Is Motor Club of America ( MCA ) running a scam?

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MCA Review, Is Motor Club of America A Scam or Legit?Have you ever been stuck on the side of the road, been in a bad car accident or had the misfortune of locking your keys in the car? I would bet that many of us have experienced this unfortunate situation at one point in time. It can be very frustrating especially if you don't have roadside assistance. A lot of times people don't think about this benefit until something bad happens. That is usually when it is too late and very costly. Well how would you like to profit from this by helping people avoid this painful mistake? Well apparently that's exactly what Motor Club of America is set up to do. It sounds little shady and you may question the legitimacy of such a business.

So in this MCA review, I'll determine if this is a business opportunity that is “driving” people in the right direction or not. Unlike many of the other MCA Reviews you may have read, I'll keep it 100% real with you so you know the good and bad!

What is The Motor Club of America ( MCA )?

Motor Club of America was founded back in 1926 to provide road assistance protection to truckers. Later MCA modified it's protection plan to include personal motorist and vehicles as well. Keep in mind this protection plan is not car insurance, rather it's a roadside assistance program.

What are the MCA Products & Services?

Let's say your car broke down, you run out of gas, get a flat tire or just need a tow, MCA will provide you with certain level of roadside help depending on your membership level. But Motor Club of America also offers a number of other benefits and to its members. They include:

  • Hospital emergency room benefits,
  • Travel assistance,
  • Hotel discounts
  • Trip Planning and Travel Reservations
  • Arrest Bond
  • Bail Bond
  • Attorneys Fees
  • Credit Card Protection
  • Free Discount Card for Prescriptions, Vision Care, and Dental
  • and much more.

They seem to offer a lot more than your typical road side assistance that your car insurance may offer. That's exactly what they want you to believe but is it really worth it?

What is the MCA Work From Home Opportunity?

As alluded earlier you can get paid to promote the Motor Club of America products and services to drivers and/or can earn referral commissions from other people you recruit into the business. When you join MCA you are referred to as a Sales Associate or Sales Representative. If you don't like the idea of promoting or recruiting to make money, you may want to check out these other options to earn online:,,, and

How Do You Become A MCA Sales Associate?

Apparently there is no cost to become an associate if you sign up via the official company website here. Be careful because there are many website out there passing themselves as the corporate website but they aren't. On these websites you're being told you have to sign up for the product to become a rep which isn't true.

When Are MCA Sales Associate Paid & How Are They Paid?

Motor Club of America Reps are paid an advance commission of $80 for every new associate or roadside assistance consumer they sign up! You also receive monthly residual income on any of these sign ups.

MCA Sales rep are paid weekly on Fridays for the previous week's sales. Your payment is via check or direct deposit.

Motor Club of America / MCA Complaints

So you may be reading all this and think stuff is sweet. Oh but you should know better than that. Now it's time to dig into the dirty dishes that MCA Sales Reps fail to mention or intentionally hide from you. It's the things that you really need to dig deep to find or read between the lines to understand how they impact you. Now with that said, every company has some negative aspects about them. But my job is to shine the light on them so you can make an informed decision. So let's dive into the crap.

Misleading Reps & Information

I was mistakenly under the impression that you needed to purchase the product to become an associate of the company. But a commenter below pointed out this isn't the case. Unfortunately MCA doesn't own it's official domain name which you would expect to be (.net and .org). But apparently it's other reps that own these websites and they mislead people into believing you need to sign up for the product to become a rep. Fortunately you don't. You can sign up as an associate for free. But clearly the company knows that reps are doing this and don't seem to come down on them for the practice. You may have a few rogue reps in any business but the ones that own your company's name domain are pretty easy to spot. But I guess there isn't much motivation to force these reps to make the proper updates to the site since they are probably selling a lot of the product this way.

Product isn't really competitive or as good as claimed.

I haven't personally tried the product so I can't speak with any authority about how good it is or isn't. But some have claimed that when you compare it with other popular options from companies like AAA or your local insurance company the benefits aren't as good in terms of mileage, etc. Folks have argued that MCA loads some of their plans with low value and low quality add-on services to make it appear that folks are getting some amazing value. Again, I haven't used the service so it's hard for me to make a judgement call. As long as the tow truck comes to get me when I'm stuck, then I feel like I'm getting my money's worth. LOL I suspect many people would feel the same way and do!


So I bet you got all excited when you read about the $80 commission. But it comes with a catch. They're assuming that your member will stay on for about 17 months. So they're paying you advanced commission based on that. But if your member quits before then, you need to pay that money back. Fortunately they just deduct it from future checks at about $8 per paycheck. Either way, it sucks! It's one of the reasons I left Ameriplan. If I earn a commission, I expect to keep it. It's your job as the company to retain the customer not mine. I got them to you, now you keep them happy so they stay!

So that's a big deal breaker for me and fortunately, My Top Free Recommendation doesn't work like that and neither do any of my other favorite work at home suggestions.,,, and are all websites that you can also check out instead.

Flashy Shady Reps

If you look for MCA Reviews online you may run into quite a few Motor Club of America Sales Rep videos where they're flashing wads of cash as if they were in a rap video or strip club. They pump out the false message that this business is easy and it's fast money. Obviously they fail to get into the nitty-gritty about the real work involved, the time it takes to build a business and the cons I've mentioned above. They don't even really focus on the product. So people are recruited using misinformation and hype. Eventually it leads to many reps being burned and quitting because they weren't properly prepped for what the business involves. Ironically the flashy reps that recruited others lose their commissions and they have the audacity to bad mouth the company. Now isn't that ironic? Needless to say all of this gives the MCA brand a bad name which makes it even more difficult to push this product or recruit other people.

So Is MCA Legitimate or A Scam?

From a product standpoint, it seems like the products work. The value of the products is up for the debate. But if you're really more concerned about the towing aspect of the products then I think you'll be fine. The MCA work from home opportunity seems viable and obviously people are making money. But I have serious reservations about the chargebacks and reps misrepresenting that you need to purchase the product to become an associate. These shortcomings may not be a deal breaker for you. So If that's the case feel free to give this opportunity a shot. Just watch out for MCA Sales Associates like I've described in this article. Once you're able to spot the bad types you'll avoid a lot of issues.

If this business doesn't appeal to you and you'd rather work at home around a passion or interest you have, then:

Check Out My #1 Free Recommendation

You may also want to look into any or all of these four websites for the opportunity to make money online:,,, and These are websites that I have personally used and I believe they are some good possibilities for those looking to make a little extra income.

Well I hope you found this article more useful than the other MCA reviews you've read. If you enjoyed it and want more, follow thousands of other smart work at home seekers and become a subscriber of my little blog by clicking here. You can also find me on the following social networks, Facebook, Twitter or Google +.

I'm told that talking to myself isn't healthy. So please chime in down below in the comment section. I'd love to hear your feedback about this company.

Speak to you soon!

Eddy with a Y!

29 thoughts on “Is Motor Club of America ( MCA ) running a scam?”

  1. Excellent article. Thanks for pointing out that one doesn’t need to be a member to become an associate.

    I do VASTLY disagree with your opinion on chargebacks though. Chargebacks are a standard practice in the sales world.

    I’ve sold knives, food, cars, and now I own an insurance agency as well as a consulting business to help other agents.

    If for some reason someone cancels their insurance policy early, I lose part of my commission. It almost never happens, but still.

    When I sold cars, if a deal ever fell apart, the salesperson did not get commission.

    Agree or disagree, it’s a standard thing.

    Anyway, your article was excellent. I’ll be following you for sure!

  2. Thanks to your review I’ve learned a lot today.

    I Always thought this online way to make money was all a scam or simply not enough money because I’m use to make from $70,000 to $100,000 a year selling Business to business with companies like Comcast. AT&T, etc, as an employee, sales rep with salary, commission, and benefits.

    So every time I ran into an ad or someone mentioning this type of additional income, passed it, never believed it was real because I’m used to really work out there in the field selling door to door and Ive been doing it for 14 years. I have friends with Amway, Herbal Life and others, trying to recruit me for years. but after some online researches and asking people around about it. I haven’t done anything.

    But thanks to you Eddy I’m starting to think about this online fever of people and companies making money, selling or recruiting, promoting, etc, some extra money I make will not hurt anybody, in fact, will make my life a lot more easier.

    Since I’m new to this line of work I would really appreciate if you could guide me into the right direction, companies, websites that I could start making some money or some serious money online, including the one you are working for and mentioned on your post. I’m always online so I would definitely love to make money instead of being on FB, Instagram, Youtube and silly stuff that will never ever take me anywhere and are a total waste of time.

    Thanks Eddy once again for your honesty and not trying to over sell the company you are working for on the comments and review. Not something you find everyday online.

    • You’re welcome. Now you know everything isn’t a scam. There are a lot of them online though. But there are a few good ones out there as well if you have the proper people and resources guiding you. There is money to be made online and it doesn’t have to be made doing anything shady.

      In terms of guiding you, my whole blog is about that so feel free to read the other reviews here. Other ways of making money are listed here. And the way I’ve made real money for over a decade is described here.

      So that should give you all you need.

  3. Yawns,

    Thea jealousy of MCA is to funny. Everyone should be a membership because the money is in the business side not the selling of roadside assistance only. Sure you can make a couple of bucks but no matter what you do, or what you say, no other business opportunity in America is offering a service like MCA, and paying people $10,000 (PER WEEK) NONE.

    CHARGEBACKS – Who cares. Yet no one explains the chargeback bonus. The fact that you pay $40 for your benefits which is how anyone makes money by the way because if you join for free how will I get a commission? How will you get a commission? What about the chargeback bonus of getting only 10 sales a week to get a bonus kickback? I can have 40 people cancel this week and MCA will still pay me for those 40 people because as long as I get 10 sales in a week I get the chargeback bonus. If you get 5 sales in a week you get 75% of your chargebacks kicked back to you in the bonus. MCA does not have to do this but they do.

    Anyway, great waste of time and hate just to get attention to your name. MCA paid me $170,000 in 2015, $330,000 in 2016, and I’m on my way to $500,000 by the end of this year, all because I pay $5 a week for a benefit package.

    Mic dropped, I wont respond or even look back at your pathetic response.

    Rodney Keith Walker #BOSS

    • Sounds like someone’s feathers were ruffled. Maybe you’re engaging in some of the things I described about the reps which you brushed over. What’s funny is I didn’t call this company a scam but you’re sounding very emotional. I don’t know how trying to discount my credibility is going to help you make more money but hopefully it does. Wishing you the best buddy. Toodles.

  4. I don’t like that there are no reviews of people who has benefit from the services that MCA is supposed to way of knowing what companies use MCA, such as tow companies..All I see is a just yelling about begging people to sign up, no actual proof it’s a company..

  5. I enjoyed your read here Mr. Saloman but I want to set the record straight. I am a rep for the MCA Product and a Paralegal. I have also sold the National Motor Club of America product during the days of hardly any committed internet marketing and consistently made around $800-$900 weekly. I did not sign up under anyone and I am selling the MCA product very well. You don’t have to buy a membership to be involved with MCA. I am the proof of this. The MCA product is a true salesman’s dream because you have an outstanding product that is service oriented, and the backing of a company that gives you the opportunity to run as far as your efforts and drive will take you. I have completed a very comprehensive website specifically for the MCA Product and I get hundreds of hits with NO MARKETING at the moment (Just good keyword targeting of my domain name). I am a bit of a perfectionist and I will launch sometime Saturday. If you have drive and initiative, along with the FAITH of a mustard seed (myself), this business can really bless you. Note that I said drive and initiative. YOU WILL HAVE TO WORK TO SUCCEED! This is why I am up at 2:50am sending this Post. I was taking a break of sorts. Chargebacks are a way of doing business. Just think of how Avon, Amway and a host of others got started. Even my old company National Motor Club. Just ensure you enroll people who are stable and understand life. This is my secret. I would be with National Motor Club today, if they had not left me stranded for over 6 hours when I needed to use my benefits with them. How could I sell a product that failed miserably with one of it’s salespeople? Here is a link that I think will help quiet any fears. Check it out and peace my good Brother. Motor Club of America and the competition.

    • I also wanted to add this to my previous post from the same morning. Note the comparison for the total number of complaints etc.. for the AAA product vrs. MCA over the last 3 years. People, you need to get on this opportunity or the benefits. It doesn’t matter. I push the benefits more than anything else. I sell to mechanics, tow truck drivers, car dealers, small businesses, do you see the potential. The people who complain, don’t want to get off their lazy asses! This is the issue, ethics of work character. God has blessed me immensely with MCA and He can do the same for you. Don’t be afraid of failure and chargebacks. Let your success outpace it. Just keep that funnel filled. God bless each and every reader. Peace. The AAA product:

    • Hey Ethan,

      Thanks for chiming in.

      First and foremost no need for the formalities. Just call me Eddy (with a y.), Mr. Salomon is unnecessarily formal and you butchered it’s spelling anyway. lol 🙂

      In any event, I’m very happy you’re doing well with the company. It’s great that you are able to make your money selling the product. I think everyone can see the benefits of the product if you’ve ever had road issues. So I can see why it wouldn’t be too hard for you to sell. As I stated in my review I know people can be successful with this and are. So no argument there.

      I don’t know any business that thrives without marketing whether it’s word of mouth or actively marketing but most businesses need to get the word out one way or another. So no one should be expecting to go into this business or any business without marketing and expecting success. The fact you picked a keyword rich domain is a form of marketing that deals with search engine optimization. So you are engaged in marketing although passively.

      I also agree that any business will involve work and way more work than a typical job. You can’t have an employee mentality with any business and expect to succeed. You won’t. So again no argument there. I’ve been pumping this very concept for years.

      Chargebacks isn’t part of every business. I don’t deal with chargebacks with my Top Recommended Business. That said I agree that you can mitigate that by educating people with all the information good and bad and that should help avoid a lot of that. I think you find a lot of complaints about it because the reps aren’t qualifying their prospects as well as they should. So once their prospects encounter some negative things they leave. But if reps did a better job of balancing the good and bad then you would have the right people under you who would stay longer.

      The better business bureau rating mean nothing to me and I take them with a grain of salt because of what I’ve written here. BBB ratings should only be one touch point of research and definitely not the be and end all. When you read my article you’ll know why. That said every business is going to have complaints. It just comes with the territory. I wouldn’t go as far as calling people lazy or lack a good work ethic if they do have valid complaints. Yes there are some people that aren’t willing to work but then there are some people with valid complaints about the business and products. So I wouldn’t discount them. Sitting here and acting like MCA is all good is insulting to people’s intelligence. Again I think this is a viable business and the products are needed but I’m not going to sit here and say the company is perfect. It’s not and that’s ok. Like individuals companies have room for improvements and MCA is no different.

      In terms of the reps not having to sign up for the products, I may be wrong here. I was basing this on the following website: where it reads “START YOUR MCA CAREER Earn Matrix Rewards Each Month…Join Total Security Gold … Join Total Security. Apparently this isn’t the official corporate website. It seems like this is: And that’s a problem where prospects like me would get confused. You have reps out there misrepresenting the information and a company that doesn’t even own it’s domain name. That’s something the company should come down on. But thank your for clarifying this. It makes this opportunity even more appealing now. Are you still able to receive that advanced commission without signing up for the actual product?

      Thanks again Ethan for sharing your experience. You really reaffirmed what I said in my review which is that this opportunity is definitely viable and people are making money. You’ve made it even more appealing by clarifying that associates don’t need to sign up for the product. Can you share your website? I like having conversations with reps like yourself that don’t just come here with the pure intention of self promotion.

  6. Thank you for this article. Facebook and Ins tagram are loaded with people sending friend request and promises of financial stability. My sister did this back in the day before Internet when they use to sale it door to door. I asked my parents about the product/services this weekend and my entire family was like “Oh Lord no, don’t waste your money on that or the memberships. They never do what they state it’s not worth it.” I asked my mom why my sister quit this because my sister couldn’t remember she only remembered arguing with my mom about. My mom said basically what the article said you pay your self and people will not keep their memberships because 1 it’s pricey 2 they don’t do half the stuff they list 3 if you ever have a problem or question you never get a real manager just a bunch big clueless people and 4 they get the close to the same services free that actually work when the signed up for checking accounts and agreed to a monthly $6 bank club with free checks.
    Since I am always doing some type of workout at home job my Facebook friends have asked me about this numerous time. I will be happy to post this article and share this information. Good luck it may work for some but it’s not for me.

    • No thank you for reaching out to me on Twitter and telling me about this company. It was because of you that it was on my radar. Otherwise I would have never heard of it which is surprising.

      I appreciate you sharing the additional experience about this company. And thanks in advance for sharing this article with others. Hopefully it helps them as well!

  7. I’ve known about this company since who knows when. I have a few Facebook friends that are in it and one of them claimed it’s the best. One of them though, I was planning to join under her. Eventually, I decided not to because later on, I read that they do chargebacks and stuff from a former MCA rep. She does Solavei which I think might be an even better opportunity for the folks who want to make money online.
    I work inside and outside of the house. Outside of the house as a promo worker and inside of the house using various sites to earn free money. You can’t beat getting free money without paying anything upfront.

    • Hey Laurie,

      Long time no hear from. Anyway I agree that chargeback nonsense is a deal breaker for me. I hated getting that when I worked with Ameriplan.

      I’m glad you mentioned Solavei. It’s been on my radar to cover. So thanks for reminding me. I like the concept of the opportunity but we’ll see if I feel the same way after digging deeper. Thanks for chiming in. It’s great to hear from you again!

    • 🙂 I mentioned Solavei because I know that they’re reputable and been around for more than a while. And it’s great to talk to you again. I also have my own site where I list different ways of where and how I make my money.
      I was reminded about Solavei because the lady who quit MCA was doing it longer than MCA. Another time was I doing a promo for MetroPCS and one of the neighbors where I was at asked if I knew about Solavei. I said “yes” and not sure whether she uses it as a home biz. But I know both go through T Mobile.
      And your welcome. I am so glad I didn’t waste any money by joining MCA. I wouldn’t be surprised if people drop out of it like “flies.” ha ha ha

    • Yeah they’re a relatively new company. I think it’s been 2-3 years if I recall. I remember when the web was being flooded by their their reps.

      So I look forward to digging deeper to see how they have evolved.

      In terms of MCA, only time will tell. Some people are doing well with it. But it just isn’t right for me because of what I’ve covered.

      Anyway, thanks again!

    • Your welcome.
      You should also write a review on WUN as well. I somewhat know what it is but I don’t think it’s for me. You should check it out. I can’t wait to read what you’ll say about them. For some people it works while for others, it isn’t. Just another idea to pass on to you in case you missed it.

    • I don’t remember if they stand for something but it’s a site where you do three different things. One is to save, make money and budget money. You earn money when you do some offers on the site and recruit people to join under you. You have to pay $100 a month in order to do this. But it’s free if you get 3 or 6 people which helps pay for your membership.

  8. Great review, Eddy! I am a licensed health insurance agent myself so I get a lot of employment offers from companies such as this one. I considered going to work for them, but noticed that I found more ads and sites about joining them than about the products themselves. And I had to pay them? That’s not a job. So I thank you, sincerely, for confirming that I made a wise choice in not giving them a second thought.

    • Thanks Amanda!
      I’m glad this was helpful. You’re right there is so much focus on the money making aspect and definitely not the product which speaks volumes. Thanks for chiming in. I appreciate it!

  9. Thanks Eddy, can always count on you to find things out,that is not a job if you have to pay them even it out 60 bucks then 30 each month that is a rip off for sure.always love your humor,never lose it,God Bless you and your family.,

  10. Thanks again Eddy for keeping us informed,can’t believe that a company would charge an open and close fee plus a monthly fee to work for them,not smart at all.
    I love your humor,come on here just to get a laugh.
    God Bless you and your family.

    • You’re welcome Criss. I agree the fee just seems excessive. Again I don’t mind investing in a good business opportunity. But I just don’t like being forced into buying their product every month just so I can be part of their business.

      But that’s probably why I don’t mess with MLMs. Thanks for chiming in Criss. It’s nice not to be talking to myself. LOL

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