Weekly Work At Home Recap 12-17-2010

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On Target

Hey Guys,

How has your week been? Hopefully great. I can describe mine as peaceful and almost Zen-like! Know why? Because I have been enjoying a great week of sweet silence since my loud ass neighbors have moved back to the zoo or where ever the hell they came from. Let me stop being mean. lol

In any event, I'm going to cut it short this week. I'll just give you some links you should check out instead of my weekly babble:

1. I'm not really big on waiting for others to help make a change in your life. But we can all use a little help to help ourselves. With that said, imagine a world where instead of asking for tax breaks that the super rich don't need, they all did the following willingly, click here.

2. Is it time to dump your boss and build your own business? Read why this entrepreneur feels that the 9-5 mentality is old news and what you really need to do to be successful in the coming years. I firmly believe in what he's saying and why I practice it. Click here. (Thanks Jaime!)

3. My buddy Steve from IveTriedThat.com has finally got a Facebook Fanpage. He's giving away $25 to a lucky fan that likes his page and leaves a comment. So give him a visit:


4. Apparently my users aren't the only ones that think we're doing a good job of helping people avoid scams and find legit work at home options. The media is giving us a little love too:

Fox News

ABC News

That's it folks. Enjoy the leads below.

P.S. Shout out to my New York Knicks. Thanks for making basketball fun in NY again.

Monday 12/13/2010

Business Instructor II

Resume Reviewer

HR Manager

Telephonic Health Coach/Bilingual

Content Editor/ Web Tech

Professional Web Developer

Link Builder

Tuesday 12/14/2010

Mortgage and Finance Articles


Bilingual French/English Nurses Wanted

Civil Litigation Paralegal

Ghost Writer

Local Writers

Insurance Article Writer

Research & Writing for Criminal Defense Firm

Accounting Blogger

Wednesday 12/15/2010

Mortgage Broker

Certified Paralegal

Business Payroll/Bookkeeper

Seeking Contract Writers

Expense Reduction Consultant

Food Columnist

Creative Writers – Marketing

CPA Practice Question Writer

Thursday 12-16-2010

Online Content Writer

Content Writer – How-to

Respiratory Therapy Practice Question Writer

Biomedical Technician Practice Question Writer

Training Learning Coordinator

Writer for Latin Music

Greek Language Specialist

Appraisal Manager


Recommended Instant Work At Home Opportunities

Email Reader

Online Poll Takers

Online Shoppers

Ad Clickers Wanted (Clixsense)

Ad Clickers Wanted (YouData)

Get Paid To Be Green

Get Paid To Search The Web (SwagBucks)

Mystery Shoppers

Online Chatters

Text Message Operators

Make Money With Used Books

Survey Taker Work At Home With Amazon.com (Data Entry, Typing, etc)

Data Entry, Typing, & More

More Job Leads HomeJobStop.com (Membership based site)

4 thoughts on “Weekly Work At Home Recap 12-17-2010”

  1. Eddy,
    Glad to hear you are getting some peace. Thankfully I no longer live in an apartment and I’ve got a good bit more peace here. Now, I’m trying to get used to hearing noises from the street I couldn’t hear in the apartment. lol

    When I lived in the apartment, I had a group of men in their 20’s that played rock band all day and night that lived above me. One of which was almost 400 pounds. They also had a great Dane that ran all over the apartment day and night. Very sweet people to talk to but very inconsiderate of people that had jobs.

    Hope Everyone has a Merry Christmas!

    • A great dane and a 400 guy living above you must have been a living nightmare! When my neighbors weren’t being loud they were actually likable as well, so I hear ya. Either way, I’m happy your situation has been resolved as well. I’ll never take peace and quiet for granted again.

      Merry Christmas to you & have a happy new year!

  2. Glad to hear that things are much more peaceful for you now! I can so relate! I used to have a neighbor above me that was into Wii Workout and other active Wii games and I tell ya the reverberations right above my head would drive me nuts! Anyway…I wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas and a New Year filled with blessings and prosperity……God Bless!

    • Joyce,
      Ironically they use to play that as well. Don’t get me wrong, I think it’s a great game system provided you don’t live above anyone. lol
      Merry Christmas to you as well and May this New Year be better than it was this year.

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