Weekly Work At Home Recap 11-19-2010

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Contest WinnerHi All,

Hope you had a great week! This week after months of searching we finally closed on our dream house. So I'm super excited to say the very least. I never imagined that I would be purchasing my dream house at such a young age or honestly ever. The house is nearly everything my wife and I have been asking for and in some cases more. I know if it weren't for this industry, hard work, God's grace and all of your support, I wouldn't be living out yet another dream. So I want to say thank you!

I know many of my dreams have been made possible because I have the most supportive people in my life. I hope that the work I continue to do on my sites will eventually help you all realize many of your dreams as well. Because I know you deserve it as much as I do. So I will continue to do my part to help you folks reach them.

With that said, I see that many of you are already getting closer to your dreams judging by the comments on my birthday contest last week. First and foremost let me say thank you to each and everyone of you that wished me a Happy Birthday last week. You made this old timer feel very loved and appreciated. I apologize for not responding to every comment like I usually do but between the house situation and my princess depriving us of sleep, it was a tough week. lol

In any event, I must say I was very impressed by some of the comments and stories posted for the contest. You really inspired me and made me realize how much of impact the work we do here has on your lives. I hope for those of you haven't had any success with this industry yet that reading the comments will serve as a source of inspiration or a catalyst for action.

As you can see it is possible for anyone to make money online legitimately if you read and take action. The comments are a testament to that.

And the winner is

Let me also apologize for not announcing the winners this past Wed as promised. As I said earlier, it was a busy week. lol In any event, here are the randomly selected winners below.




Please congratulate them below! Hopefully next year you'll be one of them.

Thanks again for all the heart felt birthday wishes and thoughts. I really did appreciate every single one. For those of you who didn't win, please enjoy the leads below as a consolation prize. You never know. They may lead to a lot more money than I was giving away in my contest. Speak to you next week.

Monday 11/15/2010

Article Writers

Blogger – Events & Travel

Amicus Attorney Data Entry

Product Copywriter

Remote Technician



Tuesday 11/16/2010


Writers Familiar with Cameras and Photography Wanted

Short Sale Negotiator

News Reporters/Writers

Graphic Designer

Bankruptcy Paralegal

Contract Paralegal

Wednesday 11/17/2010

Experienced QA Engineers

Windows Systems Administrator

Sales Training/Corp Comm Writer

Freelance Writers for Business News Content

Community Moderator

Market Research Analyst

Word Press Editor/Writer

Thursday 11/18/2010

TV Show and Movie Writer

Case Manager/Social Worker


Healthcare Provider Contracts Manager

Math Writer



Recommended Instant Work At Home Opportunities

Email Reader

Online Poll Takers

Online Shoppers

Ad Clickers Wanted (Clixsense)

Ad Clickers Wanted (YouData)

Get Paid To Be Green

Get Paid To Search The Web (SwagBucks)

Mystery Shoppers Online Chatters

Text Message Operators

Make Money With Used Books

Survey Taker

Work At Home With Amazon.com (Data Entry, Typing, etc)

Data Entry, Typing, & More

More Job Leads HomeJobStop.com (Membership based site)

23 thoughts on “Weekly Work At Home Recap 11-19-2010”

  1. Congrats on the house, Eddy! Sometimes I want to move out to Loxahatchee to get away from neighbors lol.
    The gators are probably better….
    And congrats to all who won! Awesome stuff.
    You’re right, as usual Eddy. Since the clothing drive for Haiti started some amazing “coincidences” have happened. It would take pages to tell those stories.

    The bad news is…I have sold several of my disgruntled fellow workers about your site and all these opportunities. Amidst all the grumbling, not one person has checked anything out. Sad.
    Thanks again Eddy and everyone.

    • LadyDi,

      Thanks! LOL, I hear you about your neighbors. I have two sets of them that were surrounding me that made it increasingly unpleasant to be home. But the new house has tons of distance between us so this will no longer be an issue. It’s amazing how other people around you can ruin your sense of home.

      In any event, I’m not surprised that you’ve probably seen a lot of blessings since your clothing drive. When you do good, good things tend to happen. I’d like to think I’m an example of that. So I’m happy it’s happening to you.

      In terms of your co-workers, think about how you described them. They’re disgruntle. They’re probably in a negative mindset and cynical. Folks like that are hard to convince. I use to tell my co-workers about my site as well but they acted very much like your co-workers. But we see how that turned out. I’m blessed to be sitting here in PJs, writing you and getting paid. While they’re all probably commuting to work right now. You can’t save everyone. People have to want to change their lives and be open to the options. You can lead them to water but you can’t force them to drink.

      But don’t worry some people come around. Some of my worst cynics and doubters are now my biggest supporters. But more importantly these folks are now making money and see a whole new world of possibilities that they denied before. So don’t worry too much about it. Just lead by example that’s how you can help people.

  2. Hi Eddy,
    This is my first time commenting on your blog and I just want to say happy belated birthday and congrats on your home. I’ve always wanted to work at home and someday make as much as you or more. Lol… Anyway, thank you for the information and keep up the good work.

    • Hi Yvette,
      Thanks for making your first comment, belated birthday wishes and the home congratulations. I appreciate them all.
      I think if you continue to read and take action on work at home opportunities that are right for you, you will be able
      to work from home one day and totally make more than I do. I would be very happy if all my subscribers could do that.
      There is enough money for us all out on the web. So get your share!

      Thanks for the continued support! Trust me I really do appreciate it!

  3. I see we have another one, hey Eddy? Why do people watch tv shows with ads for people and things they don’t like on the commercials? Because they like the show or the show is helpful to them. THEY IGNORE THE ADS/COMMERCIALS. You have such a valuable service here and there are lots of us that really appreciate it. There is no way I could pay money for all the info I get here. This site has been the only way I have been able to make money on the internet. You have told us over and over to do our research and check things out. You do enough for us so we have to do some things for ourself. You have a lot more patience that I do Eddy.
    Take Care,

    • Shyanne,

      You already know my pain. lol. It is what it is and comes with the territory.
      Fortunately most of my interactions aren’t me trying to convince people I’m here to help them. They read the material and can see that for themselves. But you’ve made a great point about the commercials! For some reason people don’t seem to do that when they’re on websites even when you clearly label things as sponsors. I guess you can chalk it up to the scanning we all do on websites. Either way, I’m just happy to help folks like you that do read the valuable information and ignore whatever companies or ads you may not like on the site.

      Thanks for the support Shyanne. I must admit it wasn’t a great way to start my week off. But then supporters like you come out and make it all better. lol So thanks!

  4. Dear Eddy,
    I was just wondering why you advertize scams on your website? Especially when there on your your blog page as scams. It has me puzzled as to why you would do that. So now how do I know if the rest of the stuff on your web page is legit.


    • Cindy,
      If you feel I advertise scams and you can’t trust my site, then just don’t use it. It’s that simple.
      I think my body of work speaks for itself which is probably why other sites and the media have recommended me in the past: http://www.workathomenoscams.com/media. Anyone that has actually taken the time to read my site such as my workathomeguide, scam sections, jobs section knows that I’m about helping people avoid scams and make money legitimately:

      The information provided on this site is totally free. The reason we can do that is that we have sponsors just like a TV Network, magazine, or newspaper has sponsors. We’ve made it very clear we don’t vouch for the legitimacy of the advertisers which is also the reason we’re constantly preaching to do your research and why we have specific sections where I provide my own trusted recommendations:

      Advertisers are a necessary “evil” or the alternative is to charge folks for all the information provided on this site for free. But then folks would really come out and label me a scam even though I would be totally justified for charging for such great information. Damned if you do and damned if you don’t. lol

      At the end of the day go with your gut. But it’s clear judging by the everyday feedback we get that folks appreciate what we’re doing here. People are either making money or avoiding scams but these folks are the ones that actually take the time to read my body of work and take action. So to each their own,

      Either way I wish you the best of luck on your search. We’ll continue to help people here as we have been doing for years.

  5. Greetings Sir E.
    Happy belated B.Day:( (head filled with, try 2 be 1% as smart as Sir E.),
    Congrats on finding your beautiful, well deserved blessed new home! Totally Wicked! Yay
    You deserve, nohing but the very best, as a good Knight should. Now, it is time to kick it Dragon and Rain
    Style. LOL
    Kind regards,

  6. Eddy…congrats on the house and you will love having your own. And thank you for being here for us.

    Congrats to the winners! I plan to be one next year.

    • Mike,
      Thanks so much buddy! I really appreciate the kind words and birthday wishes.

      But don’t worry about it. You had already thanked me privately via email. So you’re excused. lol I don’t really consider packing and unpacking as a party. But fortunately we’ll have a few months to do it since we have a few renovations to do before actually moving in. So it will allow us to slowly move things over the next couple of weeks. This way moving and unpacking won’t be a huge production. But you already know how we do. My OCD would have never allowed for boxes to be around the house for more than 3 days. lol

      Thanks! Yes you did really win! I actually sent you an email so be sure you check for it. It may be in your spam folder.
      Anyway, I appreciate that you share the website with everyone and you’re a strong supporter of what we do here.
      I like your idea of re-investing your winnings into your own training. It may be a great way to compound your winnings.
      If not, just use it to treat yourself. lol

      P.S. The princess has been on and off with the sleep situation. Hopefully she reverts back to her normal self over the next couple of weeks. I’m sure moving into a new house will probably lead to her having sleeping issues again. I guess time will tell.

      Thanks so much! It feels great to have supporters like yourself. It makes my job easier and enjoyable!

      Minister Marlene,
      Thanks for the kind words! I’m looking forward to making a lot of memories there. God willing, I plan to grow old in this new house as well.

      In any event, I’m glad to hear that you’re considering affiliate marketing but focusing on another niche than what we discussed. I think it’s a prudent move. Take your time with your decision about this industry and WA. It’s not going anywhere. You want to be really prepared mentally before going in because as you read in my review it’s no cake walk.
      In the mean time continue to take advantage of the job leads and non-traditional ways I have provided to make money. Then work your way up to this.

      Anyway, thanks again for the continued support and blessings. I appreciate them very much!

      Thanks so much! I really appreciate the blessings and well wishes.

      Slow down there Mr. http://www.FightInsight.com! lol
      Let me get a hold of my situation with “Bee” before even considering a sibling for her. And it will stop at number 2. I’m not trying to start a clan or basketball team here. lol
      Thanks Big Brother!

      Thanks! We already own our condo. But I think owning our own house will be way better because I won’t have annoying neighbors all around me. lol The bills will be crazy too. But I think it’s all worth it for peace of mind!
      In any event, I hope next year you are one of the winners too!

  7. Hello ‘E.’,

    Happy belated birthday, many blessed returns. Congrats on the acquisition of your new home. Wishing you & yours lots of love, life & laughter in your new abode!

    – ->d.

  8. Congragulations on finding the dream home. It’s very exiting. Wonderful memories will be made there. I know you have worked hard for it. God is truly blessing you for you help so many. For example I took a visit to wealthy affliate and did some checking about. Your right, lots of folk have info on affliate marketing but you mostly always need an upgrade. I really like what I’ve seen so far with Wealthy Affliate and I know how I wan to start already. For $$$ I have a different topic not ministry.
    So you give excellent information. I would make a buisness card about you myself and give it out. But your site is so easy for anyone to rememember.
    Happy Belated Birthday. I wish you and your wonder wife and child many happy and fruitful years in your new home.
    P.S. I’m really leaning towards pushing that button to join Wealthy Affliates -500 videos and rave reviews from the Blog Sphere? It’s a keeper.

  9. I am so happy for You and I have to say that You are amazing. Thank You so much for helping as, and as long You show us the road we will follow and support You! 😉

  10. Hey Eddy!

    Congrats on the new house! It must feel awesome!

    Did I really win? TOO COOL! I have been telling everyone about your website! Ever since I found it – and was saved from a scam – I have been an faithful reader.

    Congrats as well to Cathy and Terry. I am sorry everyone couldn’t win (that would cause Eddy to go broke!). However, I feel the true winnings come from the information provided by you Eddy. Thanks so much and keep up the great work.

    Maybe I use the $100 for the first installment to Wealthy Affiliate. Thanks for the “start-up” money Eddy!

    Congrats again on the new house. Hopefully, your princess can give you some time for sleep soon.

    Take care,


  11. Oops, please excuse me. How embarrassing to forget this …

    Eddy, a HUGE congratties to you and your fam for new home ownership status!!!!! A well deserved dream come true.
    Now the party really begins with the finishing of packing, the unpacking, etc. Enjoy! lol

    The good Lord is definitely shining on you and yours.

  12. Congratulaitons on the house, Eddy. You and your family well deserve it. Keep up the great work and belated Happy Birthday. Sorry I didn’t get to respond to the contest; but the winners all have my best wishes and congratulations as well!

  13. Cathy, Kerry, and Terry … congratties to each of you! My hope is that your winnings can and will be spent on YOU because you deserve it.

    Much continued success in making money from home. 😉


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