When you go to a job interview, what do you wear? Most people would wear a business suit. Why? Because you want your employers impression of you to be favorable. Regardless of what you think, perception is everything. Sure you can go to an interview wearing glass stilettos and halter top letting the girls all hang out. But I would have a strong suspicion that you're applying for a job where a pole and lap dances are the requirements. And if that's not the case, I'm almost positive in any other work environment you wouldn't be taken seriously or even hired.
Your Email Address Says A lot About You! Good & Bad!
Now these are extreme cases but let me bring it closer to home. When you're applying for jobs, what email address are you using? Hopefully it's not your personal one! Your email address tells an employer a lot more about you then your resume does sometimes. Let's look at some poor examples of email addresses.
Look, in the right circumstances the above addresses are fine. Most of which that come to mind are personal situations. But when you're applying for a work at home job or any job for that matter, what is an employer to think about someone that has an email address like SweetCheeks69@aol.com? Seriously, think about it. I know they should judge you on the merit of your past experience. But unfortunately, sometimes they don't.
They're looking for intangible things that give them more details about you. Nowadays anyone can fake a good resume, so employers view that with a grain of salt. But interviews, appearance and minor things like your email address will tell an employer all they need to know about you.
I know it's not fair. But who said life was. I'm just giving you something to consider. Something as minor as your email address may be the reason employers aren't emailing you back.
Turn The Tide In Your Favor
Any of my loyal subscribers know I'm all about giving you guys advantages over other job seekers. I don't care how minor they may seem but I wouldn't be doing my job if I was providing them to you. So here's what I would suggest when it comes to applying for a job or sending your resume.
1. Create a new email account with a professional feel.
So let's say you're applying for a customer service job, create a free email account such as CustomerServiceExpert@gmail.com or CustomerRepPro@yahoo.com. The point is to portray a level of professionalism and passion for your job via your email address.
2. Update the saved copies of your resume to include your professional email address asap.
In fact, you should also visit the online job sites that have web versions of your resume such as Beyond.com and Monster.com. As many of you already know, having your resume online is one of the best ways to get employers to contact you for work at home. But if they're seeing an inappropriate email address chances are they'll move on to the next resume.
3. Start your search again and email employers with your professional email address.
What's the purpose of creating it, if you continue to email employers from your personal and possibly inappropriate email account?
4. Check the new account frequently or have it set up to forward messages from that account to your personal account.
I've done that with many of my own business accounts. If you don't know how to do this it's usually in the settings area of your email account or just check the help section.
When you apply these steps you're now eliminating the likelihood of an employer rejecting you merely on the basis of something as minor as your email address. Now I can't guarantee that this will get you more interviews or call backs but I'm pretty certain that it won't hurt you. The worst that can happen is that you do get more interviews and less spam! And who doesn't want that?
Well, I hope this helps. This was an eye opening experience for me and I'm wondering if it was for you?
Sometimes it can be the make or break deal of someone actually contacting you in the first place.
I recon it’s one of the first things the more seasoned marketers will look at by default before actually contacting someone.
Agreed Doug!
Hi Callie,
You’re quite welcome. I am glad this job seeker was able to find you because your probably helped them avoid a lot of rejection from employers.
So great job on your end for sharing the information with others.
Hey Eddy,
Thank the good Lord for your articles.
This particular one came in handy, very much so.
In helping home employment seekers from all over find legitimate work, I just received a reply from someone who shared an excellent resume with me and who has great potential to land a very good telecommute job.
I don’t usually get resumes from work at home seekers who contact me, but occasionally I do. I’m glad I did this time because the email address used within the resume was inappropriate.
I was able to include this article’s link in the reply to my contact. The article helped to support my subtly important advice given to my contact about creating a more professionally appropriate resume.
Thank you for helping me help my contact. =)
I agree Callie.
Yep, you are absolutely right, and that was exactly my point in sharing my post.
When good people are working together to accomplish an important goal … there should never be any competition. I have the utmost respect for good people everywhere who are more than willing to team up with others. 🙂
Wow Callie,
You’re everywhere and see everything. lol
No but seriously the good folks over at HomeJobStop:
apparently are loyal subscribers and wanted to share our articles with their people so we kind of decided to join forces since we’re both trying to help people work at home.
Rita is doing a great job with HomeJobStop and I’m happy we could be working together in shared capacity to share content and help people work at home.
It’s very refreshing because there are some site owners that feel that this is some sort of competition and they won’t work together with other site owners. So I’m happy to work with people like Rita from homejobstop: https://www.workathomenoscams.com/homejobstoprecommended
and Kelly of http://www.MoneyMakingMommy.com. They’re good people.
But yes it is great that our content is being shared with others so we can help more people.
Thanks for chiming in!
Hi Jaxxee,
Great to hear from you again.
You’re quite welcome. I’m very happy that you find our blog useful and articles informative and amusing. Often searching work at home can be such a drag, that I think it’s very important to lighten the mood with some humor and a different point of view.
Please keep me updated. And stay positive. Not sure if you read the latest article but I think it pretty much boils down why certain people are successful while others are not. So keep on keeping on!
Good luck to you.
Hi, there. Thanks for your reply and for the links. I’ve subscribed to the free e-mail alert for articles. You write such wonderful articles, brimming with good tips and humor as well.
I’ve really been enjoying browsing this area as it has a lot to offer. I’m very serious about finding legitimate work to do from home; hopefully enough to finally quit this “slave” entirely, and start living like a sane person again. I crave flexibility and the opportunity to once and for all get off the 9-5 treadmill and that awful, twice-daily commute.
This is a wonderful site. So much to see, so many wonderful articles and links. I’m glad I found it. I was up all night the night I discovered it (about four days ago). I was searching, visiting, and saving different telecommute web sites into my Favorites list, but when I came upon this particular site I found myself coming back more and more and spending quite a bit of time here.
Thanks for everything, and should I be blessed to get assignements as a result of your website, I’ll always be grateful to you for taking so much time to put this in place in order to help people. I’ve been scammed more than once, so I know how it feels to think something is legitimate only to be left holding the bag while someone else is on the islands soaking up the sun.
Hi Jaxxee,
Thanks for your comments. I’m happy you found the information useful. But more importantly I’m happy that you’re actually putting it to practice. I hope it does help.
By the way, welcome to our site. I hope to see you here more often. If you haven’t already you may want to subscribe to our email alerts so you know when we write new articles:
Since you’re new to the site, I would suggest you visit the following pages that may prove helpful to you:
I hope this helps.
Take care.
Thanks for the article. After reading it last night, I went today to Google’s website and set up a completely new e-mail account with their Gmail services.
Ordinarily I use Yahoo, about 99.9% of the time, and on rare occasions, AOL. However, your article made such good sense, I decided to set up a new e-mail address for use in the manner you suggested: employment-related business ONLY.
By the way, I’m a new visitor–found your wonderfully interesting site 2 days ago. I wish you continued success here.
As always your insight is thoughtful and helpful!
Thanks for being a loyal subscriber and visitor!
We appreciate you!
Yep, your online presence speaks for itself almost as much as your physical presence for an interview.
Your email address presents itself first, therefore that would your “business attire”.
Your cover letter and resume would follow under that and that is your “professional background and experience”
When considering searching for a new job, be sure that all aspects of your virtual professionalism are in order, including your email address.