Weekly Work At Home Recap 2-18-2011

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Hey Guys,

How has your week been? Hopefully it's been a great one. It seems like my inspiration from Vegas has carried over to a lot of you based on the feedback I've received from this week's article:

What happens in Vegas won't stay there…

Inspiration is great but it's only worth something when you put action to it. With that in mind I have an update on one of my favorite, easy non-traditional work at home opportunity, Clixsense.com

ClixSense Update

If you don't already know Clixsense.com is a PTC site which means you get paid to click on ads. You can read more about in my Clixsense Review by clicking here. Here's what's changing:

– New website design. It looks a lot cleaner and seems to be easier to navigate and understand. Click here to see what the new version is going to look like.

– But the most important improvement is the referral program. Clixsense has stepped up their game and will now pay you 50% click commission on your upgraded first level people.

Just to give you a clearer picture of why this is exciting, let's compare the current commission structure to the new one.” ?” ? Currently if you have 30 active upgraded referrals and they all click on 10 ads in a day, with the present commission format you would only earn $0.30 cents. (10% downline click commissions). It's not bad considering you're getting paid for nothing you're doing but making an introduction. ” ?” ?But now with the brand new improved "sweet" affiliate program format if those same 30 members clicked on 10 ads a day you could earn $1.50. Just in case your math isn't that great, that's a 5x improvement in their current commission pay plan. I don't know about you but that's very exciting for me.

So get your referral game up if you haven't already. If you are already referring people, you're about to get a nice raise.

Enjoy either way.

Before I let you go, you might want to read the following article from my buddy Kyle. He had a great take on our Vegas Conference that I think provides a lot of insight as to how to be successful in business. Click here to read the one thing you must do to succeed like the rest of us.

Well that's all from me this week. Enjoy the leads below. Keep taking action folks. Don't talk about it, be about it.

Monday 2/14/2011


Medical Transcription

Fashion & Beauty Writers

International Outreach Coordinator

Desktop Support

MS Project Consultant Needed

Tuesday 2/15/2011

Legal Researcher



Health Writers


Translator Wanted

Biology Exam Question Writer

Marketing – Stocks and Economics

Wednesday 2/16/2011

Grant Proposal Writer


News Letter Editor

Writer Needed for Term Papers

Legal Article Drafter


Vietnamese Reviewer

News Editor – Medical Technology

News Writer/Reporter


Thursday 2/17/2011

Virtual Assistant

Financial Newsletter Editor


Writers Wanted

Experienced Paralegal

Social Media Assistance

Experienced Writer

Accounting and Financial Experts

Blog Writers

Display Banner Ad Designer

Recommended Instant Work At Home Opportunities

Email Reader

Online Poll Takers

Online Shoppers

Ad Clickers Wanted (Clixsense)

Ad Clickers Wanted (YouData)

Get Paid To Be Green

Get Paid To Search The Web (SwagBucks)

Mystery Shoppers

Online Chatters

Text Message Operators

Make Money With Used Books

Survey Taker Work At Home With Amazon.com (Data Entry, Typing, etc)

Data Entry, Typing, & More

More Job Leads HomeJobStop.com (Membership based site)

4 thoughts on “Weekly Work At Home Recap 2-18-2011”

  1. Cathy,

    I think you’re getting it. Sometimes we all learn the hard way. But it’s what we do with those experiences that really set the winners from the losers. The fact you can admit where you may have gone wrong means you’re now better equipped to go about it the right away.

    I love that you already know that no one can show you your direction. You definitely have to find that yourself. What you can get from others is how to avoid certain mistakes and apply certain steps to better your chances at success. But ultimately you’re right, it boils down to you.

    We all care about money earned that’s why we’re in this business. So there’s nothing wrong with that. The problem lies when people don’t realize that the amount of money you make is truly based on hard work, training and how much value you provide to your audience. People that get the value add part will ultimately succeed long term and will find themselves a lot happier with their experience in this business.

    So you’re on the right track. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Kyle has “put it all in a nutshell. I learned this only last month. I learned it the hard way (of course). Rather than focus on money earned, focus on traffic, where it’s coming from and who has interacted with me and why! I’ve also learned I’ve learned enough to know I have much more to learn. Once I know enough of the language, culture (yes there is one) and the acronyms used in the industry I think I will be ready for Wealthy Affiliate. I say that because, yes I can find lots of information online but it would take “a month of Sundays” to get all the information Wealthy Affiliate has to share.I’ve also found out why no one can show you your direction. Only you can find it for yourself. Try to tell my friends and family that! I did stay away from products though, I was just focusing on $ earned. Wrong! Thanks for sharing this Eddy! I hope you flew first class!

  3. EVERYONE needs to read the article from Kyle. It is about creating value. I’m sure I could have made a ton more money than I am now by referring people to whatever I find on an affiliate program site or the next “hot” e-book or program from the latest “guru” but here’s the problem, while there’s a lot of good things out there, there’s a lot of crap too.

    I only want to promote products that I believe in and use myself (or have researched the crap out of and know they’re good). For example, I own 2 Keurig machines and LOVE them so I’m creating a business that is referring people to owning the machines and buying the coffee. I personally think everyone that loves coffee should own one of those, so that is a business that I feel comfortable in promoting and talking about because I know how much I love my machines and how much they’ve helped me, so I have zero problem with telling other people about my passion.

    Too many times I see people just promoting things solely to make money. Nothing wrong with making money! But, there’s also a little thing called integrity and reputation. Once you violate those 2 things, you’re never looked at the same way again.

    Great post as usual Eddy! Thanks for the link to the article by Kyle

    • Thanks Jeff. Kyle definitely hit it on the head about the creating value aspect. It really is necessary to create a LONG term thriving business. There are a lot of marketers that do short term stuff but they can’t last because people that don’t add value have to constantly move on to the next quickie thing to replace the low value thing that is bound to collapse.

      Providing value and focusing on something you love tends to produce better results. You’re a testament to that.

      Thanks for chiming in.

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