Hey Guys,
Enjoy this week's work from home jobs recap. But before you do, check out the quote below. It was inspired by facebook fan who posted they were going to give up because they ran into a failure.
‘Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.'
– Thomas Edison
Let it marinate in your mind if you're tempted to do the same because things haven't panned out exactly the way you wanted.
Monday 8/15/2011
– Experienced Texas Family Law Paralegal
Tuesday 8/16/2011
– Telecommute Customer Service
– Customer Service Representative
– Nurse for Medical Legal Chronicles
– Project Manager/Editor for Christian Publisher
Wednesday 8/17/2011
– Customer Service Representative
– Social Media/SEO/Blog Writing
– Writer for Children's Travel Guide
– Customer Service Representative
– Need Blogger and Product Writer
Thursday 8/18/2011
– Writer
– Marketing Specialist/Manager
Recommended Instant Work At Home Opportunities
Get Paid To Search The Web (SwagBucks)
Survey Taker Work At Home With Amazon.com (Data Entry, Typing, etc)
More Job Leads HomeJobStop.com (Membership based site)
This quote reminds me of what Thomas Watson, the founder of IBM, said: “If you want to increase your rate of success, double your rate of failure.” He also stated that we often view failure as the enemy of success, but really it is not.
Eric, that’s a great quote. I’ll have to steal that one for my facebook fanpage! Thanks.
I tell people all the time failure is part of the many speed bumps you have to go through on the road to success. But too often people hit that speed bump or detour and decide well I’m going back home. I’m not going to reach my destination. Instead they need to keep pushing forward or take an alternate route to get to their destination of success. So I totally agree with your comment!
People need to find those who have been successful and emulate them. I started out just learning about opportunities to make money online. Then I acted on what I learned and signed up for those opportunities and consistently worked on those opportunities. I see that you have had good success, so as I seek to go further and earn even more money online, I look to what you personally do and endeavor to do those things myself. In other words, I model you in order to see that same success. 🙂 Then when I’m doing so well that I am teaching others all about online earning (as you are), my success will be quite obvious. I’ve been taught that there are 4 types of knowledge: Learned knowledge, Activity knowledge (do what you have learned), Modeling knowledge (closely follow those who are successful) and Teaching knowledge (when what you know is so in you that you can’t help but share it, it just takes off in that arena for you).
We should all model Thomas Edison. who said this about his attempts to create a light bulb: “I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.”I appreciate all you do Eddy!
Good advice, I’ve followed and has helped me be successful. I would also add limit your contact with people who aren’t in the position you’re want to be or are negative. They will bring you down.
That is one of my favorite thomas Edison quotes that I refer to when people complain about their failures.
Here, here!
Wow. Wanting to give up after one failure. That’s hard to fathom.
Indeed. Maybe there were other failures that the person failed to mention. It doesn’t really matter. The one thing I know is that you keep pushing forward. It’s okay to make adjustments but you never just stay down! You get up and fight another round until you get closer to your dreams.
I agree. I know what lots of failure feels like, and how discouraging it can get, and sometimes how frightening it can be..but your right about not giving up. Here’s to seeing failure as getting a second or third or fourth chance to get up and keep fighting on forward.