Can I Have Your Junk? I’ll Pay You For It!

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Well that's pretty much what happens everyday on Have you ever heard the expression one man's garbage is another man's gold! You don't how true that statement is unless you visit ebay and look through the categories. Every once in a while the stuff that is being sold is so ridiculous that it ends up on the news. I saw where a piece of old stale, nasty toast was being sold on ebay for some crazy dollar figure because it apparently had the image of the Virgin Mary on it. Nuts right?

Well what's really crazy is that you're not taking advantage of this opportunity. I'm pretty sure you have a closet, garage or attic stuffed with crap… I mean gold that can be placed on ebay today. Let's be real that stuff has been sitting in your house since the day you've moved in and you've probably just used it once. Chances are it's taking up valuable space that can be used for the kids toys, your books or the big load of groceries you bought from Costco.

I know you cringe at the thought of actually going through all that stuff.

Questions Your Asking Yourself
You're probably wondering;

Will it be worth it?

Are you guaranteed that someone will buy that stuff and help you make money from home?

Is it as easy as it sounds?

Look, I didn't know this was going to be a pop quiz. I'm not Ms. Cleo the psychic so I can't be sure that you will make money putting your stuff on ebay.
What I do know is that what you're currently doing with with your unwanted stuff is not magically going to produce money in your pocket. Putting it on ebay is 100% more likely to give you the opportunity to make money with your old junk than it will sitting in your home. So what do you have to lose? I'll tell you what, Old crap that's collecting dust and taking up your valuable space.

Hey, I could be wrong but seems to me with millions of people coming to everyday so you have a good chance of making some money. Lord knows my little sister and my computer illiterate mom have.
There must be something to it. People have literally quit their full-time jobs to run a ebay work at home business. And God bless them for it because they won't ever have to worry about trying to find a work at home job again.

I'm Not A Sales Person!
Is that so? Have you ever convinced your kids, husband, wife, friends, co-workers, boss or family into doing something that they didn't want to? I can't tell you how many times my lovely wife has convinced me to do things I would never imagine doing. She's had me jump into an ocean and try snorkeling. Big deal Eddy! Folks, I can't swim and literally almost drowned in 3 feet of water and I'm 6'4! Need I say more? The fact of the matter is you sell everyday. But you just don't think of it as such.

Selling on eBay is far more easier because you're not convincing someone to do something that they didn't want to, which we've established that you're an expert at already. People coming to ebay are looking for something. So you make money on ebay because you're literally helping people by giving them the junk they're looking for. That's just a great proposition to me. But maybe I'm looking at this in the wrong way?

Honestly I'm not arguing ebay selling is always going to be easy but you really don't know unless you try. This shouldn't necessarily stop you from looking for work at home jobs. But why not make some money on ebay while waiting to hear back from those darn employers?

Seems like a no brainer to me. You'd really have to be foolish to sit on unwanted junk when it could be making you some money. But I know my readers aren't fools! So go and give a try. Who knows? In addition to making yourself some money you may find a great deal on something you've been looking for! It's my favorite place to shop. I rarely pay full price for anything and contrary to popular believe you don't have to bid to buy stuff from ebay. Most people that sell on there will allow you to buy now without that annoying bidding. So just keep that in mind if that's the reason you've never tried ebay.

So what do you guys think? Would you give this a try? If not let me hear why. And don't say because you don't like selling because I already killed that argument.

P.S. Shout Out To The New York Giants! Goes to show you, never give up on your self. The same can be said for work at home. Don't give up on yourself. Find a way to win like my Giants did!!!

9 thoughts on “Can I Have Your Junk? I’ll Pay You For It!”

  1. Because I don’t have an experience on it. I only talk about what I know or can research.
    Ebay is definitely a legitimate way to make money if you know what to sell, how to sell it, how to get stuff at wholesale, etc. Like any business there is a lot involved, it’s not easy or consistent until you can address those things.

  2. hey eddy, how come you don’t have any posts about starting an ebay business? thats a legitimate work at home thing that people do…….

  3. I know I’m chiming in really late on this but I\’m new here. (I\’m reading your every word Eddy!) My hubby and I have used e-bay over the years with a ton of success. Creativity can do much on e-bay. A few years ago a co-worker found, of all things, an air guitar for sale on e-bay! What\’s more, it had a $15 bid. Then e-bay threw it out. But hey, an excellent demonstration of creative thought.

  4. Hi Larry,

    Thanks for chiming in.
    First and foremost thank you for understanding and appreciating the fact that it’s worth training in a given field to be successful. For some reason job seekers don’t seem to think it applies to working at home. And the numbers clearly show that it does so even more with many of the most available work at home careers:


    Medical Transcription

    Now with that said, I have dabbled with ebay. Obviously because I wanted to be successful I invested in a course which escapes my mind at the moment. Now the thing that should be noted is that I said “I dabbled”. This is like the kiss of death for success in working at home:

    I didn’t put into practice what I was learning so I failed at it. No one to blame but me. It wasn’t the products fault, it was just plain old me. I’m man enough to admit that. I’m not trying to make excuses but because I was so focused on my career as an affiliate I was less dedicated to my possible ebay business. So with that said, I can’t personally recommend any resource at the moment since I haven’t tried one that has personally lead me to success.

    But recently I’ve been looking into it again and one course that keeps coming up with good feedback is BANS which is short for Build A Niche Store. It’s based on many of the concepts that make my career as an affiliate successful. So I can see why so many people are doing well with ebay using this system. It’s a twist on ebay selling which in my opinion is easier. And that’s just the way I like making money online. lol

    So you may want to visit their site:

    I plan to join in the future but I need to free up the time from blogging here, my affiliate career, being a new stay at home dad and being the best pain in the ass husband I can be. lol

    But as always whatever ebay training resource you go with, do your research first using our scams section:

    Judging by your comment, you’ve already experienced how many of these bastards just take information that we provide here for free and sell to unsuspecting folks and fail provide more detailed information or support. So doing your research should help you avoid this.

    Just watch out for Negative Nancies and complainers. Many work at home seekers aren’t able to look at themselves in the mirror and admit that failure was a result of their own lack of actions and not those of a product. So when you read through possible feedback, keep that in mind. When I read something like its a scam because it didn’t work for me, my complainer radar goes up. So what I do is dig deeper to see if people provide specifics as to why something was a scam like I paid for the stuff and they never delivered the product. Or that I’ve paid for the material and everything in there is outdated and no longer valid. So things like that have more validity as to why something may be a scam.

    Keep this in mind as you do your research for this or any other work at home opportunity.

    Hope this long winded answer helps either way. lol


  5. Sort of a follow up… I’ve used e-bay and Amizon to buy stuff, but have never sold anything from those sites. However, I’ve seen some ads for E-Bay / Amizon toolkits to help you get started. My scam-dar starts going off with these “toolkits” or “guides” — heck, I wouldn’t be surprised if a “guide” just links to this article! And then tells you to make the same “guide” and sell it on E-Bay! — but having earned some degrees, I’m also not adverse to spending money for education or a service. Do you know if these on-line ads are really scams? Or are there legit E-Bay / Amizon toolkits / guides that are worth paying for?

  6. Finally! I knew someone could see the potential of this. It was quieter than a mouse on this article. lol

    Thanks for the tips Nate.

    Because you provided some useful insight, I’m going to excuse the fact that you’re a delusional Patriots fan. lmao

    Giants baby!

    “Holla at your boy!” lol

    Sorry ladies, I know this thread might have more testerone than usual but Nate started it. lol


  7. I have tried ebay in the past and loved it! Ebay is the easiest site to use and to sell ANYTHING! I used it to sell some dvd’s, clothes, electronics I mean the list goes on and on! For anyone reading this, do give ebay a shot. Its free to register, so you have nothing to loose except the chance and opportunity to sell your…”gold”. I would HIGHLY stress the importance of opening a FREE paypal account. Paypal allows buyers to pay you easily and instantly! Like I said, its free, and you can transfer your money to your bank account FOR FREE, or apply for a debit card, and if your like me, use it to pay bills or gas.

    Oh, and just an fyi, my Pats will come back next year, and go 19-0!! We just felt sorry for you guys and the season was getting so boring winning every game lol! 🙂


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