honorable work, receive competitive payment, and opportunities to develop your career.

    Please reply to this e-mail if you are interested.

    Best regards,
    Ramon Long.

  54. Hi Eddy with a “Y”. Gosh I wish I would of found this a few weeks ago. I got scammed. Now I don’t know what all to do. I’m such an honest person, I’m gonna call the numbers you let here. If you have any more advice for me or some info on real work from home ideas, I’d love to hear from you.

    • Sorry to hear you got scammed. But it led you to this site which is the bright side.
      I’ve already provided you all the next steps, including trusted work at home options I trust in the article above.
      So everything you need is right there. You just need to take action now.

  55. I received this email job offer, I was wondering is there a number we can contact to expose these scams?

    Mary Maxie
    7:00 PM (14 hours ago)

    to me
    We invite you to submit application for a fully genuine home based job in Logistics with a salary of $2500 every month and without payment.

    The full-time vacancy is offered by a legitimate U.S. logistics business.

    The company have chosen the remote employment techniques, because it enables to save on warehousing expenses and provide shipping points throughout the United States.

    Job Responsibilities:
    – Stay at home to receive packages sent to your address via UPS/Fedex/USPS during standard working hours from 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM everyday;
    – Get the list of arriving deliveries, your day to day tasks, and shipping labels;
    – Check packages and take and upload pictures of the contents of each item;
    – Merge packages in certain cases;
    – Resend the mail to customers by printing and applying labels and sending the parcels to the nearest USPS and Fedex sites.

    – US residence with a postal address;
    – experience is considered, but not mandatory;
    – Capability to work on your own with minimum supervision;
    – Ability to lift parcels up to 15 pounds.

    If you are willing to start, respond to this email.

    Kind Regards,
    Mary Maxie.

  56. Hi there, just thought i’d post another that sounds oddly similar. Got an E-mail tonight about a job with “Proper Presents Delivery inc.”. Sounds exactly like what was posted here. Just want to put their name online so people sear hing for them like I did end up at this article.

  57. You probably (most likely) just saved me from making a HUGE mistake. I was almost ready to reply to an email that I received today, but at the last minute decided to check out the company website. Couldn’t find any hint of a website or other business listing for a company called “Proper Present Delivery, Inc.”, but found your article instead, which definitely describes what this email is about.

    Many thanks for the heads-up, and below is a copy of the email I received.

    Dear Richard,
    We are writing to you to let you know that we have had an opportunity to locate your information at the job seeking website and have an intention to offer your a gift handler job vacancy with Proper Presents Delivery inc enterprise.

    Proper Presents Delivery inc organisation specialises in gift-wrapping of various products and further transitioning them to our clients.

    Your working responsibilities will involve: accepting the purchased merchandise at your current street address, making it gift-wrapped and sending the prepared and decorated package to the client.

    Our enterprise does not ask for any investments from your pocket, we will be supplying everything necessary for the job itself, including shipping labels and the decorating material.

    This work will not require a lot of time from you and it could be considered as a secondary employment for you.

    Your minimal fixed monthly salary will be $1,850,00.
    There also will be additional bonuses for the every timely forwarded parcel.

    To be suitable for this vacancy you will have:
    – to be a resident of the United States;
    – to be 18 years old or older;
    – to have a current shipping address;
    – to be able to work with PC and internet;
    – to have an ability to work with the printer;
    – to have a working telephone number to be approached at us.

    We would be glad to have you among of our employees.

    If you have any questions about the job itself or this letter, or if you are willing to get any additional information, please reply to this email.

    In case if you consider that this offer is interesting for you and you feel that you are ready to cooperate with us, next procedure will be signing the papers with the enterprise and you will be able to begin fulfilling your duties in the next few days after that.

    Archie Flores.

  58. Hi there…I’m another victim of scam also and I feel really stupid about it because I saw it’s was weird and keep working until I saw this article…the company name is In Time Cargo..I made the report already and return everything..thank you very much for Charing these…

    My name is Emma Johnson, and I work for Intime Cargo Company. We have
    received recommendations from the recruiter department that you are
    looking for position for doing with shipping , so we have sent you an
    email with the contract from our company. Take your time to read it.
    Consider all pros and cons and decide whether you are willing to join
    our company. If you decide to do this, please send back a signed
    contract to this email. When you sign the contract, do not forget to
    enter your full name and accurate home address on the first page. The
    following pages contain regulations that will govern our relations.

    ATTENTION: Together with a signed contract, please attach to the email
    a copy of Photo ID (e.g passport, driver’s license or military ID) and
    a utility bill with a legitimate home address (e.g bill for internet
    or household appliances).

    We need to have this information about you in our data base as we are
    going to entrust company’s property and client information to you.

    IMPORTANT: This is for verification purposes only and will be used
    internally by InTime Cargo’s Company. Your documents and personal
    information will not be shared or used by third parties. If by any
    reason you are no longer employed by our company, your personal data
    will be permanently removed from our database within 2 weeks after

    Your duties are the following:

    – You will receive and check packages (make reports, you will be
    guided how to do this work by your Supervisor).

    – Sometimes you need to consolidate of packages together, and send
    goods via the mail courier offices. You do not suffer any expenses,
    the labels for shipping are prepaid. Also we can ask you to pick up
    the packages from the nearest stores.

    – You need to have a computer or lap top with the Internet access.

    NOTE: to communicate with your supervisor every day for reporting
    about your job and solving some questions if you have. The tasks
    should be done on time that will raise the bonus for good job. All
    this job will take you a couple of hours per day to cope with it.

    Check your spam folder because sometimes our messages go there.

    Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns.

    Best Regards

    Manager – Emma Johnson
    InTime Cargo Company

    P:(914) 265-1212
    Hi Emma,
    Here is the Employment agreement. I hope It’s okay, let me know if there are any problems. “‹

    EmploymentAgreement DONE
    Show quoted text

  59. I got an interview for the job position home base logistics manager, the company is called Intelligens Rem Temptationis HR Department or IRT. The interview lasted less than 10 min and same day, they sent me a contract to sign and requested me an ID. Thanks God I did research before sending my information. Although the company website looks legitim, the hiring process seem ridiculous, I have been looking for a job and it is never like that. The role for the position I was interviewed was the same thing you described before receiving and re shipping. I just wanted to let people know if you receive a call for the same company.

    • Hey Ivette,

      I’m glad to hear you were able to dodge the bullet because of my article. I appreciate that you came here and shared your experience with this company so others can avoid it. Please spread the word and share this article with others.

  60. Hi this is good info thx for gathering!! The one thing I would add is that if you fall victim you should call your local authorities right away and explain what happened. That will be your best defense and that is the best way to try to catch the scammers (tho I don’t think current cyber crime departments are yet up to the task).
    Do you disagree with this step Eddy? Your blog almost scares people away from taking this step!?

    • Hey Trevor,

      You’re very welcome. I’m not really sure if your local authorities are equipped or even aware of this type of scam. But the postal inspectors and some of these other sites I mentioned in the start snitching section do. So as long as you’re making some type of authority know, then you should be good.

    • Like I said above. It doesn’t matter what the name of the company is. If you’re doing what I described and others have discussed in the comments you’re part of a scam. The best thing to do is read the article and follow the next steps to avoid any problems. You’ve been warned. I know people want to hope that their variation of the company is different. But it’s not. So don’t let desperation misguide you my friend.

  61. It is very helpful information. I also received the email for logistics supervisor position for a Australia company called WR Co.
    it is exactly the same as you described above. lucky I did not sign the contract. it looks suspicious to me.

    Thank you

  62. Hello Eddy,
    I got a quick question, how and where do I turn in a company that had me get packages and then never paid me. The company was Express Shopping Service from Hamburg, Germany. Was supposed to be paid after 20 days, the manager that I was dealing with said my money was on its way and that was 2 weeks ago. Was told to turn them in with the FBI but the website just gives me the wrong number. I tried to get a hold of that job but the number on their website was disconnected. Their website is Their contact information is the following: Anckelmannsplatz 1, Hamburg 20537, Germany
    Phone: +49 40 361 024
    USA FAX: +1 224-829-0818
    Business Hours (GMT Time):
    Monday – Friday: 8:30 am – 6:30 pm
    Saturday: 9:00 am – 2:00 pm
    Direct general questions or comments about our services to:

  63. Here is another company to add to your list, USA Trading international. They were advertising on Indeed. I actually looked into the company and it was at one time a real company according to the FL SOS website. But they were dissolved in April of 2017. The scammers took on the name and created a separate login page. Here is the e-mail I was sent (I was also contacted by a Maria Brisker):

    USA Trading International makes it possible for international customers to make purchases at U.S. retailers even when those retailers do not offer overseas shipping options. As a mail forwarding company, we gather goods that have been purchased from retailers in the U.S. and then deliver them to the end customers anywhere in the world. Our service is reliable, safe, efficient, and cost effective, making us one of the leading names in the postal address rental industry. Our services are used by individual customers making single purchases from U.S. retailers, and overseas businesses to establish a more long-term logistics partnership arrangement. Setting up international distribution and logistics operations in the U.S can often be complex, but our solution makes this process easy.

    We already have an established shipping network infrastructure that our customers and our employees can take immediate advantage of. Our employees also benefit because of our unique business model that doesn?’t involve operating expensive warehouses. Instead, our distribution chain is made up of remote employees who are located across the United States. These people work from home or their private office, which is an increasingly popular career and lifestyle choice.

    You can join this network too and become one of our shipping agents. The process of getting set up and fulfilling the requirements is straightforward, and you will get a consistent monthly income. The main requirement is that you live in the continental U.S. and are available to work from home or your private office during normal business hours. This is necessary so that you are able to receive deliveries at your address.

    More detailed requirements are below. If you meet the criteria, join our distribution network today!

    1. Deliveries are made during the day between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m by carriers such as FedEx, USPS, and UPS at your address. You will have to be at your address, whether it is your home office or a private business address, during those hours so you can receive the deliveries. You cant have another full-time job as this will invariably affect your ability to carry out your duties as a shipping agent.
    2. You will need a reliable form of transportation so you can take the packages to the post office for forward delivery.
    3. Each parcel and package must be treated with the utmost care and attention. Customers use us because of the quality of our service, and treating each package we handle with the utmost care helps us deliver consistently high standards.
    4. You must be self-motivated and responsible.
    5. The packages you will be handling can weigh as much as 30 pounds. You must be physically capable of handling packages that are this heavy.
    6. You will need a reliable and fast Internet connection as well as daily access to a printer and any kind of digital camera.
    7. Previous experience in logistics management is beneficial, although it is not a prerequisite.
    1. You will start each working day by logging into our online portal. This is where you will see the packages you can expect on that particular day, plus you can print the prepaid shipping labels for those packages at this time.
    2. Next, you simply wait for the deliveries to arrive. This could by DHL, USPS, FedEx, or UPS.
    3. Once the package has been received, you should complete an inspection to ensure it meets our standards of quality.
    4. You will then process the package in order to forward it to its final destination.


    Members of our distribution network receive $2,000 a month in compensation. All agents who handle more than 50 packages in a calendar month receive a bonus of $500. Any expenses you incur in the course of completing your duties are also reimbursed. This includes the cost of fuel to get to the post office, packaging costs, and the cost of Internet access. We do not require you to make any investment whatsoever. We will send you a W-2 form each year, as is required by law. This will outline the taxes that have been withheld.

    Getting Started

    If this opportunity sounds appealing to you and it is suited to your current home-based freelancer career or lifestyle, please get in touch with us. Submit an online application form, which you can find on our application portal. You can find the link and vacancy code in the attached file.

    If you have any questions, get in touch with us at, or call us at 954-414-9546.

    Michael Harper,
    Recruitment department,
    USA Trading International, Corp.
    4701 SW 45th St,
    Davie, FL 33314
    Toll-free: (800) 946-9303

  64. Emailed I received:

    Robert West via
    Attachments10 Apr

    to me
    Dear Applicant,

    I’ve reviewed your resume and pleased to inform you that your skills completely meet our requirements for this position.

    1) Please see the “Job Description” file for more details about this position.
    2) Fill out “Application Form” and send it back to me.

    Note: Just save the file on your PC. Open it in Acrobat Reader. Print the form.
    Sign it, then scan the pages and send us using your email.

    PS: Please visit our website for additional information about our company and services:

    Robert West,
    Tel: +1 646-797-4878
    Fax: +1 646-365-3005

    Robert West,
    Tel: +1 646-797-4878
    (available from noon to 6pm EST)

  65. Eddy,
    I have been working for a company called First Shipped ( Same thing, receiving and inspecting, printing out their pre-paid labels and dropping them off with FedEx or UPS. Now the 30 day probationary period is over I have not received anything from them. Today I was not able to log into the so called DASHBOARD to check status of new and sent packages. After writing a professional email to the “manager” and when I could not log in, I started doing research and your article.

    I will follow your instructions, but I have sent about 20 packages already, I feel so stupid and extremely upset.

    Just to warn other people the company name is First Shipped, and Assisting Manager is Robert West.

    What should I do now? Am I in serious trouble?

    • Sorry to hear you feel for this. The best thing to do is follow what I’ve detailed above. It’s the only thing you can really do in this situation. You shouldn’t get in trouble if you follow those steps.

  66. Eddy,
    I have been working for a company called Logistics Star llc. Same thing, receiving and inspecting,, printing out their labels and dropping them off with FedEx or UPS. Now that it is time to get paid after the 30 day probationary period, I have not received a check even though they supposedly mailed it a week ago. Today I was not able to log in to the website to check tasks, even though I received a package. I didn’t want to get in trouble. When I could not log in, I started doing research and found your site. I will follow your instructions, but I have sent so many packages already, I feel like an idiot.
    Warn people about Logistics Star, and HR manager Brian Hunt, and supervisor Jessica Stanley.

  67. Thanks guys for all these information. I got the same kind of e-mail yesterday. The information you guys have provided here helped me a lot. And I am going to stop communicating with them before even they send any packages at my address.

    this is the e-mails I got so be careful:

    Morning Mamadou,

    We have a fantastic opportunity to work within a global company as a Shipping & Receiving Clerk.
    The company is offering an excellent salary.

    Duties and responsibilities:

    You will either be picking or packing items – (No heavy lifting required)
    Working productively in a team and individually when necessary
    Prepare shipping labels using Fed-Ex and UPS software, including export documents as required
    To receive the goods at your address
    Pack and Ship domestic and international orders with accuracy
    Attention to detail when completing tasks
    Assist in meeting picking/packing targets
    Ensures quality standards are exceeded
    You will need to spend on average 4-5 hours per day, Mon-Friday.

    During the trial period you will be paid $ 4200 per month.
    After the trial period your base salary will go up to $ 5100 per month.
    After the trial period you may ask for additional hours or proceed full-time.

    If you are interested,please contact our manager Mary
    with subject: NEED CONTRACT
    and request contract and more information about our company!

    Your job is to receive the packages delivered to your address and ship them further to our agents (3-4 hours per day, Monday-Friday.), this is completely legal, we hold a license for these procedures. We do NOT ask you to pay for anything, instructions and prepaid shipping labels are sent on your email,all you have to do – receive the packages, check your email, print prepaid shipping labels for received packages, take the packages along with printed shipping label to nearest USPS or FedEx office, ship out the package. Payment for 21 working day is $ 4200. Its also indicated in the contract that we are using Western Union, Bank wire transfers, Checking, Money Gram, PayPal for payment transfer. You can choose one of these.

    I’m sending you scan of my ID (attached file) as a guarantee that we are a legal company.
    You can start working right after signing the contract. We look forward seeing you as our employee.

    Best Regards, Mary
    National Forwarding Service Inc.
    Customer Service: 201-289-8496

    On Thu, May 11, 2017 at 4:30 PM, Mary Kesler wrote:

    If you agree to undertake a vacancy in NATIONAL FORWARDING SERVICE, INC. as a Shipping and Receiving Clerk you should proceed as follows:
    1. Receive the packages from our company to his/her residential address;
    2. Report to our manager (every candidate will be included in manager’s lists)
    3. Sometimes you’ll have to repack received items following the instructions (given by your manager)
    4. Fill the forms and papers as it will be shown in our managers instructions
    (you will receive e-mail with instructions for each box).
    5. Ship the package out using the specified shipping method (DHL/UPS/USPS)

    Example of instructions:
    Receive the goods from our clients. To deliver the goods to the
    nearest DHL/UPS/USPS(for USA) office within a business day, excluding days off. To send
    the goods to a specified by us address, we will provide you with prepaid shipping
    labels (USPS as usual) or send you cash by Western Union/PayPal;
    Then you should e-mail us DHL/USPS/UPS shipment details.
    Description of Goods :
    – Consumer electronics of different kinds;
    – Sport equipment;
    – Luxuries;
    – Home computers and computer components for desktop systems, notebooks, PDAs;
    – Office equipment;
    – Mobile equipment (cellular phones, pagers, GPSs etc.);
    – Clothes;

    Your salary in the amount of $ 4,200 will be effected.
    You can find more information at our web-site:

    If you agree, please contact me
    by this email:
    with subject: NEED CONTRACT

    Best Regards, Mary
    National Forwarding Service Inc.
    Customer Service: 201-289-8496

    I hope this will help other to not fall into this scams.

  68. I got an email like this today. It’s not from a company, it sounds like they changed the scam to make it more personal. That way there is no company name to verify:

    Hi ,
    My name is Brian Martins, I am looking for someone who can handle my personal and business errands at his/her spare time. Someone who can offer me these services: Mail services: Receive my mails and drop them off at UPS (nothing illegal). Shop for Gifts ,Bill Payment Sit for delivery( at your home) ,Purchase of Electronics , pick items up at nearby post office at your convenience.

    Let me know if you will be able to offer me any of these services. I should probably tell you more about the job…… This job is flexible so you can do it wherever you are available and if there is a post office in the area. In addition to that, I don’t mind you doing all of the tasks during your spare time outside of work or school.. I wish I could meet up with you to talk about this job in person but I am currently away on business. I am in usa so there will be no interview. I will prepay you in advance to do my shopping and have my mails/packages forwarded to your address. If you will be unable to stay at home to get the mails, I can have them shipped to a post office near you and then you can pick them up at your convenience.
    All errands will be in your city/town so It is not a must that you have a car for the job, you can go places by bus or taxi. When you get my mails/packages; you are required to mail them to where I want them mailed to. You won’t have to put money out of your pocket, all you have to do is have packages shipped to your house and do my shopping.

    You are allowed to open the packages to reveal the content. The content of the packages will be business and personal mails… All expenses and taxes will be covered by me. You will work between 15 and 20 hrs a month. How much will you charge per week? I will pay $400 Weekly.. That is not a bad offer is it? I need your service because I am constantly out of town. I will return to CANADA in a week so this process will be on going till then. If you don’t mind, I will meet up with you when I return and then we can talk about the possibility of making this long term.

    Well, let me know if you are able to handle the position.

    Thanks for your time.

    I await your prompt response,

    Brian Martins

  69. Looks like I fell victim, but at least they didn’t get any financial information prior. I worked for them for a couple weeks. Daily contact, always responded to my chat requests, etc. Website, BBB, etc. look legit, but why would Asurion send something to me in the US for me to send to someone else in the US. Asurion would send it straight to the customer. This is when it clicked, that and I came across this site. I asked my “manager” to provide proof that the company was legit and above board, and she gave me their FEIN, which I can’t verify without spending money, and the IRS won’t give out any information on it. The BBB said that they were not accredited and a scam warning was posted in their comments for the company. When I told the lady that I was finished with them and that she could not give me proof of their company being legit, she said I had to continue working because I signed a contract, and that I had to send them a 2 week notice, and continue working in the meantime… All the while, without getting paid. So I am just going to report them, return to sender the packages, contact the postal service and keep reviewing them on sites, to make sure others don’t get caught up in what seemed to me, a legit opportunity. The BBB even said that they’ve been in business for many years, but that doesn’t mean they are legit. The whois has the same info as their business and when put up on the map, the one address is a residence and the other is a industrial building, but that would be any business. I can’t see without going there and I live in a different state. When asked why they weren’t accredited, they said because they had moved locations and that it was in the process and would be updated in 1-2 months. I will paste the information I have received below, and if you want more information, please let me know and I will provide it.

    The company is called Hollywood Global Shipping Company AKA

    BEWARE: It all looks legit, and the employees play along like it is…

    Ronald Martinez

    Feb 21

    We are contacting you on behalf of the Human Resources department of Hollywood Global Shipping Co, the registered owner of We have reviewed your profile and thought you might be a great fit for our new open position of Logistics Manager.

    As you might know, we are one of the leading companies in logistics and worldwide shipping business. We have experienced tremendous growth over last few months and to meet the extensive demand, we’re expanding our operations. We’re looking for great team members with positive attitude. If you want to jump start your career in the logistics industry, consider applying with us.

    We offer generous salary and competitive benefits, including: low deductible and low out of pocket health and dental insurance, tuition reimbursement, adoption assistance and paid time off. We are based out of Sacramento, CA but we have available positions that are flexible/mobile and allow you to work from the comfort of your own home. Some job-related travel may be required, but they will be limited within your area.

    Please review the following link for job specifics in PDF: Position Summary

    If you feel Hollywood Global Shipping Co is a good fit for you, I would encourage you to apply for this position from the link below:

    Apply for position JBOF749593-0217-A4

    If you have any question, please do feel free to reach out to us. I look forward to reviewing your application.

    Sincerely Yours,
    Ronald Martinez
    HR Department

    Hollywood Global Shipping Co
    Package Services

    P: (800) 643-2998 ext. 25
    F: (800) 643-3698
    Abby Klein

    Mar 2

    Welcome to team!
    My name is Abby Klein and I am your personal manager.

    It is my responsibility to guide you through the trial period. It is me who you will report to.
    I will assist and help you with any job-related situations that you may come across.

    My working hours are Mon through Fri: 9am – 5pm Pacific time(!).

    Before you can start your job, the following things have to be done within today:

    1. You have to print(!), read carefully and keep handy training materials and information I’ve prepared for you.
    2. You have to enroll into our database and verify your account. I will send you your username, password and login
    link after the training materials.
    3. We have to establish communication via database chat-system.
    4. We have to set up a phone call. I will provide you with the
    additional guidance and answer all the questions you have which are not covered by training materials, FAQ and information provided.

    So, our plan for today is:

    1. I’m sending you the training materials and information. You print them and read.
    2. I’m sending you your account details. You enroll to the database and verify your profile.
    3. We exchange messages inside the database to establish proper communication.
    4. We set up a phone conversation.

    Please refrain from the questions till our phone conversation(!). Many
    of them will be covered with my next emails.

    Congratulations with your new job and I’m looking forward to our cooperation!

    Sincerely yours,
    Abby Klein

    Hollywood Global Shipping Co / Logistics Dept.

    Toll-Free: (800) 643-2998 ext. 434
    Phone direct : (916) 226-9297


    Here is a reminder of your basic job responsibilities:

    – Your working hours are 9AM till 5PM by your local time, Monday – Friday. Federal holidays are excluded.

    – The database will be the a tool you use to monitor the orders, download/upload images and documents,
    and stay in touch with me, and with other departments from later on. You have to log in every morning at 9AM and
    attend to orders and messages.

    – You are expected to be available for deliveries at you registered address within working hours. You are also
    expected to be easy reachable by phone within this time.

    – You have to monitor the database every 1-2 hours.

    – You have to respond chat messages/e-mails within 1-2 hours.

    – You have to process (check, prepare and ship) orders on the day of delivery, or latest on the next day.

    – You have to update the information into the database in a timely manner.

    – You have to report me about any problems, delays, and changes.

    – You are supposed to have a computer,a printer and a digit camera.


    1. Begin your day by checking the list of orders in your DB and incoming messages.
    List of orders will be displayed on the main page of the database once you logged in.
    Messages are available in the CHAT section. Identification number (ID #) for each package is located in the first column.
    When reporting about any package please write/say this ID so that I can find it quickly among hundreds of packages in the DB.

    2. Tracking number allows you to know when to expect the delivery of each package.
    Click on the tracking number to see the delivery schedule for the package.

    3. There are 4 buttons for each order that correspond with 4 main steps you have to do to complete the order: REPORT, UPLOAD PHOTO, SHIP, RECEIPT.

    4. When package is received – check the contents carefully to make sure it matches the description in the DB.
    Click REPORT button in the DB to confirm that everything is as expected or report about any discrepancies/damages of the contents via CHAT.
    All gadgets have to be tested. Turn the gadget on and off to make sure that it works. IMPORTANT: DO NOT OPEN ANY HARD FACTORY SEALING.

    5. You have to take 4 pictures for each order: a picture of the original shipping label on the box, picture of original invoice that came
    inside the box and 2 pictures of the item from different angles.
    Transfer pictures to your computer and upload them by clicking UPLOAD PHOTO button, one picture at a time.
    Images have to be uploaded for EACH item.

    6. Order is considered as ready for shipment, when you REPORTed it and UPLOADed PHOTO. Then, our shipping department starts preparing and
    uploading pre-paid shipping documents.
    It usually takes 1-2 hours. Meanwhile, remove original shipping label and other stickers from the box, remove original invoice.
    Once documents are ready – SHIP button become active. Click it to get into the SHIP section. Here you DOWNLOAD SHIPPING LABEL and DOWNLOAD INVOICE.
    Download both and print.

    7. Put new invoice inside the box, attach new label outside the box with the clear tape and pack the box securely.
    In most of the cases you can use the box the item came in.

    8. Make a note of new label’s tracking number. It is located under the bar-code. It is a long number which usually starts with digit “4”.

    9. Proceed to the post office to drop off the package. Request PO clerk to give you a receipt for the shipment.
    If the clerk refuses to issue the receipt – request him to stamp an extra copy of the shipping label.
    As you understand, you have to print this extra copy of the label beforehand and have it with you for such a case.

    10. Once package is shipped, log into the database and go to the SHIP section again. Enter the tracking number (new one) into the appropriate field.
    Enter ONLY digits. DO not enter any other symbols, text or spaces.
    IMPORTANT: you have to update the tracking number in the database ONLY AFTER package is actually shipped.
    NEVER do it before the shipment.

    11. To complete the order, take a picture of the PO receipt (or stamped copy of the label), transfer it to your PC and click RECEIPT button to upload that image. After this step order is completed.
    Please note that each label is valid for 2 business days. To avoid delays, make sure that you use
    each label either the day it is uploaded or the following day. If the package is shipped with an outdated label,
    it may not be accepted, be held at the post office for pickup or be returned to you.

    Each shipping label has to be signed to be accepted at the post office. Sign it under the bar code.
    Failure to do so will cause delays in the shipping process. In case the post office refuses to accept the package due
    to underpaid postage label – we will provide you with the new shipping labels with the correct amount paid.
    To save time please double check the weight of the package on the original and new shipping labels.
    Most of the time they are accurate so weight discrepancies and underpayment of the labels don’t happen very often.

    Status of each Order.

    You check the status of each delivery by clicking on its tracking number. New window will open, delivery schedule will be on your screen.
    If you notice the following status of the delivery: Intercept / return to sender- that means the customer canceled this order or we have
    not received payment confirmation and therefore canceled it from our side. Such orders will be removed from your control panel.
    If it is still in your system after 48 hours please notify your manager via the CHAT.

    Receiving a package.

    It is crucially important to receive all deliveries on the day scheduled by the delivery company. In some cases, missed deliveries
    may be re-delivered the next day, but they may be also sent back to sender if were not accepted at first delivery attempt.
    The carrier also sometimes has an option to hold the package at the local facility for you to pick up and not to make any other attempts.
    If the package is not under your name, you are not authorized to pick it up. You need a special authorization letter from sales manager
    and a copy of his ID to pick the package up. Your manager will provide you with the required paperwork but you should avoid such delays
    and be available to accept each delivery at the first delivery attempt.

    Sending a package.

    Target processing time for all orders is the same day. It is expected that you require maximum 2 hours after delivery to get the
    package ready for shipment (report, check the contents, take and upload images, etc). So any orders delivered to you 2 hours
    before PO’s closing time should be shipped the same day. An exception is when you have several deliveries scheduled for a day,
    and some of them delivered late. You have to wait for all the deliveries. Some orders may not have the shipping documents for 1 or
    more days. These are the orders, which are missing customer’s shipping instructions, or waiting for other item to be consolidated
    with. This is not your responsibility. Your responsibility is to accept, report and inspect the item(s), take and upload images,
    and use the shipping documents properly.

    When order is delivered, reported by you, images uploaded and you see no shipping documents available for downloading within 1-2 hours –
    request the status via chat. Your manager will let you know whether to expect the documents this day or not.

    Unlisted Orders.

    Sales managers may sometimes fail to add the order to the control panel or some orders may be followed with the promotional items sent
    by the supplier. You must report about any received un-listed items by clicking on the ORDERS->ADD NEW button, then fill and submit the form
    through the database. After identification, it will be added to your list shortly.

    Consolidated orders

    Inside the SHIP section you can see if order is going as a single package (in this case you will see only 1 item in the list) or has to
    be consolidated with other item(s) (in this case inside the ship section you will see a list of the items). Always carefully check the
    information inside the SHIP section.

    If you need to consolidate several items into one order and you cannot use any of the original boxes you should be able to find another
    useable box for the consolidation. Please do not remove manufacturer’s packaging in the attempt to make items fit. Whenever you have Priority Mail
    shipping label – you can get/order a box at the PO for free – just present the Priority Mail label. It is recommended that you have/get/keep
    several old boxes of different size at home just in case for a consolidation matter. It is not that is required often, however this should not be a
    matter of delay in processing.

    Please note that if you have only one set of shipping documents for several items it means you have to consolidate them into one box.
    One set of documents cannot be used to ship separate boxes and is considered by the postal service as a shipping label electronic manipulations.

    Always double check the items that you consolidate. In case you ship 2 or more items you should place all of them into one box and ship it out as one
    order using only one set of shipping documents printed from the DB.

    International orders

    During your probation month you will be dealing with domestic orders. However you may have 1-2 international orders as well. Shipping labels and
    invoice procedures are a little bit different for international orders. When you print the documents for international order, you will find that
    4 pieces of the shipping labels are located on 2 pages. Only the last one is the sender’s copy and you should keep it for your record. You have to
    attach the remaining (3) labels to the package in a special plastic envelope outside the box. This envelope will be provided at the PO. Do not forget
    to sign all 4 copies. One of them is a custom declaration. You do not have to fill out anything – all the required information is already filled out.
    You only have to sign all 4 pages.

    You have to print 2 invoices for all United Kingdom (Great Britain) shipments. One copy goes inside the package and the second one should be attached
    outside the box together with the shipping labels.

    Important: always check the destination on the new shipping label. If destination is different from the United States, it means that the order is
    international and a special procedure is applicable. Incorrect using of international shipping labels leads to long delays and additional expenses.
    AVOID THIS MISTAKE! It is also compulsory to read Help->USPS shipping labels guide section in the CRM.


    Your job is to accept packages AND correspondence. Whenever you receive a letter/envelope which is not in your name, keep it unopened and send the following
    message through the chat to report about it.

    “I have accepted a letter for [name on the letter] today (or the date it has been received)”

    Inside our CRM system, you will find HELP section which consists of 3 additional articles:
    Terms and FAQ, USPS shipping labels guide, and graphic User Guide.
    You have to read them once you have an access to the system.
    You will be provided with your login details soon.
    The CRM is and then you enter your email and their provided password.
    Here are some answers to common questions you may have at this stage.

    1. Why packages are not in my name?
    You may see the names of our company’s managers or customers’ on the package – in such a way company/customer remain the owner of the package during all delivery stages.
    If the customer cancels the order or adds something to it we need to contact the delivery service as the owner of the package to request the return or any other delivery changes.
    Also, our managers have to be able to monitor and track all their assigned orders easily.
    Packages may also be delivered not under your name as a security measure due to the Company’s regulations for shipping expensive packages.

    2. When will I receive my first payment?
    You will receive the payment for your probation/training period in 30 days after you process your first order.
    After you are hired on a permanent basis you will receive your payment on the 27th of each month and can also choose biweekly payment option.

    3. What is the procedure of payment that falls on non-business days?
    You will get paid the next business day.

    4. I want to go on vacation, will it affect my pay?
    You have to inform me minimum 7 business days before you plan to leave.
    Please, tell me exact dates when you will be absent. You are not supposed to leave during your probation.
    You are eligible for 28 days of vacation per year, which may be used in blocks not exceeding 2 weeks.

    5. How many packages will I receive each week? Will the amount of packages that I process affect my pay?
    You are going to start with 3-9 packages during the training and go up to 40 per week when you work on a regular basis.
    Your salary is not affected by the quantity of packages you process.

    6. What should I do if I receive an envelope in the name of the customer/Company’s manager?
    Anytime you receive a letter/correspondence addressed to one of our customers/managers you should keep it unopened and contact your personal Manager for further instructions.
    During your probation period you have no authorization to work with any paperwork.

    7. How do I track and receive packages?
    You have to be always available to accept scheduled deliveries.
    In case you may not be available (important doctor’s appointment, family emergency etc.) – make sure someone (family member, close friend, trusted person) can accept packages on your behalf. Instruct this person properly in such cases. To avoid costly delays, packages must be received the day they are scheduled for the delivery.
    You have to log in to the database daily to monitor the information and ETA (estimated time of arrival) of each package.

    8. What carrier service will I use for shipment?
    USPS is the main carrier we use to send packages. However shipments with FeDex and UPS are possible sometimes.
    The information about carrier will be provided on the new shipping documents.
    When you receive and print new shipping documents it will be clearly visible on the shipping label whether it is USPS, FeDex or UPS shipping
    label and you have to send the package via appropriate carrier office.

    9. I uploaded the pictures few hours (a day ago), but there’s still no label, what’s wrong?
    New shipping documents will be available when the client pays for them, in most of the cases documents are available within few hours, but sometimes it takes longer.

    10. What should I do if the post office refuses to give me a receipt?
    Sometimes PO may refuse to give you the receipt. As postage is pre-paid some post offices are not able to print the receipt without actually taking money from you.
    You should ask the PO clerk to put a post office stamp on the last copy of the shipping label, the sender’s copy, take a picture of it and upload it to the database
    as the proof of shipment. The stamp has a current date and the address of the PO.

    11. What should I do if the status of an incoming package states “incorrect address”?
    Anytime you receive an “incorrect address” status, or anything similar, that means the carrier cannot locate you to deliver the package.
    You must immediately contact the local post office/courier service (UPS, FeDex, DHL) and clear up the confusion.

    12. Is it okay to destroy an original invoice?
    Once you upload the picture of it to the DB you may destroy it.

    13. Package came without the original invoice.
    The shipper didn’t include it. Sometimes original invoices are sent to our office directly, it is normal, please proceed with the package as usual.

    To setup your payroll you have to do the following:

    – send an email to
    – email subject has to be “Payroll setup”
    – inside the email please fill out this short form:

    Name: Your full name
    Status: new employee
    Department: logistics department
    Manager: Abby Klein
    Request: payroll enrollment

    Our payroll department will get back to you with all the information about payroll, taxes, etc.
    They will also tell you which information you have to supply in order to setup one or another payment method.
    PAYROLL via

    Mar 3

    Friday, March 03, 2017

    Welcome to our team and nice to meet you!

    At the moment you have two options to receive your pay:
    – Direct deposit
    – Check by mail

    For direct deposit you have to submit direct deposit authorization form from your bank.
    For mailed check I need you to confirm that it can be mailed to the same address
    that we have in your CRM profile. If you want it to be sent to a different address –
    please advise this address including a zip code.

    As you probably already know, your actual start day will be setup once you process your
    first order. This day will be considered as your start day and will be reflected in the
    CRM system: My Account -> Account details – Account Open Date. Date of each next payday
    will be displayed there as well.

    In reference to your first payment it is required that you email me 3 business days
    before your first payday to re-confirm that your preferred payment method and
    payment information remains unchanged. You will receive necessary tax forms in reply.

    You are on a probation period. At the end of it, your manager will submit his report on
    your performance to our management team which will consider offering you a permanent
    position. If you are offered a permanent position, you will have to complete and submit
    IRS W-4 tax form and USCIS I-9 form before we process your payment. If not – your
    probation month will be considered as an independent contractor basis and we will send
    you your 1099-MISC form followed by your paycheck.

    So when you email me 3 days before your first payday, I will provide you with the necessary tax forms.

    For your probation month you earn $2000 base rate + $100 transport expenses compensation = $2100/month

    After successful completion of a probation period, once you are on a permanent position, you have an option of bi-weekly payments.

    On a permanent position you earn $2300 base rate + $200 transport expenses compensation = $2500/month

    Sometimes you may have some job-related expenses such as clear tape, ink cartridges, printer, camera etc. You are eligible for reimbursement against receipts for such purchases. You have to submit them to me via email.

    I wish you a good luck on this position and all the best. Hope you enjoy working in our team and pass your probation worthily.

    Thank you,
    Carl Fletcher/ Payroll Dept.

    When I asked my “manager” for proof about the legitimacy of their business:
    J C 27 Mar 2017
    Information came across my desk that your business might not be legitimate and I am being scammed into shipping stolen items. If this is not the case, please verify with business information that this is not true.

    Abby Klein27 Mar 2017
    we are aware of fraudulent activities in this area, but we have been operating on the market for more than 5 years
    Abby Klein27 Mar 2017
    I can provide you with our Company’s Federal Employer Identification number for background check 591030827
    Abby Klein27 Mar 2017
    Also I can give you a link for Better Business Bureau so that you can check their record for our Company.
    Abby Klein27 Mar 2017

    J C 27 Mar 2017
    The BBB link shows that you are not accredited and that there is 1 negative scam review listed from earlier in the month. I will look into your FEIN for further verification.

    Abby Klein27 Mar 2017
    Our Company was accredited with the Better Business Bureau , however recent status changed due to re-accreditation process associated with the relocation of the company to the city of Morgan Hill. This should be fixed within a month or two.

    Abby Klein28 Mar 2017
    I have provided you with all the possible proof that I’m able to provide, the flow of the company id quite big and unfortunately we have no time to deal with every case of mistrust, you could have made your background check before you had signed a contract. Now, if you have some doubts feel free to send HR your 2 weeks notice, the packages in your possession have to be processed as well
    Abby Klein28 Mar 2017
    ###### is on the panel and ready for shipment, the labels for the promotional items haven’t been paid yet, if by the end of the month the client doesn’t instruct us, they will be sent to our ware house in California, thank you

  70. Looks like a New Scam :
    Catherine White
    Star Track Service
    1201 Pacific Avenue,
    Suite 600, Tacoma,
    Washington, 98402

    Thank you for your positive response.
    My name is Catherine White. I am a hiring manager of StarTrack Service Company.
    Our company is pleased to offer you the position of Drop Shipping Assistant.
    We are delighted to make you the following job offer.
    This is a home based job available for all locations within the U.S.
    Your working hours will be through 9am-4pm Mon through Friday
    Company pays SALARY EVERY WEEK
    Our Website is
    This is a part time job position
    Full description is below.
    FAQ document is attached.
    Description about duties of drop shipping assistant:

    Drop shipping assistant should receive packages from shops, online
    stores, warehouses or directly from our clients, open the parcels (packages) and examine the goods visually for no defects, and ship the parcels worldwide or directly to our customers. Logistics manager receives shipping labels for shipping for all the packages.
    Most of all we ship out parcels via USPS/UPS/DHL/FedEx.

    Packages (Parcels):
    The Parcels usually contain clothes, electronics, sports equipment, goods for home.
    We do not work with the prohibited and illegal goods. Our clients pay for parcels and services of Drop shipping assistant (employee is provided with information about client who ordered parcels).
    The Parcels are usually weight from three to 50 lbs.

    For checking the goods on serviceability, you should just know how to switch on/off electronics or follow the attached instructions. You should examine the goods visually for no defects the same.
    Test period lasts from two to three months (it depends on performance quality of employee)
    – 20 dollars paid for each sent package.
    – Sometimes Drop shipping assistant has to combine several packages into one box to send it a single parcel (combined). In this case, we pay 30 dollars per each sent package.
    Active period – successfully passed a test period of work and having proved himself as a good and responsible clerk, the employee start to get more expensive goods and, accordingly greater compensation for packages in the amount of $ 35-45 plus monthly percentage of income in the amount of 4% .

    Job duties and responsibilities:

    The drop shipping assistant is required to check emails twice and more times a day, receiving parcels/packages at the delivery time, check the goods for no defects (if the goods have any defects you just need to inform us and we will send you additional instructions for such goods), receive prepaid shipping labels via email, print them out.
    The parcels/packages on the same day when shipping labels provided. Next business day would be fine.
    Working hours:
    The working hours are free time.
    Please note though, it is very important – you will be required to stay at home waiting for deliveries with a signature request.
    If you can`t stay at home for such deliveries, you will have to make sure that someone who you know well will accept the packages instead of you.
    Well, in most cases you may just leave a note on your front door when you have to go out. Instruct the deliver where he should leave packages.
    As a good extra income, this job is a good option.
    You can work from home/office and combine this job with your current PT or even FT job.
    If you would like to accept the job just email me back.
    An application form will be sent per your request.
    “‹”‹We look forward to welcoming you to our team.
    Please let me know if you have any questions or I can provide any additional information.

    Application Form

    Catherine White
    HR Manager/Staff Supervisor
    StarTrack Service

    Direct ph number 2536171515
    Fax 8665954284
    Main email

    Business hours
    9am-3pm Mon through Thursday (Pacific Time)
    9am-1pm PT on Fridays (Pacific Time)
    Sadly, it’s ben less than a month and i already received more than 8 boxes; two were already sent out but the rest are still at home and i tried to return them to the vendor but you need to be the original buyer to be able to do so.

    please advise what i should do, i already stopped contacting them and don’t want to be in trouble i was just looking for additional income to pay a professional certification .

    Attachments area

  71. Been working for a guy name Victor Rivera doing shipping and repackaging. Now that the time has come for me to get paid, he has many excuses and will not take my call. Has anyone ever heard of Next step logistics LLC?

    • Hey Debbie,

      As I mentioned above, it doesn’t matter what the name of the company is or the person you’re working with. If it sounds like what I described above you need to follow the steps I listed because you’re a victim of this scam. I know people want to hold out that it may be different for them but it won’t be. So just accept it for what it is and take the steps I laid out to avoid any issues.

  72. Thanks for expressing your interest in the vacancy.

    US Trading and Logistics has become a trusted name in the postal address rental industry and has enabled thousands of international customers to enjoy products from U.S. retailers that don’t normally offer shipping overseas. For national and international customers around the globe, we serve as a reliable mail forwarding and cloud-based mail management partner. To put it simply, we gather the desired goods from the U.S. retailers and then safely deliver them to destinations around the globe at a reasonable cost.

    Individual citizens and larger companies rely on our services for direct purchasing or for logistics partnerships. The process of international logistics and distribution can be extremely complicated, but our approach eliminates many of those obstacles. By establishing a global mailing network, the deliveries are accomplished faster, and everyone benefits””the retailers, network employees, and international customers. This strategy eliminates the need for large warehouses, significantly lowering costs while also benefiting from a unique distribution system formed by remote employees across the globe. Working from home and freelancing have become popular options in recent years, and our company structure is highly appealing to those professionals.

    If you want to join this constantly expanding network of international distributors, it’s actually quite easy, and you can add a consistent revenue stream to your income! The primary requirement to be a shipping agent for the company is working from home, or being at home during normal working hours. Beyond maintaining a high presence at home to receive deliveries, you also need to live in the continental United States.
    If you fit within the requirements outlined below (and above), then you’re a prime candidate to join our network!

    Job Requirements:

    1. In order to receive and handle all deliveries, you must be at your home office or designated private business address from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. each day.
    2. We deal with major international carriers and postage companies, including UPS, USPS, and FedEx; your address must be accessible for delivery by these carriers.
    3. A secondary full-time job is prohibited as it will compromise the quality and reliability of your work.
    4. This job will involve regular trips to the post office, so reliable transportation is essential to perform all of the required tasks.
    5. The company’s reputation and future success is dependent on customer service, so only the highest standards of care for parcels and packages will be acceptable.
    6. Self-motivation and a strong sense of responsibility is crucial to success in this job.
    7. In terms of physical tasks, packages can weigh up to thirty pounds, and workers must be able to regularly and safely handle this amount of weight.
    8. To do this job effectively and efficiently, members of our distribution network will need a fast Internet connection, a digital camera, and a printer.
    9. Any type of logistics management experience or prior work as a delivery professional is preferred for members of our network, but it is not required.

    Primary duties:

    1. Login to our company’s online portal to monitor your daily workload, and download and print prepaid shipping labels.
    2. Accept parcels and letters sent to your residential or private business address via USPS, DHL, UPS, and FedEx.
    3. Inspect packages and photograph contents of packages to ensure quality standards are met.
    4. Process, and then forward both packages and letters to their destinations.
    5. Remain in communication with our office through phone and email.


    If you are accepted into our international distribution network, you will receive a monthly compensation of $2,000. A $500/month bonus is also available for all delivery agents who receive and handle more than 50 packages per month.
    As a network member, there will be a number of inherent expenses, such as fuel costs, packaging materials, and Internet access. We do not require any personal investment on the part of our distribution agents, so all of these expenses will be reimbursed!
    According to standard tax law, all distribution agents will receive a W-2 form at the end of each year, reporting what relevant taxes have been withheld.

    How Can I Get Started?

    If this job opportunity sounds ideal for your home-based lifestyle and freelancing career, please submit your application online. You can find the URL of our application portal and the vacancy code in the attached file.
    Please reply to this email, if you have any questions, or call 305-434-7039.

    Charles Hendrix,
    Recruitment department,
    US Trading and Logistics, Corp
    7235 NW 54th St
    Miami, FL 33166
    Toll-free: (844) 217-8446

  73. hello

    please away from this company called Trust reship ,administrative assistant,process same as above ,i just complaint mail fraud to US postal protection service and lifelock my identity,fortunately i did not loss money .My name is Adam Reus and I will be your HR representative with the team of Trust Reship Inc. Not long ago you’ve emailed us about an Administrative Assistant job. We consider you as a possible candidate, so heres some additional information about the job, Before we have arranged an interview please read carefully. . This is a home-based position and you dont need to move or travel. This is position with a rather flexible schedule. According to the Employment Agreement salary of Administrative Assistant starts with 3200$ plus a flexible system of bonuses.

    In the attached documents you can find more detailed information about the company and offered position. To register:

    Read the application form and job description.

    Print out the Application, fill it in by hand and sign.

    Scan and Email paperwork to
    Wait for confirmation email from our HR Dept.

    You can easily find additional information on our website or feel free to ask any questions about your duties and salary.

    Right now we are at the very start of the process. I am here to help you and I will do my best to help you get along with this.

    Looking forward to see you in our team,

    HR Manager Adam Reus Phone 8557506845 Fax 8557529052 Trust Reship Inc.

    instructor name is adrian

  74. I have been hired by this company as a shipping inspector and i dont know if its a scam. They did have me fill out a employment agreement with blue ink only and had me to do a w2 form. I have been doing as they asked and that is get packages in open them inspect the contents, take pics, upload invoices and ship out. been corresponding with them all the way up to today and thats when i was supposed to get my first check. I dont know what to do.

  75. My lady and I unfortunately became victims of this scamming company called USA ProPack. We suspected it to be kind of weird based on the initial emails we’ve received but she decided to follow through before me and begin corresponding via email with the fraudulent company and looked them up. She said at first everything seemed legit and they begin sending packages. Then I begin to follow suit and started getting more suspicious as I thought about it. Well always follow your first instance is what you learn early in life. We begin doing some more research on the company and things didn’t add up. We tried calling the numbers on shipping labels and none for them were working. They also called me from “BLOCKED NO CALLER ID” numbers. Thats when I knew it was not legit and immediately emailed them and told them not to send me anything and informed my girl to do the same. We then begin reading some online reviews in regards to “work from home scams” and your website popped up. Long behold the same experiences your viewers are sharing is the identical situation we have. She’s only received 4 packages and sent off 2 unfortunately but now we are returning the other 2 packages to there sender immediately! Please be on the look out for this company! Randell Hayes, Tim Peldger are 2 of the people we corresponded with! If anyone sees this company or heard about them, REPORT REPORT REPORT!!!!!!

  76. My Paypal account was charged for $2400 for cellphones and I still have the name and address for the person that I believe must be the mail middleman. Unfortunately, he is a retired Sheriff of the county he lives in, and I doubt if local law would be interested in him. I got the order cancelled, so no money was lost and I’m sure no goods were shipped, but I would like this looked into. What do you think?

    • Hey Jess, I’m glad you were able to get your money back.
      I would still follow the tips listed in the article above. The name of the middleman may not be the actual person engaged in this. So it’s probably not the sheriff you think it is. But they could be using his identity. So keep that in mind. Feel free to share any emails you got from the scammer here to help others avoid this scam.

  77. Please help me determine if this is legit or not:
    Hello, Nadya!

    Thank you for applying for our position of the Wrapping Clerk at Day&Lee Printing Supplies.
    We have verified all provided documents and come to the conclusion that you seem to be an appropriate candidate for our vacancy of Wrapping Clerk.

    Day&Lee Printing Supplies. ( is one of the leading businesses in the field of digital printing. We produce advertising printing, office printing, business cards and most importantly – branded wrapping paper. For many years our designers have been working on the new ideas for digital printing. In order to advance our wrapping paper, our company has opened Wrapping Clerk position, which provides the services of international purchase assistance and mail / package forwarding using our wrapping paper.

    The trial period for this position lasts 21 business days, during which you will have round-the-clock phone and online support. A supervisor conducts evaluation of candidates on the 3d week of the trial period. You will be informed about the final decision at the end of the trial period.

    You will receive your first salary after the trial period via payment methods like wire transfer, direct deposit, check, PayPal or even MoneyGram or Western Union transfer, depending on which form of payment is the most convenient for you.
    The average salary is $3,000 ($1,500 guaranteed and $30 bonus for each item processed).
    You will be paid (including expenses like gas or packing reimbursement) every 30 days on the date the Contract was resigned.
    Upon completion of registration, our company offers you a personal account on our site. By using a personal account, you will be able to communicate daily with our supervisors. At the time get all answers to your questions. Obtain complete information on your daily working time.
    We are looking for successful teamwork. If the Wrapping Clerk position is suitable for you, please let me know about the best number to reach you at and your home address so that we could send you all required materials. Thank you!

    Truly yours,
    Mark Schulz, (973) 619-9734
    HR Department, Day&Lee Printing Supplies

  78. Here is one for you guys records: Stay away!
    Hi, Stanley,

    Your CV was in the CareerBuilder website and we think your assets and education to fill the company’s work position of Quality Controller currently opened.

    Recruiters require a hardworking professional individual willing to carry out quality control inspections of parcels on homes.
    Professional individual must specialize in quality control, be reliable and punctual.

    Required education and experience:
    – Minimum high school education,
    – Ability to work with Microsoft office and Adobe Acrobat ,
    – US citizenship.

    Experience in quality control and technology background will be a benefit as well as a good eye for details.
    Basic responsibilities include
    – Sign for packages,
    – Search them to be sure that they are intact,
    – Re-consolidate the package,
    – Forward it onward to the buyer.

    It’s full-time position.
    Working hours are Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., 40 hours per week.

    To apply please send your up-to-date CV and kindly provide a current phone number for the interview.
    Let me provide a detailed description about available position.

    Position: Quality Inspector
    Type: Home Based | Part Time
    Salary: $ 2500/month [$ 30.000/year]
    Hours: 20 hours/week
    Trial period: 2 weeks


    Receive incoming shipments of merchandise.
    Make visual and measurement tests.
    Prepare merchandise for shipment.
    Keep records concerning these transactions.
    Quick response to emails and phone calls.

    Approves incoming materials by confirming specifications; conducting visual and

    measurement tests; rejecting and returning unacceptable materials.
    Approves in-process production by confirming specifications; conducting visual and

    measurement tests; communicating required adjustments to production supervisor.
    Approves finished products by confirming specifications; conducting visual and measurement

    tests; returning products for re-work; confirming re-work.
    Verify and keep records on incoming and outgoing shipments and prepare items for shipment.
    Provide photo reports.
    Prepare items for shipping into the one of our main or international branches.
    Print shipping labels, attach it to parcels.
    Unpack/repack items into container/box.
    Prepare records of merchandise shipped.
    Keep files of shipping records.
    Trace missing or misplaced shipments.
    Save receipts.
    Provide daily/weekly reports using email and phone.


    We also pay $20 commission for the each complete task.


    High school diploma or GED


    MS Office, Acrobat Reader


    All required training and instructions proving and covering by company for free. We provide

    necessary training by phone and email.

    If you got interested, please reply me and I will provide you further instructions.

    Sincerely yours, Mary Lane

    Tel: (347) 826-3397
    Fax: (347) 252-0227

  79. USA Logist is another scam company. I got a similar email from Career Builder for them and it is a scam. I have since filed a complaint with the FTC and the Attorney General’s office in Colorado where they are based and I hope they get shut down. The only money I lost was the monthly wage I was to get plus bonuses for packages processed($2580). These companies need to be held accountable for their actions.

  80. Hello, Amber
    First of all we would like to thank you for your interest in the employment with our company. We eager hire the most decent and dedicated candidates for this position.

    Please note that we offer home based employment and you will be responsible for receiving and forwarding various packages and letters delivered to your house.
    We offer a guaranteed $20.00 payout for each package and $10.00 for business correspondence forwarded successfully.
    Normally you will be getting 100-200 packages and 100-200 letters per month which will create for you an additional income of $3000-5000 in a month.
    This is a legitimate job offer and you will sign an agreement for employment with our company. Packages might include clothing, toys, small electronics and much more. Business correspondence vary from regular mail, newspapers, magazines to various gist/prepaid cards purchased by our clients.
    Packages will be delivered to your residential address and you have to be at home to sign for them. Sometimes packages can be left at your front porch or a new delivery rescheduled. Business correspondence will be delivered to your mailing box.
    Please be also informed that you don’t need to pay for anything out of your own pocket. The company will compensate for any job related expenses.
    Free training is included in a probationary period.
    This forwarding and shipping service is primarily provided for the US citizens that are temporarily residing abroad. Our customers (US citizens only) complete a personal identity verification process directly in our regional offices. They also choose a regional address of our employee who will deal with their business correspondence and regular mail.
    We initiated this forwarding and shipping service mainly because some companies/online shops do not ship outside the US. And our clients use the services of our company to be able to keep an eye on their regular mail or receive packages just in time all over the world.
    We have lots of warehouses located in different countries where our client is always able to receive this order/envelope.
    That is why forwarding and shipping service provided by our company is very convenient for US citizens residing outside the USA territory. Therefore there is a constant need to have multiple local agents in different states.
    If you are interested in this work please let us know
    and we will send you and employment agreement and access details to your virtual office.
    We will be waiting for your reply.
    +41 (22) 575 32 83

    So I decided to look them up and that’s when your website popped up. I am so glad I decided to look them up. Thank you for all the information.

  81. Wow I am concerned now. I have been unemployed since last month. I applied for some jobs on craigslist thinking they were legit. I received an email from an Oliver Stephens telling me I could work as a Quality Inspector to receive packages and inspect them. Then I must forward them to Europe. So far I have only forwarded one package and it was a handbag. The name of the company in intercontinental transports. Have you ever heard anything about this one?
    I searched everywhere on the internet and could not find anything. J

    • Hey Jackie, I’m sorry you fell for this scam. As I said in the article it doesn’t matter what the name of the company is. If they’re engaged in the activities I described then it’s a scam and you need to follow the tips I laid out in the article above to avoid issues.

  82. I’m so glad I found this page. First I checked with BBB and didn’t find anything. I too thought it was strange to receive packages and get paid to send it to someone else but the catching part was getting paid monthly. Heck, I’m not working for anyone and have to wait a month to get paid! Here is the email I just received: via
    May 19 (6 days ago)

    to me
    Hello, Ninna Gilmer!

    Eparceler is looking for new personnel to be able to ship and receive parcels.

    For every shipped package our team member earns payment. No taxes need to be paid.
    We are looking for a responsible and credible person, who is able to operate from home office Monday-Friday from 9:00 AM till 6 PM.

    Contender should be able:
    – To manage FedEx worldwide delivery services online
    – To get and forward customers’ products
    – To prepare / wrap small items for shipment
    – To place orders for shipment at your local PO
    – To keep the data entry and track shipments

    Please send us your resume to apply.
    Hope to hear from you soon!
    HR department,

    • Ninna,
      I’m glad you found this page as well. I appreciate you sharing the email your received. Please be sure to share this page around the web so others can find it and avoid this scam as you did. Thanks!

  83. Hello,

    I received emails like Anida who posted in December 2015, basically word-for-word except a different company – the company contacting me is called AllGood Logistics, Inc.

    They have an active website and are even registered and current-active since 2011 with the Secretary of State in North Carolina so makes them look legit but couldn’t get the person contacting me to actually call me and when I tried calling them, the phone number is disconnected.

    I did try doing an internet search with their name and scam and there is not any complaints with this specific company name but like I said, exactly the same emails as Anida got with just different names.

    I was feeling like something wasn’t quite right so I’m really happy I found your website and looked through the comments!


    • Hey Victoria,

      I’m happy to hear you avoided this scam. Too often people get to my site after the fact when it’s too late. But you dodged a bullet. Thanks for sharing your experience. Be sure to share this page with others so they can avoid this nasty scam as well.

  84. I just want to let people know about this company: eparceler LLC. when I was “hired” I looked up job scams, it just seemed too easy to be a job. and I found nothing on this particular company. and the company website looked legit. but I still had unanswered questions. why are these packages coming to me for me to just turn around and ship them to someone else.
    the person I was communicating with seemed very fake and the packages weren’t in my name that they sent. I wish I would have found this site before I got caught up in this. I never even got money. or in trouble for anything. which I’m lucky for. I cant imagine how mad I would feel if I got in trouble.

    • Hi Melissa,

      Thanks for sharing this company. Sorry to hear you fell for it. If you have any emails they sent you, feel free to share them here as well to help others avoid it. Fortunately you found our site now. So be sure to look around the site so you can find some legitimate companies. Nothing easy pays well when it comes to online opportunities so it’s a lesson learned. Thanks again for sharing!

  85. Hi Eddy,

    Thank you for the article and for posting everyone’s experiences with this scam. I just received the emails below and I was in the process of “getting hired” when that little voice in my head said “if it sounds too good to be true”. I then started searching the internet for any information about this type of service and came across several scam sites warning people to stay far away. I have even spoken with a woman who claims she would be my supervisor. I could not understand a word she said which further deepened my suspicions that it was a scam. I am an intelligent, college educated person and I almost fell for it. Thankfully I did not send them any personal information other than my name and address. I certainly will not continue on with the hiring process and will report the website, names used and the phone number that was used to call me to the authorities.

    Hi Anne W.,
    > A work-from-home job has become available in your city!
    > Please read job description below. This is a one-time
    > notification, no further action to unsubcribe is required
    > from you.
    > We’re a small gift delivery team with a great
    > need in a home-based Gift Manager. As a member of our team,
    > you will be responsible for arranging the flow of domestic
    > and international shipments to ensure their scheduled and
    > flawless delivery to our clients. The basic requirements for
    > this job are: age 21+, a PC or a laptop and cell
    > phone, a camera, a printer and a scanner; high
    > self-organization along with striving to provide the best
    > services to our clients.
    > The base salary for this opening is $2,800 per month
    > with additional bonuses of $50 for each processed delivery
    > plus unlimited support from your supervisor! Please note
    > that this job is available only for people currently living
    > and located in the United States, no visa sponsorship is
    > offered!
    > If you are interested in the Gift Manager position,
    > please respond to this message as an acceptance to our
    > offer. Our team is more like a family than just a bunch of
    > employees, so you can count on a personal approach.
    > Successful applicants will be contacted and invited to sign
    > a contract with our company. We’re very interested in
    > people who can start as soon as this month.

    > Best regards,
    > Ann Cooper
    > HR Department

    Hello Anne W.,

    My name is Ann Cooper and I am HR Manager at US Gift Service, LLC. Thank you for your
    interest in the position of Inspector of gifts.

    I am happy to assist you with your application. Below you will find the Job description
    with detailed information on your daily responsibilities. I have also attached the
    Application form, which needs to be filled out.

    It will take some time to process your Application, normally no longer than 2 working
    days. Right after that we will proceed to your employment contract.

    Please add me to your address book in order to be on a safe side.

    Ann Cooper
    HR Manager

    Hello Anne,
    We have reviewed your application and I am happy to inform you that you
    have been selected for the next stage.

    You will find the Employment Agreement attached. Please take some time
    and read through the provisions. In case if everything is fine, please
    print it out, fill the fields required, sign and email back to me. The
    contract will be emailed back to you in case if there is something missing.

    Your profile is also sent to your future Line Manager, who will be leading
    your team and provide necessary assistance. In case if you have any
    questions regarding the Employment Agreement, please let me know.

    Ann Cooper
    HR Manager

    Please everyone run far, run fast and remember if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Don’t let your desperation cloud your judgement when it comes to making money online. I have been scammed more than once, but I still continue to search for that elusive work-at-home position that will provide me with a decent income for an honest day’s work. I know it exists and I will keep searching.

    • Hey Ann,

      I’m glad you found my site. And I appreciate you sharing the emails you received from the scammers. It will definitely help others looking into this opportunity. The good thing about you doing your research is you found my blog now. So be sure to look at the resources I listed above for finding legitimate opportunities. You don’t need to search anymore because I’ve already provided you some of the best I’ve found. So be sure to explore them and the rest of my site. It will help you avoid a lot more nonsense out there.

  86. I fell victim to this as well. I have worked for the company for a month and when it came time to get paid, the phone numbers all of a sudden didn’t work and I can’t get into the dashboard. Needless to say that I did not get paid any of the money for the work that I had been doing all month. I had talked to my supervisor with that company everyday for that month that I worked for them. Here is the copy of the ad that I received. No money exchanged hands and they even sent me shipping material. I still have about 10 boxes in my garage that I haven’t taken care of yet. I have gained a reference number from the Federal Trade Commission and with your advice I also put a complaint in with the Postal Service. No response from either yet.

    Cricket Post provides purchasing, shipping, warehousing and consolidation services. We deliver tons of packages fast and safe all over the world.
    We have invented Shipping Inspector to make shopping and shipping from United States convenient and advantageous. Our Shipping Inspectors accept your packages at an US address, check all the items against the invoice, check all the items for any damages, make pictures, pack them together carefully for shipping.
    Our customers don’t have bad experience of getting wrong or damaged stuff with missing items with us.
    With the simple life-hacks we have reduced warehousing, consolidating and shipping costs. With all these benefits for our customers we are chosen over the other companies.

    Join our team!
    Here is what you need:
    – Wish to work
    – Personal computer with internet connection, printer or MFP
    – A few hours a day to accept, report, sort, shoot, pack and ship out the packages.
    – Responsibility, thoroughness and dedication.
    You will be supervised by a manager, who will guide you and help you.

    You can find detailed information about this position on our website by visiting this page:
    Please, fill-in and submit the Application Form on our website to apply for this position. You can find the Application Form here:
    Our HR Department will review your Application Form and we will get in touch with you to discuss the details over the phone.
    If you have any additional questions, please send us an email or give us a call.

    David White, HR specialist

    My supervisor’s information is:
    Jacob Karlsen
    Cricket Post
    1201 N Market St Suite 700
    Wilmington, DE
    +1 888 283 5246 (Toll-free)
    +1 302 722 6098 (Direct)

    Mon-Fri 09:00am-06:00pm EST
    Sat-Sun Closed

    When he went on vacation he gave me this person as who would be covering for him during the vacation:
    During this time you will be supervised by Ronald Willers. You can reach him at my direct phone number (302)722-6098 or at
    Any correspondence sent to my email address will be forwarded to Ronald.
    Please keep Ronald updated, let him know if you need assistance in my absence. Ship out the packages on time.

    • Amy,

      Sorry to hear that you fell for this scam as well. You’ve taken the right course of action. I would see if you could return the packages you have received by contacting the stores where the packages came from.

  87. Hey my name is Haneen,

    I wish I read this thread before becoming the victim 🙁

    Our HR managers saw your work experience online at CareerBuilder and we would like to ask you to submit an application for a vacancy with our organization. The vacancy is for a Logistics Manager.

    The position responsibilities are:

    – Accepting and sending packages
    – Making daily reports
    – Authenticating information in regards to parcels
    – Examining orders to be sure they are useable.

    Employment requirements

    – Focused on goals
    – Enthusiastic and cooperative
    – Trustworthy
    – Experience with Adobe Acrobat Reader and Microsoft Office
    – Physically able to transfer packages weighing about 30 pounds

    It’s a full-time opening and we always go all out for customer happiness. You will receive a parcel, check it, ensure it is not damaged. Next, the package shall be furthered on to the client.

    If you wish to submit an application, please reply to this message. Human Resources will reach out to you quickly in order to set up a meeting to fulfill this opening.

    So I applied and I already unfortunately sent two packages, later I received a letter from usps inspectors that this is a scam so I went and changed my bank info and filed a complaint. Should I do anything else? Im really scared I dont know what to do. I received packages today but I declined them. Should I contact the police? Also they took a photo of my Driver’s License, would that be identity theft? Please can anyone direct me Im lost and scared.

    • Sorry to hear that you fell for this. I’ve laid out everything you need to do in the article above especially about the potential identity theft. So be sure you follow my next steps so you avoid any other issues.

    To **************** Jan 14 at 5:50 PM
    We found your resume through Vacancy board.

    We are looking for a Supply Assistant to work with our wholesale suppliers and international partners.

    It is a permanent home-based vacancy. You could work from any state of the U.S.. You will work independently, receiving instructions from your personal manger online.

    You will be responsible for making purchases, repackaging, preparing detailed reports and making proper dispatches.

    Your personal manager will help you on each step. All your expenses will be covered beforehand.

    – Proper Identification proving eligibility to work in the United States or Basic knowledge of MS Word and Excel;
    – Ability to handle several tasks simultaneously if required;
    – Have a clear Credit History and Background;
    – Good interpersonal skills are preferred.

    Pay rate starts from: $85,500/yr.

    If you are interested in this job opportunity, please request an details responding us at: .

    Best regards.


    I immediately thought this sounded fishy, but I was getting desperate. I started typing my response email before I decided to double check and look it up. Thank you for the article. God Bless.

  89. i fell victim to this company. i am only 21 years old. i am going through serious financial hardship. i was desperate and looking for any work i could. then i was sent an email but this son of a bitch. the USPS sent me a letter saying i may be a victim of this scam. IM TELLING THEM EVERYTHING I KNOW. if you see an email from DANIEL WALTON . OR OCUBY UNLIMITED. DO NOT READ DELETE RIGHT OFF.

    Dear Candidate,

    We have been building our business in crowd shipping industry where the major goal is to reinvent traditional delivery and e commerce. Though we are still in start-up stage, this year we have had a B-round investment from US and UK venture funds for about $17 mln, and currently we employ about 400 professionals.

    Your job of being in domestic shipping team is to act as a micro warehouse and forward the inventory for our customers to our international shipping team where the items are sorted and shipped to those 43 countries where our clients live.

    Shipping expenses are all prepaid by the company. I am your personal supervisor to support in all aspects of this job.

    To apply please start filling out the application and email it to me.

    Thank you and welcome to Ocuby!

    Best regards,
    Daniel Walton

    Supervisor for Domestic Team
    OCUBY Limited

    Office hours:
    12 noon – 6 pm EST, Mon-Fri.
    Tel: +1 253-655-4375
    Web: ;

  90. Thank you Eddy Salomon. I almost fell victim to this type of scam. Please read below the scam email from the sucker named “Rebecca Wade”.

    Dear Anida,
    We have reviewed your resume and see
    that your experience and skills is what we need in our business. We need Shipping assistants in FL and other states.

    Job Title: Shipping Assistant
    Industry: Logistics
    Company: Brown’sDeliveryLLC
    Salary range: $500 weekly


    – Monitor incoming shipments
    – Receive, inspect, sort and ship out packages from your home
    – Manage incoming and outgoing shipments

    If you are interested in this position, please respond to our email as an acceptance to our offer.

    Yours truly,

    Rebecca Wade.

    Hello Anida,

    We are pleased to inform that you have passed the preliminary selection for Shipping Assistant position with Brown’s Delivery Services.
    We have reviewed your resume on CareerBuilder and believe that your knowledge, skills and experience will add value to our organization.

    We offer a job with low stress and decent pay on a home basis, you will gain knowledge and experience of the international trade, while keeping to enjoy the relaxed pace of home living.

    Please register on our website and we will call within the next 2 days for the interview!

    Our Advantages:

    – Flexible working schedule
    – Average pay around $500 weekly for the first 2 months (based on
    piece rate pay); around $500 + $250 (fixed) after the probation period
    – Piece rate pay: $20
    – Weekly payments
    – Stability, reliability, best practices

    Work Schedule: Mon-Friday 9am-5pm

    This is a full-time home-based position agents are responsible for daily shipping and receiving of the packages to and from customers and vendors.


    – The packages outside shipping sources (U.S. mail, UPS, FedEx, and other freight companies)
    – Check packages upon receipt to ensure accuracy
    – Log in items that are received


    – The packages outside shipping sources (U.S. mail, UPS, FedEx, and other freight companies)
    – Assemble orders and prepare goods for shipment
    – Prepare required shipping document
    – Examine outgoing shipments to ensure they meet specifications and are packed for safe shipment
    – Perform other tasks as assigned


    – Must have at least one year of general working experience
    – Warehouse/shipping experience is a plus
    – Basic computer and data entry skills
    – Must be able to work independently with little supervision while meeting goals in a timely manner.

    All shipping and packing expenses are prepaid by Brown’s Delivery Services.

    More details can be found at:

    Rebecca Wade

    Browns Delivery Services

    Hello Anida,
    Please reply to confirm the contract was received.
    Please email the copy of signed contract at your earliest convenience.

    I congratulate you on passing the interview successfully.
    Check Attachment for the contract and training material.
    Download it, print it, fill all the information in, sign it, take a picture of it with your camera or cell phone or scan it and send me a copy over email.
    We will setup your online account on the website and you will start receiving packages within the next 2-3 business days.
    Mostly you will be receiving merchandise like consumer electronics and clothes. Packages come from major US online retailers.
    Electronics and clothes are cheap in the US due to low dollar exchange rate.
    Our customers abroad want to buy here, but they can’t, because most of the US online retailers do not ship abroad. In this case we act as a middleman: receive a package to a US address, check it
    and mail abroad. You will be getting $20 payment for every package.
    Average weekly pay is $500 – comes every Friday.

    Please sign the contract at your earliest convenience. We are ready to
    start working with you within 3 business days.
    (910) 764-6110

    Best regards,

  91. My name is Lakesha, my email is
    I am a victim and this is so embarrassing. I am hoping I can help someone else out there.

    Company name Value Shopper Pro in Florida

    This is the email that was initially sent to me about the work from home opportunity. This was sent from Florencia Ole

    On Nov 20, 2015, at 12:10 PM, Florencia Ole wrote:

    Set about a interesting stable work at home career in Shipping with no investment or initial expenses.

    You have the possibility to work all alone without excessive control. Your salary is $2500 payable monthly.

    The vacant position doesn’t expect you to work at office everyday. You may keep within doors and enjoy time with everything and everyone you like during the day.

    This high-paid job vacancy is proposed by a large US shipping enterprise which allows its foreign customers to receive shipments in the United States and then send it to their point of destination via an efficient cloud-based system. The customers are especially companies from oversea that have customers in the U.S. or purchase and sell goods in USA.


    – Enter your online profile at the company’s site to get a list of current packages, your daily assignments, and the pre-paid shipping documents for forwarding the mail and boxes.
    – Be at home to receive parcels and mail forwarded to your legal or business address by USPS, UPS, and FedEx during regular working hours.
    – Send the mail to customers by applying invoices and pre-paid shipping markings and delivering the mail to the nearest USPS point.
    – The packages usually include everyday items such as, electronics or sports articles.

    Key Requirements:

    – U.S. resident with a postal address.
    – The things you need to have include a computer with a printer and any digital camera.
    – Use a transportation for delivering the letters and parcels at a stated time or live near USPS offices.
    – Desire to work all alone without excessive control.
    – Physical ability to lift up to 23 lb.
    – The job is full-time and is not combined with another occupation.

    If you want to get started with our employment opportunity, please send us your response to this email. Expect further information from us within 48-76 hours.

    I have all of my information and will forward all of it to the authorities. This company address goes to a UPS store. Where they had me ship the package was to another UPS store. There wasn’t a company name on the package when received and they printed my name on the shipping label. The 800 number on one of the websites said their marketing director is Christine C. Dendy and when i call it was a hotel reservation customer service line. When i call any number i was given for them, no one ever answers no matter what number you press. 941-877-5724 & 941-877-5724 & 800-800-8000 & 800-781-0318. Finally I called the BBB and they couldn’t find a company under the phone numbers I had nor the the business name. Fortunately they pulled it up under the LLC. #L15000148571. This brought up information about a company but nothing to solidify who they were and what they were in business for.

    I hope this helps. As for me Lesson learned.

    • Sorry to hear you fell for this Lakesha.
      But I’m happy you shared it with the rest of us and took the action we recommended. Hopefully it prevents others from going through this as well.

  92. Hi Eddy,

    Alas I fell for this nonsense as well. Here was the acceptance email I received.

    Dear Candidate,

    Thank you very much for response.

    I have attached an application form to further hiring process. Please fill it in and send me by email as a scan or photo (just make sure the text on the form is readable).

    Here is some information on the company and position

    We have been building our business in crowd shipping industry where the major goal is to reinvent traditional delivery and e commerce. Though we are still in start-up stage, this year we have had a B-round investment from US and UK venture funds for about $17 mln, and currently we employ about 400 professionals.

    Your job while being in domestic shipping team of our Australian department is to act as a micro warehouse (35 mid sized packages per month) and forward the inventory for our customers to our international shipping team where the items are sorted and shipped to those 43 countries where our clients live.

    Shipping expenses are all prepaid by the company. No repackaging at all. I am your personal supervisor to support in all aspects of this job.

    If you have any questions please feel free to email me – I will be happy to answer.

    Thank you and welcome to Ocuby!

    Best regards,
    Daniel Walton

    Supervisor for Domestic Team
    OCUBY Limited

    Office hours:12 noon – 6 pm EST, Mon-Fri.

    Tel: +1 253-655-4375

    There’s nothing legitimate about this outfit. The first parcel I was to ship was to a Russian address but with the country listed as Finland. The second parcel I sent got intercepted by Australia Post here and I got a phone call from the security team at AusPost saying this outfit are scammers buying stuff with stolen credit cards and re-selling the goods on the Russian black market. My local police are aware of this now and I’ve told this “Daniel” fellow to stop sending stuff, as the police and AusPost are intercepting it all.

    I regret ever falling for this scam, and I’m just glad it never cost me a cent or got me into legal trouble. Just a cautionary tale for anyone else interested.

    • Hey PRJG,

      Sorry to hear you fell for this. But it’s a lesson learned and you did your part by sharing the information so hopefully someone else avoids it. At least it made you find this site which will help you locate legitimate opportunities.

  93. I am so glad I found this! Like most of the commenters here the job offer I received sounded too good to be true. I was initially suspicious because there was no interview requested so I started doing some research before replying. Like a lot of the stories I read above, they had very legit looking website and what seems like a good web presence but after reading this…
    Here is the email I received. It also included a contractor’s agreement and job description attachments.

    Brandon Edwards
    6:43 AM (23 hours ago)

    to me

    Dear ,

    I am Brandon Edwards, HR manager in Blue Post Services and I am writing you to let you know that the application you sent us a couple of weeks ago for the position of Order processing clerk has been shortlisted.

    We are very happy to welcome you in our team and would like to proceed with finalization of this employment. Please find attached the following documents:

    Detailed Job Description & Contractor’s Agreement.

    Just to remind you about the main features of our position: it is a home-based employment with no fixed working hours. All our new employees are offered an initial part-time settling, which however, might be converted it into a full-time one upon mutual agreement of both parties.

    To perform your everyday’s operations we have developed a special Web Office, which significantly simplifies your daily workload.

    Salary for part-time settlement: $ 1,710.00/month + additional bonuses.

    More information about our company and this vacancy can be found in the attached JD.

    If you would like to confirm your interest in this position, please send us a scanned copy of the signed Agreement via email or fax it at+1 845 205-4341 within the following 5 days. Do not sign the document electronically, as such signatures will not be accepted.

    Looking forward to your feedback and to seeing you in our team!

    Brandon Edwards
    HR Manager

    1511 ROUTE 22 STE 144
    BREWSTER NY 10509-4020

    TEL.#: +1 845 205-9070
    FAX #: +1 845 205-4341

  94. Here’s another scammer:
    We are sending you further information about open positions in our company. In this email you can find background information on our organization and the job, an application form with a link to our corporate website and an employment agreement.

    Value Shopper Pro is an online logistics company, with a brick-and-mortar presence in Florida, that enables people and companies to rent a postal address in the USA. We work with overseas companies that purchase and sell goods from the U.S., and with individuals who travel abroad frequently. Many U.S. retailers do not deliver outside the USA. We serve overseas clients who purchase items in the U.S., pay for them, and have them delivered worldwide via our network of shipping locations.

    We continuously innovate and add value for clients. We do this by utilizing hi-tech solutions, efficient warehousing techniques and HR methods. Our telecommuting approach allows us to offer the widest number of mail forwarding addresses.

    The job.

    This role is suitable for you, if you spend the majority of your day at home and don’t have a full-time employment. It’s a good opportunity to become independent, earn good money, or add to your pre-existing income by handling our client’s mail at your home. We are also open to working with you, if you have a business office address. There are no costly training courses and no start-up fees. We accept people from anywhere in the continental USA.

    Duties :

    – Receive notifications and upload reports via your online account
    – Be on-site, ready to accept incoming mail, from 10am – 6pm, M-F
    – Check all packages for transit damage, then process and repack them
    – Ensure all packages match the order, photograph the contents and upload them to the web
    – Forward packages to clients from the closest postal locations (using our prepaid shipping labels)


    – Easy access to a USPS office
    – Be trustworthy, reliable and independent
    – Aim to achieve the highest levels of positive feedback from clients
    – Have access to a computer, digital camera, printer and reliable internet connection
    – Be able to carry items weighing up to 30 lbs
    – Have no other job, apart from self-employment
    – Knowledge and experience of delivery/logistics is useful, but not
    a prerequisite.

    What we offer:

    – Basic pay of $24,000 ($2000 payable monthly)
    – Performance pay ($500 per month maximum) for handling 50+ client orders per month – A refund of all costs, including internet access costs, packaging costs,
    and fuel
    – All relevant taxes will be deducted before we send your salary. At year end, we will send your W-2 form, listing your wages and deductions for tax

    Safety and Security.

    We take your safety and security seriously. Every package you handle will contain everyday items: consumer electronics, clothes, car parts, sports items, etc. We accept only fully paid items and work only with verified clients. Each client undergoes a phone interview. Then they must send in two forms of ID, plus a USPS 1583 form, signed by a notary.

    Considering us?

    Join the millions of Americans now choosing to telecommute. The last US Census illustrated the rapidly growing number of people doing this. A recent report by World at Work, a non-profit, found that 75% of people, when offered the opportunity to work remotely, reported an extremely positive effect on job satisfaction.

    Please read our contract, then print and complete the enclosed application form and return it to us via email or fax. To find out more about us, please check our corporate website by clicking on the link in the application form. If you have any questions, or concerns, don’t hesitate to get in touch via e-mail or on 941-877-5725.

    Michael Samnik
    HR department
    Value Shopper Pro, LLC
    4411 Bee Ridge Rd #484
    Sarasota, FL 34233
    Phone: 800-781-0318

  95. Hello XXX,

    We are pleased to inform that you have passed the preliminary selection for Shipping Assistant position with Brown’s Delivery Services.
    We have reviewed your resume on CareerBuilder and believe that your knowledge, skills and experience will add value to our organization.

    We offer a job with low stress and decent pay on a home basis, you will gain knowledge and experience of the international trade, while keeping to enjoy the relaxed pace of home living.

    Please register on our website and we will call within the next 2 days for the interview!

    Our Advantages:

    – Flexible working schedule
    – Average pay around $400 weekly for the first 2 months (based on piece rate pay); around $400 + $250 (fixed) after the probation period
    – Piece rate pay: $20
    – Weekly payments
    – Stability, reliability, best practices

    Work Schedule: Mon-Friday 9am-5pm

    This is a full-time home-based position agents are responsible for daily shipping and receiving of the packages to and from customers and vendors.


    – The packages outside shipping sources (U.S. mail, UPS, FedEx, and other freight companies)
    – Check packages upon receipt to ensure accuracy
    – Log in items that are received


    – The packages outside shipping sources (U.S. mail, UPS, FedEx, and other freight companies)
    – Assemble orders and prepare goods for shipment
    – Prepare required shipping document
    – Examine outgoing shipments to ensure they meet specifications and are packed for safe shipment
    – Perform other tasks as assigned


    – Must have at least one year of general working experience
    – Warehouse/shipping experience is a plus
    – Basic computer and data entry skills
    – Must be able to work independently with little supervision while meeting goals in a timely manner.

    All shipping and packing expenses are prepaid by Brown’s Delivery Services.

    More details can be found at:

    Rebecca Wade
    Browns Delivery Services

  96. On October 15, 2015 at 8:04 PM Jose Lopez wrote:

    This is an exciting job opportunity with no prices. Our firm is a United
    States located freight sending organization. We seek for passionate shipping
    assistants who are citizens of US.

    This is an unwavering work having a payment of $2500 monthly.

    Senior US citizens, who work from house, US citizens, or business owners that
    are really fostered to join.

    The role:

    – Readying freight forms
    – Serve client necessities
    – Examine the stock
    – Deliver products to the right USPS branches
    – Affix preapaid freight labels
    – Stay in touch with personnel


    – Should be a United States resident with a residence address.
    – Needs to have a vehicle or an USPS branch locally.
    – Can deal with parcels around 20 pounds.

    Eager applicants have to reply directly to this email. We will contact you

  97. Thank you for expressing interest in our employment opportunity.
    Please read over the following brief to familiarize yourself with our company and your responsibilities as a successful candidate for this position. You can find a link to the company website in the application enclosed to this e-mail to help in understanding what we do.

    About Us.

    Logistics International Forwarding Inc is a cloud logistics company that allows our international customers to receive shipments in the United States and then forward it to their destination. We deal mainly with companies from overseas that have customers in the USA or buy and sell goods in America. Our company strongly believes in the remote employment approach because it allows us to decrease warehousing costs and provide shipping points from across the USA.

    We require people that can work independently and are able to maintain regular contact with us by phone and email. Your responsibilities will include accepting, processing and forwarding parcels and letters sent to your residential or private business address. This includes printing shipping labels, invoices, and taking photos of the contents of each package. You can expect deliveries from USPS, DHL, UPS, and FedEx to your address during regular business hours from 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM daily. Using your online account at our company’s website, you will find a list of incoming shipments, your daily work tasks, and the shipping labels for forwarding the letters and parcels. The process is simple and easy and the shipping labels are prepaid.

    We reimburse all possible expenses and you will not need to fill out any documents or forms. The only tools you will need to supply are a home computer with a printer and any digital camera. You will also need transportation for delivering the letters and parcels to the relevant USPS offices in a timely manner.

    Compensation for this position is $2,000 monthly plus a monthly bonus of $500 if the number of orders exceeds 50 in any month. Our employees are subject to all applicable taxes. A W-2 form will be prepared and issued annually.
    This is not a part-time position and you will not be able to combine this work with another full-time job.

    Safe and Secure.

    Rest at ease, you will be safe and secure while working for us. You will not be handling hazardous materials or illegal contraband. Every customer goes through a careful and complete verification process. The parcels usually contain everyday items such as, electronics, clothing, auto parts or sporting goods. While working for us, you will be inspecting the majority of parcels yourself. We handle only fully paid shipments and we never deal with any customers that cannot be verified as a legitimate business and have a valid reason for using our services. This is all clarified during our phone interviews with the customers and at which time they must send us two types of ID as well as a 1583 form signed by a notary.

    Your Next Step.

    Please find attached the application form, fill it out and return it to us via email or fax. You should get acquainted with the draft of your employment agreement which is also attached. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to call us at 305-440-4265 or e-mail us back.

    Michael Penman,
    Recruitment department,
    Logistics International Forwarding Inc
    2025 NW 102 Ave Ste 110
    Doral, FL 33172
    Toll-free: 800-601-9092

  98. Hello – you can add Shipping Across Management to the list of companies doing the “reshipping” scam. Rec’d an email from Olivia Johnson with all of the typical wording associated with this scam. Had an “application” attached, (which I did not open.) The email indicated that the website address for the company was which redirects you to a legitimate looking website for Shipping Across Management. If anyone else receives the same email don’t waste your time and just let it go . . .

  99. I just got an email from Erica Lee. It said:

    Good afternoon!
    My name is Erica Lee, and I’m HR manager in the international company – Shiply LTD. I have received your resume, and we want to offer you a position of Shipping inspector, which is available at this moment. I have attached the job description, please reply if you are interested. We have a paid training period (4-7 days).
    If you are NOT interested, just inform me so i wont have to email you twice

    I know it’s fake.
    First of off. I do not open any attachments in email from people I do not know.
    Secondly, I’ve contacted this company. Because it’s a real company. I told them about this.

    How I found this site, whenever I get a job offer of craigslist. I always copy the email and paste it into google. The first link was this site.

    People are looking for legitimate work, and you have all these BS scammers out there.
    I never had any job offers through craigslist. I’ve found a few legit jobs on there. But I always contact them first.

  100. i’m hard hearing person i get fired too many jobs then i was searching jobs from craiglist some day a guy called oliver message me talking about his offer as package forworder then i was eager to get any job they said i will get 25 each forworded packge then i got 2poxes of clothes 2 forword unfortunately i did after i did they sent a camera again but it doest received yet then i made my research then i saw ur form you helped me thank you but i have forworded 2 boxes so what should do?

    • Hey Ibrahim,

      Sorry to hear you fell for this scam. I’ve laid out what you need to do in the article above. So it’s just a matter of reading it and following the steps I’ve already clearly laid out.

    • Lele,

      If you you’re “working” with this company and they’re doing as we described in the article above, i would recommend you follow my advice. I know it’s tempting to hope this company will be different but these scam artists create new sites all the time. As I said it doesn’t matter what the site address is or the company name. If you’re engaged in what i described then it’s a scam. Plain and simple.

  101. I just wanted to say thank you for this article! today I was about sign a contract with a person claiming to be represented by a legitimate company looking for package forwarding agents. I was a bit skeptical and while researching the legitimacy of the “business”, I came across this article. THANK YOU AGAIN!!

    I will copy and paste the first email that was sent to me so others can see exactly what I’m referring to…

    Hi R***** M*******!

    WWD Logistics LLC is searching for officers who wish to try themselves as a forwarding agent.
    Our corporation is searching for staff members who are determined and eager for work.
    As an Member of our Firm, you will get career growth and extra bonuses, next to your salary.

    Your tasks:
    – General shipping activities
    – Cell
    – You will maintain the smooth logistics and warehouse

    – 3-4 hours per day

    Your qualities:
    – Punctuality and trustworthiness
    – Honesty and ability to work independently
    – American citizenship or work permit
    – Legal age

    Interested? We look forward to getting your response via reply.

    After which our Special staff will get in touch with you, to provide you with extra information about the job.

    Best regards,
    Barbara Coker

    … what a bunch of frauds… beware people, and thank you again Eddy for shinning a light on them!

    Dear Applicant,

    Thank you for your e-mail. Your application was received and I believe that you have what it takes to perfectly fit into this position. You have been selected as the successful candidate for the position of a Payroll Coordinator. This job simply entails the preparation of paychecks for a medium company of about 250 contract payees weekly after the taxes and deductions have already been made. You will undergo an online training and you will be provided with the check printing software including a user license.

    You will be required to purchase the under-listed supplies from or any available nearby store for this job. You are to keep a detailed record of all expenses incurred on the purchase of these items as you will be fully reimbursed along side your first salary at the end of the month

    I’m thinking this isn’t the same exact email, but it’s close enough to leave me very suspicious.

    Let me know what you think!


  103. Oh my god I believe that I am involved in this scam and I am wishing I had done a search and found this page last month. I’m working for the Forwarding Group and I report Samuel Emerson who is my supervisor, is listed as the HR Manager. I received an email that got my information from CareerBuilder with the job details and link to apply online. The website appeared genuine and even has other name brand stores and vendors. The email said that the company was expanding rapidly and had a need to outsource the shipping for the company. I had to complete a application and after being accepted, I also had to complete an Employee Agreement much like the one that I have done for other jobs. I was confirmed officially hired after that and I was given a user ID and password for where I would login to check for incoming packages and download the information and shipping labels. I was supposed to be paid 2000 a month but I could get a extra 500 if I shipped them out with in 24 hrs. I shipped out 8 packages over the month and when I tried to sign in a week ago I all of a sudden, could not sign in and of course, I was supposed to be paid for the first time a couple of days ago. I even sent a few follow up emails checking on my access and first check since I was thinking that it was just a glitch and something was incorrect when I first started but it was fixed. I was laid off in October 2014 and my Unemployment stopped and I have been working part time as a cashier and really needed the money until I got back to work in my field in. I even passed on another part time opportunity because I believed it. I have bills comimg due that I had already made arrangements on and I don’t know what to do. They even have my account information since I was supposed to be direct deposit. OMG this is horrible and I am not a criminal.

    • Hey Linda,

      I’m sorry to hear you fell for this. I wish you would have found this page sooner as well. But better late than never.
      I would recommend you follow the steps I listed above to help you avoid any issues.

    • Hello Linda,

      Good night,

      I was also scammed by the same company for which I worked the entire month of August. It was that same guy, Samuel Emerson, who wrote me from this address Forwarding Group HR Department who made me whole recruitment process and was a woman named Linda Jones who served as my supervisor.

      These are some of the e-mails I received from this company.

      Dear Reinaldo,

      We reviewed information received from you and would like to inform you that you meet our requirements and we made a final decision to employ you.

      We remind you that base pay for this position is $2000 per month + $500 bonus for prompt task completion.

      In order to become our employee, you are to sign the contract.

      You may download it in PDF format at Employment Agreement in PDF link (6 pages).

      It is also available in JPG format:

      Employment Agreement 1st page
      Employment Agreement 2nd page
      Employment Agreement 3rd page
      Employment Agreement 4th page
      Employment Agreement 5th page
      Employment Agreement 6th page

      Please download the contract and attentively familiarize yourself with all paragraphs.

      After that, you are to print it, fill out by hand, take a photo or scan it in high quality and email us the copies.

      Keep the original in a safe place.


      Samuel Emerson
      (443) 276-8208

      Dear Reinalod,

      We received your signed contract and a copy of DL, they are accepted.


      Samuel Emerson
      (443) 276-8208

      Dear Reinaldo,

      I’m okay.

      We accepted your info, now you are officially employed.

      You will receive first packages in 2-5 business days, we will give you update on them and send further instructions.


      Samuel Emerson
      (443) 276-8208

    • Yes those were the exact same emails that I received. I have already saved mine and filed the online form for the post office this morning and I am about to file the second form for the government site momentarily. I still have the shipping labels on my phone that I downloaded from ship panel. com and I am hoping to use them to get the packages back to the rightful owners. I had them as a double check as I was shipping the packages so I could make sure that I had the right labels on the right box. But maybe I can get them back to the correct owners.

    • oh my god…i believe i have been caught up in this scam and it seemed so legit.i quit my first job because i thought this was a real lucritive opportunity for my family and i.the company is called forwarding group and i have been working for these guys for a month and im heart broken at this point because i have bills piling up over my head and have no money to pay my rent.oh my god

    • Damn Johnathan,

      I’m sorry you quit your job because of this nonsense. I would recommend you follow the steps I’ve listed above ASAP.
      And you need to get out there and find something offline quickly to pay those piling bills. Maybe that first job will take you back. I’m so sorry you didn’t find this site sooner.

  104. Hi Everyone,

    Here are the names of 3 other companies that, while they look legit, are total scammers. Just thought that you and your readers might like to know…I too, fell victim myself, as I, just as many of you are, am unemployed and need to find work, however, we cannot let that situation cloud our judgement here… We must remain vigilant and w/Eddy’s help, we can help put a stop to this crap, or, at least deter another honest person from falling for it…

    -Linxu International Group-They are from China and claim to be legit, however, after your bogus website is set up, they steal credit card info and clean it up through bogus website purchases, you then, through your LLC, are to keep 10% and send them 90…Yeah right!

    -The next one’s listed are all packaging/re-ship scammers:
    -Safe Fulfillment, LLC-Unfortunately, I feel for this one and shipped a few things before I realized that it was a scam.

    Finally, these last 2 are virtual assistant scams:
    -Moon, LLC-Fell for this one too, but got out before it was too late…
    -Sun, LLC

    I advise everyone to stay away from these clowns, regardless of what kind of garbage they might feed you…

    Hope this helps, folks…Take care and God bless!!!


  105. My husband received an email from Forwarding Parcels Company. Even when he was telling me about it, I knew it was not legit. Did my own research. He received the following email:


    This is an HR manager of Forwarding Parcels company. We found your email through employment agency.

    We need a Shipping Clerk in our organization who has to inspect the content of the boxes, make reports and send them to the destination..

    You will get $2500+ monthly. With this post you will also get a full social package.

    The list of minimum conditions are:
    It is enough to be 21, be careful, honest and reliable person with basic PC skills for this part-time position. People with document management experience are preferred to all others. This post does not require your relocation.

    If you are interested in this vacancy, please inform me about this by your answer at :

    Thank you,
    Forwarding Parcels Company


    Thank you for your interest in our company. We are pleased that you considered us at this stage of your career planning.
    We only accept applications submitted via our on-line system.
    To do this and for more details about the position, CLICK HERE, learn the job description and FAQ and fill out the online application form.
    Submitting your application:
    Once you have submitted an application, you can no longer make any changes. Please note that information cannot be modified once submitted.
    Hearing from us:
    If you have applied for a specific post, we will contact you as quickly as possible, either by telephone or email. Please wait for us to get in touch with you.
    I look forward to see your application on-line as soon as possible.
    Cynthia Nolan
    Forwarding Parcels Company, LLC
    Phone (410) 469-1724
    Fax (410) 472-5607

    Their website looks legit, but anyone can create a website:

    I looked up their contact info. Lists a Baltimore, MD address. I googled businesses at that address and what do you know, no such company listed at that address.

    I checked the phone number listed: TEL: +1 (410) 469-1724, it’s a cell phone.

    Hopefully, I have produced enough evidence that my husband won’t go through with it.

  106. Wow! safe I just received the offer after falling for the scam exam and giving my information. but I was then sent more paper works to proceed but I decided to make a little research about them and I found this and other articles

  107. I, too, fell for it. Out of work for a very long time, and desperate for money, I fell for it. As soon as I realized what might be going on, I stopped reshipping. I had only been doing it a couple weeks when I decided to do some research online and find out what was going on. My gut started to bother me–like, “What is wrong with this picture”. Sure enough, I found this site and I just wanted to kick myself. What was I thinking? Who knew that I would get caught up in something like this. I’m pretty smart normally, and skeptical, but when you need cash, you are blinded to the truth. Anyway, the company is called Arion Forwarding, LLC out of Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. They have a web site that looks authentic, they have a physical office with phone and fax numbers. They have a page on their website that encourages people to “find a career with Arion–being a Quality Inspector”. I was recruited through an email where they got my resume from It all sounded so upfront and legit. I got a supervisor named Patty Collins who would tell me what to do when packages showed up at my house. She would send me a new label and I would take it to the post office and ship it, after opening it and taking a photo of it, & sending it to her via email. They even had a Task Panel page that I logged into to see what was on it’s way to me. I reshipped six items, before I realized what was going on, and stopped immediately. This was just a few days ago and I am terrified that I will get arrested now. I don’t know what to do about this, since I did send six things out over the past three weeks. Screw the money. I just don’t want to see the police pull up to my house. I am so afraid. I did keep everything (correspondence with Ms. Collins and a Tyler James who recruited me). I even set up a spreadsheet that I have that had everything about the packages you could get. (columns for tracking #s, dates shipped, dates I received the product, when I got the label, and kept it up to date with where the product was (tracking) along it’s way. Two of the products went to the Ukraine and i was told because consolidating into one box, several things, cut down the cost of shipping directly. How I fell for that is beyond me. Dear God, I’m a criminal and I didn’t even know it. Help. Do I go to the police and tell them about this? I think maybe I should before they show up at my house first. I’m terrified right now. I’m a law abiding citizen and this just can’t be happening!

    • Hey Susan,

      I’m so sorry you were a victim of this scam. Like you said when we get a little desperate things like this happen and the con artist will prey on us.
      All you have to do if follow the steps I laid out in the article above to protect yourself. The police don’t want to arrest victims but you want to be proactive.
      So follow the advice listed in my article.

  108. Hello,
    I recently got involved with two drop shipping company scams. Express Product Mover ( and Shipping Express Management. I had a gut feeling that they were scams but went with it anyway. After reading this and talking to my father who talked to the USPS. I immediately ended my contract with both of them. According to an USPS employee that my dad talked to “drop-shipping” is actually illegal in the US. I didn’t give anything personal besides my address to Epromover, however I gave my license to Shipping Express Management. How do I go about securing my license so they can’t order credit cards in my name or use my license to drive and commit traffic violations? My second question is what is the best way to go about sending back the items I still have but shouldn’t ship out? I no longer have the boxes the items came in, however I kept all the shipping labels that the items came in. I don’t think I can just tape them on another box and give back right? Is there a way to send them back to the company without having to pay out of pocket expenses? I’m on LOA (Leave of Absence) from my actual job. So I fell for this scam because it seemed like easy money until I can get back to work since disability pay isn’t my full amount.

    • Hey Victoria,

      The scam isn’t really drop shipping. It’s basically just moving stolen products so I’m not sure why the postal person would refer to it as drop shipping which is a legitimate for of business that many companies employee.

      In any event, you can’t get your license information back from the scammers. If it were that easy to actually find them and they cooperated so easily they wouldn’t be in business. As I said in my article above you need to invest in some identity theft protection to stop at the very least them from creating new credit in your name. That’s what they want your license and other information for not to run red lights.

      I don’t have any advice for you about how to send the packages back. Try contacting the companies they were shipped from and see what they tell you.

      In any event, I’m sorry to hear you fell for this scam. As you’ve learned there is no such thing as easy money online just as there isn’t offline. At the very least you found this website and now you’ll be exposed to legit ways to make money. Thanks for sharing your experience, be sure to share this website with others so they don’t fall victim to this as well.

  109. hello guys i’m reading your comments and i think i’m involved in this scam right now, this company called skanderborg shipping suppose to be in Denmark, they sending me shipment and i suppose to repackage them and ship them. they suppose to pay me $2400 a month. i knew this was to good to be true. Gp

  110. i have gotten several text messages and emails saying they found me on for a car wrap job and babysitting and assistant. they sent me a check to cash and send a portion to somewhere else. i didnt think it was legit. so i took it to the bank to show them the copies of emails and the check and they told me the check was not legit. i was sent two different checks from 2 different people. they are still in the fed ex envelopes at home. i will give you the numbers and emails next week.

  111. Received this: via
    Erica Lee

    The progressive and fast-developing company is taking on new employees in America. If you want to be the member of the stable company, which is dealing with shipment, you’re US resident, interested in the part-time job and don’t want to sit in the stuffy and hot office, so the door of our company is open for you. Advantages of this job: attractive salary in the amount of 300$ per week and convenient location of the job place – your home.
    Salary: Basic Pay $ 200 – 300 per week

    – To seat at home and wait for packages from different online shops, etc..
    – To mail boxes to our company’s customers from abroad .
    – To work from your virtual office and expect parcels will be sent to your house
    – To rigorously follow regulations of your manager.

    * No extra money required.

    As this job is remote, so we will contact you by phone, email and Skype via your virtual office . That is why if you are ready to work with us please give us your email address, personal phone number and home address.
    If you intend and want to be employed for this position, please let us know about your decision .

  112. Oh my god, I have been working with them for several months and I have no idea about this. I worked for two companies and both ended up with no payment to me and disappearing in any contact methods….

    What should I do now? Will I be arrested when I notify the local police?

  113. Thank you so much for this website. You do not know how much this has helped me. On July 9, 2015 I was sent the following email from Arion Forwarding Services LLC from a Mr. Tyler James… via
    Jun 9

    to me
    We have found your resume in CareerBuilder database. We think that your professional background and abilities would perfectly match part-time position of
    a Quality Inspector that is currently open.
    Here are the details :
    Position : Quality Inspector
    Type of employment: Part-time
    The following thing is required:
    * 18 + y.o.;
    * Diligence and ability to meet deadlines;
    * Knowledge of Adobe Acrobat Reader and Microsoft Office;
    * Computer literacy ;
    * Ability to print and scan documents
    The job involves collecting, distributing and repackaging parcels and mail as well as getting mail items to your local FedEx and/or USPS locations.
    If you match requirements stated above and would like to occupy this part-time job opportunity, please email us your confirmation.
    We’re looking forward to your reply with attached resume.
    We will be contacting you soon.

    Foolishly I fell for the scam after looking through their website at, looking at the BBB for their reviews, which I found none for, and desperately needing this extra monthly salary + of $2000. His following email was as follows….


    My name is Tyler James, and I work at Arion Forwarding LLC as an HR
    manager. We received your response and appreciate the time it took for
    you to reply. I am the person, who is responsible for recruiting of
    Quality Inspectors, and I’ll lead you through the step-by-step process
    that will help you become a member of our team. We offer great working
    conditions and promotion opportunities to best of our employees. All
    Quality Inspectors have flexible hours, regulate hours themselves,
    receive stable salary, including variety of bonuses and encouraging
    promotions etc.

    Stage 1
    Take your time to read a detailed Job Description that can be found
    attached to this email. Consider all pros and cons and decide whether
    you are willing to join our company. If you decide to be part of our
    team, fill out the application form (attached), and send it back to
    me. We have received recommendations from your online recruiter, so
    your application will be evaluated on the priority basis. Total
    evaluation and initial screening will take 6 hours to 2 business days.

    Stage 2
    If your application is approved, you’ll receive another email from me,
    confirming that your candidacy was approved for the Quality Inspector
    position. I will also send you the Employment Agreement, and this can
    be considered an official offer to become part of our company.

    You’ll have 3 days to examine and sign the agreement, after which you
    will have to send it back to me. If you are unable to sign and return
    the agreement within 3 days, kindly give me an update with the reason
    of the delay.

    Stage 3
    After we receive the signed agreement, you will officially become part
    of our company, and your trial period will begin. Your personal
    supervisor will be assigned and he will get you familiar with all work
    processes and instructions. This same person will be providing you
    assistance throughout the trial period and will control your work.

    I have all confidence that you will easily go through all three stages
    of the hiring process, so go ahead and start by downloading and
    reading the job description. If you have any questions regarding the
    job or the hiring process, you can always reach me by email. If you
    provide your phone number, I will be able to call you ASAP. Looking
    forward to receiving your Job Application!

    Best regards,
    Tyler A. James
    HR Dept
    p: (954) 837-6531
    f: (954) 213-0246

    I read a thoroughly attached contract and sent in my signature of acceptance along with a copy of Driver’s License. Fortunately, I have an active security alert on my account, so no worries there.

    After about a week a was assigned a Supervisor Ms. Patty Collins. She communicated with me via email and their established Task Panel Website at Through email and the panel, I could see what packages were coming with tracking, the content, and whose name would appear on the package. I then would do my quality inspection by taking a picture, uploading it, and making a brief statement of the condition. Between hours and sometimes days, a shipping label would be avilable under the portal for me to ship via USPS or UPS and take another picture to confirm reciept of shipment and upload. It is then that the task would be complete. Unfortunately, before reading this and other scams about repackaging, I have sent the merchandise as directed by Ms. Collins. This included boxes of new shoes, Apple Ipads, camcorders, shirts, etc. My total shipments have been 16 out of 17 total tasks and oh how I wish I can go back and not have sent the first package. However, I have reported them to the USPS fraud department, IC3, BIzapedia, which shows they have a license number registered as and a base office out of Fort Lauderdale. For more information on that click this link and other legit companies they have used to appear legit. My further actions include contacting the BBB, my local police office, FedEx, and UPS.

    I don’t know if I will also have to face consequences, but I am glad that I caught this sooner rather than later and will do my best to right my wrongs in this scam.

    Again, thank you!


    • Hi Eddy,

      I see that you work on line and are selling information on how to do it. Is your program a legit site or scam? I to was offered a job at Forwarding They received my resume from career builder as well. I am appalled that individuals can get our information from legit employment sites to use to there advantage. I am very skeptical these days about any company and did a thorough research on this company and found that they have an F rating on BBB and the number they provide is always busy. There website is very impressive and it is done using the new HTML 5 coding. Thank you for providing this information. Now we need to shut these people down.

      Melissa W. C.

    • Hey Melissa,

      I’m happy you found my site. Unfortunately shady people will always find ways to use things that are legitimate for bad. It’s just the reality of the world we live in.
      I’m a little taken back by your question. If I was a scam artist I’m not going to tell you that I scam you. lol But that said most people will read articles like this and can tell immediately I’m here to help people avoid the crap out there. So it’s up to you to read my body of work and determine if you can trust me or not. I can’t convince you.
      That said if you want to read what the media thinks of me, feel free to read this.

  114. Hi Eddy!
    Thank God for your website. I am currently unemployed due to a minor back injury. and received the email below… Thanks to your website you saved me a lot of heart ache.

    Good afternoon Mr. Gomez!

    I am the HR department manager assistant with Forwarding Group. We found your email with the help of recruiting agency.
    We are looking for an organized and honest staff member and would like to offer you the position.

    It is a remote position, therefore you will be operating from home. Your main functions are receiving incoming packages, checking the merchandise inside, reporting to the main office and sending the packages out.
    We are a respectable company and will not ask you to make any payments to or purchase things from us. All materials and expenses are paid by the company.
    No special habits or trainings required. Attentiveness, punctuality and self-discipline are the qualities we regard most in our team members.

    If you are interested in the position, please reply this email and we will provide a more detailed information.

    Position name: Shipping Clerk
    Position status: part-time employment;
    Pay: up to 2.500 $ a month

    Yours sincerely,
    Veronica Burton
    HR Department Manager Assistant

    • Hey Mike,

      I’m sorry to hear about your back injury but I’m so happy you avoided this nonsense. At least now you’re aware of it and know there are other legitimate options as I listed above. Thanks for sharing the scam here so others can avoid it as you did.

    • I just got this email too. Thanks for the heads up. I figured it was a scam. Is there any point in forwarding emails like this to an authority of some kind? If so, who? Or is it pretty much untraceable?

  115. Reposting my comment from home page.

    Beware job offers from ADN Logistics Services. They are one of these repacking scams. They almost got me, until they made the odd action of “hiring” me before I even turned in their application! They found me from CareerBuilder.

    Emails came from and

    Eddy, your site confirmed it for me – thank you!!


  116. Dear Applicant,

    Your Email was received and reviewed by my HR dept, after close consideration, you have been shortlisted and offered a job with our company.

    My name is Chris Howard, I am in receipt of the vacant post you applied for. In search of, Front Desk Reps / Office Administrative Assistants. We require you to be sharp, friendly, flexible and reliable. Must have excellent organizational skills. looking for an assistant for general administrative issues such as scheduling, travel arrangement, basic problem solving and assisting coordinators with projects and tasks.

    Your interest shall been considered if you are up to the task. You will start up firstly with the training process which would last for a week and then full start-up. This is just a formal mail to inform you that you have been selected for this Job and to get ready for start up. Appointment letter and others would be mailed to the address you would provide us to be delivered next week after the test of duty/Trust. Now let me give you insight to the Job in question, your duties, How to get started and your Benefits.

    The company’s Home Business Unit is under URL change and it involves a very high re-organizational process that involves bringing all our online staffs to log-on on the same Network Online with their staff ID. Then after 7 business days each online staffs can have a log on ID/Password to get access to their duties online while still communicating with their supervisors.

    Working from home with the company’s provided computer is a broad expatiation of how the online duty is performed working from home. You are required to use the equipment’s because there is a wide range of software installed on the system to protect data, ease duty, and also enhance speed and accuracy of duty online. The Company’s equipment that would be shipped to you is liable to be yours (Ownership) after a period of 2 months of working with the Company. We are not deducting funds from your payroll for Taxes; all Our Online staffs are expected to complete their taxes forms after payroll by themselves.

    The Company is running the Online Recruiting as a temporary measure towards the completion of our Centers around United states, So most of our online staffs would have the first hand opportunity to apply to become permanent staffs when these centers are opened. So I can assure you that you have been offered a great opportunity to perform, giving your best to performing Data Entry duties in exchange for a good pay.

    Please provide answers to the following schedule so we could update your folder on the administrative desk.

    1. How many hours are you willing to Work per day ?
    2. How often do you come on the internet ?
    3. Payroll Interval… (Weekly or Bi-weekly) ?
    4. Have you dispatch packages before ?
    5. We offer $30 per hour.
    6. Have you use airway bills to send packages or letters out through ups or FedEx before ?
    7. Are you employed at the moment ?

    Basically before you get started, the company would be providing you with funds to purchase some important software required for the duty in question and then you will be receiving equipment’s from the Company. Dell Notebook Laptop Pentium D Duo Processor , All in one Printer, Scanner and Fax Machine with a wide range of software already installed on the system against hacking.

    Test of duty/trust would involve you handling funds on behalf of the company to purchase the needed software and also to handle the shipment of your mini office equipment. The test of trust is your first call to duty, this will be your first assignment before you begin your training, You will be receiving a payment in form of check or online banking from the company shortly and would be required to follow proper directions, Accurate deduction and documentation is expected from you. This would be the only payment you will be required to handle on your own. All other future payments would be forwarded by you to the company’s accounting details which will be readily made available for you upon your start.

    IMPORTANT: Make sure you send your contact details and your answers to the payroll questions, so that it can be forwarded to the company’s accounting department for processing, also for you to be able to receive your test of duty/trust package.

    Details should be sent in the format below:

    Full name………….
    Age: ……………..
    Zip Code…………..
    Phone #home………..
    Cell #…………….
    Bank Name………….

    I look forward working with you as an online staffs. I will be waiting for your details response so that we can move on to the next phase.

    Thank you for your time.

    Hansan Supreme Inc.
    Christopher Howard
    TEXT : (702) 907-5877
    CALL : (315) 221-8615

  117. i received the following message:
    Hello Angelica ,

    We are specialists in international parcel forwarding and courier services. We are glad to welcome you into our multinational team that comprises more than 500 employees from over 25 countries. McKinsey LLC is constantly expanding its activities and developing into new countries.

    I am sure you will find the work of Mail Forwarding Manager exciting
    and interesting. I will do my best to help you start your career with us successfully. McKinsey LLC is a great solution for mail forwarding, as many people prefer shopping online in international stores, but not all the shops offer international delivery. Here comes mail forwarding – we let our clients make purchases in any international shop and have the items safely delivered to their door without any risk or delay. Our customers can shop anything they want, except some restrictions like: huge packages (over 42 lbs), any kind of illicit or restricted items.

    Being a Mail Forwarding Manager is extremely easy and comfortable, as you can use your own residence as your work office. Our services are completely legal and don’t require no initial investment or purchases. Besides, we reimburse all the expenses occurring in the course of your work, such as gas, printing, labeling, postal fees, etc.

    We would like to see our Mail Forwarding Manager as an active, young and responsible individual, not less than 18 y.o., legally residing in the US. Basic payment includes $20 for each processed package, which makes your total monthly payment not less than $2000. In case you complete your work fast and accurate, the basic payment may be increased up to $25-30 per package from your second month, which will automatically bring you at least $2000 USD monthly. We also offer great bonuses to our best employees, depending on the results of their work. We also offer additional payment on busier days, holidays, etc. So basically, your income totally depends on how well you perform. And of course, we offer great career perspectives.

    To know more about this position, view the Job Description file attached hereto. You can apply using the Application Form attached here as well. In case you have any questions, feel free to contact me!
    Your application must be submitted by replying to this email and attaching your filled in Application Form.
    Please note that only shortlisted candidates will be contacted further. Due to the limited number of candidates, we strongly recommend you to reply within 3-5 business days after receiving this e-mail.

    I’ll be looking forward to hear from you.

    James Adams
    McKinsey LLC

  118. Thank you for your website, it assisted me in avoiding a scam. My sister shared with me a great job opportunity her co-worker shared with her. My sister said she was going to wait to see if her co-worker actually gets paid in two weeks. I didn’t want to wait but I wanted to research the company, First I could not access the site due to a warning that it may be malicious site. Then I tried an internet search by name, and I found Pack Expert LTD. It states it is a global packaging company, but when I called the number for a Derrick Brown, no one answered & no voice mail. So I tried a review search of the company. That’s how I came across your website. I learned that this was more than likely an illegal business of identity theft.
    I then did a Better Business Bureau search and found the following information…

    This business is not BBB accredited.
    Pack Expert, LTD
    Additional Locations

    Phone: (216) 647-0092 1660 W 2nd St, Cleveland, OH 44113 View Additional Email Addresses !

    There is an alert on Pack Expert, LTD ! (this is in bold red letters)
    Additional Complaint Information

    This company first came to the attention of the Cleveland BBB in May of 2015. At that time a consumer reported the company had posted an online job offering for employment as a Forwarding Agent. Since then several consumers have reported receiving e-mail solicitations containing details of the offer along with an employment application.

    Active as recently as May 14, 2015, the company website,, was no longer active on May 20, 2015. BBB is aware of two versions of the site. One references Pack Expert Ltd and includes a Cleveland, Ohio address. The other references Pack Expert LLC and includes a Boston, Massachusetts address.

    BBB was unable to locate any filings for Pack Expert Ltd with the Ohio Secretary of State and building management at the Cleveland, Ohio address confirmed the company is not a tenant.

    Similarly BBB found no filings for Pack Expert LLC with the Massachusetts Secretary of State and is in the process of contacting management at the Boston address.

    BBB advises consumers to be cautious of replies to their online job postings. Some warning signs include:

    * The position involves transferring money or goods.

    * The company is located in another country.

    * The position does not list education or experience requirements.

    * All interactions and transactions will be done online.

    * The offer promises significant earning potential for little effort.

    Consumers should also be aware of the potential for being a victim of Identity Theft. For that reason BBB advises consumers to monitor their credit reports for new, unauthorized accounts that might be established in their name. A free report may be obtained from each of the three major reporting agencies online at

    For more information visit

    This review will be updated when more information is available.

    • Hey Chris,

      I’m glad you did your research buddy. Sometimes even when people are presented with the facts listed on this page, they want to ignore it and hope it’s not a scam. But at least you know better.

    • i am a student, and a few weeks ago i had a job offer online working from home recieving and re-shipping boxes back, and today 6-17-2015 i recieved the first 2 boxes. and the person is a Personal Logistics Manager for Future Parcel Group. and everything that was said up top is the samething with this job. from reading this up top i am scared. what shoud i do now?

  119. OMG, I just got offered a job position as a “Shipping and receiving clerk for a company called M&G Logistic services LLC. based out of NY. I applied to them on and I googled the company on and and the company seems legit even has a website platform for employee’s that allows u to login and track the incoming and outgoing orders as well as schedule your daily agenda. On top of that the company emailed me documents about the company, requirements, and salary…. Im a single unemployed mother who really needs a job but after reading this im unsure about going through with this position. are all homebase shipping and receiving job a scam? what do u look for to know the job is legit or not?

  120. I rec’d an email for a work from home opportunity with ADN Logistics….I was almost sucked in until I read this.

  121. This is the follow-up e-mail with the application link Please be aware this is a scam:

    Dear Applicant,

    Thank you very much for your interest to begin your career with Worldwide Supply Express (WSE) as a Distribution Manager. As the next step in the employment process, you are requested to complete your application form on

    Worldwide Supply Express (WSE) offers purchase and delivery services of goods internationally for more than 2 years. Our goal is to expand our operations in the United States due to increased numbers of orders by our loyal and ever-growing clientele. You will have an opportunity to receive a promotion to a Regional Manager within 6-8 months and operate a subsidiary or regional office in your city or state.

    Your salary and benefits will include but are not limited to:
    – US $2175/month + US $25 bonus per each shipped package (paid by end of first month);
    – US $3250/month + US $25 bonus per each shipped package (paid biweekly after the first month);
    – Flexible work schedule, leave & sick benefits.

    Your main duties and responsibilities will include but are not limited to:
    – Access your control panel at least 2-3 times a day to receive updates about the scheduled packages;
    – Receive packages delivered to your residence by courier services and inform your supervisor;
    – Process delivered packages and send them to the assigned destinations;
    – Ensure effective verbal and written communication with supervisor and other team members.

    Your privacy is very important to us:
    – We are committed to earning your trust by safeguarding your personal information.
    – All information you provide to us is securely maintained and is kept strictly confidential.
    – Information is only gathered with your consent and is checked for accuracy.
    – Information helps our team to contact you in a timely manner and prepare a contract.

    We look forward to having you come onboard.

    Phyllis W. Stutes
    HR Department
    Worldwide Supply Express

    • It is my pleasure, thank you for providing your website. I’ve attached another e-mail scam, warning, please be careful because these company also uses Careerbuilder please read below:

      Dear Applicant,

      Interparcel would like to offer you an exciting and profitable opportunity as a Package Manager. We have selected your resume on website and believe that your skills and experience will add value to our team of dedicated employees.

      Salary & Benefits:
      – During the probationary period our employees make up to $500/week.
      – Flexible work schedule

      If you are interested in this position, please reply to this email with your contact information:

      Full Name:

      We look forward to hearing from you soon.


    • Dear Applicant,

      Interparcel would like to offer you an exciting and profitable opportunity as a Package Manager. We have selected your resume on website and believe that your skills and experience will add value to our team of dedicated employees.

      Salary & Benefits:
      – During the probationary period our employees make up to $500/week.
      – Flexible work schedule

      If you are interested in this position, please reply to this email with your contact information:

      Full Name:

      We look forward to hearing from you soon.


    • You’re welcome. Yes these scam artist use many of the legitimate job sites to find victims and also use legitimate company names to lure people into believing they’re legit. Unfortunately it ruins the reputation of many of these companies.

  122. Please be aware of this company it is a scam:

    Dear Applicant,

    Worldwide Supply Express is pleased to offer you a part-time or full-time profitable employment
    as a DISTRIBUTION MANAGER. We have selected your resume on and believe your skills and experience will add value to our company.

    Salary & Benefits:
    – US $2175/month + bonuses paid by end of first month;
    – US $3250/month + bonuses paid biweekly after the first month;
    – Flexible work schedule, leave & sick benefits.

    Duties & Responsibilities:
    – Ability to telecommute by phone and computer during business hours;
    – Track, receive, process and ship company’s internal mail and packages;
    – Record and report work progress to the team members.

    If you are interested in our job offer, please reply to this email to receive further job instructions.

    We look forward to hearing from you soon.


    Phyllis W. Stutes
    HR Department
    Worldwide Supply Express

  123. I was contacted by a “Hr manager” from Mckinsey & Company. I will copy and paste the email from them. It sounded to good to be true so I knew it was a scam from the beginning. I also reached out to Mckinsey and let them know the details I had for this, and offered to help them if I can. The sender has contacted me again to try to get me to sign up. I have just been ignoring them.

    Happy Connecting. Sent from my Sprint Samsung Galaxy S ® 5

    ——– Original message ——–
    From: “HR Matthew Brooks (HR Dept.)”
    Date:02/03/2015 3:04 PM (GMT-08:00)
    To: Erik Toland
    Subject: Job opening

    Hello Erik Toland-Newberry,

    I am Matthew Brooks, and I work as a Manager with McKinsey&Company. We
    are specialists in international parcel forwarding and courier
    services. We are glad to welcome you into our multinational team that
    comprises more than 500 employees from over 25 countries.
    McKinsey&Company is constantly expanding its activities and developing
    into new countries.

    I am sure you will find the work of Mail Forwarding Manager exciting
    and interesting. I will do my best to help you start your career with
    us successfully. McKinsey&Company is a great solution for mail
    forwarding, as many people prefer shopping online in international
    stores, but not all the shops offer international delivery. Here comes
    mail forwarding – we let our clients make purchases in any
    international shop and have the items safely delivered to their door
    without any risk or delay. Our customers can shop anything they want,
    except some restrictions like: huge packages (over 42 lbs), any kind
    of illicit or restricted items.

    Being a Mail Forwarding Manager is extremely easy and comfortable, as
    you can use your own residence as your work office. Our services are
    completely legal and don’t require no initial investment or purchases.
    Besides, we reimburse all the expenses occurring in the course of your
    work, such as gas, printing, labeling, postal fees, etc.

    We would like to see our Mail Forwarding Manager as an active, young
    and responsible individual, not less than 18 y.o., legally residing in
    the US. Basic payment includes $20 for each processed package, which
    makes your total monthly payment not less than $2000. In case you
    complete your work fast and accurate, the basic payment may be
    increased up to $25-30 per package from your second month, which will
    automatically bring you at least $2000 USD monthly. We also offer
    great bonuses to our best employees, depending on the results of their
    work. We also offer additional payment on busier days, holidays, etc.
    So basically, your income totally depends on how well you perform. And
    of course, we offer great career perspectives.

    To know more about this position, view the Job Description file
    attached hereto. You can apply using the Application Form attached
    here as well. In case you have any questions, feel free to contact me!
    Your application must be submitted by replying to this email and
    attaching your filled in Application Form. Please note that only
    shortlisted candidates will be contacted further. Due to the limited
    number of candidates, we strongly recommend you to reply within 3-5
    business days after receiving this e-mail.

    I’ll be looking forward to hear from you.

    Matthew Brooks
    McKinsey Postage-Service
    HR Department

  124. Just came here cause I like knowing the emails I get like these are scams. I’m too smart to fall for something like this, but that’s because I’ve seen the news stories and such. I’m not saying that people who fall for this are stupid, everyone makes mistakes, but you made some great points for people that might be sucked into a scam like this and now feel helpless and I thank you on behalf of them for giving them some solid, accurate advice on what to do now, and giving a source for people who are smart enough to do a little bit of investigation before falling for a scam like this.

    • Indeed. Ultimately we all make mistakes. I think the problem is too many people view the internet as something very easy and that there is always easy money to be made. But the fact is anything that is going to make you decent money online or offline requires some significant work and skills.

      If not then everyone can come online and make easy money. But I think we become so blinded by our own needs we suspend our common sense and instincts. But I’ll be here to remind people. Sometimes I get them early enough but unfortunately a lot of times I get them after the fact. Either way, it’s a lesson learned. At least it leads people here and they know there are people online that are providing useful and legitimate options. Thanks for chiming in.

    • Pat,

      I’m sure many of the shipping scammers will gladly contact you since you’re choosing to ignore the whole article and hundreds of other comments where people have clearly started they were scammed by this nonsense. But good luck to you buddy.

  125. There is one other point that should be expressed about identifying scammers; all of the emails I have seen on this and other work-at-home employment schemes use questionable grammar and odd word phrasing. Even though the grammar is better than the Nigerian scam, there are enough quirks and consistent errors that are noticeable (missing commas, run-on sentences and non sequiturs are big giveaways). True, I am a bit more aware of these errors than most since I am a professional technical writer. Basically, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

    Thanks for including this discussion on your website.

    • That is true to a certain degree. But that should definitely be coupled with some other things like research, common sense, etc. My articles are littered with spelling and grammatical errors and I’m not scammer. lol But I hear your point. Thanks for sharing!

  126. Hi,

    I am not a victim but rather one of the companies they use as a front. I’m getting 10-20 emails a day inquiring on a logistics position. Each person contacted has sent emails through my website seeking the non-existing HR person to contact. I have posted info on our facebook page and it’s getting a lot of traffic also. I have also linked this blog on it. Thanks for looking out for them!!

    • Hey JW,

      I’m so sorry your company name is being dragged into this scam. That’s a common ploy of these scam artists so it confuses people into believing the scam is legitimate. But some people are smart enough to head to the company directly to see if the position is real. But then of course that puts an unnecessary strain on your staff to let people know that you aren’t hiring for this scam position. You may want to put a message on your contact us page letting people know you aren’t hiring for any reshipping positions and link to this article as you did on your FB page so you cover all bases.

      Thanks for spreading the word. Companies like yours are also victims in this nonsense as well. It’s unfortunate.

  127. Everyone, some of the work from home packaging jobs are legit. I have two and have no problems with them. Can’t ya’ll see that all the reviews are bad on purpose he is just trying to get ya’ll to switch over to his company. Do yo not see all the promotion if they are all fake then that means someone came up with the scam and everyone all over the world just followed that person. Also, these people have legit websites the F.B.I isn’t stupid they can back track I.P addresses and find the person who created that website. See things through before you accuse it to be false ya’ll missing out on thousands of dollars because people think things are too good to be true. He is just promoting his work from home business use multiple sources before you reject something to be false just saying.

    • Sigh. Even if you don’t believe me and the hundreds of comments from people who have been scammed or avoided scams because of this article, just contact the postal inspectors with the information of any alleged legitimate work from home shipping job and see what they say.

      I’m in the business of helping people avoid scams and referring people to things that are legit. And yes I proudly get paid for doing so. I don’t hide it and I’m not ashamed of it. So it’s not like you’re revealing a dark secret I’m trying to hide.

      But folks can feel free to follow your advice and see where it leads them. I suspect that you’re probably one of the scammers and you’re upset people are getting wise to your scam because of this article. But feel free to try discredit me. My years of experience speak for itself.

  128. I would like to work at home doing shipping or logistics,
    I got an Email forwarded from a friend of one of these companies was the trailing sender and they said i could make $2500 the first month and become a Operations Manager after that; so i sent them my information and got 1 phone call then nothing….were they just fishing for my personal information or was it a legit job? Not sure?

    • You shouldn’t want to work at home doing any of this if you’ve read the article and the many comments above. This is something that should be avoided at all cost unless you want to be scammed.

  129. I’m so glad I found this website. I’ve been needing another part-time job to go along with my current part-time job to help make ends meet. I posted a job wanted ad on Craigslist and got a few responses from “employers” who want me to be a package shipper. I just had to do a Google search to feel at ease, because I cannot afford to lose money to a scam. I’m so glad I did. I have not officially started these jobs, but just told the employers that I’m interested. I’m not interested no more now that I know that these jobs may be scams. I’m going to send them a message later and tell them I changed my mind.
    Thank you so much for this article Eddy, you saved me big time!

    • Hey Mandy,

      I’m so happy you found us as well. It’s always great to hear when we can help people avoid scams! If possible share the ads and so called employers that contacted you here so people know what to look for. And please share this site and article you know so they don’t fall for this nonsense either.

      Thanks again Mandy!

  130. Wow, this is a huge scam judging from the comments! I just got scammed as well. Contacted by email to do shipping. I received the first package and when told it was not in my name immediately started to question how legitimate this might be. The company name seemed valid, the way the person who wrote me seemed intelligent. I emailed the lady back questioning their company and she sent me a long drawn out response. I’ve copied and pasted:


    There is a reason to ship it to NY.

    Our employees in NY are acting as a shipping consolidators. The packages may go in different cities in Russia. For example, a package contains a laptop and the final destination is Saint-Petersburg. The customs in Saint-Petersburg won’t let pass the laptop package with the battery included. All batteries have to be shipped separately. However, everything is ok with customs in Moscow.

    Of course you could do re-packaging but this would require expenses on packaging and we do everything possible to make sure the Corr Managers won’t have to pay anything out of pocket.

    The reason why we didn’t ship it directly to NY is simple. These laptops are on high demand in Russia and when we order them from the suppliers we don’t know the final destination until the very last moment. When a laptop(or a digital camera) package is on it’s way to you we may forward it to Moscow or to Saint-Petersburg or wherever in Russia depending on customer’s location. If the package destination was Moscow you would ship it directly to Moscow but since in was Saint-Petersburg the package required re-packaging. We have 4 employees in NY who do re-packaging perfectly and then forward packages to Russia – you’re sending the packages to one of them. They have a lot of job to do so they don’t act like Corr Managers(receiving/shipping packages from suppliers without re-packaging).

    Consolidating the packages is required when shipping clothes/shoes/accessories/other small packages – that’s the case with the package 1Z602E891346613368 you received yesterday. The Customs fee in Moscow, Russia is fixed for this type of merchandise and depends on the number of packages – that’s why it’s better to consolidate 10 packages rather than shipping them as 10 separate packages. On the other hand, the Customs in Saint-Petersburg in most cases releases clothes/shoes without any fees(but the procedure takes 3-4 weeks) so if the final destination is Saint-Petersburg usually we ship this type of merchandise directly to Russia.

    That’s how it works.


    I was going to take the package and all of the emails to the post office and make a complaint. This company goes by the name of SCM Logistics.

    • Hey Brandy,

      Thanks for being brave enough to share your experience but more importantly for laying out the conversation with the scam artist. People will be able to learn so much because of it! So thank you. That said I’m sorry you fell victim to it. But at least it led you to this site.

  131. I, embarrassingly, admit that I completely fell for one of these schemes twice. The first time was with Independent Delivery Professionals, Inc….they didn’t even “hire” me, so no packages from them.

    The second time was with BestPackage, LLC. Their website is BestPackage LLC offered $40 per package shipped and would pay you once a month, and that employees would receive from 30 to 60 packages per month. Once receiving a package, the employee has to check it, document it, inform the manager that they have received it, await the prepaid shipping labels (to which they were legitimately, or seemed to be, prepaid), then bring them to their local USPS to reship them. I was so desperate for work, so I, unfortunately, did not even conceive it to be a scam. At the time, I viewed it as a temp/odd, albeit legal, job till I could get a real job. I did the work for about month, unfortunately, reshipping a total of 21 packages. Then, a week before payday came around, the packages stopped, though contact didn’t. BestPackages stopped contacting me 2 days before payday, though my login credentials for the site still worked. When payday came around, I didn’t see a check, so I waited a week, and still no check. After a week, I decided to inquire them about my paycheck only to find a day later that my site login credentials didn’t work (which was their response)….

    The following day, I had found out that someone had their identity stolen and had $1000 of merchandise purchased from a Paypal account opened in their name over a month ago and was shipped to my address (to which turned out to be the first package I received). Because I kept detailed records, I was able to point this person in the right directions; where I sent the package (name and address), and about They were most grateful, they didn’t press charges against me. This incident led me to believe that all the packages I sent all contained stolen merchandise, riddling me with guilt.

    I found your site and this article the very same day a half a day later. Since I kept all the records (package dates, their IDs, contents (pictures), reshipping shipping labels, etc.), job info (FAQ, Description, Offer, Payment form, etc.), probably most, if not all, of the shipping receipts, and a few a the invoices, I placed all of which in a single box to which I labelled “BestPackage EVIDENCE B O X.” I backed up the email offer and conversation onto a CD (along with the records and job info) and placed in there as well. So, in case the Police or FBI come knocking, all the evidence for my case are all in one place.

    However, I am not sure what to do next. Fill this ( out and/or this ( out? I do agree that staying quite is the worst thing I could do.

    • Hey Alex,

      Thanks for being brave enough to share this scam and your experience with us. Trust me when I say you’ve probably helped so many people because of all the details you have just provided. You’ve taken the proper precautions in my mind. In terms of your question, you file a report to as many places as you want. There isn’t a perfect science to this. So you can feel free to submit your information to as many places as possible.

      I’m happy you found our site and hopefully it will help you find something legitimate.

      Thanks again!

  132. This is the email I was telling you about!! I even did scam adviser on this company name big Red

    We deal on Electronics and computer hard ware with branch office All over the state and Uk Due to the inability of most stores in United State to ship directly outside the State we are in need of a place where packages can be assemble before direct shipment to its final destination. In respect to this we are in need of a representative.
    Your work is to recieve packages from a delivery agent at your doorstep, it does not required you to spend a cent from your pocket. You are allowed to open the packages to reveal its content it a work you do at your Free time and be paid $500 at the end of every week

    Mr Williams
    Stockingood Limited
    Reply, Reply All or Forward | More
    me When I receive pkgs I am to assemble them and then re-ship them to the final destination.. Also how do you pay check or paypal.
    Jan 20 at 5:57 PM
    Williams Adams when you receive the package, you are allowed to open it. but i want you to know that the package contain Apple iPhone 6 inside. Once you get it we are going to send you a fedex label that you are goi
    Jan 20 at 6:01 PM
    me Okay I can do that when do you want someone to start? I like to be paid Paypal or Western Union. Where are you located for the info to come to me?
    Jan 20 at 6:04 PM
    Williams Adams Work Star On Monday. But we are going to keep you updated. we are going to pay you via PayPal. we are located in Michigan now.. the package is going to come from different part of USA.
    Jan 20 at 6:09 PM
    me Okay that is fine.. My home number also is 786-631-3786, you can always call and leave a message in case I am not at home but I am here most of the time, just some days go to school pick up my 2 grand
    Jan 20 at 6:12 PM
    Williams Adams but first we are going to need your details. send us your Full Name: City State Zip Code Telephone Any Valid ID card so we can register you at a worker for our company
    Jan 20 at 6:14 PM
    me I am not used to giving out my drivers licence until I am surety of things.. not saying anything against you and your company but I will provide the other information being that this will go to paypal
    Jan 20 at 6:18 PM
    Williams Adams okay. send us the rest details
    Jan 20 at 6:19 PM
    me Already sent in the response above!!
    Jan 20 at 6:25 PM
    me I am signing of my email for the night if you need you can text or call me.. Hope to hear from you soon so can get to work.
    Jan 20 at 6:27 PM
    Williams Adams give me your house address. i mean the number of your house
    Jan 20 at 6:28 PM
    Williams Adams Hello Debra St. Louis , Thank you for your mail and information, we will sign you up with the information provided and get back to you, as soon as we are done processing. Please expect a mail or a cal
    Jan 20 at 6:43 PM
    me Good Morning, I would prefer the payment to go to Paypal. Thank you
    Today at 9:00 AM
    me I want to thank you for the job offer but I will not be needing it any longer I have found a job that I feel more comfortable with.. This doesn’t sound very legit to me and I will not go to jail for a
    Today at 4:07 PM
    Williams Adams
    To me Today at 4:11 PM
    you thnk just because you read about this today make you to think we are a scam or trying to put you in trouble ? I want to tell you that i am real okay.. and i am not here to put anybody in to any pain. Thank for let me know on time. and best of luck in your new job
    Show message history
    Reply, Reply All or Forward | More

  133. Hello Eddy I just got some one like this off Craigslist 1/20/2015.. I haven’t did any shipping with them and truly I was on to them any way.. I check the phone number that was listed which started with a 785# told me that starting next monday I would start receiving packages with ipads, phones, etc and I could open and look at them, then they would send a Fedex Label then I take it to Fedex and drop off.. I would be paid $500.00 a week i asked how they said you choose I said Paypal.. See one thing I watch is how they write the english is not good, they all mostly require the same information, they asked for any valid I.D. I told them I don’t give my Drivers licence to any body that I am not sure about.. I gave them my address, and name all was said in an email.. My plans was when the package came I was going to call the police cause I know it is a scam..
    I have been a victim of a scam when I was laid of my job in 2014 at this time I knew nothing about these scam and was job hunting same as I am today I was going to a place to look employment got this text went home set up yahoo messenger and to make a long story short end up losing over a 1,000. Nothing could be done it was an online set up.. Now today I am very cautious I do scam adviser, BBB, reviews, etc on lots of companies.. The one I am talking about now didn’t even have a name just asking you want to do work at home and open the little box on craigslist and there was the phone number.

    • Hey Debra,

      Sorry to hear you’ve been scammed in the past. But it definitely helped you in that you know what to avoid now and to be more cautious because of these shady bastards. Unfortunately it’s like a right of passage before we all find something legitimate. In any event, I’m glad you found my blog. Hopefully it’s you new go to as well.

  134. Hi Eddy

    I am really so disappointed to be used by this company
    well my case has taken a different dimension. I received an email from one company Rush Shipping Services through career offering me a job of Logistics Cordinator, since it was coming from a career website we felt it was real. I signed a contract on Dec 14 2014 with all the id verification done, and was offered to be paid 2650 CAD+ shipping bonuses with two week probational period. I had looked up the company on the internet everything seemed ok as i read on their website that they help customer buy products around the world and re-ship it. I received three packages in the same name in Dec and posted to the US to two different address in the US. well two weeks ago I received an email from them that I have passed the probation that they needed my account info for advance payment, which I did send to them. I became suspicious last week when I received an email requesting for my online account login details and security questions for verification purpose. I refused giving them. I rang the bank to inform them about it and a security alert has been placed on my account, I reported the case to the police, they advised me to receive my payment for the work I did and forget about the company.
    well on 19th January I received an email of a bank transfer of 2315 CAD from them as an advance payment but my concern is the money came from a different person name, the transaction was blocked from the bank asking the sender to contact the bank. I told them about it and this Morning a payment of 2200 CAD was transferred again with yet another person name, this time around this has been credited to my account. I received an email from them to deduct 215 CAD as my advance payment(I have worked for over a month) and send 1885 CAD to someone in France. now I do not want to send this money but I am confused as to what to do.

    this is the name of my so called supervisors email in Canada
    James Bauer
    Rush Shipping Service Inc
    Canada +1 (581) 221-0636
    USA +1 (352) 353-0302
    Canada +1 (581) 700-2862
    USA +1 (561) 584-5225

  135. I recently fell victim to this scam with a company called, “US Pack and Ship LLC”. Shame on me for not performing a simple search of “shipping agent scam” before I signed on with them. I hopefully caught it soon enough as no packages have arrived yet.
    Today I took ALL advice Eddy provided even though I did not provide the company with my social, credit card nor license numbers. They have my name and address, and that could have very well be all they needed.
    Avoid US Pack and Ship LLC (!

  136. I have been a victim of this job offer as a Package Handler by a guy name Robert Hudson and have cut off all communication with me. Also, there was some manager name Tanya who have been contacting me about the packages and stuff That I send out etc. I didn’t realize this was a scam until I Google the service name and read this website and everything else. I don’t know what are the necessary steps to take in protecting myself. How can I prevent this?

    • Thank you I’ve been searching and researching about this company that I recently accepted a job from this company called ttp-logistics and since I didn’t find anything negative about the company I thought it was legit and as I’m reading your page I see this is a scam, but I started to get suspicious because I received a shipping label today and there were two different packages with different names but the shipping label was the same for both packages so that was a red flag for me and I have sent one package and I have two I will not send. What should I do?

  137. I have been receiving several emails regarding companies like these and have responded to a couple of them but something told me not to follow through with it. It sadly seems everyone is trying to scam people these days. Like i was always told “If it sounds to good to be true it probably is”. Its crazy how many stories ive read on this site and i am sorry all of you had to experience that stuff. The reason i came upon this web page is because i just read an email from
    Tel: (979) 308-3688
    Fax: (214) 614-4147. I looked them up and seen reviews on them and then came upon this site. Glad i did and Thank You Eddy for your kind service to all these people. Thats awesome

    • Hey Ray,

      I’m so happy you avoided this garbage. Fortunately NOT everyone is trying to scam people out here. There are plenty of folks like me trying to help people make some extra money legitimately. Unfortunately desperation, and the lure of fast large sums of money pull people in. Folks don’t seem to realize there isn’t just a magically fast way to make money at home. It all takes work and patience like it would offline. But there are many legitimate ways of making extra little money if folks are open to it. That’s the only good thing about when people run into this scam. They’re brought here and they learn there are other ways to make money and be safe.

      In any event, thanks for sharing Ray!

  138. I fell for a scam too, it was a company called Global Parcel Delivery LLC, I had shipped 5 packages thinking it was a legit business, then I found a few packages hadn’t arrived, I had called about them and found out they were fraudulent charges, was notified to call local law enforcement, turns out the local law enforcement were waiting to hear from me, I told them what had happened, and they said If I cooperated it could help out the case, I kept all shipping receipts, printed out my queue of undelivered packages, with tracking numbers, and made an official statement, the officer which knew me, stated that since he had known me and knew I had a clean background, I would probably not face jail time, then he said this case had turned to an international case when he found out that the packages were going to moscow. When I found out about the scam, I got sick, I thought I had done my research, but turned out it wasnt good enough. I just hope they find the scammers and bring justice to this incident.

    • Hey Brad,

      I’m sorry you’re a victim of this scam as well. I’m surprised when you did your research this page didn’t come up. It usually does when folks Google these companies. Either way it’s an unfortunate situation. It sounds like you’ve taken the proper steps now. At the very least you found this website and will now learn how to avoid such scams and know what’s legit. Thanks for sharing and keep us posted. I don’t imagine you should face any legal issues if you have all your ducks in a row.

  139. Hi Eddy,

    I fell for this scam as well. I believed the company was called Global Logistics. Signed a contract and gave all my personal information. I got a package the other day and I told the DHL man that I’m not taking it. It had my address but somebody else’s name on the box. The DHL guy I believe shipped it to the person that’s name was on the box. I got a visit from a kid that said he received 1200 dollars worth of stuff. I don’t know where the stuff was from, maybe gamestop. All he told me is that it had video electronics in it. I told the kid that I was scammed. He thought I was lying. I did across desperate but it was only because I knew I had been scammed and I came across your website so I knew what to do and I knew the situation. He told me that I’m the mastermind behind all of it. Why I was investing time into it. He told me to leave him alone and that he contacted the company, gamestop I believe. He contacted the return people for gamestop and that the gamestop security are looking into it. I could’ve done without the vulgar language he said lol. He was very upset with me. So what I did is I followed the steps you have above. Fortunately that was the only package I’ve received. So I didn’t send any packages out

    I wrote a few complaints on the website and the Postal Inspectors. Closed my checking account and put my credit on alert. I also kept the emails Global Logistics sent me. I kept The application and the email that I wrote to them telling them I know they’re a scam and not to contact me anymore. My uncle is a police officer and I asked for his advise. He told me unfortunately this happens all the time to people. I’m just upset with myself that I fell for it. Like you said above when your desperate you throw skepticism aside. So what he told me to do is file a complaint with my local police department. Which I did.

    I’m just concerned that gamestop or worse the authorities are going to ask the kid where he got the box and they’re going to trace it back to my address and since my address is on it I get the blame because they’re going to think I’m apart of it.
    Thanks for this website
    Take care

    • Hey Jason,

      Sorry to hear you were a victim of this scam as well. But I think you took all the proper steps. I don’t imagine you should get into any issues given what you’ve done. It’s unfortunate that the other victims don’t believe a fellow victim. But I guess everyone is heightened after something like this. Either way keep us posted.

  140. Hi I had the same scam from the comments below. It was also with Exec Direct Aviation Services LTD. Some guy that I know doesn’t exist named Robert Hudson. Unfortunately I sent all my personal info to these scam artists. My family told me it was to good to be true. I was so desperate I sent all my info. Well I found this website and my family was right. It was to good to be true. I shut down all my banking and put an alert out on my credit. My checking account info and credit info is also worrying me. Yesterday I received a package that had my address but somebody else’s name. I told the UPS driver that the person on this box doesn’t live here. So I gave it back to him and very similar to the person below it was sent to the person that was named on the box. I had this women come to my house stating she had 1500 dollars worth of electronics from Gamestop as well. I told her it was a scam. Well she didn’t believe that I wasn’t in on the scam. She told me that she had reported it to Gamestop and they are looking into it. I’m very scared as well because it has my address on it. Im worried that Gamestop or the woman will tell the police about the situation. That Im at fault. Should I file a report to the police as soon as possible like the person below? Should I contact Gamestop and tell them the situation? I did also file a complaint to the website. I will contact the consumer agency as well. I do have all the emails they sent me with the job application and offer. As well as the W4 form they sent me. They had me logged on onto this website/workingpanel. Well once I figured out it was a scam I emailed the scam artists and they shut me out of the website. So they knew I was on to them. I basically told them they are scam artists and not to send me any packages. Unfortunately they did on the 23rd. Im just praying that the lady who has the package doesn’t say that I’m the scam artist because Im not. Any advice would be great. Thank you for taking the time.

    • Hey Cody,

      I’m sorry to hear you fell for this as well. You have the emails which will help. I would also contact all parties involved. You can even refer them to this page so they can see it’s a scam that has affected tons of other people. But definitely contact whoever else you think should know. It’s better to be proactive than reactive. You’re just a pawn in this situation. Between the emails you received, this site and you can refer people to the other sites listed here, anyone will be able to see you’re not part of this.

      Keep us posted.

    • Hey Eddy,

      I did everything that you stated above. Probably put in a couple complaints to the FBI website lol. Better be safe than sorry right. I also called and wrote a complaint to the United States Postal Service that you have listed above. For good measures I filed a complaint with my local police department. Told them the whole situation and got a reference number. So at least I know I talked to them. I tried to contact the person that has the package but unfortunately they didn’t want to talk to me. They think I’m behind everything. So they definitely didn’t listen to me. I did let the police know about that as well. All they told me was that they contacted GameStop. That Gamestop is investigating it. I’m hoping they send it back to the merchant. It’s a nightmare situation. Just wished I didn’t put myself in that situation. Thank you and take care.

    • Great Job Cody! You’ve really covered your ass! I think you should be fine. But keep me posted either way. I’m sorry this happened to you too. But the good news is that it led you here and at least now you’ll know what’s legit or not.

  141. Hi I recently got scammed myself. The Driver delivered a package to me and i said the name isn’t anybody who lives in the house. So I denied it. Thanks to this website I didnt send any packages out. Well I think the driver sent it out to the person whos name is on the package. Now the person who has the package told me he contacted gamestop and they’re looking into it. I scared to death. He said it 900 dollars worth of stolen goods. That I’m the scammer. Should I make a police report? Its my address so I’m terrified it will come back to me.

    • Hey Stephen,

      Sorry to hear you’re a victim too. I’m glad this page helped you avoid any more issues. I would definitely be proactive by following the steps listed above. You could contact your local police if it makes you feel better as well. Hopefully you have the chain of emails sent by the scammer which will help you as well. Keep us posted.

    • No Jean,

      I haven’t. But as always if the job involves anything we’ve and other people have described above then you can pretty much bet this is a scam to avoid. But thanks for sharing. I’m glad you’ve taken the steps we’ve suggested.

    • thanks for your help i turned them over to the FBI and sent all the info i had .I cant find anything on the internet bad about them but i know it is a scam. I did contact the companys that the product came from and they are sending the ups and fedx out to pickup the packages they were glad that called them. Get this then that person from the scam company emailed me and sent ups labels to send the items to amazon from my address . I just about lost it. I was not nice to that person . I hate scammers i have better things to do with my life than play there games.

  142. Hi I recently fell for one of these scams as well. It was by a company called Exec Direct Aviation Services LTD. It was sent by a man named Robert Hudson. I had signed the contract and sent all my personal info to this fraud company. Fortunately I found this website the day I sent it. I immediately froze my accounts and put a notice on my credit. I didn’t send any packages out thank goodness. I also emailed the person back stating that I’ve reported the company to the FBI. Well the other day a package came from UPS it was a PS4 and I didn’t sign for it. I gave it back to the UPS driver. I hope I did the correct thing. I’m just worried that these packages will keep coming. Thank you for this website.

    • Hey Eric,

      You’re very welcome buddy. I’m glad you found our website too. You did all the right things. Just continue to send the packages back.
      Thanks for being brave and sharing this scam with others.

  143. I got an email from a guy named Robert Hudson. It sounded very similar to the comments below. I should’ve been smarter but I fell for it. Fortunately after I sent all my personal info to this fraud I found this website. I closed my accounts and put my credit on alert. I emailed the crook and told him not to send me any packages that I will report him. They deleted me from their profile. They knew I was on to them. I had UPS driver deliver a PS4 and I didn’t sign for it. I Immediately made the UPS driver take it back. What should I do if they keep delivering packages? I have not sent any packages out thanks to this website. Thank you.

    • Hey Adrian,
      I’m sorry to hear you fell for this. Don’t feel too bad it happens to the best of us. You found this site and now you know what to do. Just continue to follow the advice I listed. Eventually they’ll stop. It’s so much easier for them to find other victims especially since not everyone has read this article which is why it’s important to share it anywhere you can.

      Thanks for being brave and sharing your experience. It will help others avoid this!

  144. Hey there. I think I just got scammed myself. Have you heard of a Florida company called Tranship Shipping? It looked very legit but also very much like the scams mentioned here. I have sent packages for them already and am stopping immediately. Is this company known to you? Thanks man.

    • Hey Josh,

      I don’t know of the company but you’ve pretty much hit it on the head. If it sounds like the multiple companies and reports listed above then it’s pretty much a scam and you just need to follow the steps I listed above. I’m sorry you ran into this nonsense. But fortunately it led you here. So at the very least you’ll learn about legitimate ways to make money.

  145. Greetings, dear applicant!

    First of all I would like to thank you for your interest in our company.
    My name is Mr. Mark Thomson, I am a Hiring Department specialist at Horizon Society Inc. Our website

    The primary line of our company’s activity is correspondence and distribution for customers all over

    the world wanting to trade on the Internet.

    Why our business exists:
    We offer our services to residents of different countries who want to buy and sell at Internet

    stores servicing the United States, European Union and Canada, but find it difficult because of

    shipping restrictions and complicated transactions.
    As a result, thousands of people cannot easily access the huge market with high quality products at

    low prices, that America and the European countries have created.
    Our company’s service makes buying and selling easy and possible with street addresses that can be

    legally used for shipping purposes.
    Much like you have a friend or relative in United States or European Union, our Product Forwarding

    Contractors residing in these countries inspect and repackage the contents, fix the boxes and

    forward the packages of merchandise bought or sold on the Internet to customers in final destination

    countries. Also we provide guarantees and insurance service.
    That is why we contract with people like you for parcel and mail forwarding. Also, we will need

    smart, responsible people who can be trained for management positions.

    Products usually shipped through our service:
    – Luxury items such as watches and jewelry
    – Sport equipment
    – Small electronics such as laptops, cameras, cell phones, tablets, GPS, PC components, etc.
    – Clothing, shoes, handbags etc.
    – Small auto parts

    IMPORTANT: We never offer to ship illegal or restricted for export or import materials and

    All parcels are compact enough to be processed within the room of a regular-sized house.

    Each address you will ship packages to – is our sorting facility. The packages are being shipped to

    our customers, but you don’t see their names and addresses on shipping labels. The package is being

    inspected and re-shipped further after it arrives at our facility.
    We have several types of customers.
    1. – Some of them are residents of different countries – they buy products online for themselves and

    use our service to.
    2. – some of them are residents of United States, but they live outside of the US and use our

    service to receive their personal correspondence, financial correspondence like bills or invoices

    and buy products online.
    3. – Some of our customers are sellers, who trade through our system. Usually they live in US,

    Canada and European Union and sell goods to their clients in different countries.

    Job description:

    Your primary responsibilities as a Product Forwarding Contractor will be:

    1. – You will be receiving mail and packages from our company and its clients at your physical

    residential address;
    2. – You will be sending reports to an assigned, personal manager, who will contact you after we

    finish with hiring process;
    3. – You will remove all labels and stickers from outside of the box(It confuses postal workers very

    4. – You will be inspecting the contents of parcels if it will be requested by your manager or the

    box is damaged;
    5. – You will be repackaging content. The box should be appropriate for international shipping;
    6. – You will be fixing the damaged boxes. The contents should get to the customer safe and sound.
    7. – You will be re-labeling parcels received at your address by attentively following instructions

    which your manager will send by email.
    8. – Then you will be completing forms and paperwork as instructed “” one for each parcel to be

    forwarded. Never use the same shipping label to send more than one package.
    9. – And finally you will be forwarding parcels according to instructions sent by your manager. (You

    will receive prepaid shipping labels so you are not responsible for any cost of shipping.)
    10. – After that you will only need to send small “shipping report” to your manager, which means,

    that you finished the task successfully.

    Important note: There are no start-up fees, investment or other costs related to this position.

    Salary and bonuses:

    -Your base monthly salary is $2500.00;
    -One Package reshipping: $25.00. If you ship 2 packages combined into one box – you get paid for 2

    packages. If you ship the contents of one box repackaged separately in 2 parcels – you get paid for

    2 packages;
    -Envelope reshipping: $10.00;
    -Storing of packages (If it was our fault): $10.00 per parcel for each 5-day period;

    During an initial, four-week trial period, you will be receiving 8-12 packages per week.
    If we are satisfied by your performance and you wish to continue, you will be transferred to our key

    staff and we will send about 50 packages per week to your address for processing and forwarding.
    After you finish the trial period – one of our accounting department representatives will contact

    you to discuss the matter of health insurance, taxes and vacation time frame.
    Your first pay date will be at the end of your trial period (four weeks from the date when you have

    shipped your first package). If you will continue working with us, you will be paid every two weeks

    by company paycheck or, if you prefer, PayPal transfer.

    The contract can be signed for 6 or 12 months by your choice, after that if you wish to stay with us

    – you can request to extend the contract.

    EXTREMELY IMPORTANT: To qualify for this position, You or an adult family member must be at home

    Monday through Friday during regular delivery hours in your area to sign for parcels. They cannot be

    left unattended at the door.

    !!!Please confirm that mentioned requirement is feasible.

    Please feel free to ask any questions you may have about our company and this position. I look

    forward to hear from you again.


    Mr. Mark Thomson,
    Horizon Society Inc.

  146. hello eddy, thank you for creating this website. I am a fresh victim and the scammers are Global Parcel Delivery LLC. I initially researched the company and couldn’t find reviews or any indication that it is a scam i wish there was a way we could alert people of any new scams by red flagging the company, i am personally going to report this company in the BBB website hopefully people will research the company there and be notified that it is fraud!!! because if someone did i would have known and never been part of it. I have shipped about 7 packages and stopped immediately i came across this website and contacted the fbi who basically directed me to I have learnt my lesson – when a deal is too good think twice, i am a wise person now and i hope this individuals get caught. I do not know what happened to people here who were deep into it but i will sure post my experience. I am also looking at legitimate ways to make money online from your website. I will keep you updated with my progress on this case regardless of the outcome. below is the email they sent me :

    Good day,

    We are glad to offer you employment with us. We are looking for an

    extremely motivated individual to join our team at the position of

    Logistics Manager. Several benefits offered by our company to new

    employees are described in letter attachments.

    This is work from home with flexible schedule. You will be receiving

    packages from different carriers like DHL, USPS, UPS, FEDEX. Then you

    will have to repack them at home, check the quality of the items

    inside and take them to your local postal office.

    We are forwarding you an Application Form to fill out. Our request is to provide us with true information. You may not trouble about confidentiality as we do our best to protect all data we receive.

    Employee Type: Flexible

    Salary: 12 hours per week, $1,400 per month +bonus system

    If you want to learn more information about the position, you can either find it on our website or read the Job Description file.


    James King

    Global Parcel Delivery LLC

    tel. (901) 942-8108


    • Thanks for sharing. I’m surprised you didn’t run into this page as you did your research most people do. The BBB isn’t a government agency so it’s not like they can shut these scammers down and they do actually warn about reshipping scams. They just don’t list all of the new ones as we do because of comments like yours. But it doesn’t hurt to share. Apparently it’s very difficult to catch these scammers especially since many of them are out of the country. But sharing the scam as you did and sharing this page will help people avoid it. Thanks again!

    • The reason i did not get to this website in time is because i was using the company name in my google search query and trying to find job reviews for the company but nothing came up other than their website because it was something that they recently put together. Also, when you type the business name it appears on the top list of the google search engine results and google have algorithms in place that do not promote scam websites and i know this because i have worked as a search engine evaluator (legitimate online job) so i am not even sure whether they are falsely claiming to be part of a legitimate company or if the whole company and everything associated with it is part of the scam. But this made me confident that i was dealing with a legit company. So at that moment i was not researching the company because i was suspicious about them i was researching the company to know what other employees said about it and basically get job reviews. They even stated that they are a new company and are expanding operations in the U.S. I checked the BBB website and they were listed with no complaints so everything was flowing in their favor, it is just recently that i have realized the BBB website do not allow complaints about employees or scams. I believe that if these people were cunning enough to convince me that they were legitimate they must also be monitoring your website and coming up with ideas on how to go around getting caught or how to trick people. I just wanted to point that out because it is highly likely they do though i am not sure what significance this has, i encourage other people to report this type of scams here and post their experiences so others do not get tricked. The red flags begun when the UPS guy looked at me funny when i tried claiming packages that were addressed to me but not under my name and i was confidently telling him that i worked for this organization and i am responsible for their client’s packages. He then told me it was against company policy for them to deliver packages that way so i thought to myself, why would this company i work for ask me to do something that is against UPS policy? so i called UPS customer care service immediately and explained to them everything about the company my role and my experience with the delivery guy, they told me that i would need to get an authorization document from the company i work for – Global Parcel Delivery LLC and use it to claim the packages (even if they were not under my name). This also made me to believe that there wasn’t anything wrong with what i was doing in fact to confirm this information i decided to call their office at different periods and times so i could speak to different customer service agents and the surprising thing is that they all told me that i am allowed to receive the packages. Luckily for me i have administration experience and one thing i learnt is that i should never rely on he said she said evidence so i even told them to send me a written document or anything solid that can help me claim these packages since they said it is allowed, one of the people i spoke with was even a security specialist for UPS and he sent me an email with instructions of what i should do to pick up the packages even after telling him who i was working for and what are my roles and the packages aren’t under my name. I do not blame these customer service agents because it is not their fault, i am just surprised that a big company like UPS do not disseminate information about these scams to their employees since their services are being used and these scams date back to 2009. Or do they just look the other way because they would not have any implications but still benefit from the whole business process? i do not know but long story short i decided i was going to research not the company but the nature of my job which is ‘work from home reshipping packages’ because the UPS guy still maintained that it is against company policy for me to receive packages that are not under my name even though they are addressed to me and that is how i got here. If these guys fooled me – someone who has advanced use and knowledge about the internet, they can fool anybody especially if you are desperately looking for a job.

    • Agreed. I don’t when people fall for these scams it’s a matter of people not being savvy or “stupid”. Although some insensitive people argue this. Most of the time people’s desperation clouds their judgement. That seems to be the biggest reasons people fall for this. The second is just a lack of knowledge about how all these various work at home scams work. People just assume things that charge money are scams which is also false. But they don’t realize there are other scams that work without asking you for money. So I think it’s a combination of those two factors. The only good thing that comes of situations like this is people learn to be more wary and they discover this site where they can learn about legitimate ways to make money and how to avoid other scams.

      In any event, thanks for chiming in again.

    • remember when i said by typing the company name i was unable to get here? since i posted a comment with the company name and its scamming activities on your website which now appears as the third result as of 12/18/2014 (the first result is the scam company Global Parcel Delivery LLC and the second result is it’s careers page – note the vacant position on their careers page) also my comment is below the link to your website in the search results. What is funny is that there is virtually nothing that indicates that this company is a scam other than your website (i hope my logic is understood now). I have posted another comment below intentionally because i know a little about SEO so hopefully your website should be at the top for the query: Global Parcel Delivery and nobody else will ever get scammed by this company. You are also right about the lack of knowledge, i had no idea i could be scammed without spending my own money. When i’m done sorting this issue i plan on joining wealthy affiliate, they seem to be doing a good job.

      Global Parcel Delivery LLC – WARNING THIS IS A SHIPPING SCAM!!!!

    • Well played!!! And that’s exactly why I always encourage people to post the details because I know this articles ranks very highly for the various company names and the reshipping scams. Clearly you understand SEO so thanks for using it to fight against these scammers. Global Parcel has actually been mentioned here a lot. So it should definitely pop up. In any event, I really appreciate your insight and sharing the info. I’m happy you’re considering WA. It’s a great community and I learned so much of what I do here from them. I feel very blessed to be able to write content like this that helps people avoid scams and also be able to share legitimate ways to make money. Being paid to help people online to make money and avoid scams is great. I’m sure if you join WA you’ll find your path as well. I hope to see you there.

  147. I would be happy to research any links for package shipping
    to detect if it is a scam. Just post the link here and i will research it and return my results on this page. No Charge!

    • Donald,

      Thanks but there isn’t much to research. Once the job involves re-shipping you know it’s a scam which I’ve pretty much expressed numerous time in my article and comments. So it’s not really hard to figure out. It’s just some people don’t want to give into the idea that they fell for this scam. But it’s pretty easy to determine whether this stuff is a scam. I think people get fixated on things that can be easily faked like a pretty website, documentation, etc. But if you ignore all of that and just focus on the task at hand, it’s very easy to spot.

    • There are many forwarding companies who hire independent agent that are doing a reputable honest business; and the pay is commission paid weekly.
      I can supply a list of some of them but I would be glad to help your readers weed out the crooks if they send me the links of questionable contacts.

    • Donald,
      There hasn’t been one reputable re-shipping company that hires at home agent and all the protection agencies I listed above will agree with me. So I don’t know your angle here but please don’t pump that mis-information and having people believe that some of these companies are legit. Because if they were, the government agencies that warn against them would provide the legitimate ones you’re claiming.

    • Here’s a ‘shipping & receiving clerk’ job offer I haven’t seen on this website. looks like a text book scam too
      Dear Applicant,
      We pleased to inform you that your skills completely meet our requirements for this position.


      Please see the “Job Description” file for more details about this position.
      Fill out “Application Form” and send it back to me.

      Your manager’s name is Eric Silverman.

      Just save the file on your PC. Open it in Acrobat Reader. Print the form.

      Sign it, then scan the pages and send us using your email.

      Please visit our website for additional information about our company and services:
      Position: Shipping and Receiving Clerk
      Type: Home Based | Part Time | Online Office
      DOT Code: 222.387-050
      Basic Salary: $ 2400/month
      Hours: 4-5 hours daily / flexible time schedule
      “PACKAGES CRUISE LIMITED” has been helping shoppers and business owners alike shop
      without borders since 2006. We even have more than a few shopping experts! Our customers rely
      on our expertise to ensure their items are shipped quickly, safely and in the most cost-effective
      manner possible.
      Receive goods for our customers in your area; assist in company’s financial business.
      The Shipping and Receiving Clerk is responsible for preparation of Shipping Documents and
      Shipment Coordination and performs administrative duties pertaining to the same such as
      tracking, data entry, emailing final documents, creating product labels, etc.
      1. Ability to work independently with high motivation and organizational skills.
      2. Good typing, data entry and computer skills.
      3. Must be accessible by phone at all time.
      4. Must have home PC and internet connection.
      5. Excellent MS Excel skills.
      1. Receive the correspondence and goods for our customer to your residential address.
      2. Report to our manager about new package via User Panel.
      3. Repack received items following the instructions our manager will send to you.*
      4. Receive prepaid shipping labels.
      5. Fill the forms and papers according to our manager’s instructions.
      (You will receive the e-mail with instructions for each package).
      6. Send the package out using the specified shipping method.
      * All the parcels pass the control in the International Package Center; we care about your security.

  148. I fell for two companies, simultaneously. When the first company (Global Parcels Delivery, LLC) paid me for my initial probation period of $100, I thought these jobs were legit and took another offer from Executive Shipper, an effort to increase my income. I had been unemployed for almost 5 months when I landed upon Global Parcels, so I was extremely gullible and desperate. When it came time for payday with Global Parcels, they disappeared on me; the phone calls and emails came to a complete stop. I got my first package November 17, 2014 and have done about a month of work for them. I feel extremely dumb for ignoring all “red flags” when they surfaced. Luckily, I haven’t done much for Executive Shippers, only sent out 2 packages for them. I will be returning the merchandise I currently hold for both companies.

    1st Company Global Parcels Delivery, LLC:

    Names: Karen Jones, Linda Taylor

    2nd Company Executive Shippers

    Names: Troy Birch, Jeffrey Hinton, James Bauer

    Let me give example of a red flag:

    Jeffrey Hinton
    Dec 12 at 2:30 PM
    Dear Edward,

    Thanks for your delivery confirmation. I will keep you updated.

    James Bauer
    Rush Shipping Service Inc
    Canada +1 (581) 221-0636
    USA +1 (352) 353-0302
    Canada +1 (581) 700-2862
    USA +1 (561) 584-5225

    This company is Executive Shippers and my supervisors name is Jeffrey Hinton (mention at the top of email), but if you look on their signature, Mr. Hinton made the mistake of signing as James Bauer with another bogus company name. Desperate for a paycheck, it was easy to overlook this.
    I will follow the steps laid out by Eddy and hope feds don’t coming knocking on my door. I have saved ALL information since day one.
    Good luck everyone, these things should never happen to us.

    • Thanks for sharing Ed. I’m sorry to hear you fell for this scam. But I do appreciate you being brave enough to share the experience so others can learn. I’m sure if you follow the steps listed above, you’ll be fine.

  149. I’ve been searching for a job for a while now, not even a work at home job, just a job in general. When ‘Material Handler’ popped up on Indeed, I was thrilled to apply. I got this e-mail an hour ago.

    Dear Applicant,

    I’ve reviewed your resume and pleased to inform you that your skills completely meet our requirements for this position.

    1) Please see the “Job Description” file for more details about this position.
    2) Fill out “Application Form” and send it back to me.

    Note: Just save the file on your PC. Open it in Acrobat Reader. Print the form.
    Sign it, then scan the pages and send us using your email.

    PS: Please visit our website for additional information about our company and services:

    I believe it’s another one of these scams–I won’t be replying. I just wanted to put this e-mail out there so that if anyone searches to see if it is legit, they will come here and see that it is not.

  150. I wish I found this site before it happened to me. I would not like to go back with all of what happened, but all same old story. I am feeling so stupid myself as I fell for it.

    Below the company that was presented to me:

    Solaris Motor Freight Inc.
    1810 W Detroit St
    Broken Arrow, OK 74012

    Tel: 1 (918) 215-2119
    Tel: 1 (866) 603-8014

    email address that was used:

    Just be alert for yourself, these all seem to be Russian scammers.

    • Thanks for sharing Mahbubur! Don’t feel stupid, it happens to the best of us. At least it’s lead you to this site where now you’ll be able to find real legitimate ways of making money online.

  151. I received an email just like the rest of the people in here. It was from US Logistics LLC. Similar letter of offer. I responded a couple of times to see where this will lead me to and then stopped – when they asked me for banking information along with copy of my drivers license. I thought “They will know everything about me but I won’t know anything about them.” Their website I logged on to was just created a couple of days ago and wasn’t fully functional. Their address was to some supply company. Their phone numbers was to a voicemail saying to contact your supervisor. VERY bad feeling. So I started to search the company and found your site. I am glad to find you and feel sorry for the people who found you too late. I hope people out there can be careful and not fall in to scams. Like they say “if it’s too good to be true….”

    • I’m so happy you didn’t fall for this and that my website confirmed your suspicions. It is unfortunate that more people don’t know about this site because it would help them avoid this nonsense and find legitimate ways to make money. In either case, thanks for sharing your experience. Please be sure you share this website as well as it may help others as it helped you.

  152. I eddy I benn a victim of scam to last friday y recive a package and I follow the instructions and send overseas and I been reciving packages like 4 more but that one I have whit me right now so what can I do? any advise appreciated

    p.d I only send 1 package and that after send it make me think it was a scam the name of the page is longeggsurveys

    • Juan,

      I’m sorry to hear you fell for this scam. What you need to do is follow the steps I listed above in the article.
      That’s pretty much what you need to do. I’m sorry again.


    First of all we would like to thank you for your attention to our company.

    We are interested in your person, so could you please complete an Application Form to move forward with your employment.

    For more information about position please read through Job Description attached or visit our website.

    I will be waiting for your early reply.

    Mary Heard
    Pro Forwarding Services, LLC.
    (646) 583-1813

    can you verify if this is a scam please?

    I am very sure it is and I am a victim. I signed an agreement with them and sent a copy of my ID to them also. to me it was a very suspicious opportunity but i fell into their game.

    I signed the agreement yesterday and I have never received a package from them so I will not receive it tomorrow or I will return it to USPS office.

    I even received a phone interview from a lady and every seemed so legit but what worries me is that they have the copy of my ID.


    • I would definitely watch for any accounts that may pop up in your name. Invest in some identity security like I suggested above. If they have your id and address, it can be used in a lot of bad ways. And do as suggested in the article above for the packages and reporting these folks.

  154. I got scammed too!! =( I got an email from a company called US Global Het Delivery LLC and I thought it was a great oppurtunity. I only got one package so I contacted the “Supervisor” to see if I was supposed to be getting any packages anytime soon. He gave me “bonus tasks” instead. I was recieving money and they transfering it out to Ukraine! And it was like $4700 at a time! So after the second transfer I was not feeling comfortable with it anymore and let him know that I did not want to do this anymore. But they had already froze my bank acct and they let me know that it was fraud. This was only yesterday that I had to close that acct and start a whole another acct. I have been spending all day fixing my direct deposit and all other accounts linked to my bank acct. I even made a police report yesterday after getting out of the bank just to make sure that if anything were to happen that I had a way to clear my name. I have printed out all my emails and still even have some voicemails that he has left on my phone. I wish I had found this website before going through all of this. It would have saved me whole lot of trouble!

    • Hey Tanzeena,

      Sorry to hear you fell for this scam as well. But fortunately it led you here and now you’ll have access to legitimate ways to work at home. Thanks for sharing your experience.

  155. Hi Eddy,

    I am so glad I found this site, when I first applied with the company. The company checked out correctly (Including the website). I am two weeks into the job and have mailed 7 packages or so to include an IPAD2. What flagged me was the order itself (IPAD2) had my name on it.

    Knowing I never ordered an IPAD2 really made me feel uncomfortable. Let alone to ship it on to another address with the invoice having my name on it.

    I will attempt to follow the steps above, I have another package on it’s way and will return it to the package distributor.

    Thanks again…

  156. Hi, Eddy Just been a victim of The Global Parcel Delivery LLC I know something was wrong when I couldn’t get back to the web site. I thank God I found your web site. They find me on Career Link. Package came to my house I told the postal man that they didn’t live here. Send it back to the sender. I also e-mail the perpetrators and left them a message. All I can do now is cast this care on the Lord .I’m not going to allow this to discourage me from moving forward. Like you said live and you learn. Angel

    • Hey Angel,

      I’m sorry to hear this. But I’m glad you found this website and know what to do now. You have the right attitude and at least now you found a resource that can help you find legitimate options.

  157. Thank you for the heads up.
    12:01 PM (21 minutes ago)

    to me
    Good afternoon ________________!

    We want you to look throughthe job offer written below. Efficient Delivery Coverage company has recently reviewed the CV that you placed on the internet and would like to offer you a position as a delivery clerk department employee.

    Efficient Delivery Coverage company was set in 2006 as a result of the merger of several commercial postal enterprisesin Lithuania. Our current business sphere works with many European clients to facilitate the ordering, buying and deliver of products purchased directly from the North American stores to their locations. Our enterprise approach primarily aims the retail field.

    The duties of your vacancy are reserved only for residents of the United States. As a ‘courier employee’ your duties will consist of: tracking, receiving, putting together, consolidating and sending merchandise ordered from general United States internet stores overseas to the corporate headquarters and secondary office facilities. The job does not ask attending any kind of office work locations and can be primarily done from your home and the nearest post office. Our company gives all the necessary equipment and instructions for executing the job, a clear work agreement with other paperwork and a lot of bonuses. We ask for no out of pocket expenses from our workers. Products that our clients buy are generally popular electronics such as Apple devices, different computers and other electronics, so there is nothing heavy or bulky being shipped and no need for a big storage place. We give a $1,800 monthly stable and base wage with an added bonus provided for each task
    accomplished on time. There is a very good chance of higher wages and growing careers for our most successful employees.

    Our requirements:
    – 18 years minimum age
    – owning a functional street address
    – ability to work comfortably on the web and with a printer
    – Having a working phone number and possible chance to add extensions or additional numbers

    Efficient Delivery Coverage company is happy to show you this official invitation letter. We purposely avoid any add-ons or links to keep web security at the the best level.

    We will be happy to hear back from you.

  158. Received 11/12/2014. I am noticing they must not utilize word perfect, so unprofessional as well as a scam:
    12:01 PM (21 minutes ago)

    to me
    Good afternoon _______,
    We want you to look throughthe job offer written below. Efficient Delivery Coverage company has recently reviewed the CV that you placed on the internet and would like to offer you a position as a delivery clerk department employee.

    Efficient Delivery Coverage company was set in 2006 as a result of the merger of several commercial postal enterprisesin Lithuania. Our current business sphere works with many European clients to facilitate the ordering, buying and deliver of products purchased directly from the North American stores to their locations. Our enterprise approach primarily aims the retail field.

    The duties of your vacancy are reserved only for residents of the United States. As a ‘courier employee’ your duties will consist of: tracking, receiving, putting together, consolidating and sending merchandise ordered from general United States internet stores overseas to the corporate headquarters and secondary office facilities. The job does not ask attending any kind of office work locations and can be primarily done from your home and the nearest post office. Our company gives all the necessary equipment and instructions for executing the job, a clear work agreement with other paperwork and a lot of bonuses. We ask for no out of pocket expenses from our workers. Products that our clients buy are generally popular electronics such as Apple devices, different computers and other electronics, so there is nothing heavy or bulky being shipped and no need for a big storage place. We give a $1,800 monthly stable and base wage with an added bonus provided for each task
    accomplished on time. There is a very good chance of higher wages and growing careers for our most successful employees.

    Our requirements:
    – 18 years minimum age
    – owning a functional street address
    – ability to work comfortably on the web and with a printer
    – Having a working phone number and possible chance to add extensions or additional numbers

    Efficient Delivery Coverage company is happy to show you this official invitation letter. We purposely avoid any add-ons or links to keep web security at the the best level.

    We will be happy to hear back from you.

  159. I just had the same thing happen to me the company is called Escrowed INC. if you received an email looking like this…it is a scam…I have done the work for 30 days shipping the last package on Friday November 7, 2014. The email goes like this:

    Hello , D’andra!

    We’re glad to know that you’re interested in the suggested Dispatch Supervisor position.

    In this email we’ll explain what exactly you’ll be doing and we hope it will only reaffirm your decision.

    Our company Escrowed Inc provides escrow services. In other words, we act as a third party mediator between seller and buyer to ensure security of both. We work with all kind of sellers and buyers, starting with your basic physical person and all the way to corporate and government clients.

    Of course we’re not just intermediary, that would be too simple. Additionally we perform as quality controllers by testing merchandise and monitoring its condition to make sure that it fits customers demands. This is quite a challenging task. We’re establishing multiple locations all over the country, to make sure that we can do our job quickly and with highest possible quality.Every office consists of couriers, quality control department (something like a small lab) and customer support.

    So we are suggesting a Dispatch supervisor position in our new office in Kansas City.

    Dispatch supervisor is an administrative position. Your main goal will be to coordinate different departments of the office. You’ll be controlling paperwork of all departments, maintaining constant flow of packages, checking the results from the quality control department as well as supervising customer service department. You’ll also act as substitute for heads of departments when necessary. Basically Dispatch Supervisor is a key position for our offices. You’ll be reporting directly to the head of the branch. This is a responsible and challenging position and at first you might need to run around all the departments (not like Forrest Gump, but at least from one department to another). At the same time we’re offering a competitive salary for the job. We guarantee base 3500$ salary + bonuses and corporate health insurance.

    This is a full time job with an 8 hour shift, 5 days per week.

    Basically this is it. No we would like to take a look at your resume. Your HR manager Bryan Rein will be waiting for a copy on the following email address Once you’ll email the resume be ready for an express interview over the phone!

    If you get one surely it is a scam…I had to send my photo id and checking and routing number to them so they can “direct deposit” my check…the good thing about that is that i don’t have an actual bank account the numbers were to an pre paid debit card but i did send my photo id. I have all the paper work and emails to show that I really thought I was performing a legit Job. Also, I have received a “job offer” from a Amanda Barns for Edwards Logistics real company but fraud job…Glad I researched before actually filling out the form on the website. Thanks I so wished I would have seen this earlier like a month earlier.

  160. Here’s one I received today… I want people to note the email address or name!


    On Mon, Nov 10, 2014 at 2:16 PM, Rooney Josephina wrote:
    A reputable online service is seeking Shipping/Receiving Workers. The opening requires no extensive skills beyond usual computer skills and capacity to handle mailings and dispatches.

    This is a permanent vacancy with a direct deposit of up to $2,500 net per month.

    Fully suitable for stay-at-home persons, retired people and business individuals who remain in their home workplace during standard business hours.


    – Receive letters and packages from UPS, Fedex and USPS at your address.
    – Sort packages if needed.
    – Inspect the merchandise.
    – Apply shipping labels provided by us.
    – Dispatch packages and letters to the local postal offices.
    – Stay in touch with the supervisor via online account, and phone calls .
    – Send tracking numbers via our system.

    You have to:

    – Have an US residence with postal address.
    – Show integrity and strong work ethic.
    – Have a vehicle or have access to a US postal service within walking distance}.
    – Handle up to 30 lb.

    Should you become interested in the opening, kindly reply directly to this e-mail, and we will get back to you ASAP.

  161. This is some information on a scam via Indeed currently active.

    Global Parcel Delivery llc
    930 S White Station Rd
    Memphis, TN 38117

    Phone # 901-654-xxxx

    Scammer Known Names ( Nathan Brown – Karen Jones )

    Hope this helps someone.

  162. Dear Eddy this is what i received a month ago

    Dear Applicant,
    OnTrack Solutions Co. would like to offer you an exciting and profitable opportunity
    as a LOGISTICS MANAGER. We have selected your resume on careerbuilder.comwebsite
    and believe that your skills and experience will add value to our team of dedicated
    Salary & Benefits:
    – $2175/month + bonuses (paid by end of first month);
    – $3250/month + bonuses (paid every 2 weeks after the first month);
    – Flexible work schedule, leave benefits and health coverage.
    Duties & Responsibilities:
    – Ability to telecommute by phone and computer during business hours;
    – Track, receive, process and send company’s shipments;
    – Record and report progress to the team members.
    If you are interested in this job offer, please reply to this email.
    We look forward to hearing from you soon.
    Miki Towles
    HR Department
    OnTrack Solutions Co.

    I looked them up before i agreed to work for the company it looked so legit. They even put a contract together. I read and sighned it. And as did they. I was legitimately talking to someone on the phone as well. And it seemd like i wasnt the only one who had heard of the company. My fiance told me hes heard of that company before and that they handle shipments.
    What im asking is are they legit. Im so scared right now. Have i really waited a month of my time for nothing?

    • As I said in my article above, a lot of times scammers will use legitimate company names.
      If the “job” involves receiving packages and then re-shipping them to a different address or P.O. Box, it’s the scam I described above.
      You can risk it if you want. But you don’t have to believe me, just read all the comments that have people sharing the same story.

    • Hello Ana,
      we fell into the same scam. When I doing the research before I signed up I couldn’t find anything on them at all. All the websites that they sent me are all now obsolete. Sucks really fell for that one. I did not loose anything I just hope I was not shipping stolen merchandise for them. Let me know if anything else comes out of this for you. Sounds like we both had the same experience at the same time. Still waiting for my first check

    • Mike b. This is a scam as clearly laid out in the article and comments above. There will be no check and you should follow the steps listed above if you have shipped any merchandise for them because it was stolen. Not sure why people can’t see the truth when it’s laid out right for you.

    • Hey Eddy believe it or not I just received two more offers to do this job under different names. Can I report this to the authorities and will they be able to catch them?
      This is what I got

      Dear Applicant,

      We are pleased to offer you a position with our company based on the successful preliminary selection among the applicants on We believe that your skills and experience will add value to our dedicated team of managers.

      Job Title: Logistics Manager

      Salary: $1,800/month (4-week probationary period); $3,200/month (on continuing basis)
      Benefits: home-based, attractive bonuses, paid sick and annual leaves

      Duties & Responsibilities:

      – Receiving, processing and sending company’s parcels;
      – Recording and reporting work’s progress to the team members;
      – Responding to emails and phone calls in a timely manner.


      Teledyne RD Instruments, Inc. offers a very competitive compensation and benefits plan. Some of our benefits include:
      * Medical
      * Dental
      * Vision
      * Paid Sick Leave
      * Paid Vacation
      * 401(k)
      * Paid Holidays
      * Stock Purchase Plan
      * Personal Accident Insurance
      * Educational Reimbursement
      * Prescription
      * Life Insurance
      * Onsite Gym
      * Flexible Spending Accounts
      * Company Activities

      If you are interested in this position, please reply to this email with your RECENT contact information:

      Full Name:
      Mailing Address:

      We look forward to hearing from you soon.

      HR Manager

      And this:
      Dear Applicant,

      International Distribution Co. would like to offer you an exciting and profitable opportunity as a LOGISTICS MANAGER. We have selected your resume on website and believe that your skills and experience will add value to our team of dedicated employees.

      Salary & Benefits:
      – $2400/month + bonuses (paid by end of first month);
      – Flexible work schedule, leave benefits and health coverage.

      Teledyne RD Instruments, Inc. offers a very competitive compensation and benefits plan. Some of our benefits include:
      * Medical
      * Dental
      * Vision
      * Paid Sick Leave
      * Paid Vacation
      * 401(k)
      * Paid Holidays
      * Stock Purchase Plan
      * Personal Accident Insurance
      * Educational Reimbursement
      * Prescription
      * Life Insurance
      * Onsite Gym
      * Flexible Spending Accounts
      * Company Activities

      If you are interested in this job offer, please reply to this email.

      We look forward to hearing from you soon.


    • Mike,

      Yes I do believe you. These scam artist send this stuff all day long. Follow the steps in the article above to report them. The authorities are aware of the scam but it’s a cat and mouse game. Unfortunately I think it’s something that will continue to happen. Continue to report the scam when you spot it and share this article when you can. Doing these things definitely helps some people avoid this garbage.

      Thanks for sharing!

  163. Here is the email & info I received. Thankfully, I did my homework and came across this site so I am safe!!

    Good afternoon Joanna

    We would like you to look through the job offer located below. Holotype services company has recently reviewed the CV that you shared online and wants to offer you a position as a courier clerk department employee.

    Holotype services company was set in 2006 as a result of the merger of several commercial postal services in Lithuania. Our current business model operates with plenty of European clients to facilitate the ordering, purchase and transfer of goods ordered directly from the United States market to them. Our organization approach by default aims the retail field.

    The duties of your vacancy are considered strictly for residents of the US. As a ‘courier clerk’ your duties will include: tracking, receiving, putting together, consolidating and transferring products ordered from big US web firms to Europe to the corporate headquarters and secondary office facilities. The position does not demand going to any kind of office work locations and can be mostly performed from your home and the local post office. Our enterprise gives all the required materials and detailed directions for executing the job, a clear job agreement with other documents and plenty of bonuses. We require no out of pocket expenses from our workers. Items that our customers order are primarily modern electronics such as Apple products, various laptops and other electronics, so there is nothing big or too large being shipped and no need for a big storage. We offer a $1,800 monthly stable and base salary with an addition bonus paid for every task done on time. There is a
    possibility of higher salary and prosperous careers for our most reliable team members.

    Our requirements:
    – 18 years minimum age
    – Owning a functional street address
    – Possibility to work comfortably on the web and with a printer
    – Having a working telephone number and willingness to add other additional numbers.

    Holotype services company is happy to show you this official invitation message. We certainly avoid any attachments or links to maintain web security at the highest point.

    We are looking forward to hear back from you!


    Holotype services company head office is based in Lithuania. Our clients purchase, sell or exchange different types of goods worldwide. The major part of our activity is electronic equipment. We offer you a drop shipping courier position which consists of receiving, combining, repackaging and shipping parcels purchased in United States by our customers. The main reason of that activity is to purchase a cheaper merchandise for an overseas customer which does not have international shipping option at the store it is sold at. You will be provided with all the needed instructions and materials timely by your coordinators. There are no out of pocket expenses. The position is remote and flexible and can be the second additional job for you. Your minimal monthly salary is $1800.00 and also there is a bonus of 30 dollars for each timely sent out package.

    Please, explore the job offer attached to this letter.

    If you have any questions concerning this email, the employment offer or you require any other information, please do not hesitate to contact me.

    We are glad that you have been interested in our offer and looking forward to establish business relationships with you.

    In case you are interested in the job we offer and ready for the cooperation, we will sign up the employment agreement and begin to work.

    Yours sincerely,

    Alexander Markets ,

    Holotype services company manager

    • I got the same invitation and didn’t do ENOUGH homework. I admit it seemed to good to be true (and it was), but i rationalized. Now I’m “stuck” with stolen merchandise and already forwarded 2 packages before I realized what was happening. I am in the process of filing a complaint at and I have already filed one with postal inspectors as directed above. Thanks, Eddy!

    • I fell for the same one I sent one then they wanted to a business account transfer money. That’s when something didn’t fell right. And I came upon this site I got more packages coming but I did do Thanks for letting me and others know. And sent the guy a message and saying the feds was looking me fraud to see what he says no reply yet.

    • Sorry to hear you were a victim too Howard. But the good thing is you found this website and you’ll be able to find legitimate ways to make money now. So welcome to the site.

  164. Why doesn’t the federal government shut these sites down? You can find all the ones talked about here in a 5 second search? They are obviously illegal by doing a few minutes of research on them. Just image all the money the government could save their tax payers if they had just one person work a single day shutting down sites? The only reason I can come up with as to why the US gov. doesn’t shut them down is unless there are legal companies doing this service in the exact same way but actually paying their workers????

    • Mike,

      It’s a good question. But you can probably argue that about many illegal activities that are rampant throughout the country including in government. I don’t have the answers. It’s a great point though. All I do know is this stuff is illegal and can get you in a world of hurt.

  165. Eddy,

    I recently started with immediate merchandise delivery. Now finding out it is a scam I only sent one package. I just had another “TASK” pop up and another package is being sent to me. I sent them a message on the website portal saying “this is a scam, do not send me any more packages.” They sent me back a message saying, ” You better keep sending out packages you have coming or we will take measures.” I feel like you said above they are cyber bullying and wont do anything. The only information i have given them is my name and address. Can they do any identity theft with that? I see you answer promptly on here and would greatly appreciate what you think I should do.

    Thank You,


    • Hey Joe,

      I don’t think they can do much with the little information you provided. But you never know with these scam artists. I feel like they’d be more inclined to just move on to the next easy target. But it wouldn’t hurt to keep a watch on your identity. It’s up to you. But you’ve taken the proper steps. Sorry you fell for this. But at least you found this website and now have some legitimate options you can look into now. Keep me posted man.

  166. I never heard of this scam until recently. It seems like there’s red flags all over the place, but I guess a lot of people are desperate to make money from home and so they ignore the red flags.

    Nice in-depth article about this scam Eddy. Keep the great posts coming!


    • Hey Corrisa,

      Yes it’s a common scam. And unfortunately a lot of people fall for it because it’s so cleverly disguised and desperation makes many folks suspend their skepticism. Fortunately this article has helped many people. Thanks for chiming in and the kind words.

  167. Hello,

    I got this email and they called me and asked a few questions. I researched and they have a website as well. Is this a scam as well?

    Hello David Vick,

    We are pleased to inform that you have passed the preliminary selection for Shipping Assistant position with Edwards Logistics.
    We have reviewed your resume on CareerBuilder and believe that your knowledge, skills and experience will add value to our organization.

    We offer a job with low stress and decent pay on a home basis, you will gain knowledge and experience of the international trade, while keeping to enjoy the relaxed pace of home living.

    Please register on our website and we will call within the next 2 days for the interview!

    Our Advantages:

    – Flexible working schedule
    – Average pay around $400 weekly for the first 2 months (based on piece rate pay); around $400 + $250 (fixed) after the probation period
    – Piece rate pay: $20
    – Weekly payments
    – Stability, reliability, best practices

    Work Schedule: Mon-Friday 9am-5pm

    This is a full-time home-based position agents are responsible for daily shipping and receiving of the packages to and from customers and vendors.


    – The packages outside shipping sources (U.S. mail, UPS, FedEx, and other freight companies)
    – Check packages upon receipt to ensure accuracy
    – Log in items that are received


    – The packages outside shipping sources (U.S. mail, UPS, FedEx, and other freight companies)
    – Assemble orders and prepare goods for shipment
    – Prepare required shipping document
    – Examine outgoing shipments to ensure they meet specifications and are packed for safe shipment
    – Perform other tasks as assigned


    – Must have at least one year of general working experience
    – Warehouse/shipping experience is a plus
    – Basic computer and data entry skills
    – Must be able to work independently with little supervision while meeting goals in a timely manner.

    All shipping and packing expenses are prepaid by Edwards Logistics.

    More details can be found at:

    Amanda Barns
    Edwards Logistics

    • David,

      I think you already know the answer to your question. It doesn’t matter what the company name is, the so called job is exactly the scam I described in the article above. It should be avoided.

    • Interesting… the name Amanda Barnes. In my email it was also Amanda Barnes initially and the follow up was Angie something… and the company was Parcel Abroad GP. These outfit will set up everything to appear as a legit business knowing that they’re praying on peoples vulnability. BTW, as far as I know… Parcel Abroad GP have been around since 2008. Crazy right? Keep passing the words…

    • It’s not surprising. The scam artist tend to be lazy with stuff like this. Why bother changing anything that works? Hopefully people heed the warnings shared here by folks like you. Thanks for chiming in!

  168. Hello, my name is Brenda.
    My fiance was working for a company called Global Shopping LOGISTICS and it had a 30 day trial. He thought it was a real job but according to your article it wasn’t legit. He has sent many packages under many names and was told these packages were from e-bay and that he would receive them under a managers name and send it back out under his name. Unfortunately he has finished the job and when payday came they didn’t pay him. He made a claim through the workforce place hoping to get his money buy he has told them he is still employed by them even though he no longer receives packages and is still waiting for payment. What should he do, now that he knows it was a scam but has already sent out many packages under his name for a month?

  169. I just received one as well and was hesitant but after some research and finding this page i am going to keep my freedom and avoid signing any forms.

    Here is my email i had received

    Good day XXXXXX XXXXX,
    We have found your Curriculum Vitae via Careerbuilder job-site. At the moment we expand our business to the USA territory and can offer you a position of Transportation Manager.
    The position is mostly about accepting, repacking and sending parcels with the help of the Postal Service all over the world. It’s a work at home job and does not require any start-up costs.
    You do not need to relocate and can do this job from a comfort of your home.

    The Transportation Manager duties consist of:
    Step 1: You receive parcels at your address.
    Step 2: You should report to the supervisor about parcels delivered;
    Step 3: You should do repackaging according to supervisor instructions;
    Step 4: You will receive a prepaid shipping labels to mail the package out
    Step 5: You should affix the shipping label provided by your supervisor to the parcel and drop it off at the nearest post-office.

    You do not need to invest any money to start this job. All the shipping costs and extra expenses will be covered by our company.
    You will be responsible for dispatching packages in time.
    Your compensation will consist of $2400 base salary (monthly) + $30 commission per box received .
    Your wage will be deposited into your bank account or into your Paypal account at the end of each work month.
    During the first weeks you will work with a small product quantity. There will be about 10-20 boxes a week.
    It’s not obligatory to have any special education, you will have a possibility to gain necessary knowledge during the trial period.
    Make sure to have working home and mobile phone numbers, so we could reach you through the day if we have any questions about the reports.

    The candidate should have:
    1. Printer (you will need to print postage labels to ship the boxes out).
    2. Internet Access (to check your email for the information updates) and the ability to your email 2-3 times a day.
    3. Ability to receive the parcels right to your physical address (not P.O. box) from courier services such as Fedex, UPS and USPS

    If you need some more information regarding the offered vacancy – you could email me with any questions.

    The offered vacancy is 100 percent legitimate job, all shipped products are legal under the law of the United States of America.

    Please, reply back to get more information.
    Sincerely yours,
    Jessica Kosman
    Ingstad & Co AB
    Hyregatan 9, Malmo,
    Sweden, SE-201


    Hello XXXXX XXXXX,
    Thanks for your interest in job-position with Ingstad & Co AB company.
    My name is Jessica Kosman, I will be your personal manager.
    The retailers will start sending parcels to your address at the beginning of next week.
    All parcels will consist of consumer goods such as electronics, clothes, accessories.
    All goods are legitimate, you will be able to check the contents of each parcel yourself.
    Please, make sure you indicated correct address details (if your address has additional details such as room, suite or apartment number, please, also let us know, the delivery services will need exact address to deliver parcels right to your door.
    All shipping costs are covered by our company.
    Your duties start on October 14th, 2014, so your first payroll will come on November 14th, 2014.
    Salary is paid once a month in a form of check or direct deposit (as you prefer).
    Your salary consists of $2400 base salary + $30 commission for every parcel processed.
    Total monthly salary will be up to $4000.
    Please, find the contract and agreement in the attachment, sign the papers (you can fill the forms electronically or print them, sign and scan back to the hard-drive) and send them back to us to this e-mail address.
    Will be waiting for your reply.
    Sincerely yours,
    Jessica Kosman
    Ingstad & Co AB
    Hyregatan 9, Malmo,
    Sweden, SE-201

    Good thing i stopped and did research before sending my info…thank you!

  170. Hello Mr Eddy,
    thanks for sharing this article. I wanted to say that unfortunately it looks like i fell for this scam too. I only sent one package, but then stopped and did research and I went ahead and filed a report with the Postal Inspector online. I wanted to ask is there anything else i can do to fully avoid any consequences like arrest? Should I go to the local police or is that a bad idea, since they might see it as admitting to a crime or something?

  171. My name is Dijon I’ve been scammed I believe I’ve been sending packages lately for Otp logistics I’m afraid and I don’t know to what to do I’m only 21 years old in college please help me out on how to redeem myself I don’t want to see the police please help

  172. I fell for this. It all looked legitimate, I even researched the name of the company and looked for scams. They have a website and all. I have shipped items for them. I had a trial period of 30 days they said. Now one of the packages has come back to me bc of inadequate shipping costs. So I was trying to get in touch with them and no answer. Then I am kicked off the log in site. Now I am in fear of going to jail bc now I have found this and it all makes sense now. I am sick to my stomach. I am going to post office first thing in the am. I have 3 kids and now I will be put in jail bc if losers praying on people looking to earn money. They found me on career builders.

    • oh my yellowpgk emailed me too smh …yep it’s a site for 30 day period….I even sent off 4 packages…I got suspicious and start tracking the addresses on the prepaid labels…I get nowhere..the Billing address do not match the… mailing address.. I even called one of the bill toO numbers the guy told me I had the wrong person…I’m done with these people and also smt-transports tried the same thing… there is no business license under that name

  173. Thank you for your email, I received offer letters from 2 companies one from China ‘Globalink Logistics” and the other from Czecholslovakia “On-Track Solutions” and have been working for them now for 2 weeks and I foubd this article, I will immediately go to the police office to file a complaint as I have tried to do so throught the internet but keep getting the runaround at all the numbers I have tried or been given so Thank you and I hope nobody else falls victim to this scam as I thought I did all the research necessary and really thought I had a great job but now I know this not to be true, I fit so many of the profiles on here and it wasn’t right that they don’t explain or answer their phone but I ingored it thinking I had this great jog, but now I see I talked myself into it, who hires you without really knowing or meeting you… my first sign…. Thank you rom San Clemente California…

  174. Unfortunately, I think I was bit by a scam. I really though this was a legimitate job but after reading your site, I am afraid. Afraid of being arrested and/or afraid my personal information will be used against me. I’m going to contact the Postmaster to find out what to do with these packages. Thank you for hopefully saving me from being arrested. Sent them a message to find out about the scam.

  175. Have you heard anything about piaggio group inc? I had my resume on carrer builders and they got in touch with me about shipping packages for them.

    • Hey Sharon,

      As I said in the article above. It doesn’t matter what the name of the company is, if they’re hiring you to do what is described above it’s a scam. Don’t let your desire to work at home misguide you. The truth is laid out here for you.

    • Hey Sharon Weigel, do you work for PIaggio Group Inc? I think they are a legit company. I hope to hear from you. Thanks.

    • Oy, I’ve been with Piaggio for over a month and at first it all seemed to go well. But with the trial period over they have yet to deliver my first paycheck. They said I was being transferred to the mainframe and would receive more packages after. I’ve not heard back but a friend of mine found the “US Office” phone number. I’ll post the results of that conversation after I call them.

  176. yep- Balguerie for me…. Didn’t sign a contract but I did send them my application/resume and copy of picture ID.

    Thanks for posting this!!!

    We are glad to inform you that your candidature for the Shipping Clerk position perfectly matches all our requirements. You have passed our selection process successfully. We are delighted to make you the following job offer.
    Therefore, please read carefully the attached documents. In attachments, you can find our Contract, your Job offer and a document on non-disclosure of trade secrets.
    You will be required to send us a copy of all sign documents.
    If we do not receive your reply within two days, the proposal will be canceled automatically.
    We understand that sometimes it’s very difficult for a new people to adapt to the whole working process. It is always a mix of excitement and anxiety. Especially, performing on your first assignment! Always, we would be happy to assist you on any stage of your work. We would also like to remind you that this is a very demanding job, associated with direct payments of the clients and their orders. We understand that you will be materially responsible. By that reason we are always ready to negotiate with you your salary, holidays, etc. We value each member of our team and we are always providing the most comfortable working conditions.
    We are confident you will be able to make a significant contribution to the success of our company and we are looking forward to work with you.
    If you have any questions or comments, please contact us immediately.
    HR Support Team,

    Nelson Voogel
    Online email manager.
    Balguerie US department.

  177. Here is another one I received a few weeks ago… I went through the process and have not heard back after sending in my completed application and contract. I called the numbers and the voicemail doesn’t say a company name. The company does have a website, but that doesn’t mean anything… thanks for bringing light to this.

    Dear xxxxxxxx,

    According to your recent email inquiry, you are interested in more details concerning the vacancy of Mail Clerk. You can find further information about the position in this email. Should you have any questions, don’t hesitate to email them or you can call us (561) 325-6481.

    Parcels Abroad GP is an online mail service with a physical location in Florida. We offer our clients a US postal address where they can receive parcels and correspondence. Foreign business people selling and buying goods in the USA find this service to be invaluable, since a lot of US retailers do not ship internationally. Parcels Abroad GP is also very popular with Americans who need to receive their mail on the move. Our customers can easily manage their mail online, consolidate packages in bulk and forward it anywhere in the world with considerable discounts.

    We strive to improve our management of personnel and warehousing with innovative approaches that help to keep our company ahead of competitors by maintaining low costs. For example, our remote employment approach allow us to massively increase the number of addresses we offer, as well as drastically reduce costs involved with storage. You have a chance to become one of our remote employees. Our business processes are entirely automated, no elaborate training is necessary and there are no start-up costs. You can work from any location in the United States. We encourage you to submit your application and resume, so that we can consider your candidacy more thoroughly.


    – Monitor the list of incoming shipments, receive paperwork and instructions from your online account
    – Accept parcels and letters delivered by the major carriers to your home address
    – Process them according the instructions
    – Deliver the items to your local post office and ship them to our clients using prepaid shipping labels provided by our company
    – Inspect all packages, photograph the contents and upload the photographs
    – Submit reports via email and your online account

    This is a relatively independent position that relies on the individual’s ability to take their responsibilities seriously. This job requires constant presence at home and strong commitment and discipline. However, the work is financially rewarding. A full-time employee of Parcels Abroad GP receives a monthly salary of $2,000 plus $500 bonus for processing more than 50 orders per month. It requires you to be available at your home address during business hours (9am-5pm) from Monday to Friday, and occasionally in the evenings or on the weekends. You must have a computer, a digital camera or a cell phone with built-in camera, a printer, a stable internet connection and reliable transportation.

    We place a very high priority on the security of our employees. One of our most important policies is to investigate all potential customers in order to verify that their business is genuine. This allows us to avoid the potential for criminal activity. We require all of our clients to provide two forms of ID as well as Form 1583 that has been certified by a notary. They must also complete an interview and verification process. The primary items for shipment include electronics, clothing, auto parts and sporting goods.

    To apply, please complete and send us back the application, which is attached to this email. Please also review and to get acquainted with the draft employment contract. In the application form you will find the link to our company’s website.

    Angie Bowel,
    HR assistant,
    Recruitment department,
    Parcels Abroad GP, LP,
    505 S. Flagler Drive, Ste 1550,
    West Palm Beach, FL 33401
    (800) 260-1257.

  178. I unfortunately fell victim I have not got a visit from the police, but I have sent a package out. I just received another package, and UPS told me to either keep it or refuse it and they will send someone to pick it back up. My question is how do I know where it is going? It may be going right back to the theives. Also, the package came in a different name I was just going to go throw it in the dumpster. What do I do?

    • Sorry to hear that Kiante.
      It happens to the best of us. I don’t think you fully grasp how the scam works. They’re stealing people’s credit info. Then they’re buying stuff with the stolen credit card. Then they’re using unsuspecting work at home seekers like yourself to ship the stolen merchandise to a po box or address that can’t be traced back to them. Once the credit card victim realizes what happens they’ll contact their card company and the vendor. The vendor will then contact you since it went to you. So sending it back won’t be sending it to the thieves. It’s sending it back to the shop.

      Hope that makes sense. So what you need to do is basically follow the steps I listed in the article above. I hope this helps.

    • What did you ended up doing? Do you have a “Field Supervisor” that you report to? I went through this process for exactly this reason… to find out from “cradle to grave” how and what these organizations do and how to be more inform about this…

      So… thanks for sharing!

  179. I had a job offer from a company called otp logistic stating that all I would have to do is receive packages and then check them an remain them to other places and I would be on a trial and get paid 2300 a month plus 30 for packages under 25 lbs and 60 for packages over 25 lbs that us my communion and durning the trial I would get paid 30 days after my first package I received and mailed out I got a visit from the police stating a phone was being sent to my house that was charged to someone else’s credit card I did not know so I was advised to quit the company was fake and if I con united to accept and send packages I would go to jail for fraud I advise anyone don’t fall for anything like this utter ain’t worth it don’t accept the jib ignore it oh and the job offer came in the form of an email I was fooled I quit and I feel better I got out when I did

    • Hey Christian,

      Sorry you didn’t run into our site before you fell for this scam. Fortunately you weren’t arrested. But as long as people follow the advice in this article, they can avoid all of this. Thanks for sharing your experience.

    • Hey Cesar,

      No I havent. But if the jobs involves shipping packages or cashing checks, then you just ignore it. Just read the article above and the comments and you have all you need to know. I hope this helps.

  180. I received an email nearly identical to all the comments above from an “Exec Direct Aviation Services LTD,” contacted by a “Robert Hudson.” Unfortunately I was idiotic enough to sign the contract sent and have emailed them back. I was just so ecstatic to have a job and supposed income coming. Once again the homage “too good to be true” turns out to be true. Fortunately I’ve looked them up now and despite having a website and several google items I luckily found this website…dang, now I am so stressed about next week and what I assume will be incoming packages. Is this crap going to go on the rest of my life? Do you think there’s any danger about people coming to harm my family? (this concern only voiced by my mom, but it seems a legit concern). I’ve also received emails/contract and even a phone call from a second company for an identical position/gig, this time by “Edwards Logistics” sent from an “Amanda Barns.” Fortunately I have not signed this and will not be.

    Thank you for this website. I only hope it’s not too late. Hopefully this can help others who operate with a bit more logic/discretion/caution before they give away their signature. But desperation in a desperate economy goes a long way in luring helpless victims in.

    • Hey Mike,

      Sorry to hear you fell for this. It happens to the best of us. It’s not really worth it for the scammers to send goons to your home. There will be enough victims they can easily get online if they’re not fortunate enough to find this site or if desperation gets the better of them.

      So don’t worry about any physical harm. This is a lesson learned and thanks for being brave enough to share with us. The silver lining is that you found this page and you’ll now be on the road to legitimate ways to make money online.

    • I had the exact same people contact me. I signed a contract as well. I haven’t sent any packages which is good but the other day the UPS man brought a package with somebody’s name on it so I refused to take it. How did your experience end up?

  181. An innovative startup is looking for Postal Associates. This position requires no complex experience other than basic computer skills and capacity to handle correspondence and shipments.

    Totally fit for stay-at-home moms, retired people and also business owners who remain in the home office during the day.


    – Collect packages and letters from UPS, Fedex and USPS at your location
    – Repack letters and parcels
    – Check the packages
    – Distribute letters and parcels to local US Postal Service branches
    – Stay in contact with the support department through online messages, and telephone
    – Timely upload reports via online account


    – US residence with postal address
    – Be able to demonstrate accountability and take initiative
    – Be able to handle up to 23 pounds

    This is a stable job with a compensation of up to $2,000 net payable monthly.

    Should you become interested in this opening, go ahead and respond to this email, and we will get back to you ASAP.

  182. I received this the other day:
    Good day XXXXXXXX,
    We have found your Curriculum Vitae via Careerbuilder job-site. At the moment we expand our business to the USA territory and can offer you a position of Transportation Manager.
    The position is mostly about accepting, repacking and sending parcels with the help of the Postal Service all over the world. It’s a work at home job and does not require any start-up costs.
    You do not need to relocate and can do this job from a comfort of your home.

    The Transportation Manager duties consist of:
    Step 1: You receive parcels at your address.
    Step 2: You should report to the supervisor about parcels delivered;
    Step 3: You should do repackaging according to supervisor instructions;
    Step 4: You will receive a prepaid shipping labels to mail the package out
    Step 5: You should affix the shipping label provided by your supervisor to the parcel and drop it off at the nearest post-office.

    You do not need to invest any money to start this job. All the shipping costs and extra expenses will be covered by our company.
    You will be responsible for dispatching packages in time.
    Your compensation will consist of $2400 base salary (monthly) + $30 commission per box received .
    Your wage will be deposited into your bank account or into your Paypal account at the end of each work month.
    During the first weeks you will work with a small product quantity. There will be about 10-20 boxes a week.
    It’s not obligatory to have any special education, you will have a possibility to gain necessary knowledge during the trial period.
    Make sure to have working home and mobile phone numbers, so we could reach you through the day if we have any questions about the reports.

    The candidate should have:
    1. Printer (you will need to print postage labels to ship the boxes out).
    2. Internet Access (to check your email for the information updates) and the ability to your email 2-3 times a day.
    3. Ability to receive the parcels right to your physical address (not P.O. box) from courier services such as Fedex, UPS and USPS

    If you need some more information regarding the offered vacancy – you could email me with any questions.

    The offered vacancy is 100 percent legitimate job, all shipped products are legal under the law of the United States of America.

    Please, reply back to get more information.
    Sincerely yours,
    Jessica Kosman
    Ingstad & Co AB
    Hyregatan 9, Malmo,
    Sweden, SE-201

    • Hi, just read the article above. It doesn’t matter what the name of the company is. If the job is asking you to do what we described above, then you already know it’s a scam.

  183. Ok.. here is the actual job description..

    Title: Auction Manager Dpt.: International Auctions Location: From Home Type: Part Time Salary: 2,800$/month

    About Company: WorlShip1 is an international freight and shopping company. We offer a scale of solutions for people looking to purchase or sell merchandise on overseas markets.

    Auction Manager is a work at home job, executed and supervised entirely via internet. Core activities include accurate handling of customers auctions on marketplaces and client support. Job requirements include proficiency in English, 8AM-12AM availability, high- school diploma.

    The Auction Manager is responsible for the accurate and timely review, preparation and execution of auctions delegated by customers.

    This position requires full understanding and active participation in fulfilling the mission of the WorlShip1. The employee is expected to support all organizational services including, but not limited to; Customer Service, Confidentiality of Information, and WS1 initiatives.

    Required Experience:
    General Microsoft Word, Excel, and Outlook experience. Paypal experienced user with at least 6 months old account.

    Required Education: High school diploma or equivalent required.

    Duties and Responsibilities
    Customer interaction during the completion of sales contracts.
    Verification of certified funds received
    Data entry
    Provision of proper advice to the customers by using the phone or email.
    Release of checks, customer bank deposits or other types of transaction.
    The duty also includes journalizing the financial flow entries.

    I found this through and there was an initial screening process thru fitzii. The hr person is
    T: (330) 400 2142
    F: (330) 319-8176.

    She even provides a landline phone but only her voicemail picks up.

    What do you think? Thanks!

  184. Hi Eddy, was wondering if this is a scam? No mention of actual receiving and sending packages. But you do have to have a 6 month paypal account. What do you think?

    Opening name: Auction Manager
    Employer: WorldShipOne.
    Work Place: from home
    Operating mode: twenty hours per week


    Eligible for work in the United States with clear background record.
    Advanced interpersonal, negotiating, analytical skills;
    Ability to work from place of residence;
    Paypal experienced user with minimum 6 month account registration age
    Service and detail oriented.
    Computer skills, cell telephone


    Work from home;
    Your career prospects in the worldwide corporation
    Employees will be able to reconcile this job with another one
    Opportunity to visit the team training in the United States and European countries
    Bonuses on performing results


    $2800 a month paid every two weeks
    3% commission

    We look forward to start working with you and to the contributions you will bring to the business, as well as the opportunity to provide you with professional growth.

    In order to continue with the application procedure please reply to this email.

    • Hey,

      I wouldn’t know unless they actually explained what they’re expecting you to do. But the fact they provide any real details on what the job entails leads me to believe it’s either a home business or possible scam. But this is a guess.

  185. I’m freaking out officially because I filled out the paperwork and just recieved a package today. I didnt open it, but I am concerned is my identity gonna get stolen? what do I do now?

  186. I received an email from them this morning:

    Angie Bowel,
    HR Assitant,
    Recruitment Department,
    Parcels Abroad GP, LP
    505 S. Flagler Dr. Ste 1550
    South Palm Beach, FL 33401
    (800) 260-1257

  187. I posted yesterday about it looks the post has been deleted. Is this legit or a scam.

    We are glad to inform you that your candidature for the Shipping Clerk position perfectly matches all our requirements. You have passed our selection process successfully. We are delighted to make you the following job offer.
    Therefore, please read carefully the attached documents. In attachments, you can find our Contract, your Job offer and a document on non-disclosure of trade secrets.
    You will be required to send us a copy of all sign documents.
    If we do not receive your reply within two days, the proposal will be canceled automatically.
    We understand that sometimes it’s very difficult for a new people to adapt to the whole working process. It is always a mix of excitement and anxiety. Especially, performing on your first assignment! Always, we would be happy to assist you on any stage of your work. We would also like to remind you that this is a very demanding job, associated with direct payments of the clients and their orders. We understand that you will be materially responsible. By that reason we are always ready to negotiate with you your salary, holidays, etc. We value each member of our team and we are always providing the most comfortable working conditions.
    We are confident you will be able to make a significant contribution to the success of our company and we are looking forward to work with you.
    If you have any questions or comments, please contact us immediately.
    HR Support Team,

    Online email manager.
    Balguerie US department.
