Rebate Processor Jobs, Scam or Work At Home Miracle?

Links & ads you may click on this blog pay the bills & keep this site free for you. Thanks for supporting!

Let me start off by saying how much I love communicating with you guys because you keep me up on “what's hot on the streets”. Every question or comment you make lets me know what's been on your mind. You may not realize how critical that is. But it's very important to get your comments because it helps me come up with better posts for you to read like this one. This is a tremendous help to our little community here. So keep your comments and questions coming in my articles. Good or bad, I want to know.

In any event, in the last week or so I've received tons of emails and comments about these Rebate Processors Positions listed all over the web. It's seems to be the new hot thing on the web right now. Anyone that has been reading my blog for a while knows that I do my best to keep it real and help people avoid work at home scams. I know a lot of people are very hopeful about this whole processing rebate opportunity but I hate to be the bearer of bad news. Basically like many of those typing and data entry ebooks that cost $39.95 on clickbank, rebate processors opportunities are just another misleading rip off. I can't call it a flat out scam because what they're teaching you can work but they're totally misrepresenting the information.

Here's What You're Promised As A Rebate Processor

The sky, moon and stars. Okay seriously you promised the ability to process various rebates for all different companies which can pay anywhere from $10-$15 per rebate processed. Training is allegedly provided and you'll be able to make money right away! Sounds pretty good? But of course you can't start this so called job without paying the going rate of $29-$49 bucks! Hmmmm, something smells funny and it's not me this time as I just took a shower. I know, too much information Ed.
Here's How Rebate Processor Work At Home Positions Really Work.

  • The authors of these ebooks or systems provide you with a list of products to sell.
  • The companies that own these products offer you a commission for every one you sell.
  • You're then provided a list of free classified sites.
  • You're also provided with ads to put on these sites.

You're then instructed to visit these free classifieds sites and post ads which are basically designed to encourage people to buy the products you list. However in your ads you have a statement that reads you'll pay people that buy the products you list some money back. (also known as a rebate) Because you get a commission every time a product is sold, you can afford to pay these rebates to people that buy your listed products. That's the rebate processing scam.. I mean opportunity.

Now let's clarify some things.

Yes, it's true companies will pay you a commission for selling things or simply just for referring people to their sites without having to make any sales. I know this for a fact and make a very good living doing this (You can too, click here to see how!). I especially focus on the latter referring people to free sites. But the creators of this processing rebate ebook has done a horrible injustice by misrepresenting the opportunity. If they called it “make money selling stuff by encouraging people to buy your stuff by giving them some of the money you earn opportunity”, that would be a total honest representation of this work from home opportunity. But I'm sure many of you wouldn't really give it a second look based on that description. The creators of these ebooks know this so they cross the line and put a totally unbelievable spin on the opportunity.

So the problem lies more in the presentation and not the actual information. The techniques that they teach you can work. But they won't for most people because you're going in there thinking it's a regular work at home job when it's not. Obviously, this is going to piss you off. You won't actually try the techniques listed because it's not what you want to do. As a result, you're going to call this company a scam. But the scam of it all is how it's represented. The actual information listed is viable and legal.

Infomercials have a habit of doing the same misrepresentation. For God's sake our president did it too with the whole weapons of mass destruction nonsense. Now does that make it right? Hell nah! But marketers walk the fine line between marketing and straight up lying everyday. In cases of the rebate processors, data entry and typing ebooks they just flat out stomp across the line. So just keep that in mind any time you come across these systems or ebooks that cost $49.95. Chances are they're misrepresenting the opportunity or rehashing information that can be found for free like in the cases of paid surveys.
It's Spreading All Over Like A Nasty Rash!

Chances are you'll find these so-called rebate processor opportunities everywhere, even on some of your favorite legitimate work at home sites. (I think I've even seen them on some of my sites. ) Usually this occurs because the ads are automatically displayed by Google across thousands of sites. Google administers that ads that pay web site owners. I think in time they will get rid of these ads like they have been doing with the fake data entry and typing scams. But now you have the facts. So no matter where you run into this so called opportunity and no matter how good they make it sound, you'll know to keep your money in your pocket!

Are There Any Legitimate Free Rebate Processor Jobs?

Well I recently read an interesting concept online. Someone suggested, hanging out around major electronic stores and offering to pay people for their receipts and the UPC codes on the boxes of the products they buy as they walk out the store.
Then you just head home and process the paperwork and collect the rebate checks. I guess this is feasible because I know I rarely take advantage of the rebates printed up by my local Best Buy or Circuit City. But you really need to have a good approach otherwise people may think you're trying to scam them or something.
What's The Last Word? You Tell Me…

Now you have my thoughts about this whole rebate processor program. Depending on your point of view, I can totally see how some of you would think of it as a total rip off, fraud or scam. But that's not really for me to decide. I'm just giving you the information and it's up to you to run with it.

What do you guys think? Are you still willing to give this whole processing business a try now that you know how it really works? Are you open to the free version I laid out here? As always I'm interested in your thoughts. Who knows your comments may be the subject of my next blog post and can help others dispel some of the other crap that's out there! So leave a comment in the form below! By the way, if you're still looking for something legitimate to invest your time in, you may want to explore a work at home career as an affiliate which is what yours truly does. If so click here for more details.

99 thoughts on “Rebate Processor Jobs, Scam or Work At Home Miracle?”

  1. Hi Eddy, I noticed there haven’t been many comments lately, but wanted to add my own. I, for one appreciate the info you provided, the rebate processor position I was looking at seemed legit until I did a little research! I was happy to find your article that gave a very good summary of how they actually work. Lot’s of double speak and out right lies about what can be reasonably expected. I call them “clickbank whores”. So thank you for your help! I also decided to look at your link and I just signed up today. I’m impressed with all the information! Have a great day! (oh by the way WMD is weapons of mass distruction…I don’t know why that poster took issue with you using that as an example, but anyway, that is what it stands for….)

    • Hey Shelley,

      I’m so happy to hear this article helped you avoid this scam. It’s been quiet for this one because I assumed the scammers moved on to something else. But I guess they’re still peddling this nonsense too. It’s a good thing you did your research! I’m glad you decided to give my recommendation a shot and you like the information. You’ll quickly see why I’ve been a member since 2007. Thanks again for chiming in. I appreciate it!

    • Oh no, lol they’re still out there, and you wouldn’t believe the emails I get asking me to be a “liason” between sellers and buyer in foreign markets!!! I had a company want me to receive 2 packages a week, open them up, take pictures of the stuff, reseal the shipping box, put the included shipping stamp on it and take it to the post office…these items came from places like California, Utah, etc…and then were shipped overseas! I notified the FBI on it and sure enough it was all merchandise purchased with stolen credit card numbers!! OMG!!! I can’t BELIEVE the lengths some people will go to, to try to rip other people off!! I’m a humble, low income mother, with multiple chronic autoimmune diseases and as a result can’t work out side of my home, I have no immune system to speak it is especially tragic when people just like me want to believe they just found an answer to their prayers and instead get sucked in to a debt creating nightmare. I again want to thank you for being a “watchdog” I will definitely recommend this site to my friends, especially the one’s who work from home like I do.

    • That’s crazy. I guess if it still works then why stop, huh?
      Sorry to hear they try to hit you with the old reshipping scam. Man it’s a nasty one where I’ve helped hundred people avoid but just as many or more have fallen victim because they found my article after the fact. I’m just happy I can be here to help some people escape this garbage.

      Thanks for supporting my site and sharing it with others. I appreciate it!

  2. I was  interested until you through in the comment about WMD’s.  You might want to think twice about comments like that.  

  3. Uhhh, I’m just stating the facts about this so called “rebate processing” nonsense. And yes of course I’m going to provide legitimate alternatives that are up front about what they’re providing you. Furthermore this is my site so I can recommend whatever I want. People come here looking for recommendations it’s not something that I hide. Anyone that has read this site and taken action knows that my recommendations are legit, make them money and me money in the process. So this isn’t a secret and nothing I’m ashamed of.

  4. It is good to know the twist. Everyone is out to make money, just some have no conscience. These people who have no conscience have not evolved with most of society.

    Kelly C.

  5. Love the plan but hate the wait time of -6 weeks to get paid. Besides the fact of being arrested for solicitation or loitering is not at all appealing (then who would pick up the rebate checks?). I have a small question though aside from rebate processing bologna. I am a site owner with many affiliations and building but have no clue how to advertise without having to write long articles. I do not sell anything personally. I let the companies I give free advertisement to the opportunity for that as I try to get customers keyed into their products. However my site traffic is only me checking on the traffic. If you have any advice I would certainly appreciate it. I realize a big key is SEO which is a totally new concept to me but I’m learning it as I go. I found your site searching google for “work at home order processor jobs” as the 2nd listing. Thank you for the opportunity to read this informative insightful article. Happy affiliating!

    • You’ve answered your own question. You need to learn Internet marketing. SEO is key. That being said not writing articles will definitely work against if you want to be successful with SEO or your site in general.

  6. Hey! thanks!
    It is a company called Smart Tools. They process rebates for FHA and HUD that people are due on their homes.
    I have not seen any negative responces. I have watched the video and will continue due diligence…
    just thought you might have heard something…
    your a big help!!!
    honest ed

  7. @eddysalomon:
    hello fellow Eddy…
    You mentioned possible rebate scams…
    Do the The FHA or HUD rebates fall in this catagory?
    seems legit and can’r find many complaints directly tagetted at this particular rebate target.
    Do not promise the moon, but the 100 or so to start with them sounds reasonable
    until you think that maybe 100 people a day or week may be biting the bait…
    Any thoughts?


    • Hello Fellow Eddie,

      I don’t know anything about the FHA or HUD rebates you’re referring to. The only thing I can suggest is that you always do your research to know for sure. Follow the steps in my scam video: and that should help you with your due diligence.

      In terms of the ads you may find on this site, the same advice apply. Do your research. Don’t assume because an advertiser paid to be here or on TV, Newspapers or magazines that they’re on the straight and narrow. I make it very clear what I personally recommend because I will write an article about it and usually have a video documenting that I have used said company. So never assume any ads on this site or any medium gives it legitimacy. Many websites have the same business model as your favorite TV network where the advertisers pay the bills so we don’t have to charge our users. Hope this all makes sense.

      You can find my personal recommendations here:

      Good luck.

  8. Eddy: I haven’t touched base here for over a year.
    I see you are still trying to help folks help themselves.
    There’s that old saying that plays well here:
    You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make him drink.
    To anyone that see’s this.
    All the “information” you will need to be successful is here,
    However: The “stimulation” or drive to succeed is only found “inside yourself”.
    You will need both to win.
    Good luck. from oldbuck

    • Oldbuck,

      Has it really been that long? Either way too much time has passed by! 😉
      I appreciate you chiming. As always you have a creative way of expressing the truth and your observations. It’s definitely frustrating, sad and annoying when you provide folks the tools to help themselves and they just choose to ignore them because it requires just a little more effort on their part which on this site is nothing more than reading.

      But you’re absolutely right if folks don’t have that self motivating catalyst, there isn’t much I can do than to help the folks that do. So thanks for reminding of that! Sad thing is someone will probably just ignore the great advice you just gave in this article. lol

      In any event, you’re missed. Don’t wait a year again to chime in. Your comments are always entertaining and useful.

  9. Eddy, thanx for your good work and guideline. But, (yes BUT), you said it was free, free of charge. When I saw the payment bit and just couldn’t believe it! Eddy, it’s not about money that you charge (after going through all your videos and clicking the READY button, there was some dollars needed to sign up) NO Eddy, it’s about integrity. Honesty is very important, especially to some of us who have been scammed in these work at home schemes. Please let people know they will have to pay right from the begging and then they will choose the way to go. All of these schemes have proves of pay, videos etc, what would set you aside Eddy from all the scammers would be transparency, it surely wouldn’t be the videos, the websites etc. Correct me Eddy if I am wrong, but I am sure I got it all well, marketing or not, misleading put people off, big time! I know nothing is for free but why not mention it or may be omit the phrase ‘IT’S FREE’ in your Video? I need clarity clarity, if you may. Thanx Eddie, Hope to read yours soon.
    Dissappointed Esta

    • Esther,

      I have no idea what you’re talking about. I don’t own a rebate processing site nor do I charge for any information I provide on this site. So I’m totally lost.

  10. Hey thanks for all your insight on jobs, but I do know of one work @ home job that is legitimate its called it’s customer service based all you pay is $50 for your background check and then they will supply with everything you need. I have been looking all over the site I’m not a Medical Transcriptionist but I’m willing to work @ home I work a company called GSI and I answer for American Eagle I have years and years of Customer service are there any jobs out there in this field? I didnt do liveops b/c talking to ppl all day is a bore id rather have my info sent to me something like Data Entry.

  11. Hey. I love this website a lot of useful information. I love the idea of working from home and still having a life. Having to answer to no one. I have been checking out this links for data entry, processor, shopper. anything to take up my time. If any one can help just give me a link of all these. I feel like i click on one site and it brings me to many more. Thanks for any information and help. haha It may just be me.. not knowing how to work this.

  12. Hello Eddy,
    I am looking for extra money and I am a person who is very skeptical of work at home jobs but after reading your posts I might just go ahead and try one of the ones you recommend. Thanks!

  13. Wow … very well said Eddy & Old Buck.

    Within your words there’s enough motivation and inspiration for any work from home seeker to gain encouragement from in order to continue searching for their home employment passion.

    I’m a living example of how my “I’m not giving up” attitude eventually paid off nicely in terms of finding legitimate work from home.

    Keep up the “babbling” Eddy! 😉

  14. @Eddy Salomon:
    Eddy: I probably learned that quote from you.

    Makes me wonder how many others out there you may have taught things
    and they don’t realize or remember where they learned it. :0)

    What a winning combination.
    You do what you love, for people you care about, and make money for your family at the same time.
    This should serve as a great example for all those out there
    considering your line of “work at home”.

    • Maybe Old buck. lol It makes me wonder too. At the end of the day it’s just good to know that I’m making a difference in some folks lives. Some are nice enough to shoot me an email or post on the blog. But either way it’s just good to know I can do my part to help folks like yourself that support this blog and make my success possible. After all if none of you thought my babbling was useful I would still be working for an idiot boss some where.

      In any event as always Old buck you have great words of wisdom to share. I agree with you 100%. Make work at home something you love and not something you have to do. Too much of our lives are spent on jobs that we have no real passion for. With work at home if you’re patient and choose the right industry you too can get paid for what you love. If I can do it, we all can do it!

  15. @Eddy Salomon:
    Eddy: I couldn’t help making a suggestion.
    You could have included the old quote from Thomas A. Edison: I have not failed, I’ve just found 10,000 ways that don’t work.
    And after all that: we have electric lights today. :0)
    That’s determination & dedication, and what one might need to succeed, as you’ve suggested here.
    You ‘turn lights on” for people everyday with your “helps & cautions” for at home workers.
    One of your biggest fans,

    • Hey Old Buck!
      Always great to hear from you. I’ve actually used that Thomas Edison quotes in one of my job alerts or on my quote of the day tweets on twitter. It’s one of my favorite quotes. Most of the successful people have lived this quote. Its words to live by for anyone. So thanks for mentioning it here.

  16. First off, I would like to say that your site ROCKS!!! I’ve been searching for an online business for about three years but with no success yet.. It’s been hard to research a company with lack of information. Then I’ve found your site, and I just have to say “AWESOME”. I can research a company using your site with no hassle, it’s totally easy.. Thanks for your effort and time into this site.. Now enough about that..I have one question for you, hope you don’t mind answering.. Exactly how long have you been a member with Wealthy Affiliate University? How much do you average in income per month? Finally, how long did it take to reach your potential income? I am really interested in this program.. Thanks

    • Hey Danny,

      Thanks for the kind words man. I’m glad that I’ve restored your faith in the work at home industry. It’s brutal out there with all the crap.

      To answer your questions.

      1. I believe its been about 2 years now.

      2. I’m a bit shy by nature and don’t want to sound like those gurus touting about all the money they make. But let’s put it this way. I own a condo & live in a pretty nice suburb of New York. My wife no longer needs to work. She is now home with me raising our princess. I fired my old fortune 100 company that was paying me nearly 90k per year to work for myself full time. I take 2-5 vacations a year & I’m actually in the process of looking for a vacation home to purchase. So that should give you an idea of how much I’m making.

      3. Now the road to this point was over 10 years. It would’ve been a lot shorter if I wasn’t such a penny pincher and invested in courses, ebooks, etc. Instead I learned everything on my own and made a lot of mistakes. But I can’t complain because those experiences shaped me and made me a better affiliate & person. But it was very costly in terms of all the years I spent working for the man and making them rich. Ironically the year I decided to spend thousands of dollars in affiliate courses, ebooks, mentoring, etc is when I finally broke free of my dependency on “the man” & his job. But even prior to that I always made some decent side money with my affiliate career. I think once you receive your first payment or make your first dollar with affiliate marketing, it opens your eyes to the possibilities. I remember thinking to myself, “Wow, you really can make money at home without a job! I need to figure how to do this full time.” And so I did. But it wasn’t without sacrifices. I can’t tell you how many times I failed with trying to make money at home. However i’ve learned that most successful people tend to be the same way. The difference between them and others is they’re not afraid to fall. Instead they say failures as one step closer to success. And that’s how I was.

      That’s why when you read my article: I emphasize the fact that you need to have an unwavering dedication to succeed. You have to be willing to run through obstacles because you’re bound to meet them on this road to freedom. You have to be willing to work harder than you’ve ever done before. You have to be able to block 99.9% of the population that are going to say you’re crazy and can’t make it. And some of those folks are going to be the people you love the most. Quitting isn’t an option for those that want this to work. So that’s what you need to consider before getting involved in this career. Sites like can teach you the ropes and help you avoid the pitfalls that folks that go it alone will suffer. But ultimately it’s really up to you whether you succeed or not. So keep that in mind.

      Sorry if i sound like a negative nancy. I am really happy that so many of my visitors are now interested in this career. I just want to be real about what to expect. Because it’s not for everyone and it takes a certain type of mentality to succeed with this career.

      In any event, I hope this helps. Apologies for the babbling. I really love this career so I tend to ramble on. lol

  17. No i’m not ignoring at all and if i was i would have probably paid the fee already to sign up for it months ago but i haven’t nor will I. This is why i apreciate this site and others where you can get access to all of this information before you make a decision. I just wanted to know if that person really got actually earnings as he/she says they did & whether or not they found the opportunity online or elsewhere.

  18. Hi Eddy. Did the person by the name of Paige who posted the message(on May 24, 2008 at 12:45am) about doing data entry at home and processing rebates give anymore details on how others in this community and work at home industry can get access to this opportunity?

    • Umm, they advertise these type of sites all the time. You can do a search in Google and find tons of them. But I’m assuming you’re choosing to ignore the advice of the article above.

  19. Ed,

    What do you know about a lady by the name of ” Mary Gersten ” ?

    I have done some research. Some say she a rip off, other claim she not.
    Who`s telling the turth ?

    Thanks L J

  20. Hello All,
    I’m new to this site, however, I wanted to share my story. Just recently, I too was scammed into the whole rebate processor scheme. The only difference is that I paid $197.00 to get started!!! Eddy is so right! The way that they hook you is by telling you that all you need to do is pay X amount of money to get started & you will get all of the training that you need. They also tell you that you will have 24/7 support via email or phone, but if you email, you could be waiting for days to get a responce & if you call their TOLL FREE # then you would be on hold for what seems like FOREVER! I never did actually talk to anyone when I called, I always got angry & hung up!
    It’s not until you pay the money to get started that they tell you, “OH, BY THE WAY” we don’t actually send you the companies to process rebates for, you have to sign up on this other site, there you will be able to chose which product(s) you would like to process rebates for. Then you need to market and promote that product as much as you possibly can. When someone clicks on your affiliate link and buys your product only then will you get a percentage of the cost of that product. Also, you have the choice as to weather or not you want to give your customers a rebate.
    The problem with all of that is that not everyone is good at marketing for one. Plus, there is soooo much stuff on the internet already that you’re most likely not going to get noticed at all unless you pay a fortune for advertising. OH, & there is ALWAYS someone out there that wants to give you some more advice if you pay for it! Plus, the only way that you can make money is if you have “A LIST”!
    The way that they really real you in is by telling you that there is a 100% money back guarantee, which by the way is also a bunch of BS! I’ve been fighting for my money back for quite some time now!
    Don’t let them scam you like I got scammed!

  21. @Cheryl Long: Hi Cheryl, I know how you feel. When it rains it pours. I had a good god as a live in care provider. I was taking care of a guy who had an artificial leg, artificial eye, a pacemaker, and alzheimers. I had started taking care of him when I was hired by a gal who was just trying to get her own company up and running. On Dec. 3rd of 2007 The man’s wife(they didn’t live together) asked me to move in and take care of him. The offer was $3,000 a month + room and board. I jumped at the offer as I had been working split shift 7:30am-12:30 pm then 4:00pm-8:00pm and since I was living 15 miles away and the gas prices were crazy, who wouldn’t jump at it. Well the first moth I was paid $1180. The next 6 months I was paid $2500 a month. And I was buying ALL the groceries!!!! That man ate like a horse. I was spending $500 a month to feed him plus I made not 1 but 2 trips to my home town (100 miles away) to get all the food that I had in my house before I had moved down to Bismarck. Both of my car and truck were broke down. The man’s wife told me she was going to put his house & her house up for sale and buy a condo and move him in with her. I spent all the money that I had to fix my car and truck. I now had no job and no place to live as my pipes had froze up and busted in my home in Douglas and there was no longer any propane tank for heat and no money. I had to go through the labor board to get some of the money from the man’s wife. By the time I finally got some money from her my bills were piling up so the money was gone before I got it. I stayed with my oldest daughter and her family for awhile. My car broke down again and my tranny went out in my truck. No money to fix either one. I stayed with my daughter & then they got an eviction notice so I moved in with my youngest daughter, There was no phone, no transportation there so I moved in with my son and his girlfriend for awhile and babysat for free in exchange for a roof over my head. My ex called me and told me that there was new owner at one of the places that I used to work that was looking for help so he came up and picked me up and brought me down to his place let me take his truck to apply for the job and the guy said he would get back to me in a couple of days, Well the guy ended up in the hospital as he had a blood clot in his leg and had to have surgery. In the mean time, my son sent me a message on msn and told me that when he got home, my car was gone. I called Minot PD and they said it was impounded as the owner of the apartment complex had it towed for snow removal. I called the towing company the next day and they said it would be $203.25 for the tow bill plus an additional $30 per day that it was in their impound lot. Well I had no money to get it out and when I moved from my live in job, I had just enough money to rent a small storage unit and what ever I couldn’t fit in my storage unit I had in my car or my truck. Well when I went to get my personal belongings from my car they said that I couldn’t get any of it unless I paid them $50 + give them the keys and title to my car. So here I am screwed again. There are no jobs in this town, I am staying at my ex’s place and have no transportation. You talk about suicidal? That would be ME!!!!!!! If I can’t find some way of making money on line as this is my LAST resource, I have no other choice. I really have nothing else to lose. I have found another truck like mine that has a good tranny in it for $400 but I have no money and no way of getting any at this point in time. God help us both Cheryl, Kathie P.S. if you would like to email me you sure can. also if anyone out there has any suggestions please let me know ASAP I am getting desperate not to mention depressed.

  22. Dear Eddy, thank you for the good article on GDI. I don’t think I had any problem cancelling out with my phone call. I’d asked for it a few days ago from my direct sponsor. So, I called them today and cancelled. I hadn’t yet paid them any money. I still want to get a web-site going. I need to read some more and investigate. Have you seen Looks like a good affiliate program. I haven’t tried it yet. Thank you, Robert.

  23. Hi Robert,

    I am sorry to hear you fill victim to this misrepresented opportunity aka a lie. ;).
    I definitely put it up there with envelope stuffing. That was a great example!
    In any event as luck would have it, another friend of the site has asked us about GDI so I went ahead and wrote a review listed here:

    I think it should give you some insight. Definitely take the time to go through our site, we have a wealth of information and so many ways you can make money from home that are legitimate. It’s just a matter of taking the time to read through all the material. If you do it will be worth your while.

    I would suggest the following pages:

    It should cover everything you need to know. If you like what you’re reading and want to stay current on new articles we launch, be sure to subscribe on the following page:

    Hope this helps.

    Take care.


  24. Dear Eddy, Thank you for the Rebate Processing article. I, too, was swayed by the misrepresentations. To some people, a lie is not always a lie. It depends on who you’re telling it to. It reminds me of how they used to misrepresent the old envelope stuffing “opportunities.” They’d say, “The envelopes and postage are provided.” They don’t tell you that you need to put ads in publications asking people to send you a self-addressed envelope with postage on it for you to send them your flyers selling things. Here’s something pretty new. What do you think of Global Domains International (GDI)? They are hosting new web-sites with the new prefix of .ws, for only $10/mo. The opportunity is you recruit people and GDI pays you a dollar a month for as llong as that person you’ve recruited to have a web-site stays with GDI. Plus, they pay that down a few levels, so its mult-level marketing of web-sites. I signed up and they gave me a web-site with my name in it and my own domain name and I haven’t paid them any money yet. But I have to soon if I want to keep with it. Or, call them on the phone and cancel out. Please tell me if you’ve heard of GDI. If you haven’t and you’d like to read the promotion, I’ll give you the web-site they gave me. But I don’t want to appear to be trying to sell this in your community. I’m looking hard for some way to make money at home with my computer. I haven’t looked at much ofl the information you’ve provided yet but I plan to. Thank you again, Robert.

  25. Hi K,

    Thanks for sharing your concerns with us.
    You have every right to be skeptical about the whole work at home industry. There are a lot of shady people out there trying to steal your money or misrepresent their intent.

    But the fact of the matter is that everyone isn’t out to scam you. It’s very easy to avoid scams just simply by doing your research. The internet is your friend and can provide you with valuable information.

    I would encourage you to watch our scam video: and apply the simple technique listed there. It has helped so many people avoid scams. And you can read their comments your self on that page. You’ll also have a list of other scams to avoid. Most of these scams repeat themselves with very slight variations. So it becomes increasingly easy to spot them as long as you become an educated work at home seeker.

    I would also encourage you to read our question page: There is a wealth of information listed there that will help you navigate through this tricky work at home industry.

    We also have a great articles page that will help you tremendously:
    Our personal recommendations are listed there. Many of which don’t involve any fees.

    And finally if you have any doubts about our legitimacy, please read our about us page:

    Hopefully you’ll soon learn we’re not the bad guys here. I think the fact we give so much free information on working at home and avoiding scams should speak volumes. But if it doesn’t, maybe the fact that The Boston Globe, Businessweek, etc think we’re “okay” will be a good source of validation for you. =)

    At the end of the day, work at home seekers that take the time to read through helpful articles and do their research tend to succeed at working at home and avoiding scams.

    In any event, I hope you take advantage of all the free information shared on this blog. If you do, you’ll experience the same success as many of our loyal subscribers:

    Take care,


  26. I’m very concerned about venturing into the “working from home” world. I don’t feel I can trust anyone. I’m so worried about being taken advantage of…I think it’s cruel for people to do such a thing but I know it happens so often.

    I am burnt out with my career as a social worker, I’m pregnant with my 2nd child an I have a 3 yr. old daughter. I’d like to be able to stay home with my children yet help supplement our income. I worry about paying for access to a survey site…I have such trouble trusting.

    I’m hoping to find a legitimate work from home program that I don’t have to spend money on since I don’t have much as it is.

    I’ve read your site and though I’m impressed with it…I’m still having issues trusting.

    Thank you for your time.

  27. Hi Denny,

    Glad to hear you’re going to give a try. It’s a no brainer.

    In terms of HUD/FHA refund processing I don’t know much about these opportunities. But I can tell you an easy way to figure out if a given company you plan to work with is a scam. Watch our scam video and follow the steps there:

    Any time folks are giving up their hard earned money with work at home opportunities it’s better to air on the side of caution and do your research before investing anything.

    It’s good that you’re willing to invest in your career but you have to be careful who you do with. Hope this helps.

    By the way my personal recommendations for opportunities can be found here:

    Good luck either way.


  28. Dear Eddy,
    I am very interested in the site and will try it. I am also interested in your thoughts on the FHA/HUD government insurance refund processor work at home jobs out there. Some out there I know are scams but others seem to be legit (american refund THey at least explain that the lists of people are available for different states for a fee, while others charge $69.00, do not give there names or explain additional fees.

    Thanks again and any additional help or recommendations will be welcomed,


  29. Hi Eddy,
    I found a site from someone by the name of Tissa Godavitarme who also sees to come across as a legit business guru. Everything sees fine but, he states it cost only $4.95 a month and he takes care of all your web postings. However, when it came time to sign up, the site show the cost of an annual fee of $59.40. I have sent him emails and also called him (as he posts his tele. #) but I can not get a personal response to him directly. I know you do a lot of homework, but have you either heard about him and have you checked out his site with all the other freebees. Thank you.

  30. Hi Guy,

    Thanks for sharing your comments. Sorry to hear about your friend. It was troubles me to hear when people experience these things especially when it could be avoided.

    This leads into my next point. I don’t really buy into this notion that if it sounds too good to be true then it’s a scam. I think that’s a gross over generalization. Because I’ve seen many instances where that wasn’t true. If I followed that advice I would have missed out on opportunities such as paid focus groups, surveys or affiliate marketing. ( )

    I more of a firm believer in, “when in doubt just do your research”. Don’t assume either way about a given company or opportunity. Know for certain by doing your research. So that’s my take. But to each their own.


  31. If it sounds to good to be true, then most likely it’s a scam. I have a friend who fell for the rebate scam and it was not pretty results.

  32. Hi Carmen,

    I’m so happy you found us too! I’m sure you could have used that $197 for something else. These companies don’t go into details because most of us would run for the hills. So they just give you just what you want to hear and bang when they get your money, the truth comes out.

    But like I said, affiliate marketing is a great career. It’s what’s helped me retire from working for “the man” and allowed my wife to stay home for a year to raise our new baby girl. So there is money to be made but you want to do it the right way and be trained by the right folks like the guys at Wealthy Affiliate:

    I’m sure as you read my blog you’ll be exposed to various new ways of making money that you never considered or were aware of. So best of luck to you.

    By the way if you’re not a subscriber please consider being one so you receive all our updates and content like what you read above:

    Take care.


  33. Hello Eddy,
    I just finished reading your blog on “rebate processor” working from home, and yes the site brings up “Angel Stevens” who askes for $197.00 to get started. WOW thank God I checked you out because they DO NOT GO INTO DETAILS as to what it takes to make any money. Thank you for the heads up of the truth on this company. I will continue to read up on all your blogs for anything that I look into for a home based business. THANKS AGAIN!!!

  34. Hi Betty,

    You need to get a refund. Call your credit company.
    Eventually when you go through their material they will allude to the fact that being an affiliate of a company usually means to make money, you need to sell for them.

    You can read all about what an affiliate entails here:

    Its a great career but you’ve been misrepresented about this so called rebate nonsense.

    Good Luck.


  35. The rebate processors emails I have received cost $197.00 and don’t say anything about selling anything. It’s supposedly processing rebates after you become an “affiliate” of some unknown company and they claim you make $15 or more per rebate. How in the world is that possible?

  36. Paige,

    Thanks for commenting.
    So gives us more details about this so called “Rebate processing” job that is so different from what I wrote in the article above. Because I’ve yet to find where this wasn’t just a misleading info product teaching about affiliate marketing which I’ve clearly argued is legitimate. But the whole processing part isn’t exactly as straight forward as these sites would have you believe and they’re not being upfront with people. So do tell and provide as much detail as possible.


  37. Hello everyone,

    Just to let everyone know that I did do data entry at home. They were very simple medical claims and they came 200 forms at a time. I am also doing rebate processing where I do process people’s rebate form requests contrary to what these articles says about rebate processing. I am doing it part-time on top of my full-time job but the extra $600/month is a good security cushion. The best place to do a work-at-home is to find them locally. These two places that I work for has an office and you actually have to go in and do a typing test and load their program on your computer at NO FEE. Good luck everyone.

  38. Hi Jackie,

    I’m glad we were able to enlighten you about rebate processing. I’m also really sorry to hear about your situation.

    There are various things you can do to make money. We’ve written various articles about them and created videos you should go and explore right away if you’re serious about making money.

    Here are some places you may want to start:

    Traditional work at home jobs:

    I also think it’s important you read the following article:
    Succeeding at working at home really starts with your mind set as corny as it sounds. In my years of experience the people that were able to actually work at home and make decent money had a different mind set than others which made them take action on things that most people ignore.

    So if you’re really serious about working at home, I hope you’ll follow the advice laid out here.

    Some of my other loyal subscribers have and they are making money:

    I hope this helps and you decide to become one of our loyal subscribers so we can continue to help you:

    We have additional advice that you can read here:

    If you have any questions about working at home visit the following page:

    Good luck to you.


  39. So what can we do at home to make money? I was about to respond to the rebate processing so was really happy to read your article. There are so many scams out there. I really need to find something that I can do from home, after work and on the weekends. I have a job but, we just cant make ends meet anymore. We are about to lose our home and everthing else. Have sold just about everything we can and have started getting rid of our animals. Please help.

  40. Sorry it has taken me so long to get back to you and get that link…
    YOU will need to copy all of this and paste it into your search bar…
    Good luck!
    You will have to create an account to purchase which is free to do, as well as create a PayPal account which is also free…it is easy and the best way to conduct business on line not to mention If you do set up a business the paypal account can be used to receive payments as well! A Win Win Situation if you ask me!

  41. Hi Scherri,

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts with Cheryl.
    Can you provide a link to the seller’s profile on ebay?
    I think it would be helpful to some other folks that may be reading this.


  42. This is a reply to Cheryl who says she lost all…Cheryl if you were an RN I think Medical coding and billing might be a good thing for you to think about. Or Medical transcription work…I’m not sure If I am allowed to post these or not but go to ebay and look up training_alternatives…this lady has a complete training CD for both transcripion and billing and coding for $30…if you go to most of these online schools they charge over $1200 to be taught what is in these CD’s…

    She is considered a power seller on eBay and you don’t get this ranking unless you are an honest seller who plays by the rules…she also has a few practice cd’s that are about $10 each but says the combo does has some practice work in it as well as a practice test and up to date ICD-9 codes. With your medical back ground you should be able to breeze through these cd’s and train yourself to do this work. They also give you tips on how to set your self up to either get a job doing this or to do it at home…granted most want the person to have some viable work background but since you have worked as an RN that may be good enough. It is worth looking into and see if it may be something you could do. These are training cd’s. So you need to view it as that. It is not a get rich quick scam or anything of the like. This lady teaches this same course at a community college in NC. I certainly hope you think about it.

    I think I am going to get them since I want to be able to do something to supplement my income after retirement since I know i will not be able to live on my ss and 401k and don’t intend to live in poverty at that time of my life.

    Good luck.

  43. Hi Bianca,

    I think it’s pretty clear how I feel about any of the refund processing websites. They all pretty much do the same things that are described in the article above.


  44. Eddy,

    I’d like to know if it’s ok to ask if Usman (post 19) would be willing to share what companies he has found employment with? If this is not permissible, I do understand.

  45. Well Eddy, you definitely wrote a best-selling novel here … lol, but yes the information is helpful. Good tips, and resources to follow up with.


  46. Hi Callie,

    Always great to hear from you! Honestly the opportunity as described in the article is how it works. But let me give you 6 quickie steps that you can easily follow and try yourself.

    Ok, we’ve already established that affiliate programs are legitimate ways to make money at home. Companies are basically giving you a set amount of money for referring people to a website, filling out a form on their site or buying something. So with that in mind let’s break down how you can do rebate processing without necessarily paying those guys that claim they can teach you.

    1. Join an affiliate program like maxbounty for instance. Visit:

    2. Start looking for programs that you feel comfortable promoting. For instance I feel comfortable promoting Fusion Cash because I’ve made money with it many times over and so has my sister who I introduced to the opportunity. If fact my little cousin is on her way to making money with it too. lol So the best way to promote something a program in my humble opinion is to join it first. And if you’re smart you’ll do it from your own affiliate link so you get paid. 😉 This way you know for sure it’s not a scam. But that’s optional. You can just as well do your research without joining to get a feel of a program you might want to promote.

    3. After you’ve decided what program or programs you’re going to promote which in this example we’re promoting a work at home opportunity fusion cash., get your unique website address from maxbounty. It’s a process that takes two seconds once you have a free account with them. You don’t need to create your own site or have much technical skills. If you know how to copy and paste, you pretty much have all you need. So I won’t get into how to do it because they can show you when you join their network. Since you’re planning to give people “rebates” or better known as a portion of your referral income, I would look for things that pay well in addition to being legitimate. So if program a pays $3.50 for a referral than maybe the rebate you’re willing to give someone is $1.50 and you still make $2. So keep that in mind as well when selecting a program to promote.

    4. Then you need to find people to give your unique website address to. In this case it may be looking for legitimate work at home. That shouldn’t be too hard to find because many of you visit work at home sites and forums all the time. So I would visit a message board like mylot at:

    Do a search for work at home or make money. What you’re looking for are people that are asking for ways to make money online so you can help them and make some money in the process.

    5. Once you’ve found a few people asking about how to work at home, Answer their questions truthfully and Give people real insight. Like for instance if someone is asking how to avoid scams don’t just say well join my program at Give them real tips or refer them to places like here or the BBB, etc. Then after answering that question you can say something like, you may want to give fusion cash a try. From what I understand from reading elsewhere, it seems like a decent opportunity. Here’s the link:
    Enter your affiliate link here.

    And if you join using the link above, just email me the confirmation email you’ll get after signing up and I’ll pay you $1 in a month.

    Step 6. Log back into Maxbounty or whatever affiliate network you plan to use, to check to see if there is a lead for fusioncash around the same time of the confirmation email the person sent you. Make a note that you owe this person money. Email them saying hey I just confirmed that you did sign up. Please send me your paypal email address and I’ll send you $1 as promised in a month after we’ve received our payment from our parent company.

    There you have it, rebate processing! All done totally free and legitimately. Now in the example above I’ve really over-simplified and glossed over a lot more elements of the process. There are some other aspects that come into play.

    One, you can use many affiliate networks not just maxbounty.

    Two, certain programs may not allow you to offer a rebate. Maxbounty is great because they tell you which ones do. It’s referred to as incentized offers which basically means programs where you’re allowed to “bribe” people to join by offering them something. In this case it’s part of the money you earn.

    Furthermore there are some other elements of all this that can make this whole process a lot easier. For instance affiliate companies like maxbounty allow you to create special website pages that have a code in them so you can track where you’re making money from. But they can help you with that.

    Also I just used work at home as an example. This could be done with anything. There are affiliate programs for any and everything. Just do a search for affiliate programs. Next there are other ways to promote this besides just going to mylot.

    That’s pretty much where those rebate processor companies come in handy in terms of the training they provide. Again I can’t vouch for them since I’ve never joined. I know WealthyAffiliate does a great job of training you on how to make money with affiliate programs with free methods like the one I listed above and paid ones which is what I tend to use. Either way they cover it all and in a lot more depth than I did here.

    But what I’ve provided may give you a good start.

    Jeez, I think I might have to turn this comment into it’s own post so others can read it. Callie, let me know what you think and if it was helpful at all.


  47. Hey all,

    Eddy, just wondering, in terms of the concept you read online regarding how rebate processing can be done legitimately … is it possible for you to provide further information about the “good approach” in doing so? If so, the information would be very helpful. 🙂

    As always, thank you for your genuine support, it is greatly appreciated.

  48. Hey Eddy!
    Keep up with the good work, honestly speaking i have been looking & searching through work from home companies a lot. I’ve even paid $49 so that didn’t help either. Anyway I came across some websites that I found through you 8 months ago. Your site has been a great help because of the insight and research you provide. I just wanted to thank you because the companies you recommend do pay. I’m earning a little less than $450 a month. So thanks again Eddy. Keep up the good work and keep posting some new web sites that pay. Some of the survey companies are frauds and scams. Some of them are just set up to get your email and name so they can spam you. So that pissed me off.

  49. Hello All! (Karen) 🙂

    I have been online for a couple of years now. I can sure understand your frustration!
    I decided to do my own reviews… Actually, just my experiences with different online jobs! 😛

    I paid $25.00 via Paypal on Sept. 8, 2006 for the Dollarzblaster site. It is February and my resell site STILL isn’t up!

    So, in my experience, dollarzblaster is a Scam! I am very disgusted with the whole experience..didn’t even
    get a KISS! Please learn from my mistakes! lol

    There are also some very good opportunities that are completely FREE to start out!
    Will you get rich quick? I doubt it. But, all of the little bucks add up.

    No matter what you decide to pursue don’t expect riches overnight.

    Don’t expect profits with no effort.. That is called the Lottery. People do win, but not really practical to depend on.

    With perseverance and pure stubbornness you can get some residual income.

    If you are lucky and/or talented, or both, You can build on what you are doing today!

    Make bigger/more incoming checks!

    Hope this helps 🙂

    Jude Bourff

  50. Dear Cheryl,
    I totally empathize with you and know exactly what you are going through. I lost my job because of an on the job injury.. of course they said it was because of something else since it would be illegal. But I went through all of the crap with the insurance companies and thought I was going crazy.. I had two jobs at the time and loved both of them.. I also worked in the health field.. and going from two jobs to nothing is enough to drive you into a spiral of depression. BUT there is light at the end of the tunnel.. I don’t know if you mean by SSD that you applied for Social Security Disability.. because here in California it’s “SSI” and a Supplement check if you qualify. I was denied the first time I applied and from what I know they “always” deny you the first time but you have to hurry and re-apply within 60days and usually they will approve you then ‘if’ your condition makes you eligible. I know a lot of people who just went and got an attorney after being denied.. but there has to be some kind of public assistance that you can apply for in the meantime.. especially medical. I feel for you that you lost everything material that you had.. but you have the most valuable thing left.. the will to survive and go on even though you mention suicide..because if you didn’t you would have never asked for some kind of advice or assistance from Ed. I will pray for you and hope that you find that light..

  51. Dear Sir/Madame,

    I live in VietNam and have a small office with internet access and 5 employees. Now I’d like to find the real work from home job.
    Please instruct me the way to apply.

    Kind Regards,

    Lam Ngoc Liem.

  52. Thanks Sandra for your comments and suggestion.
    We actually already have that company and many more legitimate companies listed in our Hiring Companies page:

    The only problem with these companies is that there is usually a long waiting list. So people have to be patient or try doing some other things in the mean time like focus groups, surveys etc. So when the companies do finally hire you, at least you were already making some money.


  53. AWWWWW, I totally get what you’re saying now Bill!
    My bad. You’re absolutely right. There seems to be an influx of politics everywhere and there needs to be a refuge from it sometimes.

    I know it’s one of the reasons I no longer watch the news.
    So I understand what you mean now and will keep that in mind for future post. Thanks for taking the time to break that down to me.


  54. Eddy,

    I hope you weren’t interpreting my comment as an infringement on your freedom of speech. I was making an editorial comment. I was actually enjoying the read of your article until I came across that. The first thing that popped up in my mind was… geeezzz… does politics HAVE to become a part of everything we read??? Don’t we get enough of it thrown at us everywhere else?

    It was refreshing to come across an article as well written as yours, in a topic that interests me… until… well you get the gist of what I am saying. It’s your site…. I’m only offering my opinion as something to think about… especially in this year of 08…. a lot of people will get sick of politics real fast this year.. not only me. Some will want to take refuge in reading something OTHER than politics… (smile)

  55. William,

    Thanks so much for your comments. We really appreciate them.
    William, The great thing about living in this great country of ours is that we have something called freedom of speech. So it gives me the ability to insert my political views in my articles as I fit. In this particular case, I was being light hearted. But nonetheless it obviously reflects my views for good or worst.

    This blog is about being a community. In my family I have relatives that are total opposites of me but I can still hear their points of view out because I know that I can probably gain some knowledge or insight regardless of the fact that I may disagree with 99.9% of what they stand for. That’s how we all grow and learn.

    Yes I could just stick to just spitting out ways to make money at home without inserting parts of myself in the way I write. But then my site would be like everyone else and we couldn’t have this cool debate. And what fun would would that be? That’s the whole spirit of web 2.0. I could of easily created a static website that didn’t allow any of you to interact with me but that’s not the place I’m at right now.

    I like getting the feedback from you guys whether good or bad. It makes for a more real experience for everyone.

    So I’ll say this. I apologize if I offended anyone with my political jab including you William. And I’d like to apologize in advance for any other thing I may say that may offend others politically or in other ways.

    Hopefully many people will be as open minded as William and not hold it against me.

    At the end of the day, my goal is to help you all achieve your goals of working at home.



  56. Ed,
    Good article but you could have done 100% better without mentioning any political position. Your information pages are just that, not a political forum. For as much good you do with protecting people from being offended, you need to consider that certain principles need not be expressed or you might offend those exact people you are trying to help. Not everyone believes in the same politics as you do.

    Food for thought

    William Broome

  57. Cheryl,

    I’m extremely shocked to hear about your situation and my heart goes out to you. I really wish I could tell you that there is a magical work at home job you can do right now that would help you out of this situation. But that would be a flat out lie or involve some money to get started in your own business which is the only work at home I have found that can be started immediately.

    But in terms of your SSD situation my wife is a social worker so I needed to rely on her expert advice. From what I gather, depending on what state you’re located in, you can apply for state based insurance. In New York it’s medicaid but we don’t know what it’s called in your state.

    You can also apply for a fair hearing where you can contest the denial of your SSD. You should also look into other government sponsored programs besides SSD which may be available to you based on your current income situation.

    With the work at home situation that just is going to take time to secure a regular work at home job. You can try some of the companies listed on the following pages:

    I think you’ve clicked on some ads on our site. They are the only ones that tend to require fees. But within the actual articles if you read them carefully we make it very clear which companies we suggest and they’re all free. So you may want to go back and look at those articles you read again.

    The number 1 thing you need to focus on though is working out this SSD situation. Try some of the advice we’ve given here. We’re not lawyers so take our advice with a grain of salt. You need to speak to the experts in your state. There are probably social services office that can guide you in the right direction. Or just use google to do some research on your options.

    If anyone reading this has some feedback, please chime in to help a fellow member of our work at home community.



  58. Eddy, I am at my wits end. All I can do is sit and cry. I suddenly lost all income and my career when Prudential denied my long term disability so I can’t get my hip surgery. I can’t get SSD without a physician. I can’t get a physician without insurance. I can’t get insurance without SSD. I lost my car, my phone, my health insurance, my house and everything in it, even my clothes and family hierlooms (I had no place to put anything so it had to be left in the house). I am trying to find a work from home, but they all want money upfront. Even if it is just shipping and handling, it is still money upfront. Is there nothing for people that can’t get out to go to a job? Is suicide the only answer for me? I was an RN for 34 years now I have nothing. Even the work at home leads in your articles ask for money. All I have found are lies. Help me! Please.

  59. Eddy,
    I am so thankful that I discovered your website because I was getting ready to try the rebate processing. What could you recommend to a person who is on disability, looking to work at home? It’s really difficult to know who to trust on the web so please, please help me!



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