First and foremost, I would like to apologize to my loyal subscribers about last week. I usually make it a point to post an article at least twice a week. But I was helping my wife, her family and friends prepare for our first Baby shower.
Honestly, I'm so happy I'm a man for so many reasons. lol I couldn't believe all the energy that goes into the preparation of a baby shower. These women are nuts. They hand made the invitations, thank you cards, the favors, table center pieces, etc. If it were up to me I would've went straight to the local Hallmark store and just bought everything premade! But then again, I'm a dumb guy. What the heck do I know? In any event, that's why I've been away from you guys. But just in case you think I'm lying, Here are some pics for your enjoyment. Dudes, feel free to scroll pass them and jump into today's article.
Back To Business…
A few weeks ago I wrote an article discussing the concept of the "Best Work At Home Company". If you haven't read it, go and do so now. I'll wait…. Hopefully you went and read the article. If not be sure to read it later. In a nutshell, I argued the best company for me isn't necessarily the best company for you. But I know some of you were still wondering what are the best companies that Eddy works with. Since you've twisted my arm about it, I've decided to create a video on one of my favorite BBB listed work at home companies. I've been working with this company for years and have made some great money and also acquired a lot of free gadgets such as TVs, Ipods, and much more. (The gadget thing will become a lot clearer when you watch the video.) In either case this company has consistently made me money and has a good standing among work at home seekers that are smart enough to join the company and take advantage of all the ways to earn with them. Hopefully you'll enjoy the video and will decide to join the company I've recommended.
I'm going to be real with you, This isn't one of those videos where I show you how I made a million dollars in a year. I recently saw one of those videos and it was impressive. But I know that seems out of reach for people. So this video is one of my modest ways of making money. I'll eventually show some videos on how I made hundreds and thousands of dollars per month with certain money making things I do. But we'll build up to that. I think it's important you get your feet wet with some sure fire easy ways of making money at home.
So keep that in mind when you're watching it. I'm almost positive that there will be comments such as: "That's not that much money!" or "That's not worth my time!". My answer is very simple to those "Negative Nancys". If you're already making money spending hours per day searching for work at home jobs, then you're right! You shouldn't join the company I'm suggesting in the video. But I would argue 99.99% of you aren't making a dime "searching for work at home" and if that's the case, then you'll appreciate seeing some type of income coming in. If that's you, take action after watching the video and join one of my favorite work at home companies!
Let me know what you guys think by leaving a comment below. By the way, if you feel someone else may appreciate the video feel free to share it with others.
Take Action!
Now that you've watched the video, Are you ready to join this company and make money? Well, Click Here Now and get started. It's totally free and like me you can make some money!
Ive tried joining and something may be wrong with their image box at the bottom of the registration page, ive tried entering the correct characters every time and even tried different combinations of how I entered them over 30 times and its still coming up incorrect. Is this a common problem or do you know if there is a certain way they ask for the letters to be entered? I tried e-mailing the human resources page but they do not allow e-mails unless you are a member. Do you have any advice or other options?
That’s weird. Try visiting this page:
There is an email address on the right hand side you can use to contact them. Hope it helps.
I would also suggest trying another browser.
Good luck.
is this available to Nigerians?
Nope. Try our international page:
For Betsy, I have had great success with Vindale Research I have already been paid over a 100 dollars! No kidding
how do i honestly know i’m not just going to sign up and this isn’t a scam?
Look I understand your apprehension but that’s why I preach do your research all over this site. Anyone that takes the time to read my material quickly discovers I’m not out to scam people. But I encourage you to do your own research.
Yeah Didi unfortunately that’s how it works out. Don’t worry it’s not like you can make a full time living with this company. Just move on to something else. That’s what I do in situations like this.
Hi Eddy,
 I have a question for you, what happens when, for example, I live in Germany and I would really like to give this a try…Is it only for USA or can anyone apply?
I don’t believe they’re recruiting for your area. But feel free to contact them directly to verify.
We do have an international section you may want to visit here:
 Thanks Eddy! I just read the article and found out I can’t join, this is so unfair! I have an 18 years experience in English, I have been speaking English since I can remember but…That’s life for ya’ Thanks anyway!  Â
That’s great to hear! I’m glad you’re enjoying them. I’m confident as you continue to read more of them, you’ll find some nice ways to earn online. Thanks for chiming in.
Thanks, once I started reading your articles, I couldn’t stop.
Thanks Shelley for chiming in. I really appreciate it!
I’ve been following you for some time and I can vouch that you are not a scammer. Â I’ve signed up in the past for this, but never followed through. Â Ironically, my bank offers a similar point system for using my credit card; however, I can not get paid for any referrals! Â I just may go back and try, again. Â To the other commenters, I would say go to one of Eddie’s suggested opportunities. Â
Good video. Â Keep up the good work.
For those of you calling Eddy a scam artist, please , please, humor us by coming back in a few months when you have lost your ass from an online scam you have gotten yourself into.. Look forward to hearing from you but I bet that will not happen.. It is like this people, would you buy a new car without test driving it, or would you purchase a house sight unseen. I think not, everything these days needs to be researched to the end of the earth and back we live in a very sad world where scams like Eddy exposes are EVERYWHERE. Â
Amen Tina! Thanks for chiming in.
You’re a perfect example of how people don’t read anymore. As I stated in the video, points can be redeemed for cash which from what I remember can still buy you things like milk or whatever else you heart desires. And this is why everyone should be skeptical of when someone calls a company or person a scam. Sometimes it’s based on absolutely nothing as your claim was here. But thanks for further proving my point on why people fail at work at home:
and why you can’t believe all the scam accusations online:
Your comment illustrates my points perfectly! Thanks for chiming in!
You are a scam artist …oh by the way can I buy a gollon of milk with a voucher? Is there some special grocery store out there that does that? Please  do not waste my time with your … I have no idea where you make your money but it sure is not here. Discustred… Â
Hi, We’ve always argued that surveys can’t be used to pay your bills. They’re just good for extra or supplemental income. That’s why we list real jobs every day here: and recap them every week here:
We’re a big proponent of multiple streams of income. So we will always provide various ways of achieving that. Not everyone is looking for replacement income. Some folks just want a few different ways to make a little extra money on the side and surveys and other opportunities are perfect for this. So it’s all about choices and picking what’s right for you. Fortunately this site offers enough options for everyone.
This is for users that have way to much time on their hands, it does not generate enough income to pay REAL bills. I have been doing surveys for quite some time and found out that in order to make real money you have to glue your butt to chair and sit in front of a screen 16-20 hours a day which is ridiculous.
Unfortunately that can happen with market research companies. Although it shouldn’t happen every time!
You can try the following companies where you’re always guaranteed to be accepted and earn something:
Don’t let this one company turn you off. Just move on to something better.
I Â was a member of for several months and 8 out 10 surveys that I attempted to take I was disqualified for in the prescreening questionaire. Most of the time I got the message ‘we have enough people that fall into your profile’. was a complete waste of my time. Â Â
Eddy i like the video and after looking at it i felt like why not give it a shot, because it’s like you said when you are looking for work on line you do not get any money at all. But doing this survey you can earn some money. So thank you for all your help, please keep up the great work helping all of us who want to work from home.
You’re welcome! Glad you can see my philosophy. Be sure to check out my other recommendations here: there are so many ways to make money now while you try to land a legit work at home job which we list daily here by the way: Keep taking action and you’ll see results!
It amazes me how loosely the word scam is thrown around on the web. People seem to use it anytime they don’t like something about a company. Rather than the real meaning of a scam which is a company is stealing money from you or deceiving you.
In any event, as I explained on the following article: the points can be redeemed for cash and other stuff that people want. Like many legitimate companies they just points as their own type of currency. This way folks can pick and choose if they want cash or some of the other options. I’m not really big on these fake currencies that some of these companies make up.
But at the end of the day it’s a minor annoyance to deal with as long as I’m able to be compensated for my efforts which you are. Although lately, this company seems to haven fallen off since their merger.
Well thank your Ron! It does my heart good to hear that I’ve given you new life in this industry! Your attitude is definitely an inspiration to me. I’m confident that you will be able to find something that will help you achieve your goals. Keep the positive attitude and take action on whatever appeals to you. Thanks again!
I just followed the link above and it is saying you don’t get paid…only voucher points. How is that not a scam?
Hi TS,
Thanks for the kind words. I really appreciate it! It’s definitely not a secret that I get paid for what I do here.
I like helping people but I have bills to pay like the rest of you. lol So I’m very blessed to get paid to do what I love which is to teach people various ways of making money on their own. So it’s a win win for everyone.
I’m definitely not ashamed for being an affiliate. I find that most people want me to get paid for the valuable information I provide so it works out well.
Thanks again for chiming in!
You have been answer to many many prayers; your site has been a breathe of fresh air in the midst of the stale air of scammers and get rich quick schemes. I v’e  become  disabled through many different ways that have left me totally out of the the norm and have to find a way to make a living for my family. I’m only 56 and very far from throwing in the towel and waiting for the Government to take take of me. Bless you my Brother and Thank You!
Hello Eddy. I just found your site today and I wanted to tell you, it looks great. the layout, how MUCH info you have and share, your honest opinions, as well as the concept of truly trying to help and educate people while you build popularity (and income, I’m sure) for yourself. Heck, we’re all trying to make money out there! I can’t fault you if you’re only trying to do the same via great information. I’m brand-new to all this internet and affiliate marketing stuff and I look forward to learning~and earning!!!~ all I can from you.
“you can’t do better than trying to do good.”-(I just made that up and I like it! ; ])
I dont know how much money you can make just by taking surveys, but i think they are a fun way to express your opinion and know that it can actually count for something. Â i am one of those people who wastes hours a day on facebook too, but i enjoy that too. Â i think some of these people should learn how to balance the two and find a happy medium somewhere. Â i for one would like to thank you, Eddy for taking time out of your busy day to show us how to improve our lives a little!!
Marie, you have the right attitude about these type of opportunities. You can’t really depend on surveys for consistent money or a lot of it but they’re fun to do and you’re getting paid for something you usually wouldn’t. So it’s a pretty good opportunity.
I totally agree with you people spend tons of wasted times on places like facebook but if you used that time on places like these survey sites or other recommendations: you can actually make a bit of money and that’s better than earning nothing. So I’m glad you can appreciate that. Thanks for sharing! I really appreciate it. It’s always great to meet people that get it!
I don’t know if you’ll see this, but you need to check your math. Â 127295 points at $10/1000 pts (or $.01 per point) is $1272.95. Â I’m glad you’re not my accountant.
Yeah they do this every couple of months. Keep checking back. It will be back.
Wish I could join MySurvey. Â Got a message saying “ is not currently accepting any new registrations on our website. Please check back at another time.” Â I’ll just keep trying the site at a later time.
Hey Eddy,
I just watched your video and will be giving it a try…thanks a bunch for the information. Ora
You’re welcome Ora! Glad to hear you’re taking action! Be sure to check out our other recommendations as well:
Hi Eddy,
 I just finished watching your video and it sounds interesting, I wil give it a shot. I have been on disability for the past 6 yrs and it doesn’t pay the greatest, but I’m thankful for it. I just need to make a little extra income to help with bills that fell behind when I had to quit working. Thank you so much for the info.
Hey Shirley,
I’m glad to hear that the video and article appealed to you.
Since you’re on disability you might want to read this article as well:
And we also have other recommendations that may help you get some additional income:
I hope this helps.
You’re welcome! Glad you enjoyed it! Be sure to check out my other recommendations: and subscribe to my site if you want to read more of my articles:
Thanks again!
My name is Paula, my husband and I watched your video an found it very informative. Thank you.
First and foremost, I’ve made very clear surveys aren’t a consistent way to make money. They’re one off opportunities that are nice to get when you qualify for them. They should be one of many multiple streams of income that one should have online to make some decent money if you can’t land a traditional work at home job like the ones we list daily here:
That being said if we want to get into the detailed number crunching of what’s worth someone time. You should calculate the number of hours wasted online every day on facebook, youtube, email and other time killers. You add all that time up and you’re making nothing with those activities. At least with something like this and various other recommendations: you can actually earn something for otherwise “wasted time”. Last I checked that’s always better than earning nothing but my math may not be as strong as yours.
But thanks for sharing.
127295 points Â
1000 points = $10
$127.29 pay for 4243 surveys rated at 30 points eachor even worse $127.29 for 353.58 hours that is 4243 surveys at 5 minutes each surveyI mean yes you get to work at home but if you but the time spent online picking and choosing surveys plus the time spent actually filling them out times the cost of kilowatt hour for electricity you are more likely loosing money Â
Is this available in srilanka?
Not that I know of. Visit our international page for possible options in your area:
How long did it take you to accumulate all those points? I’ve used the since like 08 or 09, and I’m just getting to $30 and I do surveys often as well as getting paid $.02/email I confirm. So just wondering how long it took you to get all those points.
Thanks. Sounds like a great opportunity.
Hey you have to keep in mind that I run two popular websites that reach thousands of work at home seekers like yourself. So many of those points are a result of my ability to refer a lot of people who are interested in making money with surveys like this. So it didn’t take me that long. But obviously that wouldn’t be the case for someone doing this on their own. That being said you can earn on your own. Just understand it won’t be something that you can live off. Surveys are just nice one offs to have on occasion for extra money.
If you have made a million dollars with this business, what are you doing running this web site pal. If I made a million dollars, I would not be sharing the idea with anyone..that’s what most business people do. Â So you are sharing your !
Uh, I never said I make millions of dollars with this business. Although considering all the years I have been doing it, I probably have when you add it all up. lol But keep in mind I get paid for sharing companies with you. So it’s stupid to keep all this information to myself. I make more by helping people make money. That’s the way business should be anyway. You should get paid to help people not hoard all the money and secrets to yourself. It’s that type of attitude that makes the world a crappy place. Just my two cents and as you can see it pays very well. 😉
Eddie, I am trying to check out on BBB, but am not coming up with anything. Why is that?
It’s under their parent company name which is now LightSpeed Research:
Don’t worry we don’t just make this stuff up. lol
I think that it is a great opportunity for the right person, however I think everybody should keep in mind you get out what you put in ONLY!!
That’s definitely true especially for people getting a home based business.
Check back in a week or two. MySurvey opens and closes registration. So that link will probably work again next week.
My Survey won’t load
I was wondering do you have any real job for people who lived outside the US?
God bless you
We have an international page here:
I hope it helps. God bless you as well.
Sorry to hear about your personal experiences with surveys. The first misstep that you made was purchasing a list and believing the ridiculous claims of money that can be earned with surveys. It obviously set up an unrealistic expectation for you. We actually wrote an article about this here that is probably worth a read for you:
If you would have visited a site like this where we have reviewed surveys for free on a number of occasions:
You would have learned the following facts we always stress to people.
1. Surveys aren’t guaranteed money! They’re based on supply and demand. If you don’t fit a profile that is hiring a survey company, you’re not getting a survey. It’s nothing personal, it’s not a conspiracy, it doesn’t mean the survey company you signed up with is a scam. It just means your demographic isn’t attractive to some of the companies right now. It’s part of life.
2. You’re not going to earn hundreds or even $20 per hour as some of these paid survey sites will misrepresent. It’s more like a few cents here, a dollar or 2 here and there. The only type of market research that pays large sums of money are focus groups and you have to leave your home for them but totally worth it. We’ve discussed them here:
3. You can’t support your family with surveys. See the first point I made.
Surveys are a nice way to make a bit of money when they are available. Unfortunately for certain demographics (which you may be in) you won’t see as many or any surveys. It sucks but that’s just how the cookie crumbles in marketing. Think about it from their perspective. If you’re selling products for people diabetes, does it make sense to pay people that don’t have diabetes for their opinions about a product meant to treat diabetes. It’s a waste of money and time.
In terms of the screening surveys, a lot of us agree with you on that. There are certain shady survey companies that do “screening surveys” which a lot of suspect are the full surveys but aren’t paying us for it. Fortunately there are great companies like Mysurvey listed above, PaidViewPoint, ICS and others that still pay you for the screener surverys. That’s the way it should be but unfortunately not all survey companies feel that way. So in that case, screw them. Don’t work with them. It’s that simple. That’s what we do.
I understand your frustration. Unfortunately you were grossly mislead. But your statement that all paid online surveys are a scam is totally false. Like many people running around calling companies and certain industrires a scam, a lot of time it boils down to people being misinformed or upset something didn’t work out for them. It’s less about the company not being legitimate. Don’t get me wrong there are bad survey companies out there and middleman that add on to this. But just like in life there are also good companies out there.
In any event, don’t let your experience make you jaded. Trust me when i say it won’t make you money. Learn from your experience. Do research before you join something as we always suggest and have made easy with our scam video:
If you do you’d avoid the nonsense you went through. Ultimately there are tons of legitimate companies out there:
It’s just a matter of knowing where to find them which should be easier now that you’re on this site. Hopefully you actually take the time to read it and avoid making anymore blanket judgement calls. There is a world of possibilities out there for you if you don’t allow one negative experience to ruin it for you.
I wish you the best either way and thanks for sharing your personal experience. It’s definitely not what I’ve experienced and I’ve been getting paid for taking surveys for years. So have thousands of others that have visited this site. Best of luck to you.
Sorry to hear about your personal experiences with surveys. The first misstep that you made was purchasing a list and believing the ridiculous claims of money that can be earned with surveys. It obviously set up an unrealistic expectation for you. We actually wrote an article about this here that is probably worth a read for you:
If you would have visited a site like this where we have reviewed surveys for free on a number of occasions:
You would have learned the following facts we always stress to people.
1. Surveys aren’t guaranteed money! They’re based on supply and demand. If you don’t fit a profile that is hiring a survey company, you’re not getting a survey. It’s nothing personal, it’s not a conspiracy, it doesn’t mean the survey company you signed up with is a scam. It just means your demographic isn’t attractive to some of the companies right now. It’s part of life.
2. You’re not going to earn hundreds or even $20 per hour as some of these paid survey sites will misrepresent. It’s more like a few cents here, a dollar or 2 here and there. The only type of market research that pays large sums of money are focus groups and you have to leave your home for them but totally worth it. We’ve discussed them here:
3. You can’t support your family with surveys. See the first point I made.
Surveys are a nice way to make a bit of money when they are available. Unfortunately for certain demographics (which you may be in) you won’t see as many or any surveys. It sucks but that’s just how the cookie crumbles in marketing. Think about it from their perspective. If you’re selling products for people diabetes, does it make sense to pay people that don’t have diabetes for their opinions about a product meant to treat diabetes. It’s a waste of money and time.
In terms of the screening surveys, a lot of us agree with you on that. There are certain shady survey companies that do “screening surveys” which a lot of suspect are the full surveys but aren’t paying us for it. Fortunately there are great companies like Mysurvey listed above, PaidViewPoint, ICS and others that still pay you for the screener surverys. That’s the way it should be but unfortunately not all survey companies feel that way. So in that case, screw them. Don’t work with them. It’s that simple. That’s what we do.
I understand your frustration. Unfortunately you were grossly mislead. But your statement that all paid online surveys are a scam is totally false. Like many people running around calling companies and certain industrires a scam, a lot of time it boils down to people being misinformed or upset something didn’t work out for them. It’s less about the company not being legitimate. Don’t get me wrong there are bad survey companies out there and middleman that add on to this. But just like in life there are also good companies out there.
In any event, don’t let your experience make you jaded. Trust me when i say it won’t make you money. Learn from your experience. Do research before you join something as we always suggest and have made easy with our scam video:
If you do you’d avoid the nonsense you went through. Ultimately there are tons of legitimate companies out there:
It’s just a matter of knowing where to find them which should be easier now that you’re on this site. Hopefully you actually take the time to read it and avoid making anymore blanket judgement calls. There is a world of possibilities out there for you if you don’t allow one negative experience to ruin it for you.
I wish you the best either way and thanks for sharing your personal experience. It’s definitely not what I’ve experienced and I’ve been getting paid for taking surveys for years. So have thousands of others that have visited this site. Best of luck to you.
i have never made money from surveys at all, ever,!! so yes surveys are scams, i have purchased list of surveys and signed up for free,which turned otu to be the same companies and have not made a dime off of them , i always get the same thing after going through the whole survey that they have enough people already that fit my criteria!! and that is it , you either get all the way through and nothing to show for it, or you dont get to finish it an dhave nothing to show for it. so yes in my opinion survey taking is a scam you do not make money from them and if you do it is nothign as they claim!!
I was wandering what is the best online job for biomed tech, I love music, shopping, food.
Read the following articles as it touches upon several things you mentioned:
My suggestion is to start on the following pages when you’re done going through those articles above to help you get some income coming in:
Good Luck.
Hey, I’ve been part of this for months and have indeed redeemed Amazon gift cards and they came fine. Â For the first time on MySurvey, I decided to redeem my points for PayPal instead. Â That was on the 9th and it hasn’t come yet. Â How long do you usually wait for PayPal, Eddy? Â I’ve been wanting to have enough to purchase something online before the coupon expires and the wait is making me a bit paranoid.
Just from my experience they are a lot slower to send electronic gift certificates and payments than they use to be. I’ve had stuff delayed for weeks where a few months back it was redeemed within a few days or less. So I don’t know what’s really going on with them of late. Since their merger things haven’t improved in terms of redemption times. I get more surveys but if it takes forever to get my prizes, it’s not really incentivizing me to do more.
Looks like I actually received the one from the 9th yesterday only hours after asking you here. Â So it went from the 9th to the 20th. Â Hm, it’s definitely a longer wait than, say, Swagbucks or ICS but I do feel better knowing that it’s not some big problem with MySurvey and PayPal. Â There’s nothing quite like doing two hours of work and being paid $30 for it even if it takes a while for the money to get to you. Â I just wish MySurvey posted an expected range for their rewards to arrive.
Glad to hear it finally came. Better late than never. And you’re right it’s easy money. But I agree they need to follow suit with other companies like Swagbucks and ICS who send out prizes and payments relatively quickly. Thanks for reporting back! Enjoy your money!
wow, I have been looking for a website like this for 10 years!!! Â I am speechless!! Â there is a truth!! Â thank you Eddy!!
You’re welcome buddy! 10 years? Wow, I wished you would have found us sooner. Better late than never. Glad you did find us though. Take the time to read many more of our articles in particular my recommendations page: and you’ll be well on your way to the success you’ve been looking for!
You’re welcome Dawn! Glad you appreciate the information and my corny humor!
Thanks for the blessings, I can never have too much of that. God bless you and your family as well!
 I just came across this site last week and I’m soooooooo following in your footsteps(smile)!!!! I joined ICS and now I’m going to join My Surveys. A million thank you for such an informative, educational and funny website and may God keep on blessing you and family each and every day.
Thank you Eddy for your quick response. I am new to your site in my search for a true and honest work at home position. I have already spent alot of $$$$$$$$ and wasted alot of time and resources. I was curious about your opinion of
You’re welcome TC. We’ve all been where you are. But I’m confident as you read the site and take action on the various opportunities of interest to you that we’ve recommended you’ll be in a position to make money like many of the other people who follow this site.
With that said, we list new jobs every day here:
It’s actually posted right on our facebook fanpage as well:
You should also read our work at home guide: it’s been a life saver for people like you.
In terms of clickbank, it’s another affiliate network which is a great place for trained affiliates like myself:
But if you’re not a trained affiliate marketer, I don’t think anyone has any business trying to promote any products from there or any other affiliate network.
I see a lot of newbies that make the mistake of trying to be a click bank affiliate without any real knowledge of internet marketing. And to me that’s like me trying to perform brain surgery when I never went to medical school. It’s just a bad idea. lol
But I do like clickbank for finding new products. But like I say in many of my articles, always do your research before joining any opportunities or buying any type of products. We make that super easy with our scam video listed here:
In any event, I’ve given you a lot to work with. So my suggestion is to spend the next couple of days reading the information on this site. And I’m sure within a few days you’ll be making money assuming you are open to the various options we provide.
I think you’re referring to get paid to offers not this company. In either case, you have to do what makes you comfortable. No one is suggesting or encouraging dishonesty. The fact of the matter is most of the companies already know that many of the people doing offers won’t make them money. They’re betting on the ones that will and have already figured this math in terms of how much they’re paying folks to give their product or service a try.
If they weren’t going to make money they wouldn’t even allow you to get paid for trying such offers. That being said if that type of opportunity doesn’t sit right with you then just focus on the ones that do. It’s the reason we provide a lot of different options here: You have a lot legitimate choices in this industry. It’s just a matter of picking what works best for you and avoiding the ones that don’t.
When I tried something like this before I felt I wasn’t being like totally honest with people. Not really being interested in the products and not really having money to spend, I am just trying to fill out the offers to make that little extra money. Does this make since to anyone ? I felt like I was deceiving people.
Read the comments below. I’ve already explained about how surveys work with demographics.
Hey Eddy,  I’m also new to your site and must commend you for providing such generours information to the public.  God bless you for sharing your strategies with the less fortunate.  An average  businessmen looks only at his own profit, but an extraordinary and truly successful one considers  his and all others’ profits into consideration.  I think you fall into the latter category.
Thanks so much for these kind words. I’ve never heard that quote but I feel honored that you think it applies to my work on this site. Thanks again!
You’re quite welcome. Glad to hear you’re reading the articles and taking action. Be sure to check out the rest of our recommendations here:
Hi Eddy, I’m new to your site, but I must say I appreciate the information you make available regarding work-from-home jobs. Â I just signed up with and earned 15 points within 30 minutes. Â I’ll let you know how it works for me…I saw in some of your previous comments, that the amount of surveys received is based on demographics.
Hi Eddy,
Im looking to make some “real” money. Recommend any particular sites?
I wasn’t aware that anything we cover was fake money. Visit our jobs page: for traditional jobs if that’s what you’re looking for. Mysurvey does provide “Real” money. It’s not a lot but it adds up and you also have to keep in mind you aren’t making any “real” money for your opinions now. So keep that in mind.
Hi Eddy, I`am looking for  a  genune work frm home site,  and I`am still to go through your recommended choics.  I have cme across a site which unlike all says to be good and legal. But I suspect it be so, because  any link on thepage(or site) leads you to the same page asking you to buy th product.  I clicked on all possible ad available tab onthe site( Home, About us, Politics, Sports, Entertainment) all were linked to one same page. let me know if his is a scam. The link to that site………..  Â
We’ve covered news website scams on our scam page:
As always our trusted recommendations can be found here:
and real job leads can be found here:
So everything that you need is on this site. It’s just a matter of taking the time to read it and take action. Hope this helps.
I have been with MySurvey since November 2010. The surveys are great and even if you don’t qualify you still get 5 points! I have redeemed 2 CVS gifts cards already!!! Â
Just wanted to pass on some important information here regarding  as of this moment, they are not accepting referrals nor are they sending out referral emails for their friends and family referral program.  If you log in and visit the “my friends” tab, you will see for yourself. Â
Thanks Judi, they sent out an email about this awhile ago. It’s an un-welcomed change. But I guess that’s life. Thanks again.
Most survey sites have screeners to determine if you fit the client’s needs. So the screener surveys are normal. The reality is you’re not going to qualify for every survey. But MySurvey usually pays at least 5 points for the screeners. So you always make something. That isn’t the case with a lot of other survey sites.
I  signed up last week and I made a whoppin 15 pts (15 cents ?). Since then nothing else has happened, nothing mentioning anything about qualifying or not.  It just says there are no surveys avail. at this time.  Did I miss something in signing up? I understand that mysurvey  is not going to make me rich but if I could find 3 or 4 jobs similiar, that I could juggle around then  it could really add up.
As I’ve said many time, surveys are based on demographics. If you’re demographic is needed for a given company then you’ll get a survey. If not then you won’t. Some demographics are just more popular than others. It’s just the nature of the business. You can’t view surveys as a consistent source of income. That’s what jobs are for: and some of our other recommendations:
First thing I  signed up for this, and i done  some of the surveys, after idid them, they would say i wasnt quaitify after i took them , a waste of my time, why is that,,
That’s weird, try ICS:
me too. I can’t seem to sign up. any other free work at home sites I could do???
We can no longer signup for as it says the link to signup from this page has expired. So I googled and same result… cant signup.
Link seems to be working fine for me on this page.
Did mysurvey have an upgrade or something b/c i clicked on the “click here now” but the page is totally different from the one in your video.
Yes they redesigned their page and updated some things. Still a highly recommended site.
i like to know with mysurvey .com can you file your taxes on this with no problem.
I don’t know what you mean. It’s a source of income so yes you can report this income for filing your taxes.
I do not know if you have mentioned this site but it seems similar to I have been using this site for a little while now taking surveys as they come in.They give you about 3 or 4 surveys daily that pay great if you fit the demographics of the survey. Just thought id give you another site to earn ENJOY =]
Thanks for the suggestion. I think I’m actually a member of this site. Let me start taking surveys with them again and see how it pans out.
You’re welcome. Keep making that money!
You’re welcome. Keep making that money!
I have done many paid survey`s i have accumulated about 256.00 USD from just two sites i have been looking for something like this because i to have been scammed before with doing endless surveys and never getting paid! i have been looking for a new survey company to try to boost my at home income for sometime now
SO thank you very much for taking the time to post legitimate survey company`s
What is your take on Project Payday?
It was reviewed here:
You should also read the following page about get paid offers:
hi eddy, i tried this and no matter what i do nothing other than signing up do i get credit for!!!! I have ben to all of your other suggested pages but this one just dosent seem to work. If you have any ideas as to what i could be doing wrong please let me know? thanks
That’s weird. I just took a survey too and wasn’t credited. I emailed them about the issue. Let’s see what they say. Don’t let this deter you. Move on to the other recommendations that I have provided and make money with those. That’s what I do when one is acting a bit iffy. There are enough opportunities out there that you never have to depend on one and you shouldn’t either.
Thank you for the information.
I’ll try this one.
You’re welcome. Good luck.
not able to see video, iT’s not showing.
Works fine for me.
Thanks for the information of the Paid paid survey which i will get a try.
Thanks for the information of the Paid paid survey which i will get a try.
You’re quite welcome. ICS is another great company listed here:
You’re quite welcome. ICS is another great company listed here:
You’re quite welcome. ICS is another great company listed here:
I did a paid survey one that I had to open up a PayPal accout for and the money never went into the account. I check and check and soon I just opt out of the survey alltogether. The name of it was Pandya Research company, I had did up to 300.00 dololars worth of surveys. but never recieved the cash. What I did not like about this survey panel was it directly you to offers you had to take in order to get paid.
MySurvey definitely isn’t Panda Survey. MySurvey has been around for years and pays regularly. The problem is people assume all survey companies are the same. Just like with people not everyone is the same. Some people are good and some aren’t. When it comes to these work at home opportunities, it’s always a good idea to do your research before joining them. It helps you avoid these problems. Thanks for sharing your experience with Panda Survey though. But MySurvey is a different company.
I did that one too about 200.00 worth but never seen a dime there out for u to keep taking the surveys and never paying u I stop that site I also tried a lot of other site also. Either I took the surveys, or wasn’t qualified for any of them it’s a bunch of b##$ s&*&. I sorry I wasted my time on any of them. Ruth (Just b carefully)
Sorry to hear that. It doesn’t sound like you took a survey from this company since they rarely pay such a high amount. I’ve never had a problem getting paid from MySurvey although this past week or two they have experienced some delay with processing my itunes gift card but I’ve spoken to customer service about it and they’re on top of the situation.
There are definitely some survey companies out there that will string you a long and never pay you for pre-qualification questions which in some cases are really the whole survey. But like anything in this industry it’s a matter of doing your research to avoid these type of companies. Just because there are few rotten apples in the bunch doesn’t mean the whole barrel is bad.
So keep that in perspective.
I agree Eddy, that is another site, not this one, although I have done (or attempted to do) surveys at other sites and was not allowed to complete them, because they were looking for certain criteria.
Thanks for chiming in. Unfortunately all surveys are like that. They need specific demographics for their clients and the research they’re doing. If you don’t fit the demographic then they can’t pay us because the company hiring them won’t pay them for giving them the wrong people. Although there are definitely some shady companies out there that are still getting the information they need and aren’t paying us for it. It seems to be a problem with a lot survey companies that use to be legit. It’s very troubling.
i believe i worked for this survey site before and every time i did a survey they always said i didn’t meet some criteria? so i think when stating how well this works, it should also be stated that it is rare that they allow u to complete a survey! i love taking surveys but i think its unfair to obtain information then cut a survey short
I’m not sure if you’re confusing mysurvey with another company. Because they usually pay for screening surveys even if you don’t qualify.
Hi Eddy,
Great Job with the video. What some don’t understand is that some work on line may seem low pay but if you work a few those $$$ add up. For example writing content for income. If you write for 4 or 5 sites earning $25 a month from each in residuals adds up. And as you go you learn how to use better key words. I think too may have gotton used to the get rich quick ads and have started to believe them. Working on line is work and a lot of it. Until you find your way.
I’ve read some of the negative comments and anyone who would have the nerve to call you a scammer is confused. You have a great site. Loads of info. You let us know you do affliate marketing. Your transparent. Some people are just never satisfied. It’s the same with writing a blog, there is always a naysayer. In this world one out of every ten will dislike you for no reason. It’s the law of averages.
I don’t get a lot of time but I;m taking the time to say-God bless you! You have a great site. You have taken the time to put together a wealth of information. Of course you should also be an affiliate as well. Some folks want more and more but that’s life. I wish you the best and may this site make you and your families fortune. You deserve it.
Pardon the expression. But you’re preaching to the choir. The concept of multiple streams of smaller income is one that I literally preach every chances I get on this blog. Fortunately most people like yourself understand that “Cents” add up to dollars. The few people that want to call me a scammer or down me for sharing all ways of making money even when they’re small are the minority. So I try my best to ignore them when I can. You’re absolutely there are always going to be naysayers. It’s just part of life. I’ve learned to accept it as such and try not to take it personal. As long as most people get what I’m trying to do, I try to focus on them. That’s where my energy is best spent. Some naysayers are just trying to get a rise out of you which is just a waste of energy.
In any event, I appreciate the kind words and blessings. Keep sending those blessings my way. I can never have too many of those. lol
Thanks for appreciating what I do and understanding where I’m coming from. It’s nice to know when people appreciate my transparency and aren’t mad that I make money for helping them. You’d be surprised how some people would rather I make nothing for all the effort I put here. lol
Hey just wanted to share a site that I have been using. they do cash, paypal, magazines and donations. It has frequent surveys and it works very well. also BBB certified.
Thanks for the recommendation.
How will I know if I fit the profile for this survey?
Log into your mysurvey account and see if you have any surveys available. You will also be emailed when new surveys are available. Again don’t expect to make a consistent living with this.
Hello Eddy
I stumbled upon your Web Site by doing a Google search for Work-At-Home Opportunities (No Scams No Fees) and I must say that you have a really nice Site here and I love the colors as well! My part time Online Job was just terminated on today, without notice I might add, thus my quest to find something immediately! I have not worked a full time Job since December of 2005 because I chose to stay home and take care of my Mother, whose 92 years old and she’s had several strokes since then and she was also diagnosed with Colon Cancer. Thank God they got it all out and now I’m treating her with natural Herbs. It’s been a major struggle just merely trying to survive and now that I’ve lost the only income that I had, it’s going to be an even greater struggle but I’m the one that walks by Faith and not by sight! Even with the small job that I had, I still had to live on a lot of Faith from Month to Month!
When I saw your Video regarding the Survey Site, I felt that what you had to say was legitimate and therefore I was prompted to at least try this Program and continue to look for other avenues that I can take in order to combine income from various places. I do have a couple of Investment Programs that have proven to be successful and I’m beginning to get payouts from them. I’m sure that all Marketers can relate to getting scammed and burned in one way or another and I haven’t lost a lot of money but honestly, I don’t want to, nor can I afford to lose any money at all whatsoever! I am so happy that I ran across your Site and I will be coming back to visit here quite often. I have not signed up for the Survey Site but I will definitely sign up when I leave your Site. I have tried other Survey Companies but the majority of them turn me down after the screening, so I’m guessing they’re looking for something very specific for each survey that they have to offer. Since the “My Survey” Site has different Surveys to offer, maybe I’ll be able to find some that I can participate in. I know that you have a lot more to offer on this Site but if you have something that I can ‘make money now’ from, please contact me and let me know because at this point, I need all the help I can get because the Bills never stop pouring in!!! Thanks for your time and I wish you much success in your Online endeavors!
Blessings & Much Love,
I’m leaving my email address here…
what the heck, I’m all over the Net anyway…lol
Hi Earth Angel,
Thanks for the kind words about my site. Sorry to hear about your online job being terminated. I think you’ve stumbled on the right site. Surveys aren’t really what you need. They make you money on occasion if you qualify for them. But it’s not something consistent you could live off and definitely not enough to support your aging mother (God bless her, she’s a fighter!). What you need is a job. With that in mind, I say visit our jobs page: It’s updated daily and eventually you should find something if you look there every day.
In terms of some ways to generarte money rather quickly, visit my recommendations page: There are some options there that may be able to help you. I would encourage you to be come a subscriber if you haven’t already: so you can stay abreast of any new scams or opportunities we cover.
I think the pages above should get your started in the right direction. There is a wealth of information on this site, so if you spend a few hours here over the next couple days or weeks, you’ll learn a lot.
I hope this helps. God bless you and your mom!
Hi Eddy,
I would like to know how I can get referral points. When I go to referrals the REFERRALS tab, I get this message, “Thank you for your interest in the Refer a Friend Program. At this time we are not accepting any new memberships through referrals. Please check back soon, Refer a Friend Program will be back shortly.” So what do I do? Wait until referrals are accepted again, or what? By the way I joined MySurvey a few days ago and was satisfied with my decision to join. However, does the opportunity to do surveys come often, or few and far between? I guess you can see that I am anxious to start getting points accumulated. I got my eye on an Ipod.. LOL. Thanks for sharing your secrets with us and I plan to follow all of your ideas. Keep em comin!
Hi Gwendolyn,
Congrats on joining MySurvey. I think you pretty much answered your own question about the referrals situation. You’ll just have to check regularly to see if it comes back. Surveys aren’t something you can consistently live off or depend on. As I’ve said in past comments, it’s totally based on demographics and the need of the company hiring MySurvey at the time. So if they’re looking for 35 year old black men for the next survey and you’re not one, you won’t get the survey. So it’s totally random. So don’t view this as a way to make money consistently. You’ll need to get a traditional work at home job for that: or getting involved in many non-traditional money making opportunities like the ones in my recommendations page:
I hope this helps you.
Hi I would to give this a try
Try reading the article above and taking action. That’s how you give this or anything I recommend in my articles a try. It’s very simple.
Just a note: I’m 70 and people in my age group don’t fit a demographic most surveys want, mostly because I don’t shop much. Thought you might want to specify that.
Hi Eddy,
Love what you do. i think it is great that you help others to earn money online with the “walk don’t run” philosophy in mind, so to speak. I have only been doing surveys for a month now, so seeing your account just goes to show that it really can be done with time.
But, (oh, there is that “But”), because I am a Canadian, there are a lot less surveys that we are allowed to sign up to. For example the survey you talk about in your video is USA residents only. Can you recommend some good ones for Canadians.
Always enjoy reading your articles!
Thanks for the support. I’m glad you can appreciate my style of empowering people. Something taking little steps can go a long way so that’s definitely what I’m trying to get across. Some people get it and some don’t. But fortunately for me most people see the logic.
In any event, when it comes to surveys please keep in mind it’s not something you can depend on for a steady source of income. I definitely make some money from survey companies. But I make a bulk of that money by introducing people the legitimate companies I’ve been paid by. Most of these survey companies have referral programs so I take advantage of that in addition to the surveys. So keep that in mind. It’s one of the reasons I emphasize in many of my articles that learning internet marketing can really help one make more money. Because where most people might make a hundred or two within a year of taking surveys. I’ll make that and way more because I also refer people to these companies. So I always try to leverage every opportunity so that even if my personal demographics doesn’t meat the qualifications of surveys, my referrals will. You might want to read this article regarding this:
In terms of surveys in your area, unfortunately most of the work at home industry is biased towards the U.S. for some reason. That being said you might want to check out my virtual assistant’s (Callie Boyd) website: she can guide you to surveys in your area. We also have an international page that you might want to take advantage of for other work at home opportunities in your area:
I hope this helps.
Good luck.
Hi how are you yes i have tried you method 1 and 2 but the hits 4 pay method is not letting me join i have sent me email about 7 times within 3 days no response but anyway im moving on to the next thing thanks still trying to get the hang of all of this because its not telling you how to cash out your points on any of these things!!!!!!!!!!
That’s the exact steps to take. Email the companies directly when you have an issue and if there isn’t a response, move on. Good job. The same applies here regarding the points. If you don’t know how to redeem them, email them and they will help you. Just give them a few days (2-3 days) to respond. That being said, I happen to walk through redeeming points in the following article so you won’t have to do it this time:
I just tried to sign up for and it said that they aren’t currently accepting any new registrations. Any idea how long this will last?
Try emailing them directly.
Eddie: I haven’t joined yet, but am looking for “free advice” from someone who obviously has been working for sometime in this industry. I am a foster parent in a state who’s reimbursement fees are ranked 48th out of the 50 states. Meaning that in the past 7 years I have drained my savings to help these kids at risk. And believe me I would do it all over again without hesitation. I am now retired on ss disability and everyone knows that barely pays the mortgage(hopefully). I need something to supplement. There is so much I want to do for these kids but lack funds. I am not talking about wild vacations on road trips I am talking about going out for pizza once a week. ( I have 6 kiddos ) I have a THD and could even do some seminar work if I could find a company that does that sort of thing. Any advice you could give would be greatly appreciated. My dad once said if you need answers find someone who has success ask and hope they answer. If you find the time thank you if not I completely understand. God bless you on your endeavours.
Hi Enoch,
You’re obviously in the right place for free advice since we list so much of it all over this site. In any event God bless you for opening your home to foster kids. I’m a great believer that every child just needs some love and patience to grow up to be productive adults. So I applaud your effort. In any event, since you are on SS Disability you may want to visit the following article:
You can also find daily job leads on the following page:
I also have a recommendations page you may want to check out as well:
I hope this helps get you started in the right direction.
Keep up the good work
Thanks Feaudelisa.
Ok, im only 16 turnin 17 in July, i want to get a real job but i also want to make some money on the side. But i was wonderin if really isnt a scam. i watched ur video about how the news referenced you and read a few articles, but i am still kind of skidish…. is it really worth it? nothin is gonna happen? lol?
There isn’t much I can tell you. Most people read the article, watch the video and all the comments from other people that have joined and that’s pretty much all they need. I’m not going to sit here and try to convince you. Any one that had read this blog long enough knows if I personally vouch something than it’s legit. Ain’t really much more to it. Good luck.
Here’s a better question, did you actually read the article?
Name should have been William obviously not Willian sorry. Missed a key being excited to have found your site maybe? lol
Hey Eddy,
It seems there hasn’t been a reply here in over a month are you still updating this site? You seem like an honest person so let me explain my situation briefly and hopefully you can tell me if I’m being realistic. I’m currently unemployed and get about 1300 a month in UI. I need to replace this working from home because i have my own “little princess” due July 11th and my benefits are coming to an end real fast. Realistically, in your own opinion, is this possible within 2-3 months of diligent work using your recommendations? If there’s anything else I should do let me know and I’ll try it. I really want to raise my daughter being home with her everyday, it would mean the world to me.
Hey William,
You’re looking at an older article. Just click on the logo on the upper left hand corner to go back to my homepage and you’ll see new articles are added regularly.
You can also see my archives on the right there. Just take a more thourgh look at the whole site as a whole and you’ll discover a lot.
In any event, I’m sorry to hear about your situation. Unfortunately nowadays it’s a story I hear regularly. Honestly anything is possible. I’m sure if you land a traditional work at home job and supplement it with some of the recommendations you might be able to hit your target goal or close to it. Even if not I know for a fact you’ll be able to earn some money rather than none if you take action on any recommendation that is appealing to you. But ultimately I can’t really give you a time frame or even an estimate on how much you’ll make in the next 2-3 months with this stuff. That all boils down to you, the type of jobs you can land and how well you do with the recommendations. At the end of the day, what do you actually have to lose. Either way you’ll be making some type of money. So just take action. In the mean time try to put other things in motion now so you’re not scrambling in July. Get into anything legitimate that can start bringing in some money.
Fortunately you’re on the right site. As long as you have an open mind and are willing to take action, you’ll make money like so many of the folks that have followed my advice. So spend the next few days looking over the site and take action on anything legit and sounds good to you.
I would also suggest looking at my work at home companies page:
I hope this helps. At the end of the day this all involves steps. I was only finally able to stay home and raise my daughter because I tried anything legitimate even if it paid pennies. Fortunately it eventually lead to things that paid a lot more than that which is why I can be home raising my daughter now. But I started with a step. So keep that in mind.
Hi Eddy!
Thanks so much for all of this helpful information.. I read through a lot of your blog-work on I decided to join and give it a chance, it seems to be going really smoothly so far. However, I am not able to “cash” in my points. Any ideas? I am not sure how old the youtube video on here is, but the site looks a lot different now and I am unable to get a check or cash for the surveys I have taken (not that I have racked up too much money yet) But I am just wondering if you have any suggestions?
Thanks again!
Hi Lindsey,
You’re welcome. Just log into your account and look for the rewards section. That’s where you can cash in your points for money and a whole bunch of other stuff. They’ve updated their site recently with a lot of great changes. If worst comes to worst just email them directly at the site and they can walk you through it. Hope this helps.
Went to a seminar given by I went even though there was so much bad written about them on the net, still, hope runs eternal, right? After a two hour sales pitch and a dry sandwich, (That was the free meal along with a pitcher of water.) I decided not to pay the fee… that would get me in the next seminar that would show me how to get my site on the top of Google. Unemployed for six months and the UI running out, I need to find real money fast. Even replacing the UI (1000 a month) would be a good start. Still looking………
Hey Feyaia,
There is a point where you just need to go with your gut and instincts. If the writing is on the wall, just follow it. Don’t let desperation allow you to even entertain things you already know aren’t right for you. It’s just a waste of your time and energy. That being said, I don’t know how indepth you’ve gone through my blog. But umm, everything you need is already here.
If you visit the following pages and take action, I’m positive you’ll be on the way to making money today:
Good luck although I doubt you’ll need much of it with the pages above.
Thanks Eddy for this site. I’ve been working at home doing a customer service job for 2 yrs 5 months and I am burned out from it. My husband actually found this website and I started looking at it back around the middle of Feb 2010 for jobs that didn’t need me on the phone to make extra money because I cut my hours to only 16 hours with the customer service job. I saw your posts about MTurk and Pinecone research so I signed up for both. It took me a minute to sign up for MTurk (FEB 25th). I was finally offered a survey from Pinecone this past Monday 3/22 and I got the check in the mail today 3/26! I have been doing Amazon Mechanical Turk everyday since I joined. Not excessive either, trying to not get scammed on it. Got 2 malware viruses from it (Thank God my husband had my system on another harddrive). But I’m happy to say that as of today, 30 days from Feb 25th I have made $29.82 with money still pending to bring it to about $31 for 30 days. My goal was to make $35/month with extra non-phone jobs and I made $34 with these two. I plan to up that amount to do at least $1.50 – $3 /day of hits on MTurk. I do transcription hits and some surveys or product search on MTurk to make this amount. Thank you, thank you, thank you. You just don’t know. Also, I know some people will look at these amounts and say that’s not a lot, but I only need a little to cover my lose of hours. One day when I’m willing to try to make a full-time, non-phone income I know I will be able to thanks to you.
Hey Michelle,
First and foremost please thank your husband for me. It means a lot that he visited the site and thought it had enough value to share with his wife. I hear you about your customer service job. Obviously I do a lot of customer service type of work here in terms of answering emails and responding to comments and it can definitely take it’s toll. Most people are pleasant but as you know there can be some folks that can really screw up your day. So I can totally understand the need to cut back hours. Needless to say I’m extremely happy to hear that the options I’ve listed on this site have helped you achieve some of your supplemental income goals. Obviously none of these opportunities are perfect as you well know with your experience with Mturk. But it’s a matter of filtering through the garbage to find the cream which you’e done. So congratulations on your success thus far. I’m confident that you’ll hit the next milestones you have set up for yourself. Who knows, maybe a lot of this stuff can replace your current income as a customer service rep. The sky is the limit. Just keep pushing forward! Thank you so much for sharing your experience with me!
does the company have international surveys? i am from asia and i find this interesting@Eddy Salomon:
Hi Pandita,
Not in Asia. Visit our international page to find work at home opportunities in your area:
Hope it helps.
Do you have a list of other legitimate survey sites besides
You may want to visit my recommendations page as well:
Good luck.
thanks for the info!
You’re welcome Brendan!
Hey Eddie,
Nice video. I apologize if you already answered these, didn\’t read every question / response.
1. How long did it take you to acquire that amount of points?
2. Once signed up, can you advertise your personal referral link online, or do you have to be approved to put it on a personal website?
3. How soon after you joined did you break 1000 points?
Hi Brendan,
Thanks. By the way it’s Eddy not Eddie.
1. Honestly, I don’t remember. I’ve been a member with them for years. But I probably started getting more points once I honed my affiliate marketing skills and when I created my two sites. But initially I probably only got a few referrals per month.
2. Read the comments above about how to get your personal link. If you apply to their website affiliate program and have a website, you can just put it on your personal site
or where ever else you deem would be helpful as long as you’re not spamming people or doing something shady. They can give you more detail about their program, just visit their site and email them if anything.
3. Sorry I have no idea. Like I said I’ve been with them for years. Just keep in mind that the frequency of surveys vary greatly depending on your demographics. I definitely made some initial money just focusing on taking the surveys. But I realized it was far more lucrative if I shared this legit opportunity to others that may be interested in it.
I wish I could be of more help. But I’m just being honest about what I remember. Take care.
I am very rarely moved to respond or chime in on blogs or forums, but after searching and discovering your site (fairly easily), I am impressed with the wealth of information and integrity with which it is given. I thank you for sharing with others that which you have worked to know. I will join Mysurvey as a start and at some point give an update. There is soooo much on your site to take in (I’ve been at it for an hour). Until then, may you and your family be blessed and prosperous. I hope to join the ranks.
Hello and thank you for providing me with this site. I am def going to check it out. Recently having a baby and not being able to afford daycare I am constantly looking for jobs I can do from home. I am not having much luck because as you stated before they are mostly all scams. I was even going to try market america however they expect someone to drive to harrisburg 2 times a month for meetings that last 8 hours long. Well I firstly don’t have a sitter to watch my kids for 8 hours and I don’t have money to waste on gas to drive the hour to harrisburg. Anyway thank you for providing this site. Also if you know of any legit work at home jobs that are hourly paid and anywhere from 25-40 hours a week please let me know as I am really struggling like most just to get my baby diapers. Thank you very much
You’re welcome Jen!
Keep reading through the site because everything you need is already here including new job leads every week:
We also list a few legitimate work at home companies that tend to hire at home folks here:
And finally landing a traditional work at home job may take a while, but there are a lot of non-traditional ways that can make you money now.
My top recommendations can be found here:
There is wealth of information on this blog. As long as you’re willing to read chances are you may find something you can start today. So get comfortable and take
advantage of all the work I’ve done. Good luck.
I’ve been a follower of Eddy for about 6 months now. I can appreciate your comment,for I have been scammed many times myself. Take a look at Eddy’s response though and go through some of his links including the scam page (I still haven’t read all of it,my eyes go buggy before I finish,just so much information lol). But really don’t take my word,other posters word,or even Eddy’s (goes for all sites,one of the easiest work at home opportunities out there is a comment writer). Spend some time looking all over this place and you’ll see that he brings out that he’s an affiliate marketer and that he makes his income from his blog,he doesn’t try to hide it,in fact he kinda just throws it in your face. Just do some research and make your own decisions,you can ask all the questions you want,but in the business of working at home,it all comes down to thorough investigation and making your own opinion based on what you find.
@Eddy Salomon:
Keep it up and sorry it’s been so long since I’ve posted on the forums.
Thanks for chiming in.
I totally agree which is why I constantly tell folks to do their research and even provide the resources to do so as you pointed out! I guess what really gets my goat is when folks jump to conclusions without doing their due diligence. This is why scam artists thrive so much. They know most of us fail to read and aren’t putting in a little effort to do our research. Our mental laziness can be very costly. It’s all very troubling.
In any event, thanks again for posting your comment.
P.S. Thanks for being a long time subscriber, I really appreciate it.
So, over the course of “a few years” you’ve made about $200?
No Phil,
Obviously not. I’ve actually earned thousands of dollars with MySurvey. But obviously I’ve redeemed my points for cash and prizes over the years over the course of my membership with MySurvey.
Just started with MySurvey and so far I like it and I like the fact that they can give you an instant message when surveys are waiting.
Glad you like it Michele. It’s a great company.
Well said Eddy. I was so pleased when I “discovered” your site, it’s definitely the best out there, in fact I reckon it’s unique and I check back on it often..which is what you want us to do, right? You were the one who wrote great things about MyLot and – based on your recommendation, I joined and am now earning money from doing something I like…discussing “everything under the sun” which is, I think, how you described it. You are a great man and DESERVE to be rewarded for helping people like me who are finding it tough looking for jobs outside the home at the moment. This is hardly your fault and people should really be more patient when looking through your site. I was…and it’s paid off. Thank you for being there for us all. The timing wasn’t good either was it with the negative poster? As you said you are a Haitian-American so to receive an ignorant comment at this trying time must have been tougher than usual for you to deal with. However, I am here to point out there are more people who believe what you say than those who do not…and I’m one of the former I’m pleased to say. You deserve all the luck in the world, my friend. **HUGS**
Thanks so much for the kind words. It’s always great to hear from folks that have actually read my site and taken action when these negative nancies come out the woodwork.
Honestly I don’t mind negative comments because that’s how we all grow and learn. But I’d prefer they would actually be based on my full body of work rather than assumptions.
That being said I know that most of the folks that visit the site and actually take the time to go through the material gain a lot either from avoiding scams or making money as you are. So a few negative comments here and there aren’t a big deal. The person probably doesn’t even know I’m Haitian and I doubt it would have made a difference. When folks feel slighted by others they want some type of resolution and when they visit a site like this where they see the owner actually interacts with the users, it’s like a perfect opportunity to get that frustration out. So it is what it is.
Again, I’m just happy that 99.9% of my interactions are more about guiding people in the right direction based on their needs. So thanks for chiming in and being a testament to that effort. That’s the good thing about when you put in a lot of effort to help people, the ones that you have helped will step up and say something. So thanks for taking a few moments out your day to express you support and experience with my efforts. You put a nice smile on my face. 🙂
I’m just wondering Eddy about your discussion forum here about helping people for free.
You keep mentioning all these sites where people can make money. Be honest….You are making money right here with all these discussions aren’t you? Maybe not right on this forum but referring people to other places? There are just so many scams out there, and what makes you different than any other one and you are not a scam artist? I don’t mean to offend you in any way, believe me. But I personally think you are scam.
Uhh, yeah I’m offended because it’s obvious you haven’t really read much of my site. You’ve clearly made an assumption without much justification except for your experience with the other sites out there. It’s common because of the nature of the shady nature of this industry. So I’m not surprised. However I’ll have to educate you in the error of your ways.
I make it very clear that I’m an affiliate marketer. It says this right on under my picture which is on the right of the site on EVERY single page. I also have several articles where I mention repeatedly I earn a living as an affiliate marketer and encourage others to do so if they have the same interest.
So this is no secret and it’s not a crime or something dirty to be doing this.
If I feel a company will help people make money online legitimately and I happen to be an affiliate of them, then yes I’m going to recommend them and of course I deserve to make money for the introduction. Even when I’m not affiliated with them I will bring it to the attention of my users like I do every friday with the jobs leads I list on this blog: and daily on my other site
Look, I’m nice guy but like everyone that visits this site, I have a family to feed and need to earn a living as well. If that makes me a scam artist so be it. If that’s the case travel agents must be a scam artist as well. Because they make a living recommending destinations that fit what their clients want and they make money with. But I guess in your mind bloggers don’t have the same right.
Fortunately most people understand my goal is to help them and that I should be compensated for all the hours spent doing research, writing articles and responding to comments like this. As a result of this mutually beneficial relationship I have helped countless people avoid scams and make money online as clearly demonstrated by
the comments on the following pages:
By the way, I’ve also given away money just to help my loyal subscribers out:
Someone that runs around scamming people isn’t referenced in the news media and other publications as a resource to help people avoid scams and find legitimate work at home:
In any event, good luck to you. It’s obvious you’ve been scammed a lot like many of us. So chances are you’re jaded and need someone to lash out at. Since I actually respond to people I understand that I’m an easy target. No worries though, I still wish you the best. As you continue to search for work at home, I’m confident you’ll have a better appreciation for my efforts and this site. Take care.
Hi Eddy,
I’ve been reading this column quite often and the suggestions you give seems to be good. I live in Singapore. I tried all the urls mentioned by you but they all seem to be open only for the people of US. I am looking for opportunities outside the US. Can you provide me with any.
Visit my international work at home page:
Great job. I was online trying to find out about I did a search to find out about reviews and I came across your forum dated August 16, 2008. Yes, it is old but the information was very valuable information to me. I am a at home mom and I want to make the right choice. I appreciate your honesty. I will unsubscribe
my email from their listing.
Glad the site has been helping you Angie.
Good info man. Wish I knew about this 10 years ago lol.
It happens. lol
Eddy 🙂
You’re welcome.
hey eddy,
i live in Malta and none of the companies seem to employ people from Malta, do you think you might now about any companies that do?
Hi Dayle,
Visit our international page:
I did a search on BBB site, there is no company listed with BBB by the name of so please advise
My Survey is part of TNS
TNS is rated with the BBB:
You’ll notice mysurvey is one of the sites listed in the report.
Don’t worry, I’m not in the business of lying. 😉 lol
@Eddy Salomon:
thank you very much,I will be looking into this and give it careful consideration.
You’re welcome Kyler.
I also joined My and was very skeptical about all the questions of my personal life.I have filled out two so far and they are all about me.Their policy is scary . It states that they have control over all your business on the internet.Maybe I misunderstood.Help me out on this.At this point, I’m not sure what to do.
Hi Elsie,
These questions are part of market research. Their company is listed with the BBB in good standing. I’ve been with them for years and never had an issue. As you’ve read by the comments others have had the same experience. That being said market research may not be for you. So you don’t have to join if providing this type of information makes you feel uncomfortable.
There are other options available to you like the ones found on the following page:
Good luck. I hope this helps.
I’ve stumbled upon this site and your video and I am quite curious as to how you have gone about moving from very nominal income outlets to retirement. I am 23 and trying to find purpose and position in the economic struggle. My focus is on god and moving toward a life of ministry, but I’d like to find opportunities that provide renewable income, thus allowing me to focus my energy elsewhere without being bogged down by the pressures of financial destitution. I’d appreciate any advice you have to offer. Thank You.
Hi Kyler,
In a word, affiliate marketing.
Read the following articles and you’ll see what I do and how I was able to retire from working for the man:
It may or may not be an option for you. The following article will help you decide that:
Hope this helps. Good luck to you.
Hi Eddy. Nice work. This website is really great. But then, my problem is that I’m from India n am trying to look for a legit website, but most of the websites here are only for US and Canada residents. Are there any sites where we can work too? Thanks.
Yes there is. Check out my international work at home page:
Please help me on this, I am from Egypt and most of these sites are not working for me, so please advice what to do?
Thank you so much.
Please visit the international page:
Hi Eddy
Just something I have noticed when taking part in online surveys. Practically every one of them (I cannot remember off-hand the names of the survey companies involved) ask the same questions to start off i.e. how old are you? 43. Are you employed? No! Once I give them that information it’s “hello, goodbye, thanks for your time but no thanks!” It happens every time I try to do a survey! So much for being honest eh lol!
Hi Jane,
It would be interesting to learn which companies that you’re experiencing this with. I’ll just say this again at the risk of sounding like a broken record:
You only qualify for a given survey if you fit a profile. It shouldn’t be taken personal or viewed as a question of legitimacy. It’s basically supply and demand. If I’m a company looking to interview women who are 18-25 and are employed and your profile doesn’t fit this, then I’m not paying a company like MySurvey to recruit people outside of my desired parameter. It would be flushing money down the drain for me as a company because I know what my target audience is and that’s who I want to hear from.
The most important thing is to be in the database of the legitimate survey companies so when a firm is looking for your profile you’ll qualify. You can’t make consistent money by taking surveys alone since you can’t fit every profile. But many of the companies have a referral program and that’s where you can make money with surveys consistently.
Read the following article for more details:
Take care. Is this a legit work at home? It asks to build your profile by answering some personal surveys to better understand you and to know what kind of surveys to send. But the questions it asks is really personal. For example it already asks for your home address then it asks for what kind of stuff you own what exactly do you own(personal materials). It seems like a site to where somewhere can find out what you have and go break into your house. Doesn’t it?
Read the following:
I understand why you’re paranoid because there are a lot of scams out there. But this isn’t one of them. Any legit work at home company is going to need your address to send your checks or tax forms assuming you earn over $600 for the given year. It’s no different than when become part of a company for a job and they ask you all this personal information. They’re using it for the same reasons. That being said not every company is legit and you’re right to be cautious and doing your due diligence. Watch my scam video and you’ll know how to do that:
By the way you may want to look at traditional jobs like the ones listed on the following page:
Good luck!
So if we make over 600 with company we have to fill out a 1099 form and send it to the work at home company? What do has far as our taxes? I guess I am not following very well lol. Is there a certain form I have to fill out and send off with my taxes each year?
Okay, let’s try this:
Basically any company you’re working with will send you a w9 that you must fill. This document will be filed with the government. At the end of the year if you’ve earned over $600, they will send you 1099. You will need to provide this to your accountant. He/She will then ask you what your expenses were for this business which will be stuff like your internet, home office supplies, etc. (They’ll be able to advise you on your deductions) Whatever is left over after all your deductions is what can be taxed by the feds and you’ll be expected to pay back. I know this in intimate details because I’m an independent contractor for all the affiliate companies I work with. That’s a common way to work with home based folks so the company avoids the cost of managing taxes and such. So that’s basically the process assuming you’re here in the U.S. and it may vary from state to state.
Hopefully this is clear as day now.
Hello Eddy,
My biggest question that I have not seen yet is, how do you do your taxes each year? Are these work at home companies paying you tax free, or are they taxing you? If so, how would you go about doing your taxes each year?
Great questions Scott.
I’ve responded to this one before on the following comment:
Hope it helps.
Just visited Callie’s website…VG !! I suggested that SHE sould “mention” YOU ON HER’S !!
hAVE YOU YET ENCOUNTERED ?? Seems to have a good “forum-
grounding”looks promising…..We’ll see ! Thanx Eddy for all you do and have done already !!
this will change shortly!!
Doesn’t Callie have a great website? Trust me Callie does a lot of stuff for my sites behind the scenes. So she’s always showing love. 😀
Do you know any other survey websites? I use mysurvey but they never have any surveys for me to take.
My buddy Callie runs a great survey site: and I also have a list of other survey sites here:
Just keep in mind surveys are only made available based on a profile that may be in demand for a given project. It’s less of a reflection of the survey company. But being part of a lot of legitimate survey databases will better your chances of getting surveys. Hope that makes sense.
Just make sure they’re legit. They’re are a lot of survey companies out there but only a smaller number that are truly legit.
Take care.
I thought that this was quite interesting.
I was wondering, if you sign up for this, will you receive a lot of spam in your email?
Hi Kay,
I totally understand your concern. A lot of the shady survey companies will spam the crap out of you. MySurvey isn’t one of them. That’s why I only really list a hand few of survey companies because the other ones seems more concerned with pushing your email to their partners. In general what you should do is have a separate “work” email for work at home programs. This way your personal email can never fall into the wrong hands. I also suggest using gmail. They have a great spam filter. When I sign up for companies I’m not really familiar with I always use my gmail account. I hope this helps.
Hi Eddy,
I would just like to know if any of the opportunities offered on your site are available to people in South Africa.
Thank you
Visit our international page:
I am looking for a no fee online job. I have been looking for a no fee online for a couple of years. I am so frustrated because i am unemployed and everyone wants a fee for online work. This is not fair to people like me who needs a job online without coming out of my pocket.
Hi Leona,
Did you visit our work at home guide?
If not go and head there now:
It will provide everything you’ve asked for and help you avoid what you’ve complained about.
But it’s only as good as your willingness to use it fully.
Hope it helps.
Hi Eddy,
I was excited to become a member of MySurvey but Hawaii residents are excluded. Boo. What other survey companies do you recommend? I have also been working as an affiliate for and it’s been great. Thank you for this site!
Work at Home!
My first time on this site. I’m at work right now but will definitely see the video at home. And I’m going to try it and will keep you posted. Thank you for this site.
Hi Eddy,
I have followed your advice and signed up for several survey companies that you have mentioned. I have only made a few dollars on some sites but other sites have been a bit more profitable. I certainly can’t quit my job but every little bit helps.
For everyone out there, if you follow Eddy’s advice you won’t go wrong. He won’t lead you to any scams and you will actually make some money!
Thanks for all of your hard work Eddy!
Hi Susie,
I’m so happy to hear you’ve made some money with surveys. You have a great attitude about it. Too often people don’t even appreciate the opportunity to make a few dollars. But like you I feel every little bit helps. I’m sure as you give some of our other recommendations a shot you’ll increase your income:
Keep up the good work!
Hi. I found your website by chance and it’s the best one I’ve ever come across. The second I found out about My Survey I signed up for it. Though it hasn’t sent me many surveys yet, I’m keeping an open mind and answering everyone they send me. Thanks for all the information I’m finding on your site.
Glad you’re enjoying the site Brandy.
Hi I was wondering about how often they send you surveys. I already signed up and I’ve taken a few and I think I’m gonna like doing this.
Not a scam!!!! I made 11,587.54 my first pay check and i was only working 15 hours a week! It’s free and the only thing i chose to buy was my domain name which by the way is not required! Very happy & very rich! I got the check 3 weeks after i started. I talk to someone once every weekend and they give me tips on how to make more money. My sister works full time and on her first pay she made around 44,000 which was sent to her home. The way it works is referrals and you can even get the system to do it for you……For free!
Hi Moca,
Thanks for sharing your excitement about this opportunity. lol I don’t know if people can really get rich with MySurvey but they can definitely make some money with it.
Glad it’s worked for you and your sister.
If you get a nice system down. I agree you can make extra spending cash. Good job on the video!
Agreed. Thanks.
Thanks for sharing your experience. I must admit trying new products before they come out is a lot of fun. Pinecone Research is also very good for that.
By the way if you want to increase the amount you can earn with mysurvey or just non-traditional work at home opportunities in general, try referring other people. Most of these companies offer referral programs. And why not share the love?
I make good money doing this:
So that’s something to consider.
Focus groups are something else you may want to look into:
In any event, thanks for sharing.
I have belonged to MySurvey for a long time. I don’t earn much money. The points add up over some time and I have gotten some nice gifts with them. The really neat thing is that after you have been with them for awhile, they start sending things for you to try out, before they make it to the shelves. It’s a lot of fun.
Hi Traci,
You’re welcome. Scams are pretty easy to spot if you follow some simple steps:
So I’m glad we can help you with that.
Thanks for the info. This is something I wanted to try out and see but was weary of all the scams. I appreciate your time to share a legitimate business with me (and others)
Traci =)
Hi All!! I am not certain I understand the: Brain Juicers & Exclusive Online Community Membership. I recently signed up with Pine Cone Research (thanks to this site) but I’m not clear if the two areas above are websites themselves or if they come with being members of survey websites?
Can I sign up to take or be a part of a Brain Juicer and/or an Exclusive Online Community Membership?
I just signed up for and I am very impressed with the information provided.
I do have one question. I am looking to make a transition from my current job to a career in the work at home field. Do you have a career planning course to give someone some instructional steps on making this transition in a timely fashion.
Just wanted to say that the details you provide are very informative. It’s helped me a lot in my search for legitimate opportunities. So often you come across gimmicks and flashy ads and they turn out to be scams…
Thanks again!
Hi Lisa,
Great question. Just in case it wasn’t made clear in the video, I am a very experienced affiliate:
So racking up those points came relatively quickly because of my training and experience. Most people won’t rack up that type of points unless they’ve been trained to be an affiliate.
So don’t use me as a reference in terms of the amount of points you saw in the video. The point of the video was to demonstrate how this company works, their legitimacy and how you can earn some money as well. Hopefully you’ll earn as much as possible relatively quickly.
I was wandering how long did it take you to earn that many points?
Hi AshLeigh,
I definitely recommend this opportunity to any one looking for a little source of income whether you’re in college or not.
We’ve listed a few other of our recommendations on the following page as well:
The one piece of advice I will give you as you search for work at home is to always do your research. And you can do that by following the advice of the video we have listed on our scam page:
If you follow that advice you should avoid a lot of issues that new work at home seekers run into.
Next be sure to read our question section: in its entirety. Its as long as the bible but it gives you nearly everything you’ll need to know about working at home.
So I hope this helps. I remember what it was like being in college trying to find a work at home job. I tried typing peoples papers but it didn’t do as well for me as it did when I offered that service for medical students.
Good luck either way.
Hey Eddy,
would you recommend this to a college student? If not, are there others that would probably be better for college students than others?
If you couldn’t already tell, I’m a poor college student, and there aren’t really any jobs available that are within walking distance, so I’ve been doing some research.. any insight you have would be great!
Hi Angel,
It might be available for people in certain countries. The best thing to do is visit the site and ask them directly. They’ll have more insight on this than me.
Hi eddy,
Just wanted to know if this works for people living outside the US?
Hi Meiewyn,
Thanks for writing in.
I am very proud of you that you are willing to take action on mysurvey. I’m glad you understand you won’t make large amounts of money with it. But like you said every little bit does count and that is better than not making any money in my humble opinion.
Look forward to hearing your results. If these folks can do it:
you can as well!
I just saw your video and signed up with mysurvey. I am excited to see where it leads. (I know I won’t get rich or even pay a big bill but every little bit helps.) I’ve been searching around for something to do in my spare time from home since I am a single parent. To work outside the home for a part time job when I am already gone most of the day for my full time job takes too much time away from my son. I will check back in once I have completed a few surveys!! 🙂 Wish me luck!!
Hi Carrie,
I’m glad you’re giving it another chance.
As you can see in the video I’ve done pretty well with it taking surveys and referring others. So you have two great ways to make money with MySurvey even when you’re not taking any surveys.
I have to say I’m really happy to see so many of my loyal visitors taking action. I was really starting to think that my advice was falling on deaf ears:
Thanks again for keeping us in the loop Carrie.
Always great to hear from our visitors.
Thank you for the rating on the survey site. I signed up for a while ago but didn’t notice anything different from the many others I have signed up with, but after seeing your video about it I downloaded the survey messenger that tells you when you get new survey opportunities and I’m going to keep that site in mind from now on. Thank you again.
Hey CBreezy,
Thanks for your continued patience. It’s coming. I’m just formulating how I plan to present this stuff.
Well, We are waiting…Thanks for this info.
Hey Ginny,
Great to hear from you again.
I’ve actually made some references to a few ways to make “real money” in many of my comments to folks. I.E. Medical Transcription and affiliate marketing.
But I’m working behind the scenes on presenting some other work at home opportunities. The jobs are already listed for you in the companies section of this site. So people looking for jobs just need to visit:
But for me job means “just over broke” so you ain’t going to hear me talking much about jobs or promoting finding a work at home jobs as the way to ultimate success. A work at home job wasn’t what helped me retire. I advocate work at home careers and work at home opportunities because that’s what eventually lead to my success.
I started off doing things like what I presented in the video above and then just magnified those efforts into other related type of opportunities. So when I do present how I’ve made “real money” you’ll be very shocked to learn it has nothing to do with having a work at home job.
But stay tuned. People have to learn to walk before they can run and many of the things I’m showing you guys is just that. But like said if you’re just interested in work at home jobs just click on the navigation links on the top of the page.
Since I’ve been surveying for awhile, when are you telling us about work at home jobs that really pay?
Hope to know soon.
Hi Tasha,
Thanks for vouching for MySurvey. I agree it’s not something you can live off. My successful strategy for working at home full time has been working with multiple companies. Individually they don’t necessarily earn me a lot but combined together it’s a full time salary.
So it’s important for people to understand that when looking at this opportunity. The video is more about showing folks that it is possible to make money with surveys without having to pay these dumb fees I see all over the place.
Tasha, thanks again for your insight.
I’ve worked with My survey for 2 years and it is a good survey website to get some extra cash. But I can say with me it’s not to live on just extra to play with.