Searching…actually landing a work at home job can be a very frustrating process. Finding the jobs shouldn't be much of a problem if you know where to find work from home jobs.
Most of us will visit one of your top work at home websites or all of them if you're smart. Then you spend an hour or two a day applying to the various jobs. Next you wait anxiously for a reply. If you're anything like me, you're checking your email every 10 minutes anticipating a response from that sweet lead you hunted down.
A few hours pass and you hear nothing. Oh well, "maybe the employer wasn't in today." "I'm sure I'll hear from them tomorrow." You hit the bed filled with hopes of a new day and starting that job you applied for. Next day you wake up, head straight to your computer and damn it, this employer hasn't contacted you. What The F?
This may sound very familiar to many of you applying to work at home jobs. I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you have the skill set being requested but for some reason you're still not getting hired or even getting a response acknowledging your resume was even reviewed.
Why Aren't Work At Home Employers Responding To You?
1. Work At Home Employers are more overwhelmed with responses than any type of hiring managers. Think about it, how many people you know wouldn't want to make a living from home? None! Legit work at home jobs are like diamonds. They're precious, rare, everyone wants them and they're pretty hard to find. So when people do find these jobs, everyone applies and the employer can't handle the response. So they just don't! The key here is trying to find the leads before everyone else does. Most of the job leads we find in our favorite work at home websites are posted there hour or days after they've been online.
Instead of waiting for them,
What To Do:
You should Set up free emailed job alerts at places such as!,, and! so you're emailed once employers have posted a job. Why wait on your favorite work at home website to get around re-posting the job on their website? Remember the early bird gets the worm or in this case the job!
2. Your resume sucks! I say this with all due respect and as a former resume suckee. I know it's harsh but that resume you typed up with your word-processor (remember those?) from back in the 80's is just as played out as a Member's Only Jacket. As stated earlier employers are overwhelmed with resumes so if your resume is the one that's hard to read, or doesn't have the skills requested prominently displayed then your email goes into their special folder, the trash bin.
What To Do:
Step up your career options by getting your resume professionally written and set yourself apart from your lazy competition who won't be doing this. Or you can continue to be like them and see how that pans out for you. It's your choice.
3. You're actively searching for work but you're NOT passively searching! I know that doesn't seem to make much sense. But as counterintuitive as it sounds, often it's better to let the employers come to you by posting your resume everywhere you can. As I said employers are overwhelmed, so sometimes they shy away from posting home based jobs. And when this occurs they resort to searching resume databases instead. Guess what happens when you're not in those databases? You end up missing out on tons of jobs!
What To Do:
You better get on the ball and Blast Your Resume Everywhere automatically. Or you can manually visit sites like!,
or to post your resume. And if you're wild and crazy you'll use them all! Just a thought.
So these are the possible reasons why you're not hearing jack from all those places you're applying. I mean there are other reasons such as the job just being filled, etc. But I'm covering the ones where you can take action and I like doing anything that will give me an edge over my competition. Why leave anything to chance? So hopefully you're different than all the other work at home seekers and you'll take action on all the advice I listed above. If not, just continue to do what you're doing and you'll get more of what you've already been getting.
I'd love to read your comments, so feel free to post them below.
Good morning Eddy,
It is always good to receive your emails I enjoy them very much. I highly regard your advise and I always
try to apply it in whatever I am looking for. I am so glad we have someone like you out there.
Thanks Marilyn.
Well thank you Marilyn, It’s great to have your support. It’s always nice to meet people that appreciate what we do here. So thank you.
I’m confident as you read more of our site:
You’ll continue to find even more value!
Hello Mr Eddy I am looking a job at home base but in your side there have no like in my job as autocad operator but if have just inform me thru this email. Thank you and Happy New Year.
Unfortunately not all jobs that are available offline will translate to a work at home opportunity. So you have to adjust accordingly and try to venture into what’s actually available. That’s the only way to succeed in this industry.
I hope this helps.
Hi Eddy,
I just want to thank for for this site. It’s true since I resigned from my job last Sept. 2010 I focus myself on looking for a home base jobs thru internet because right now I want to keep on seeing my children at home at the same have an extra income.. And I will say thank you very much for all your articles that you sent to me specially this one because I can relate on this. Still trying and hoping to find legitimate jobs online.You give me encouragement and perseverance waiting to have work fits on me. You right my resume is too long and somewhat not related on what Im applying for. It’s just that I keep on trying and trying and wasting time in waiting. I need change so that i can have a future in work at home jobs. Again thank you very much.
You’re very welcome. The fact your open to feedback is going to make you succeed in this industry. Just adapt to it and continue to action and you’ll be fine. I’m not sure why you would have a problem finding a legitimate online job since we list new ones every day here:, We also have our recommendations on the following page:, so everything you need is already here. It’s just a matter of reading and taking action.
Hi Ed,
You posted this about 2 years ago and its still helpful. In fact I’m writing it down on my notebook (Lol) I’m old fashioned. I keep on checking your websites for updates and I’m just glad to inform you that Philippines have Paypal and Alertpay so we can participate in some of the International PTC sites. The PTC venture is untapped in the philippines I think on focusing on these and there’s a lot that I need to learn regarding these sort of sites. We have a few pinoys who are successful with CLIXSENSE and NEOBUX so I’m following their lead. For now I’m studying what to pick and I remember about the multilple streams that leads to the river and how it should be use. I read everything Ed so I think I’ll upgrade my account on the most reliable PTC only which are the two I mentioned above for now I just earned $1 and it feels great. Well I’m a newbie so I’ll wait and see if these is for me or not… 🙂
A lot of people are doing blogging here which you said earn pretty high. I’m still finding a niche to fit in. I wanted to blog but I still need experience or at least a topic that I’m passionate and at the same time will sell well with the targeted market. Even if I get information overload with all the topics I’m pretty excited with earning money thru the Internet. I know its not something that will happen over night but in the near future. 🙂
I also visited websites that you recommend and learned more. Ed keep up the good work, I like it that you always acknowledge some people who wanted to pull you down (those negative energy!), others who are thoroughly clueless with the product they have and reported it as a scam and for some whose product or marketing was a total flop. For the 3rd one it was’nt because he was scamming, It just did’nt work but that’s no reason to stop a lot had succeeded so research is vital to quote you again. I’m glad we have an experienced man like you always looking out for the newbies thank you. I’ll update you with my quest for a niche here in the virtual world. Thank you so much for your support. Your just like Oprah touching lives (just kidding lol).
Thanks for the kind words! Oprah is my idol so any comparison to her is a great one! Sounds like you have the right mindset to succeed and you’re ready to work hard to succeed. So as long as you stay on that path, you’ll do great!
Keep up the good work!
Hi Eddy-
I just want to say that I love this site. I stumbled on it a couple months back by accident, but I am glad I found it. You have saved me from getting scammed and I am very appreciative. I also want to say that everytime I feel like giving up on finding that right Work At Home job, your words always encourage me to keep on looking. I just want to say thank you Eddy, you really are the best!
Hi Jill,
You’re welcome.
I’m glad you stumbled on us. It’s great to know we can keep you inspired so you don’t give up. Being successful at working at home is just a test of endurance and persistence. But it can be done if you keep at it. Just in case you get in the dumps again, read the following comments from others we have helped that are doing it:
If they can do it, so can you. Just keep reading through the site. You’ll discover there are many ways you can make money at home if you’re open minded. Good luck to you.
Eddy, you are awesome and give me the stamina and drive to keep looking. You’re ideas are top-notch and stumbling across your site is probably one of the best things job-wise to happen to me. I’m working as a kgb_ agent now and I continuously read your blogs and check your emails for other ways for me to make money ever since the hours at my current “brick and mortar” job have been cut way past half. Yes, it’s a slow process making money on line so far, but there’s money there that I wouldn’t otherwise have and I swear if I ever happen to win the lottery, you’re sharing in my wins! Love you man!
Applaud you for taking action on my recommendations and landing a little something to make you money at home! I love hearing stories like that. It goes to show if folks are open minded and are willing to explore various options available to them, you can make money online even if it’s not a lot or fast. In any event, I’m very proud of you. Keep up the good work and keep pushing forward. I’m sure you’ll find more options as you read through my blog. I’m not sure if you read my recommendations page yet, but you might want to head there:
Thanks for taking the time to share your good news with me. Hopefully it will expire others to follow your lead. Just in case people want to know, the KGB stuff big Tom is referring to can be found here:
P.S. I’ll be praying that you hit that lotto soon! lol 😉
As one of those professional resume writers, I appreciate the plug. Chances are if you’ve been in any kind of job search for five months or more, it’s because your resume isn’t standing out. I’m happy to provide free critiques to anyone who wants some input.
Hi Darlene,
Thanks for stopping by and offering this freebie to my users. Everyone should take you up on this!
Hi Darlene. I hope you are still offering critiques on resume writing as I am in dire need to upgrade mine and make it stand out. If you are please contact me
Hi Paula,
I’m glad you can see the value of the article and the advice provided. Just keep in mind that even if you can’t land a traditional work at home job there are other ways to make money at home that can be started now. See our personal recommendations at:
So you have options either way. But you’re taking the right steps. It’s important to invest in one’s self especially when it comes to training and education especially in the work at home industry.
Eddy, Thanks for e-mailing me about this article. I have to say this has ME written all over it. This week I went to two workshops at my local Career and Job services one was “Resume writing” part of me was glad I went the other part wished I hadn’t gone, because my resume was out of date. so between that workshop and your article I do see a light at the end of the tunnel.
Hi Manda,
Thanks for your great input as well.
Some of the things you’ve mentioned are just a given.
In any situation you can have a perfectly written resume but if you just don’t have the skills you’re not getting hired. I think that’s obvious and people shouldn’t apply to jobs they’re not qualified for.
I also agree that interviewing well is also important. My resume could be perfect but if I look like a slob or can’t carry a intelligent conversation with the potential employer than it’s a wrap for me even if I’m more qualified than everyone else.
At the end of the day the article was providing one of many techniques that a job seeker should consider to help them land a work at home job. Anyone that has been on my blog long enough knows I provide many.
So this article wasn’t meant to be the sole magic bullet. I apologize if that was the impression.
Landing a work at home job is like any other job in many ways where common sense also places into this.
So hopefully everyone keeps this in mind when reading this article and the others on this or any other site.
Manda, thanks again for your useful input.
Hi Allie,
Thanks for your honesty. It was really appreciated and welcomed. I have to say you’re absolutely right and I’m big enough to apologize when I’m wrong. Sometimes in my zeal to get a point across I come off a little strong and even down right rude. (My wife gets at me about it from time to time. LOL)
I didn’t mean to imply that people were lazy. What I was trying to get across is that when trying to land a work at home job, set your self apart from the herd.
Make yourself stand out to an employer. One of the ways of doing this in my humble opinion is getting your resume professionally written.
But I’ll concede that for some people like yourself it may not be necessary. However I will say this, just because one is college educated and has a lot of experience doesn’t mean that they are going to be able to write a great optimized resume. A surgeon may be brilliant at fixing someone’s organs but it doesn’t necessarily mean he can fix my car.
So with that said, I think for others professional resume writing services is worth a shot especially when other things have failed you. As someone that has hired work at home seekers I’ve seen some horrible resumes. Unfortunately these are the people that end up in my special folder known as the trash bin. And I’m sure that many of those folks might have been qualified but because their resume weren’t really optimized for the job they were applying for, I had to ignore them. Sadly many employers do this as well. People fail to understand that the job seeker’s job is to make it easy for the employer to identify that you’re perfect for their particular job.
What I like about resume writing services is that they optimize your resume for the type of job you’re applying for. People are under the assumption that when you create a resume you throw every single job you’ve had on that resume. Bad move!
If I’m looking for someone that will be responsible for data entry, their experience as a “hamburger technician” or “paper flyer distrubutor” is irrelevant to me.
So that’s where a professional resume writer would usually come in and advise the job seeker that the resume should be optimized for data entry and would arrange the resume as such.
You wouldn’t necessarily know that just by reading and copying sample resumes from the web. But if you did then using free samples on the web would help. I know I have done so as well. But even when that I eventually hired a professional resume writer and it gave me great results when I placed my resume out there.
So I think it all depends on the person. I don’t think we can say that one size fits all. So I do agree with you there.
It all depends on the person and their situation. But again, I want to stress, just because you have experience in a lot of fields doesn’t mean it should be placed on your resume. You can unknowingly block yourself out of jobs because the employer feels you overqualified or just don’t match up to the job they had in mind.
In any event, Thanks again for your insightful comments Allie.
I really appreciated them. Hope there are no hard feelings.
P.S. If I sound discouraging about landing a work at home job, it’s because that is truly the reality of situation. I can sugar coat it but I would be lying. Landing a work at home job is like winning the lottery and that’s why I try to provide people with various techniques to better their chances and it’s also why I recommend other opportunities like my favorite career:
If it were really that easy to land a work at home job there would be less people being scammed and most people wouldn’t be enduring long commutes outside their homes. So I just want to provide a reality check but at the same time provide folks other solutions like the ones found in our articles page:
In any event, I hope this gives you more insight as to why my position about work at home jobs.
I agree with Allie.. Some people are familiar with how to write resumes, and paying someone to write you one may be in fact a BAD move if they don’t know how to display your qualities and skills as well as you do…
Honestly, I’ve heard from many employers that a beautifully written and clear resume means nothing if you don’t have the qualifications, or if they talk to you and don’t like you. If your cover letter sucks, or you don’t include one, they miss out on the personal aspect, which is needed in most work-at-home jobs (as a lot have to do with answering phones).
Most employers I’ve ever talked to consider the resume to be an out-dated concept and would rather test your skills, regardless of where, when, or how you got them.
Here’s my advice: You want a work-at-home job? Have a data entry job for two years, a telemarketing job for 3 years, a tech support job for 5 years, and type 70wpm. Include in your cover letter that you understand that a work-at-home job has just as much responsibility as a job in an office. That sells itself, and is going to look better on some word-processor document than a mc-jobber’s 3 months of employment at a cash register will ever look, no matter who they pay.
Take it from someone who writes her own resume and works from home for 3 companies.
“Step up your career options by getting your resume professionally written and set yourself apart from your lazy competition who won’t be doing this. Or you can continue to be like them and see how that pans out for you. It’s your choice.”
Just because you happen to write your own resume, without the use of a professional service, doesn’t mean you are “lazy.” I write my own because I have a diverse background (college education/experience in business, also have been a freelance graphic designer) and I have no desire to pay $75-$100 (or more) for someone else to do it.
There are many free examples out there of great resumes to be studied and used as base designs. Your suggestion, while very valid, is also very discouraging.
Hi Susan,
Thanks for contacting me. Let’s see if we can help you through your frustration.
1. Seems to me you’re not actually applying to jobs. You’re probably running into advertiser ads, home based business opportunities and work at home products. They’re not jobs. So you need to learn to figure out the difference and hopefully the information I’m about to provide you will help you become a better educated work at home seeker.
Now there are some legitimate sites that are paid membership site where they look for free work at home jobs and list them in their members areas such as:
But we do have a limited list available for free at:
So you can start on the page above. There are no fees associated with the companies with that page.
Next we also demonstrated in a video how to find legitimate work at home jobs on your own. If you follow the steps you’ll be able to find some hidden jewels and avoid a lot of the crap out there:
2. Change your attitude. Stop thinking like a victim or being a victim and learn to be proactive. I know how frustrating it is to find work at home jobs but no one can scam you or take advantage of you if you follow some basic steps which we’ve covered in great detail in the following video:
and here:
Hopefully this gives you a better starting point.
Just keep in mind you may visit a lot of work at home sites that have sponsor ads on them. It doesn’t mean the site owners recommend the sponsor ads. If you run into things that request a fee, just follow the steps in the video and page I listed above and you’ll avoid the bad stuff.
Now I’m going to be brutally honest with you. Even with the information I’ve provided you above the chances of securing a work at home job are very limited and take a very long time. So you have to be in it for the long haul. Personally I always advise my subscribers to try other things in the mean time when applying for conventional jobs such as paid surveys and focus groups as described in the following articles:
But some people argue that those opportunities don’t make them enough. My point of view is that you’re not making any money searching for work at home jobs. So you might as well make some by doing some of these other opportunities as you search.
So I’m not sure what type of person you are. Hopefully because you’re really serious about working at home you’ll be willing to do all free legitimate work at home opportunities. But if not, I’ve given you some places to start your conventional work at home job search.
I hope it helps either way.
Good luck to you.
Read some of our articles. we give you a lot of different ways to make money if you’re willing to act on them and not just “TRY”!
Dear Eddy,
I recently joined your site hoping to find a legit wah position to supplement my fixed income. Every job i have “TRIED” to apply for, in the end, wants money up front, for a diverse number of reasons. As always, i am disappointed and frustrated, what else is new? Obviously, nothing, every time it’s the same thing, promises, promises, and more broken promises.
Everybody is totally trustworthy, and has a very meaningful reason for taking my money. My frustration brings me to tears, are there any real, trustworthy people left on this planet? I think not.
Hi Ihali,
Thanks for your comments. I think the more time you spend on this blog the more opportunities you’ll find to make money from home.
I am an over-worked Case Manager and this job is taking a lot of time away from my 3 kids. 2008 I need change. I appreciate this website looking out for my best interest and providing resourceful information.
I am a single, college mom with little income and this would help us.